
Harry Winston... About to buy but torn.

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If you''re concerned about the 1.7ish looking as big as 2.0ct ... ask for the "spread" or the dimensions of the stone & compare to HarlowQueen''s specs. Sometimes 1.7 carat weight stones can have the "spread" or appearance on the finger of a "heaver" stone.

I don''t think a 1.7ish stone will look appreciably less impactful on the hand than the 2ct rock. Is it just the "largeness" that appeals to you or the overall clean/linear/classic look of the Square Emerald.
Can you give us the specs for both stones??? That would help.
Date: 10/18/2005 7:37:01 PM
Author: decodelighted
Personally, I 100% urge you to go with a square emerald cut from Harry Winston. For these reasons ...

1) Her only objection to HW seemed to be missing out on the 1.5-2ct mark

2) IMO rounds will never be ''unique'' - they are ALWAYS ''the standard''. Not that they aren''t the standard for good reason (generally more sparkle, more brilliance, big look)... but if it''s ''unique'' you''re looking for - un-uh!

3) YOU seem to have fallen in love with Square Emeralds the moment you laid eyes on ''em. Something about the round/baquette had you hesitating & now all of a sudden you''re have them search out more SE''s to see. That says ALOT.

4) I do think the HW name will add a little panache to your purchase over a lifetime, will give you both a kind of ''luxury feeling'' about it that judging from your comments seems to appeal to you. ( If I could afford the size I want in a Luxury Brand -- I''d def. be tempted by HW or Daniel K or the like)

Can''t wait to see what you choose ... BTW, which one reminds you of HER the most?
You seem to hit many points that I agree with. To be honest, I like them both equally. I''m being partial to the square because i want to give it a chance.
Which one reminds me of her? She used to be "not to creative" with style but now she''s a bit more adventurous. She''s told me she likes both looks.
I guess whats left is for me to go to a local Tiffs and compare how they look comparatively.

I just cracked up. I feel like my girlfriend would kill me if I told her...
"you look like a round to me"
"you look like a square to me"
Date: 10/18/2005 7:50:47 PM
Author: kaleigh
Can you give us the specs for both stones??? That would help.
Well... I dont have much data. The specs I have...

1) Round Brilliant with tapered baguettes - 1.50 ct F-VS2, Sym/Pol = very good, very good.
2) Square Emerald Cut Solataire- 1.7 ct F-VS2

Same price. Mid $25K.
Dont really have many stats. I was about to go with the round until I took a good look at these pics of the Square.
I regret not looking when I was there. I saw every other cut TT. Fool.
After I wrote my previous post and was making dinner, I was laughing at myself at something I wrote: "...if all her friends have EC''s, does she like to be unique or to join the crowd? If unique, get the RB; if join the crowd, the EC." I was thinking, normally one would say that RB was common, and EC was unique. It was only in the context of her friends right now all getting EC''s that I was thinking that.
Then I came back and read decodelighted''s comment, " IMO rounds will never be "unique" - they are ALWAYS "the standard". Not that they aren''t the standard for good reason (generally more sparkle, more brilliance, big look)... but if it''s "unique" you''re looking for - un-uh!" Which is very true. Even if all her friends are getting EC''s now, in general EC will always be more unique than RB, which seems to be by far the most common.

It is a tough choice. If you can compare them in person, that should help a lot.
You have superb taste! I''ve always been a big HW fan - it will make her so proud to say that she owns a Harry Winston ring. My personal favorite would be the Emerald Solitaire. (Square Emerald Cut Solitaire- 1.7 ct F-VS2)
Date: 10/18/2005 9:48:28 PM
Author: Ries
You have superb taste! I''ve always been a big HW fan - it will make her so proud to say that she owns a Harry Winston ring. My personal favorite would be the Emerald Solitaire. (Square Emerald Cut Solitaire- 1.7 ct F-VS2)
I have no idea how big or how small this would look on her hand... this is the killer.
If any of you have an example of an emerald like this on a finger... I''d be most appreciative.

i may have missed it, but what size ring does she wear?
I was wondering if it was possible to ask HW for photos of each...the profile shots. I think one should take in consideration the entire ring design. You know the quality and size of the stones...what about the gallery area of the head? The baguettes look fabulous from the angle your picture shows...but what happens on the profile? What type of basket is used to mount the EC? Are the shanks the same size? Will your bride to be wear a wedding ring?

