
Healthy Living Thread

Marcy, all I know is the Tumi store told me the summer sale starts next week. I don't know if it's a Tampa thing or a national promotion, but the discounts she told me were pretty amazing.

Since you have the iPad Air 2, I thought you might find this case interesting. I personally don't like typing on my iPad. I often use it for work, so I wanted a good case, with a Bluetooth Keyboard and I found this case on Amazon, that is frankly amazing. It's a hard shell case, with a Bluetooth Keyboard AND the iPad swivels 360 so I can put it in Landscape or Portrait and trust me, you simply can't beat the price. Here's a link:

I do hope to find a couple kittens in the next couple months!
Rod, I think the Tumi summer sale was when I got my briefcase last year. It seems like they have discounts / sale items plus 20% so it dropped the price over $300. I believe Tumi does price control so I am sure the sale would be everywhere. Thanks for the link to the keyboard case you like. I have tried them on other people's tablets but I don't have problems typing on the iPad and like to keep them as small as possible. I've had the Tumi cases on all of my iPads and like it because it wears so well and is very sturdy. Marty has the Apple leather smart cover and it is starting to look awful. It bothers me more than him :lol: ; every time we are at Apple or SImply Mac I point out - do you want a new cover? He had the Tumi case once but didn't like the angle when you have it set up landscape. I'm short so the angle works great for me. I even told Marty at breakfast look out the annual Tumi sale is coming. Of course he usually gets something too.

I will be very anxious to see some cute kitties for you and Charlie to spoil.

Marty obviously knows I am a jewelry snob. He NEVER asks me if I bought something through Pay Pal (I nag him constantly did you buy something on iTunes, Kindle, Pay Pal?). He found it very hard to believe a $30 charge came through for earrings. I told him yes - and that includes shipping. I then explained my color match theory between amethyst and lavender sapphires. I think I managed to surprise him.

Marty's flight had to fly around thunderstorms last night so he got to DIA about 1 am. He rolled in here about 3 am. I felt bad waking him up this morning but his tee time was 10:30. I had breakfast started so I woke him about 9:30 he took his shower and breakfast was ready. What a good wife I was this morning. :bigsmile:

Have a great weekend. I doubt I'll do anything for a few hours. I just started watching Die Hard 2. I have no idea why but I really like Die Hard movies. I like to see the good guys kick arse and win.

Marcy / Curby
Marcy, I have so many cases, but no Tumi ones. I'm sure Marty would have rather just slept in this morning, but yes, you get major great wife points for having a nice breakfast ready for him. Yes you do!

I never heard back from the people about the Burmese Kitten, so I'm sure it was sold a few weeks ago. I'm sure we'll find some in the not too distant future.

I hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
Happy Sunday!

Rod, I am sure some cute Burmese kittens will be available soon. Hopefully we'll both get some Tumi goodies soon. I went shopping on Chef's catalog today and bought some unnecessary things to tide me over for a week.

I tried to get more wife brownie points today by having lunch ready when Marty got home from golf. He ate and then packed in about 30 minutes and he is on his way to the airport again.

I am doing mundane household chores today. Yawn.

Have a great day.
Man, I would hate to have Marty's schedule. I used to travel a lot for work. Wouldn't do it again for anything! I'm sure you did get wife brownie points though for having lunch ready!

I had a very quiet day. I'm sure I mentioned Charlie's in NY visit family. I slept in, got up and went to the crab place to get my number and scored first place. They tell you when to come back and as long as you're there when they tell you to be there, they don't start selling crabs. I went back at 1:30 and got some of the largest blue crabs I've ever had. They were great!!

Otherwise, I didn't really do much of anything else today. I did go to Starbucks and read a magazine on my iPad while listening to music on my headphones.

I'll just be surfing the net and watching TV until bedtime!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to an OK week.
It sounds like you had a nice weekend, Rod and Marcy.

We did nothing and it was great. I wish I could sleep in when I have no plans but that rarely happens. I went out only once and that was to do a quick grocery run. Other than that, we watched several episodes of Veep, read, and made a couple of nice dinners. I spoke to my parents and they want to plan a family vacation, where and when TBD. It's fun to think of destinations and I have a few places on my list of possibilities but it gets tricky to find a place that none of us have gone before.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, yes! We could have a whole bunch of prosecco and then go to the grocery store and take turns pushing each other around in the carts! Maybe we could have races! I bet we would have a lot of fun… right up until the moment they kicked us out… ha ha!

Rod, I have looked at Tumi backpacks but they all seem so big to me. One that would just hold my ipad and some other little stuff would be perfect. Please post pics when you get it! Did Charlie have a nice trip up north visiting his family?

Zoe, I’ll be interested to see where you and the fam decide to go for vacation! I haven’t been anywhere much lately and my best traveling girlfriend and I are loosely batting around the idea of a trip…

This weekend was the neighborhood “clean and green” that we organized. There were about 60 people there and we picked up 50+ big bags of garbage and painted over more than a hundred items of graffiti in the area. It was a big success!

