Hi... to answer some of your questions. You could just have them ship it from NY or their Beverly Hills location. I love that 3ct ring on the site as well. Way out of my budget of courseDate: 10/21/2005 12:02:07 PM
Author: cutey TT
Hi. This is actually my first post, but I''ve been reading PS and DT for weeks. WhiteSox - I think that whether you go with the RB w/ baguettes or the square EC, your fiancee will be thrilled. I agree with the previous posters...I think that asking HW for additional stones / rings to consider is not unreasonable, and if their customer service is as great as everyone says, then I''m sure they''ll be more than accommodating.
I am personally very interested in your situation because I am starting to begin the process of looking for an upgrade e-ring. I am *in love* with a particular ring on the HW website (3 ct oval w/ half moon sides). I live in Houston, TX but am hoping to convince my husband to make a trip out to NYC to visit HW...maybe next summer for a friend''s wedding. I find it extremely interesting that HW is willing to negotiate prices...otherwise, I am considering having a similar 3-stone ring made by Leon Mege with a center stone purchased at Whiteflash (since I would be able to see their stones in person very easily). My husband has given me a very generous budget, but I saw a similar 3 ct oval w/ half moon sides at the Cartier store in Houston, and its sticker price was $100K (over-budget!!!).
Anyway, my last question has to do with how you would receive your ring (once you finally decide). I believe you mentioned that you work in Europe, so would you have them send the ring to you next day delivery? I''m wondering if I were to buy something at HW and had it shipped to my home in Houston, TX...would I still need to pay sales tax? Or would it be considered a local purchase since I visited the store and was able to look at their various products?
Thanks and good luck!
Regarding Harry Winston, you should definitely visit them. Of course the price all depends on the specs... they only carry F, VS2 and above as far as I know. That made it tough because I was hoping to go for a G round and go for size at first. However, my fiancee to be said 2 cts seemed to big for her... lucky me
Anyway, let me know if you need more help and good luck!