
Harry Winston... About to buy but torn.

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I am an RB girl, but I''m not loving that setting to be honest. I don''t looks a little old-fashioned somehow. I would be more inclined to go with an RB in a plain soliatire or a pave setting. Widget brings up a good point re: size and emerald cuts. It''s much easier to rely on carat weight to predict the diameter of a well-cut round than it is a fancy shape. So, it''s possible that a 1.8 ct ec would look the same or smaller than a 1.6 ct ec. I would definitely ask them to provide you with measurements.
I agree on the RB with baguettes being old fashioned me it''s more of a mature older woman look.

Also maybe it''s the angle they took the photo at but that RB doesn''t look like it has arrows at all which for me would take it immediately out of the running for a nicely patterned mile deep asscher!!
I didn''t see any arrows either. At this point I''d go for the SE and call it a day. It is gorgeous!!!
Hmm... could it be the picture? the angle?
The first pic i posted doesnt look like it had any either =)
My other question is... does there have to be hearts and arrows? does tiffany''s diamonds which are suppose to have a lot of brilliance have arrows?
I''m wondering if the arrows are a preference issue or if they, as a rule, define a diamond as more beautiful or if they return more light.

I remember going to tiffany''s for kicks and I saw a stone that was shooting fire into my eyes. I took it away from any of the lights and it just kept shining. However, I didnt see the arrows, I couldnt even really focus on it because the light kept shooting into my eyes.

Date: 10/19/2005 11:12:14 PM

I remember going to tiffany''s for kicks and I saw a stone that was shooting fire into my eyes. I took it away from any of the lights and it just kept shining. However, I didnt see the arrows, I couldnt even really focus on it because the light kept shooting into my eyes.
Maybe it was a FIC! Someone call Daniel B over here!!

Arrows are definitely a preference, I adore first stone not having any at I don''t want to be without them. I like the extra visual interest that they give to a round, especially on the hand.

You can also ask to take a ring out into the natural light rather than out of the jewelry store lights, they make anything look fab.
I must say, I still love the square emerald, it''s sleek and gorgeous. the RB doesn''t do it for me - and I''m a RB girl at heart!
Whats and FIC? ^^;;;
So regarding the round setting. Do you guys not like it?
I think some of you didnt mind it with the nice pic I uploaded first.
Perhaps its the second pic? I think both pics are not that flattering.
If it is the style of the ring setting itself, please speak up =)

I love the Square EC but I''m afraid it may look small. She''s got slender long fingers but she is not a small girl. She''s about 5'' 10".
Maybe the square with the pave is the answer but she likes clean cut designs...
argh. So confused. Maybe I should force myself back but I really cant afford another trip there on my schedule.

Oh geez we are just confusing you aren''t we. Please don''t muck it up with a halo. If you go with the SE, keep it clean and elegant. The round is a classic as well, could just be the pic. I think you are soooo leaning towards the SE, go for it. It''s too die for. Ok I''ll shut up now, promise!!!
An FIC (fiery ideal cut) is a cut that tends towards more fire than white light return (i.e. brilliance).

Honestly, I''m not crazy about the setting for the RB with the baguettes. If she likes a very clean design and you''re worried about the ec looking too small, what about doing a round in a plain solitaire? There''s a lovely solitaire setting on their website with claw prongs. Just like the setting for the EC but for a round. That would get my vote.
WhiteSox - I admire you for being so dedicated in finding the perfect ring for your girlfriend. I think it''s so sweet and romantic. That being said - you should follow your heart and select the ring that will make you the most proud. If you can afford the cost then I would say go for it and if HW is your choice then I say two thumbs up.

"The House of Harry Winston is the embodiment of three generations of Winston jewelers dating back 100 years. The company which bears his name today was established in 1932 by Harry Winston, the son of a New York jeweler."
- It must stand for something... Even though I will never own a HW or Tiffany piece I admire their work - it''s like owning a Picasso!