This board is so helpful and knowledgable about these things. Try to get them more images. Maybe that will help all converge on a unanimous decision. And for more selfish reasons...
I just want to see more HW! So please get us some more shots!! Pretty please?


Oh I am a roundie. I so love the other cuts, but I always revert back to the never ending circle for an engagement stone. The circle of my briliant cut represents to me, the circle of life...never ending...never ceasing...continual, constant. Thus reflects the love my husband has for me. If you lean more towards the round and want to set her apart from her EC crowd, you are welcome to use my circle insight to express to her why the round was chosen for her.

Sometimes all we girls need a little sentiment and we are putty.

.... Just an silly little insight to the way this wacky specimen of the female species rations her thoughts.
Hi WS, I''m sorry, but did I miss her ring size? I think that that makes a difference! however, if my BF were to ask me whether I would want a square EC or a RB from HW, I heart would LEAP for the square EC! true, maybe her friends have ECs, but the general part of the e-ring population is round. I myself am a RB girl, but something about an EC from HW sounds so tempting =) that said, good luck with your quest, you''re GF is lucky to have you!
Amazon has a great chart that you can print out that has all the diamond shapes and sizes. it might help give you an idea of what the size differences will be.

diamond chart
Date: 10/18/2005 9:56:26 PM
Author: mrssalvo
i may have missed it, but what size ring does she wear?
I should probably find this out huh =)?
I have it written down at my home... i think it was a 6 or 6.5 or 7. Am I totally off haha?
She''s got long slender fingers. -.-;;;

Here''s a picture of rounds on a hand model that is a size 6.


Sizes: From left to right: 1.02ct [E/VS1], 1.21ct [G/VVS1], 1.51ct [F/SI1] and 2.01ct. [E/VS1] SuperbCert H&A diamonds
oh awesome~ This will be chart will be helpful.. Thanks!

Looking at the amazon chart you sent me... a 1.71 square will have an area that is slightly larger than the 1.5 round
BUT since the diameter of the round will be longer than the length of the sides of the square, it may seem larger... especially with the way it plays with the light.

I guess I will have to check it out in person. HW wouldnt send me a copy of the GIA due to policy. I feel they wouldnt send me a photograph either... couldnt hurt to ask though =)

mrssalvo, that''s a great example picture! thanks for posting that!
I would ask them for pics. I don''t know their policies regarding this, but tell them you are deciding between the 2 and pics would be most helpful. If they know you are sincere and will be buying from them, it would serve them to go that extra mile and help you out. JMHO.
I may be a bit late...but if you can get this 1.7 square emerald with the HW name..isn't that smaller than what her friends are getting? So are you looking to stand out just by the HW name? I guess that's impressive to some. I'd rather have a bigger diamond. hehee.

I don't want to sound like I think it's important that you impress her friends or go bigger than the joneses because I personally don't buy into that, but it sounds like YOU are thinking along those lines...aka her friends all have this or that and you want to stand out and get a different shape or a brand name...?

But is that really the best way to choose a ring for your intended? What does SHE want for her ring? BEYOND the brand andthe friends and all that? Would she want more like a 2.5c round stone? Or that 2.5c asscher (oh my god I'd take that anyday over some random HW!!!). Or do you really think she'd love the brand name above all else with either of the HW's? For the next 30 years?

I guess my thoughts are, sure brand goodies are fun and all sometimes, I hugely husband is in the midst of buying me a branded LV bag for my bday that I plan to wear the heck out of. But for a diamond and a ring, unless it comes with a big banner saying 'Hello I'm a Harry Winston' every 5 minutes, then I don't see WHY paying the extra for the brand makes it 'stand out' and be different? So she can TELL everyone it's a HW? I'd rather have a bigger diamond.

In the end, obviously do whatever you want with your money!!! I guess just from a gal's perspective, and me being a bigger diamond lover, I really could care less what my friends have in the way of baubles...I'm the one wearing it not them and I wouldn't walk around telling everyone it's a branded name diamond. So in the end you get the 5 minutes of friends being impressed and your gf wearing that expensive but smaller branded HW for the rest of her life. I'd rather get a bigger diamond! Did I say that already?

