
Have the pics. . .

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Nancy, where''d you get Ali from?

And don''t worry, I don''t think you offended anyone.
BEautiful ring!!! Can''t wait to see handshots! I have a SI2 & you can''t see any inclusions without magnification--so I don''t look at it through a loupe. I have a very easy time forgetting about them....
Must. Have. Handshots!!!

I''m really liking rings with that type of band these days. Congrats!!
I got Ali from the e-mail when I accidentally violated the TOS. I e-mailed back to that address/person. Ali@pricescope I think I did offend the person who told me I better apologize to him and that "maybe" then I might get some help.
Oh fansynancy (have you read that children''s book, by the way?)


Our neighbor nicknamed me fancynancy when I was 5. I insisted on wearing a dress every day. (boy have times changed!) When the book came out I got 5 copies in the mail from different people in my life. It felt great that they were all thinking of me and remembering. I am 44 now!~
It''s Andrey, our DM (dear moderator).

Nancy, I think the ring looks beautiful! There is one thing I would do, personally, though, if this was my ring. I''d have them lower that stone so that the culet almost touches the base of the head. I think the stone is too large to be set up that high. But then again, these are majorly huge photos!
I love your ring! Very very pretty. Unique and classic looking at the same time.

By the way, I did not know how the post photos either and I emailed Andrey for help posting. I asked him to post for me and emailed him my photos.

but he did better than that- he instructed me how to do it.

I am NOT technical savy at all and I was able to figure it out with Andrey''s help. Its not that hard and once you figure it out, its really cool and you can post a photo whenever you want.

Thanks again Andrey for your help on that!
Hi Fancynancy,

You are correct. Your helper was Ali a new PS moderator in training.

There was no offense taken. Our goal was to help you figure out how to do it.

Maybe we can try again, when you get your handshots together.

PS Admin
Your ring is beautiful and grabbed my attention. It is so pretty......

I am going to Fairfax tomorrow to pick up the ring. To be honest, there is something about ithe ring that I don''t like and it is probably the high setting of which you speak. I feel like I''m looking at the ring through a telescope or something and the proportion seems wrong. If I ask them to lower the setting, how long do you think it would take? It''s a 2 1/2 hour ride for me each way and I need to get home in time to get the kids from school at 3. I thought at first it was the stone, but now that I think of it, you''re right. I''m hoping when I see it in person that I like it better, but if I don''t I''ll just re-work it until I do.

I don''t know if they could fix that while you waited or not. But I would not settle until it is like you want! I think lowering the stone will solve the problem. But if not, they could maybe put a more cupped head on it. If you don''t want to make 2 trips, they could always send it to you as long as they have an account with insurance with Fed Ex (or other).
Very pretty ring! Congratulations.
very nice ring, but I agree with diamondseeker that the stone sits way too high. Maybe it just looks on the picture that way, i don''t know. You have to love the ring, otherwise change it or lower it.
i didn''t realize you chose the single prong purity collection band. i love that style so much and had a hard time deciding between it and the more traditional double-prong. i think it looks fantastic with a larger stone, but i agree with the others, it could be set lower. i don''t know if you had considered a basket setting similar to the WF Legato head?

for an I-SI2, it looks pretty darn white and eye-clean to me. not to mention huge and beautiful

if there''s anything you don''t absolutely love when you look at it tomorrow, definitely work on changing it. it sounds like you have plenty of options and leeway, so you may as well take advantage of it.

beautiful memoire band, i bet it''ll look amazing on!
nancy, I didn''t realize you ordered the single prong. that was high on my new setting list for a long time. i think your ring is gorgeous and in real life you''re going to love it.

i tried to shrink them down a bit...let''s see if it works so they are not so supersized...



Thanks MrsS!! Fansynancy, I just LOVE your ring. Can't wait for the hand pics. WOW!!!!
Holy smokes! It''s GORGEOUS!!!

Can''t wait to see hand pics!
WOW that''s one beautiful ring I definitely agree hand shots are in order
That ring is stunning!!! I love it!!

I agree with having the stone set a bit lower.... it does look a little bit high.

I know you are a bit worried about the diamond, believe me - its beautiful!!!!!
Oh my gosh...your ring is beautiful. Even at 40x magnification, or whatever it is, it still looks perfect to me. Stunning.
I have to agree with diamond seeker. The diamond looks beautiful, but the setting, the combination of that head with the band, just doesn''t "flow". I have to admit my personal preference is super low settings so I may be more sensitive than most. Look at in person, but if it bothers you, ask if there a way to get a head that is set lower/seems more integrated with the rest of the ring?
Hi Nancy!

Your ring is gorgeous! Love the stone and love the actual setting! I do have to say though, I agree with DS 100%- the stone needs to be lowered... its set up so high.....I am like partgypsy- I prefer lower settings, so I am sure that is swaying me too....

Gorgeous, gorgeous! I love the single prong look
Congratulations; I think the ring looks lovely. Please let us know what happens with the setting''s alteration - I''m excited to hear.
This program is absolutely the most simple program to resize photos, and it''s free:

I use it to post all my PS photos.

A stunner for sure! Love to see hand pics too...

wow fansynancy - that is a beauty. what a rock!! congrats!

re; your uploading prob - don't know if someone already mentioned this and you might have already figured out what was the problem but i found that if i named my files a v. generic name such as ring.jpeg then i would get an error message because the way the PS application is setup it needs every filename to be unique. to solve the problem i sometimes just add today's date to the filename that my camera would give the file. hope that helps!
I just got back from Quest Jewelers and I have the ring. It is GORGEOUS!! The setting cannot be lowered because the stone takes up all of the space underneath. In person it looks perfect. You cannot see any of the gaps between the melee stones. I was frightened when I saw the pictures because it looked like there were big spaces between the stones in the band. Mine is not the shared prong because the Purity 99.something % platinum only comes in the Petite Prong. Tne center stone is really beautiful IRL. It SPARKLES big time. You cannot see any inclusions at all and no yellow. It does not face up as white as the F colored stone I lost, but it is still plenty white. Oh, and the most important thing of all- IT IS INSURED!!!

Oooooooo, it''s gorgeous!! We simply must see some hand shots!!
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