I still love the square emerald!
I already said this but yes I don't like the style of the round ring setting, I think it's a very mature look aka for my mother.

But for me also that round is just not visibly well-cut enough in those images to interest me. Especially when spending $20k. My honest opinion.

I like the SE if you have to choose between the two (I'd still want a bigger diamond that is well-cut with arrows..tee hee).
{{{{{So regarding the round setting. Do you guys not like it?
I think some of you didnt mind it with the nice pic I uploaded first.
Perhaps its the second pic? I think both pics are not that flattering.
If it is the style of the ring setting itself, please speak up =) }}}}}}}

As I said in my first post, I often like a round with two baguettes; I know someone who has an old one, and I love hers. It seems like such a classic. Maybe you are right about the pics not being that flattering: I don''t know if it''s the pictures or what, but for some reason this particular ring (the HW RB w/ Bag.) doesn''t grab me. I think I liked it better in the second picture than the first, but maybe I''d just have to see it in person to know for sure. When comparing it to the EC pics you posted, I just love the EC so much more, IN THIS CASE.

I don''t blame you for having a tough time deciding, without seeing them both in person on her. Either way, I would want to see it in person before committing to it.
Just for fun - I''ve located the following quotes re-Harry Winston. - a pre-engagment tease! wink-wink!

Quoted by Marilyn Monroe:

"Talk to me Harry Winston, tell me all about it." - Marilyn Monroe

"My father was always afraid that jewels would someday possess me...Sometimes I think he was right" - Harry Winston

I like the photo of the square emerald (assher) better and in general I am a "square" or "rectangular" girl
So my vote goes for the Sq Emerald.

If I absolutely had to choose the RB, I would prefer it without the baguettes.

But to confuse the issue even further look at these photos from the HW website....when diamonds are concerned, a picture is not always worth a thousand words...

What about a cushion?


HW merge.jpg
GOD what is HW''s deal with the baguettes? Every other ring has them in those photos!!!

I like the SE/Asscher with traps...YUM. I''ll take that one!
oh... let''s not go into cushions =)
I''ve been there and I''ve just managed to get them out of my mind.

Regarding the pics, thanks! I think these help.
Looking at these I personally like the baguettes...
it does look mature in a way but on a younger girl I think it will look great... too. I feel like everyone is imagining their mother with it on=)

When I saw it upclose I felt the baguettes kind of added a little more light action while kind of setting up the center.

So judging from these, is everyone still for the EC? As you can see, I''m not really leaning towards any way. I''m really stuck right in the middle.

Too bad I didn't win the powerball tonight, cause that cushion would definitely be nice on my finger. Drats!!! ETA: I was typing as you were typing , forget the cushions sorry WS.
Honestly...people can tell you what they want you to do until they/you/we are all blue in the face.

BUY WHAT YOU WANT! You have to make this final decision. Seriously, it's your fiance-to-be...what would SHE like the best?? We don't even know her, we just are telling you what WE like. But we are not your fiance. After a whole day of back and forth you are STILL stuck in the middle and no closer to a decision.

How do people out there make this decision daily without PS to help? Eeny Meeny Meiny MO!

Good luck. I think I need to bow out of this one before I get a bruise from banging my head on the computer screen.
haha. you are right! Ultimately, it is that.
Just wanted to get a consensus but it seems it is dead even or leaning towards the EC =)
I think I will need a couple days to ponder... stressing.

OUCH, that was me hitting my head against the wall. Ok we have given you all we have, there is nothing left. maybe a goodnight''s sleep will help you or me. Stick a fork in me cause I''m done. WS got to love ya, but you have to make this decision now, on your OWN. I think you know what you want anyways, please listen to your heart and your gut. Nighty night!!!!
Date: 10/20/2005 12:24:11 AM
Author: Mara
GOD what is HW''s deal with the baguettes? Every other ring has them in those photos!!!