I went to court this morning and the building violation is dismissed. Now the attorney has to file with the recorder of deeds office to get the legal action removed from all the unit PINs, but at least we’re almost there.
Happy Monday!

Rod, I worry about the day Marty gets tired of the traveling too. I think he gets really antsy working from home so then he goes between the 2 extremes. I worry about that too. That’s great you were #1 in the crab line and got some wonderful blue crabs. I hope Charlie isn’t gone too long. I like that Tumi backpack. My briefcase is that color of blue.

Zoe, it sounds like you guys had a nice relaxing weekend. We are doing a family vacation next summer for 2 weeks in Garden City. Marty’s whole family is invited; we’ll see how many of them show up.

Dee Jay, yes we would have a blast grocery shopping that way until they kicked us out. Do you think CB and Marty would come pick us up or just leave us there? Your group had a very productive weekend with your clean and green project. That’s great the building violation is dismissed. See how much you’ve accomplished since being made president?

My earrings will arrive Wednesday. Sweet. I feel a cold, cough, backache, flu or something coming on that day.

Here is the glam shots from WF. They need to hire me to take their photos. Just saying. If the EC weren’t VVS I’d be freaking that the shot with the flower looks like the diamonds are cloudy.

It was only 50 here today and there is SNOW in the forecast tomorrow night.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby

Marcy, I think the glamour shots look fantastic. Those earrings are going to look so stunning in person and I'm sure even more so on you!
Thank you Rod. I am very anxious to see them.
Howdy! I'm popping in for a quick post. I just quit working for the day (10:45pm), so my mind is loopy. I'll have to read and catch up tomorrow. My uncle died last week. We rented our usual cabin in the Smoky Mountains and spent the weekend (they live 45m outside of Pigeon Forge.) It was a very sad trip and my heart will be heavy for some time to come. There were a couple hundred people at his funeral. He was a pretty awesome guy.

With working so late everyday, I haven't had time to get my new phone. Does anyone know if I order it and set it up myself, can I return to the store later to trade my old phone? I have been faithfully tracking what I eat for the past three weeks, and I can tell a difference in my pants already. Yay! I don't intend to weigh myself. I just want to get comfortably back into my size 8's. I'm in a snug 10 right now.

Marcy-love the glamour shots. I can't wait to see your pics when they come in!! I hope you love them.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Hi Deegee, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. That's nice so many people came to his funeral.

You may be able to do the trade for your phone online; they would send you the new phone then you send back your other one. They'll probably charge you full price at first then give you credit when they get your phone.

Yay for getting loose pants.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, that is definitely the sleekest Tumi backback I’ve seen! I wonder if it would be hard to get used to the one cross-body strap though, since I have always had the kind that goes over both shoulders…?

Curby, I think your earrings look FANTASTIC! I know what you mean about pictures not showing the true character of diamonds though, but yes, you really should become WF”s photographer!

Deegee, I’m very sorry to hear about your uncle. And working until 10:45 is way too late! If I didn’t know better I’d think you were a realtor! I always said that if I opened my own real estate office I would have only be open between 10 pm and 6 am because that’s when most real estate action seems to happen!

Last night I didn’t pretty much nothing! Was still worn out from the cleanup so I fell asleep on the couch early and only woke up long enough to go to bed.

We just made plans to go up to Michigan for the long weekend. My best friend from law school and his partner have a place up there so we’ll spend a few days with them and all their animals (I think they’re up to four dogs and about a zillion cats… ). We always have a good time at their place, although we tend to eat and drink WAY too much!
My elliptical was delivered! The CB said it was sitting in front of the door when he got there and that it's in a BIG box and heavier than he expected. Rut ro... I hope this isn't some sort of monster than I wasn't expecting because I have in my head that this thing is tiny and easy to maneuver in and out of the closet... Guess I'll know in a little while!
Deegee, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Who are you getting your new iPhone from? I don't sell them back to either a carrier or Apple. I sell them to and get more money for them. You might want to consider that.

I picked Charlie up at the Airport after work tonight and we went to the mall for dinner. We stopped by the Tumi Store and I chose the Dark Blue Sling with brown striping. Even though they were starting to mark prices down for the sale starting tomorrow, they still wouldn't let me just purchase it tonight. I'll go there tomorrow during my lunch break. They're going to monogram it with my initials in the same color dark blue, which will look pretty cool.

DeeJay, you'll have to give us an update on the "little" elliptical after you've given it a spin.
Happy Rainy Snowy Tuesday!

Dee Jay, you and Rod have me thinking about a backpack now. I always seem to be packing more stuff than my hands can carry. Marty would gladly move to the Houston area; he could play golf year round. Except for when it’s too hot. Your weekend get away to Michigan sounds like a blast. How is the elliptical? I hope the packing was a lot of the weight on it and it’s easy for you to move around.