If she doesn't like big diamonds, by all means, ignore my post. Feel free to ignore it anyway.
But figured I had to throw my two cents in. Oh and I am a die hard against branded diamonds person, so I'd say the same thing about Cartier or Tiffany etc. I believe in choosing the diamond not the brand.

Dupe post.


Well said Mara!

It does not matter what your ring size is, bigger is always better!
If you really want to make her feel special, buy her the biggest, best cut RB or Assher your money can buy - not a "brand name".

I had a Tiffany''s Lucida before my upgrade. None of my friends said "Oh my, is that a Tiffany''s ring?". And I certainly did not walk around with the Tiffany''s receipt or the Tiffany Blue box to indicate the origin of my e-ring. And the few friends I did tell, soon forgot that I wear a Tiffany''s ring, because we measure our friendship by more than the brand of our jewelry.

The same goes for my husband...I did not love him more or less because he bought me a Tiffany''s ring the first time around. I love him for who he is! I did wish he bought me a bigger diamond though
and that is why I got a bigger diamond recently!

Good luck!

after reading what Mara had to say - I must say I agree. the reason why my previous post told you to go with the square EC is because I was thinking within your parameters of the 2 choices you had set before us. In the end, no one will know it''s an HW unless your GF specifically tells them. Does your GF care about the brand? or does she care about the bigger stone? if given the choice between those 2 HW stones (beautiful as they sound) and something unbranded, but larger and well cut - I would jump at the larger stone. sorry for the long-winded replies
I''m confused about why WhiteSox is so dead set on HW, when he already told us his girlfriend said "drop the brand, give me size".

Seems like a no-brainer to me.

You''re going to spend in the mid-20k''s and all you''re going to end up with is a 1.5ct diamond? And to top it off, you don''t know the specs of this diamond? NO NO NO NO NO!

Get this one for 12K which will sparkle as much as the HW and buy her a tennis bracelet, matching earrings, and a diamond pendant with the remaining 10K!

Who cares if it didn''t come with the HW box? Show her that you care enough about her to do research on diamonds. When you present her with the ring she''ll be more impressed that you took the time and effort to make a smart purchase to get the most out of your money. If she wants something unique, buy a fabulous diamond (like the one i mentioned earlier) and get a custom setting from someone like Leon Mege. Check out his beautiful rings on pricescope or on his website here

Keep on looking...step away from the harry winston store....step away from tiffany''s....more research, more research!!
An even better thought: get the diamond, propose with it...and let her have the fun of designing her own ring with Leon Mege with a large budget. How fun would that be?! It could be as simple or flashy as she wants it. Better yet, it will be one of a kind from a true artist!

I agree with Jelly!

But it is your money...

(As a woman I would rather have the larger diamond than the brand)
you need to find out how important the HW name is to your girlfriend. Sometimes it's not about telling everyone what you have but just knowing it yourself that brings you pleasure. if buying from HW or Tiff's or (any designer) brings more pleasure than a bigger "no name' brand then that's absolutely fine. This is where what she wants is important. she said to drop the HW 1 carat for a unbranded 1.5, so it gives us a little clue she'd be up for purchasing a no name right? i guess the next question would be, would she sacrifice a 1.5 HW for a 2.5 no name? I understand you wanting to surprise her with a bigger HW ring which is very sweet and I know she'dd be thrilled with whatever you choose. There are a few people one this site with designer rings
and they love them. do they know they could have gotten bigger or payed less somewhere else? absolutely, but the name and experience was important to them. you should do what's important to you and your girlfriend, the folks here just want to make sure you make an "educated" decision.
Hey White Sox! (Love your name!)

After reading all the posts, it sounds to me like you want to get her a HW ring, so that YOU can tell everyone you got her a HW ring.
Being a gal, I would want size over name anyday. In fact, if I found out my fiance got me a HW or Tiffany''s ring, my first thought was that he overpaid and how much more could I have gotten going with a non-branded ring.

But that''s just me.

If you''re dead set on getting the HW ring -- Out of the two rings you posted, well, I''m going to say I''m not in love with neither''s why:

While I have a round and love it, I am not crazy about a round with baguettes. It''s a very classy look, but it is also a very common look. I know 3 ladies with that same ring (all different size centers) and it just doesn''t knock my socks off. Pretty yes, but WOW? -- no.