I like the SE/Asscher with traps...YUM. I''ll take that one!
you do not get "special" at HW--just a nice box.................
ouch... harsh ^^;;;

Date: 10/20/2005 12:48:25 AM
Author: windowshopper

Date: 10/20/2005 12:24:11 AM
Author: Mara
GOD what is HW''s deal with the baguettes? Every other ring has them in those photos!!!

I like the SE/Asscher with traps...YUM. I''ll take that one!
you do not get ''special'' at HW--just a nice box.................
As I was browsing the HW site, I noticed under the "4 C''s" section that it refers to "HW Standard" which is no lower than VS or F color. I see no mention of the HW standard for CUT. In fact, under "CUT" they don''t even use the term Ideal. They have no guarantees that all of their stones are graded by a lab.

What do you make of this of this?

This is what it says under How to Buy Perfection:

When purchasing a diamond, you''ll hear mention of a little thing called the "Four Cs." This method of evaluating stones relies on four factors: cut, color, clarity, and carat size.

No doubt, this "Four Cs" offers a useful starting point. But do not be fooled by those with lesser standards. There are diamonds, and then there are diamonds from the House of Harry Winston.

Those charts that supposedly measure perfection have a one very important flaw:

Evaluating a diamond merely by the Four Cs is like describing a loved one on the basis of height and eye color. Just because two diamonds look the same "on paper" does not mean they actually look the same.

And the more exquisite the diamond, the more this is true.

Certainly that''s the case with the diamonds we deem worthy: the slenderest fraction of one percent of the world''s reserves.

The experience of selecting a diamond at the House of Harry Winston includes little discussion of the Four Cs. We evaluate diamonds quite differently because nowhere on the Four Cs is a measurement for that which is indefinable.
I vote the it and love the harry winston pic of the SE with trap sides, if you want some sidestones


i agree, you really need to find out what SHE wants. All of us have very different opinions and lean toward one or the other. She can't be on the fence about both shapes, she probably favors one or the other. which shape looks better on her? i've always wanted a round with pear sides and when i tried it on, it was not flattering at all
I must be the odd one out because I love the baguette side stones.
I love baguettes, too. I visited Harry's 5th Avenue store yesterday and didn't see a sleepy stone anywhere in the place. My 2 cents: Make an appointment for a certain time and tell the sales associate that you want 2 stones of each shape (one set with baguettes, one set without them) within your price range for your fiancee to see - then, let her decide which one she likes best.
News Flash:
Neil Lane is opening a boutique in Saks Fifth Avenue's 5th Ave. store.
The De Beers store on 5th Avenue was a disappointment - didn't like anything they had in there.
I agree MB the Debeers store was a big let down. I didn''t know about the Neil Lane boutique, that''s exciting!!
Date: 10/20/2005 1:41:17 AM
Author: WhiteSox
ouch... harsh ^^;;;

Date: 10/20/2005 12:48:25 AM
Author: windowshopper

Date: 10/20/2005 12:24:11 AM
Author: Mara
GOD what is HW''s deal with the baguettes? Every other ring has them in those photos!!!

I like the SE/Asscher with traps...YUM. I''ll take that one!
you do not get ''special'' at HW--just a nice box.................
but.....TRUE. their diamonds aren''t from mars.why pay HW price?
"The experience of selecting a diamond at the House of Harry Winston includes little discussion of the Four Cs. We evaluate diamonds quite differently because nowhere on the Four Cs is a measurement for that which is indefinable"...

LOL That''s actually very funny...the only thing that would be indefinable is my stupidity if I purchased a diamond without investigating cut at all (don''t take that the wrong way white sox... I''m not saying it''s stupid to buy from HW by any means...just that it would not be the smartest move to simply take their marketing as fact...)
Hi, I''m kinda new here, but I''ve been following this thread for some time. I''m 25, and I absolutely LOVE the RB with bags. It''s not only classic but with the bags. it also adds a bit of sophistication. And the only reason I included my age here was because some of you were saying that type was more maternal (or mature). I think it''s stunning. I don''t know how old the girlfriend is, but that''s just my .02 as well.
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