Rod, I’ve sold stuff to Gazelle and Nextworth. Both of them worked great. I couldn’t believe how quickly we got our money. I am sure it’s nice to have Charlie home. Cool you picked out your Tumi bag already. Marty had them put initials on the case for my mini. I ordered initials for the iPad Air case but they didn’t do it. Marty always gets his luggage monogrammed too. I bet you are anxious to pick it up during lunch tomorrow.

Hi Deegee and Zoe.

It started raining pretty heavy last night sometime; it woke me up early in the morning. It’s been raining most of the day and starting snowing about 4:30. Looks like snow is melting so far; I just hope it doesn’t get icy. This is cold for May here.

Marty should get home tomorrow and my earrings will arrive too. It’s be a good day in Marcyland.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Rod, You’ll have to model your new backpack for us once you pick it up!

Curby, Yeah… that whole living in Texas thing sounds good until you get to the “until it becomes to hot” part… !

The CB put the elliptical together in about five minutes. There were only 8 bolts and some nuts. He was totally skeptical because after he put it together he hopped on with no tension in the middle of the room and was like, “Honey, you’re gonna kill yourself on this thing.” So I turned up the tension a bit and took it over by the breakfast bar so there was something to reach out to for balance if necessary and he saw the light. The stride is super short, which I knew based on the reviews, but I think I can get it going pretty good. Maybe I’ll even get to try it out before I go to Michigan this weekend.

So the letter “i” on my Typo keyboard met with an unfortunately incident related to a glass of sauvignon blanc last night… I’m so sad! I emailed the company this morning to see what the warranty period is, but I’m sure since I got it in December that I’m probably SOL at this point…
I got the Tumi Sling on my lunch break today. I think it's really perfect for my needs and as requested, here's a modeled picture, just for you!


And while I was driving over at lunch, I took this iPhone picture of my ring and I really liked how it captured the diamonds!

Ooh -- that looks just perfect! Did they monogram it already...?

And your diamonds look fabulous -- of course!
Yes, it was monogrammed when I walked in to pick it up. But he said it only takes a minute to monogram them to begin with. You get to choose the color of the monogram, which is cool. I chose the same blue as the blue in the bag, which looks really nice.

And I must admit, I do love my wedding ring!

Thanks DeeJay!

Here's how the monogram looks:

Wow -- that's great monogramming service! For some reason I had in my head that it would have to be sent out somewhere... Excellent!
DeeJay, Tumi does it while you wait!
Happy Wednesday.

Rod, the backpack looks like a perfect size for you and that is a great shot of your pretty wedding ring. Your monogramming looks perfect and matches your bag really well. Marty bought the case for my mini iPad on one of this trips and had them put my initials on it; the case is red and he had them put red initials on the black flap on the back. It is cool they can do it for you right there. The sale items do have some things I want but the cases for the iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 aren’t on sale. Enjoy your new backpack!

Dee Jay, I agree on the hot part of living in Texas. Marty hates heat more than he does cold but I think he forgets that. It sounds like your elliptical might work out great for you. Good idea to move it near the breakfast bar. We don’t want you flying off across the room or anything. That is awesome you are getting a replacement keyboard. I like great customer service like that.

So my day can be wrapped up by saying Marty came home and I got my earrings. I am happy about both of those things.

Here are a few pictures of my earrings. They are very sparkly and larger than I thought they’d be. Sweet.

Marcy / Curby



Marcy, those earrings are friggin beautiful! I hope they bring you much happiness and you wear them in the greatest of health! Way To Go!!! :appl: :love:
Thank you Rod. I couldn't be happier with them. I have them set on the coffee table about 3 feet away so I can watch them sparkle. How lame is that? :lol:
Happy Thursday Soon to be Long Weekend Short Day at Work Friday :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

We got up in the 40's today. Woo hoo! I only wore 2 sweaters and jacket today.

I met a friend for lunch and made stir fry and noodles for supper. No sunshine today. I'd like to get some pictures of my earrings.

Dee Jay, I hope you saw my smart arse comment on your keyboard thread. I couldn't resist it.

Have a great evening.
Marcy / Curby
marcy|1432178090|3879433 said:
Thank you Rod. I couldn't be happier with them. I have them set on the coffee table about 3 feet away so I can watch them sparkle. How lame is that? :lol:

That's not lame in the least! After all, how else are you supposed to see them? It might look a little pretentious if you walk around carrying a mirror staring at yourself so you can see them sparkle. LOL
LOL Rod. If I walked around with a mirror I'd run in to things and fall down. Look what I do to my car on curbs!
Happy Friday kids!

This morning I tried out my "elliptical" and am happy to report I think it will give me a decent workout and I also survived the experience without launching myself headlong into the breakfast bar resulting in a loss of teeth! I even incorporated some arm weights (well, one arm at a time, just in case I needed to reach a had out for balance at any point, ha ha!) so I think this might be a good thing.

Just finishing some laundry now and then the CB and I are heading to Michigan.

Happy long weekend everyone! :wavey: