
#JOTW GoodOldGold 3.04 SI2 I is here and she’s lovely! Pics!

Such a gorgeous diamond and I would never guess that is an I. Lovely setting. You must be so excited!:dance:
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So I’ve been waiting patiently for her arrival and she’s finally here! More amazing and sparkly than I remember! She’s a 3.04 Ideal Cut SI2 I Color. No inclusions visible and faces up bright white! Pictures don’t do this beauty justice. I promised pictures so here she is!! Yay I had GOG make me a custom platinum setting and I love it!

Love, love, love! Gorgeous blazing white sparkler- looks fab on you. Great choice, congratulations!
Beautiful. I LOVE the setting. Really shows off that stone!
GORGEOUS!! Mine's an I/SI2 as well!
wow, it looks humongous on your finger! BEAUTIFUL! Welcome to the "I" club - there are lots of happy members here, hehe.
Your ring is stunning! Bright, white and beautiful!!! And you look so happy!!! Congratulations!!! :)
Classically beautiful!! Congrats!! :D
wow, it looks humongous on your finger! BEAUTIFUL! Welcome to the "I" club - there are lots of happy members here, hehe.
Thank you, I’m extremely happy to join the club
Beautiful. I LOVE the setting. Really shows off that stone!
Thank you! David from GoodOldGold really listened to what I had in mind and I’m so grateful he got it to the tee!
Love, love, love! Gorgeous blazing white sparkler- looks fab on you. Great choice, congratulations!

Awe thank you so much! Everyone on here is so nice! Makes me happy to be part of the community
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Here are so pictures in the sun and another side view. She really has a personality! :D

Wonderful pictures, it suits you so well.

You know, I am SUCH a colour sensitive person, I can REALLY see the difference even between an F and a G, and that stone is SO WHITE. WOW. (It makes me wonder if I could spot D/E/F in a line up haha).

Looking forward to you receiving that independent appraisal to see what they think, but regardless of what they say you truly have such an amazing find there. Wow, just wow.

I'm curious/wondering - I don't suppose you have any video of it, and/or ASET report? No worries if you don't or if you do and aren't keen to share. Thank you again for sharing what you have, it has made me happy! :love:
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Wonderful pictures, it suits you so well.

You know, I am SUCH a colour sensitive person, I can REALLY see the difference even between an F and a G, and that stone is SO WHITE. WOW. (It makes me wonder if I could spot D/E/F in a line up haha).

Looking forward to you receiving that independent appraisal to see what they think, but regardless of what they say you truly have such an amazing find there. Wow, just wow.

I'm curious/wondering - I don't suppose you have any video of it, and/or ASET report? No worries if you don't or if you do and aren't keen to share. Thank you again for sharing what you have, it has made me happy! :love:

You know what’s funny the ASET image isn’t as impressive, but in person the diamond is a dream. So glad I got to see it in person bc I probably would of skipped out on the stone if I just viewed the diamond online. I attached pics of the specs and imaging
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You know what’s funny the ASET image isn’t as impressive, but in person the diamond is a dream. So glad I got to see it in person bc I probably would of skipped out on the stone if I just viewed the diamond online. I attached pics of the specs and imaging

Wow, thank you so much for attaching that. Well a few things - firstly, it is an AGS ideal! So that's always a reassuring start. Secondly, I think overall I'm not great at reading ASETs, however it honestly doesn't seem bad to me! I can tell it's not perfect, but there's still a huge amount of red there. And you saw it in person (and I suspect you saw a lot of other diamonds too). And I presume GOG did videos of it and everything. I think ultimately there is no better judge than your eyes, and you also had the eyes of people who look at a lot of diamonds look at it. I'm delighted for you that you're so delighted with this stone, I'm so delighted for you too! I was just super curious about the numbers (such is the risk of lurking on Pricescope for so long). I think this goes to show in general - numbers are not the be all and end all of diamond buying.

I still think you should be absolutely thrilled with your find! Especially in this size, and that it's eye clean, and that it's so colourless compared to how it might have been... I mean unless your budget was endless there has to be compromise somewhere, but it doesn't look like it's on light performance for you, you know?

