
Grandpa in hospital. Dust, prayers and well wishes, please.

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<--- I love this guy!

Thank you all so much. He''s very special. What''s interesting is that we lost John''s grandfather last year, and John and I were both very close to him. Lived next door to him for 2 years and took care of him in the evenings while John''s mother was at work (hospital, works evening shift) and GOD was it hard to lose him. He was family for me. And it is so HARD to wrap my mind around the fact that he''s gone. And now that I know what it''s like to lose a grandparent, even indirectly, I''m that much more terrified.

Xapora, my heart goes out to you honey. I''m so sorry for your loss.

Your words are so helpful. All of them from the little notes, to the longer paragraphs. I''m very blessed by your strength, and my ability to borrow it when my own is faltering a bit. I will stay positive. He knows how much I love him, I know that. I''ve made sure he''s never doubted that ever, in fact, my grandmother has at times been jealous of how affectionate I am with him. There is peace in that. And I know he draws strength from my presence, so I''m going there tonight. Just as soon as I finish drafting this contract from scratch... that I"m having immense writer''s block with.

(HUGS)) and thank you, your support means so much to me.
Truckloads of special PS fairy dust are coming your way accompanied by well-wishes and prayers.

It''s so hard to lose a grandparent at any time, but I''m hoping that his will to escort you down the aisle on his little red scooter will help him pull through. YAY for red scooters!!
Hugs, prayers, and dust for you, Gypsy!
I''ll keep your grandpa, you, and your family in my thoughts. **HUGS**
Gypsy, I''m so sorry! I''ll be thinking of you and your family.

Hi, darlin'', just wanted to say I''m keeping your family in my thoughts. He sounds like a wonderful man who loves you with all his heart. Here''s hoping you get some news of an improvement soon!
Sending *get well* vibes to your grandpa, Gypsy! I will be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers!!!
I am sending you hugs and well wishes. Please keep us updated on your grandfather''s condition. Be strong and take care of yourself!
Praying for your grandfather Gypsy!
Gypsy, just checking in before I go to bed, sending more prayers. I hope he''s doing well. This is hard on you, and know how much he means to you. I am thinking positive thoughts.
I''m mostly a lurker, but just wanted to send you lots of prayers and positive thoughts! I hope your grandpa will pull through this!
beep beep beep backing up to give you a truck load of dust!
Sending bucket and truckfuls of dust your way Gypsy it is wonderful that you have such a warm beautiful relationship with your granddad he sounds like a terrific person :).

Hospitals can be a little bleugh and it is awful when someone you love is there but I always try and think if someone is in hospital at least they are in a place where they are able to get the help they need to get better :). Try and stay as positive as you can.

Sending hugs and prayers your way :)
Sending tons of dust over. Tons and tons. In fact, I''m sending a big dumptruck full of dust, love, and prayers your way, Gypsy.
Awww... truckloads of dust now. Thank you all so much.

I visited last night, and was there pretty late, so I just crashed when I came home... sorry about the lack of update.

The phemonia was resistant to the first antiboitics he was on. So, they are hoping this round is more sucessful. I hope they are.

His coughing won''t stop, even with the strong cough suppresant they are giving him. It racks his frail body and I don''t know what kind of damage that''s causing. When I had pnemonia last year with bronchitis, the coughing caused some permanent damage to me it was so bad. And I''m 32 and not frail.

But he was happy I was there, had no fever and was freezing, so we just kept piling on the blankets. The coughing has been keeping him awake too much so he''s exhausted, so I''m praying he gets some good healing sleep in and gets stronger so that his body can fight this.

((HUGS)) all. I was thinking off all of your support and your positive thoughts last night, and they really helped me alot. More than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
THANKS for the update Gypsy. I''ve been thinking about you.

I''m hopeful that he''ll recover. He''s in good hands at the hospital.

Here''s a BIG HUG for you, hun!
Sending more dust and good thoughts to your Grandpa! Hoping he'll be better soon!
I''m sure your being there last night cheered your Grandpa up Gypsy. Hoping they get him on an antibiotic that will do the job and that his coughing gets under control. Hang in there. More prayers are being sent his way.
Sending prayers and well-wishes your way, Gypsy. I hope your grandfather pulls out of this and will still be able to "scoot" down the aisle with you in September. {HuGS}
Just called my mom, she went to see him. No change. I know it''s going to be slow. I''m just paranoid about antibiotic resistant bacteria. Thank you Charger, Coati, Kaleigh, and Harliegh. And all the lurkers and everyone for all their postive energy, thoughts and prayers. I know he''ll pull through and be on that scooter. It''s a cute scooter.
Gyps, sending all the best thoughts and prayers your way and to your grandfather too.
Loads of dust coming your (and your grandpa''s) way.

I am sending trucks and trucks of healing fairy dust to your beloved grandpa. I know how special grandpa''s can be. My own grandpa was so special to me.

I hope the antibiotics will make him feel better really soon.

I am sending hugs to you and your family and also saying lots of prayers.

Special hugs to you.

Love, linda
Hello all. No real change. Your support is so welcome. Mom is wondering whether or not to have 3rd surgery (she was scheduled for it on Monday but delayed b/c she sought second opinion. News wasn''t good.-- 20-30 percent chance of death or paralysis, hit me like a brick wall. Now she''s getting a third opinion on the 17th), I''m spending the night with grandpa tomorrow night. My aunt is there tonight.Thy hope he''ll be well enough by Sunday to come home. But so far, I''ve seen no improvement to justify this thought. Feeling a little down. You''re special hugs and kisses are a wonderful lift. I really needed this. THank you Al, kim and linda, and everyone who has replied responded, or opened the thread and thought good things for us. ((HUGS BACK)).
Prayers and good thoughts continue!
Sending more prayers and well wishes for your grandpa and your mom. Take care of yourself too Gypsy.
Sending even more positive thoughts over to your grandfather, darlin''. Wishing for the best of the best possible news.
Date: 3/8/2008 5:06:00 AM
Author: Lorelei
Prayers and good thoughts continue!
What her said. And I'm glad you're spending the night with him Gypsy.

I've been wondering about your mom, thanks for the update, keep us posted please.

Verry sorry to hear that. My granpa died 11 months ago at 96. Prayers are headed your way!
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