Square cut emerald -- pretty, but it needs something more. Normally I love fancy shaped stones as solitaires, but not that one. I would either put it on a pave band or maybe have it in a halo. There is a ring that several PS''ers have had that has become known as "The Lovey" ring. It was custom made by Leon Mege but WF or another vendor could make something similar.

You want to knock her socks off and be different? Get her this:

Date: 10/18/2005 4:16:53 PM
Author: WhiteSox
The round shines greater thought right? (newb).
Without question. EC is a look you have to love. Ask the sales lady if you can exchange it if she doesn''t like it and wants the EC.
Author: mrssalvo
Sometimes it''s not about telling everyone what you have but just knowing it yourself that brings you pleasure.

There are a few people one this site with designer rings
and they love them. do they know they could have gotten bigger or payed less somewhere else? absolutely, but the name and experience was important to them. you should do what''s important to you and your girlfriend, the folks here just want to make sure you make an ''educated'' decision.
I heartily agree with mrssalvo!

(BTW.....when Mara''s branded LV bag is dust and long forgotten, WhiteSox''s great grandchildren will be treasuring that precious HW heirloom!

Date: 10/19/2005 12:11:05 PM
Author: widget

Author: mrssalvo
Sometimes it's not about telling everyone what you have but just knowing it yourself that brings you pleasure.

There are a few people one this site with designer rings
and they love them. do they know they could have gotten bigger or payed less somewhere else? absolutely, but the name and experience was important to them. you should do what's important to you and your girlfriend, the folks here just want to make sure you make an 'educated' decision.
I heartily agree with mrssalvo!

(BTW.....when Mara's branded LV bag is dust and long forgotten, WhiteSox's great grandchildren will be treasuring that precious HW heirloom!

Hmm $700 LV or $20k+ HW ring? I sure hope it lasts longer than the bag.
Hey widget, the sky is blue.

By all means do what is important to each one of us, but IMO my fiance buying to 'stand out' from my friends is not how I would want my ring to be chosen. Just me.
But Whitesox, if you buy one of those HW rings, we will all surely tell you how stunning it is. In the end it's all about the bling.

I love your newest addition to your avatar. How long are can you keep the minimouse "topper" on? the hand model photos was so helpful. Your posts are always the greatest!

White Sox,

I would also like to chime in on size. I really hate to use the quote, "size really DOES matter"-but I think the board is right. The 2 carat size has been set within her circle of friends. Has to be an issue in this as it is something you mentioned. Unfortuanatly girls can be catty. Forgive me board. But lets be honest. The bar has been set.

The designer label is always what we girls target for in shoes, jeans, purses...because the label or design is evident. The label on a piece of jewelry (unless a trademarked piece such a the tiffany choker, or the chanel double c...) as in ring is hidden and unless revealed by the wearer goes unknown. I have read many a post that women shutter when asked "how big is that ?" Well, there is no way those particular women would reply , "Well not only is it a 2 carat,,,it is a HW!!" Hasn''t HW only provided a few choices for you? They simply just don''t give you enough to choose from. Like the soup Nazi, you will have Lobste bisque! Well, maybe you want to have the clam chowder...

Also the halo idea adds to the mix of making it about the setting. Or the ring itself. Pebbles may be on to something. But as the board continually mentions CUT is the first of the decision. I bet most of her friends went with BIGGER IS BETTER and chose size over cut. Many may have the sI1 or lower with a lesser polish and cut. They may have size...but the level of cut you have been looking at will more than likely put her in another BALL PARK with the sparkle of the cut. Most of their comments (or thoughts) will be, "Why does yours have so much more fire? Mine only sparkles in direct sunlight..." Yadda yadda Yadda.

So this is another insight...go with the best cut, non designer, let the board guide you on that choice...Followed by size...go look at the stone and I bet the minute you see what you found the label thing will have been a memory. Ask to see the cornered stones as well as the brilliant cut. How about a happy medium and look at a CUSHION?

Oh, have you looked at poster kaleighs ring? It is a Tiffany RB with the side stones in pear. It is utterly divine. The ratio is unequal to any cornered stone.

Poor man, we have him going in all directions.

This is fun. -DKS
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