Thank you for sharing, that is very kind. :kiss2:
Wow, thank you so much for attaching that. Well a few things - firstly, it is an AGS ideal! So that's always a reassuring start. Secondly, I think overall I'm not great at reading ASETs, however it honestly doesn't seem bad to me! I can tell it's not perfect, but there's still a huge amount of red there. And you saw it in person (and I suspect you saw a lot of other diamonds too). And I presume GOG did videos of it and everything. I think ultimately there is no better judge than your eyes, and you also had the eyes of people who look at a lot of diamonds look at it. I'm delighted for you that you're so delighted with this stone, I'm so delighted for you too! I was just super curious about the numbers (such is the risk of lurking on Pricescope for so long). I think this goes to show in general - numbers are not the be all and end all of diamond buying.

I still think you should be absolutely thrilled with your find! Especially in this size, and that it's eye clean, and that it's so colourless compared to how it might have been... I mean unless your budget was endless there has to be compromise somewhere, but it doesn't look like it's on light performance for you, you know?

Thank you for sharing, that is very kind. :kiss2:

Thank you so much. You have been so kind and genuine. I really appreciate it. And you’ve made me even more excited for the ring as well! when I get it appraised I will definitely share the details. I guess I don’t have an ASET photo. But I’ll look through my documents. If I come across it, I’ll definitely share.

I agree! Budget was very important, eye clean, as white as possible, and light performance were my 3 big concerns. Light performance was at the top of the list. There’s actually more to my story. I had a 2.16 Princess Ideal Cut Diamond that was an I Color and SI1 quality. I lost it and this was my replacement. Good thing for insurance! I used and still have Jewler’s Mutal, they were amazing to work with and allowed me to go back to GoodOldGold for the replacement. I did see slight warmth in my Princess I color. This one, I really don’t see it! I even look for it in different lighting. Maybe bc the princess was a fancy cut and this one is not. Who knows, but I’m just so glad I’m able to enjoy this one, especially when I was so distraught when I lost my original engagement ring. Thanks again for all the nice comments :)
Thank you so much. You have been so kind and genuine. I really appreciate it. And you’ve made me even more excited for the ring as well! when I get it appraised I will definitely share the details. I guess I don’t have an ASET photo. But I’ll look through my documents. If I come across it, I’ll definitely share.

I agree! Budget was very important, eye clean, as white as possible, and light performance were my 3 big concerns. Light performance was at the top of the list. There’s actually more to my story. I had a 2.16 Princess Ideal Cut Diamond that was an I Color and SI1 quality. I lost it and this was my replacement. Good thing for insurance! I used and still have Jewler’s Mutal, they were amazing to work with and allowed me to go back to GoodOldGold for the replacement. I did see slight warmth in my Princess I color. This one, I really don’t see it! I even look for it in different lighting. Maybe bc the princess was a fancy cut and this one is not. Who knows, but I’m just so glad I’m able to enjoy this one, especially when I was so distraught when I lost my original engagement ring. Thanks again for all the nice comments :)

Honestly it's a pleasure. I am living so vicariously through you!

It sounds like your insurance was very good to you and it's great you were able to go back through GOG. Really great that you went with GOG in the first place, it would have been so much worse if you were forced to go with an original vendor whom you had learnt over time were not so good. Thank diamonds that you had insurance! I can't imagine the pain of losing such an amazing sounding original stone. I hope it's been somewhat mediated by this diamond. Obviously as a round brilliant this must feel very different for you and perhaps that's a good thing! Did you think about getting another princess?

I would feel... Well... I would try and justify it to myself, to try and mediate the pain, that this is perhaps an unexpected but awesome upgrade! :mrgreen2: Essentially, it's like you handed in your stone to the insurance company... Only they don't get the pleasure of it! But you get the pleasure of this new one. :lol-2:

I hope it will bring you much joy.
Congrats on a beautiful stone and ring!
Stunning :D
This is stunning and am so impressed by how white it looks. Congrats!
Congratulations it’s perfect
It is beautiful!! I am sure you will love it!! :appl:
Gotta love supermarket lighting
Stunning stone and setting. Elegant beauty. LOVE.:love:
Omg! What a gorgeous ring. Enjoy your new sparkler, it’s stunning! :love::love::love:
Amazing ring!! :love::love::love: Congratulations and enjoy your classic beauty.
Oh hey it looks like you're a #jotw! Awesome! Totally understand why! :love: Congratulations! :lickout: :lol:
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