
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Holy Crap. A new house they were building a block over caught on fire and burned down. The electrical guys were in there today. I hope some one didn't start the fire deliberately. The house next to it is probably only about 6 months old and will have to replace the siding on that side, windows, trim and roof. I am sure they will have smoke damage. They basically just had the frame and roof up so all that timber burnt very quickly. How scary!

Deegee, I wore my WF ring today and I just love that ring. You know if I get the smaller diamonds I'll probably think "the diamonds aren't big enough". Maybe I'll buy china instead.

I had a 2-hour death by power point meeting today. If that room had been warm I would have slipped in to a deep sleep in no time. Ugh. Lucky for me it was cold in there.

So I completely clean / rinse off dishes before I put them in the dishwasher but Marty – being the boy he is – put completely dirty dishes in there with food and ran it to see “how it did”. I can’t believe the first time it was run it was full of food flying around in there. He says "but it has a disposal" and I’m like “So?”

Tomorrow is Friday. Woo hoo!
I just ordered china. I got the pattern called Taylor by Mikasa. I ordered 12 dinner plates, salad plates, soup bowls, cereal bowls, a platter, a vegetable dish, sugar, creamer and then from another very plain white china pattern I got 12 smaller plates and fruit bowls. I am so excited.
Happy weekend! I had my work done by 2:30 today so I was bored.

Here is the pattern I picked for dishes. It's very simple.

I love the china you ordered, Marcy. I love simple designs! Oh wow, a house near you actually burned down? I'm glad no one was hurt.

I love the shirts and the tree, Dee*Jay!

I've been thinking about you, Deegee.

Hi Rod! I hope you're doing well.

I can't believe my summer vacation is half over already. I know, I know, quite whining, right? :cheeky: I haven't totally checked out of work mode though. I've worked here and there to get ready for the new school year. D. and I are taking one more trip next month. We never go on vacation, let alone take two trips in such a short amount of time. We're going to the Bar Harbor, Maine, area. If you're not familiar with it, it's a beautiful coastal town. I am beyond excited! We've definitely splurged this summer, but it's been really nice to have so much time off together. It probably won't happen again so we're sort of living it up.
Hi Kids,

Zoe, I am anxious for our dishes to arrive. They are still investigating the cause of that fire. The house next to it has a lot of damage. Their siding and windows on that side of the house will need replaced. The roof was damaged and their fence plus the fences across the alley all melted. It’s pretty sad. Bar Harbor sounds nice and I think it’s great you and your DH enjoyed 2 vacations this summer. I am sure it will be tough going back to school at first.

We had a nice day. Marty played golf. I was going to the grocery store and Lowes this morning but started watching a movie instead. Marty and I had lunch at the golf course then headed to Fort Collins, Colorado to meet my sister and BIL for supper. They brought us some produce from their vegetable garden. It all looks so good. No baby tomatoes for me yet. Rats.

We stopped one of our favorite stores down there and I bought some red kitchen utensils. I thought they’d go great with our white dishes.

I hope all of you ladies are having a fabulous weekend.

Marcy / Curby
Hi Kids!

I was in the grocery store by 8 am. After I got things taken care of I ventured back out for assorted errands. I returned the hoses to Lowes that we didn't need for the new dishwasher. I went to Micheal's and picked up a wicker basket for bread. Then I wandered over to Bed, Bath and Beyond and naturally came home with a new tablecloth and place mats. I also bought a ceramic crock for utensils but it is too short so I am returning it.

I pulled weeds out front, picked off dead flowers and used a swifter to get the dust bunnies collecting behind my washer and dryer. My cleaning lady seems to ignore that spot when she's cleaning.

One of the stars coming off the pit in my windshield spread about 10 inches today so now I need a new windshield. The insurance company asked if I have lane assist because that determines what windshield I need. Now I'm worried it won't work with a replacement. Oh no! I'd be upset if that didn't work! You wonder how a replacement windshield would impact a warranty on the car. Hmm.

Have a great week!
Marcy / Curby
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I love the new dishes! I’ve had the same dishes for literally 22 years now and I keep thinking I will replace them… but it never happens. Maybe I’ll be inspired by your new acquisition! And that’s crazy about the house burning down!!!

Zoe, you should totally take advantage of the time you have and vaca with D all you can! New England is so pretty. Bill grew up in Portsmith, NH, and I loved going there to visit because it was such a nice location. Plus, we would always go off to some new (to me) town and see that too since I wasn’t familiar with the area.

This weekend wore me right the he!! out! The party was great, although only about half the number of guests as the December party, and we finally showed the last people to the door about 1 am. The next morning we had a community clean up and it was sunny and HOT HOT HOT! The CB and I were once again on graffiti patrol and we got a lot of things in major intersections so I think that will have even more impact than the stuff we did last time on the less main streets. Yesterday we did some more cleaning up and took some abandoned bikes from the bike room over to a charity that fixes them up and gives them to kids, and then we went to dinner with a friend of mine, but that was about…!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, your party must have been a hit! Did you go through all of the alcohol? Grafitti duty on a hot day sounds like a major chore. That was very nice of you to participate though. I like the idea of donating abandoned bikes that get fixed up charity. I must get bored with our dishes about every 8 years since this is our 3rd set of dishes and we’ve been married 24 years. They are cheaper than jewelry too.

Work was well work today. I had 5 meetings and the last one was the most fun. My overachiever team leader went off on one of his 2 favorite tangents about if we want to help someone with time management we need to make them use his macro that will tell him how long it should take them to do a task. I told him I am not ever going to tell someone how long it should take to do things. If you want to offer it to them as a suggestion then go for it but it’s not mandatory.

I talked to the company that will replace my windshield and I took it they ordered it from Audi based on my VIN number so it should work fine.

Marty cooked baked potatoes and filet on the grill for supper. It was delicious. He is off playing 9 holes tonight.

My dishes are going to arrive Thursday and our new refrigerator is coming Friday. Sweet.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, we didn't go through all the booze... which is probably a good thing or else it would be a sure sign I and all my neighbors and friends should just pack off to Betty Ford right now!

Last night the CB made dinner and then we returned the x-mas tree to the friends we borrowed it from and painted over a piece of graffiti that cropped up overnight. The CB is on a roll with that -- I think it's his new mission, ha!

Not much else to report...
Hey everyone. Sorry I've been absent. For some reason I wasn't receiving notices of new posts, so I just got busy and have resubscribed to the thread. I haven't had a chance to read through what I have missed, so I just hope you are all doing well.

Marcy, I don't know if you mentioned the watch I posted about to Marty, but it came last week and I simply love love love it. It's so well built for the money and incredibly accurate. Here's a picture:


The kittens are both doing incredibly well. Eri get's her last dose of antibiotics tonight and she's finally breathing without any congestion and her energy level? Let's just say, there were actually some advantages to her sleeping as much as she did when she wasn't feeling well. LOL

Here's a new pic showing how much bigger they've gotten:


I'll read up on what's been going on and I should be better about being notified of new posts.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, if you and your guests had consumed all of the alcohol you could have used that great line “my check liver light just came on”. I still chuckle about that. Tell CB I appreciate he new mission to clean up graffiti.

Rod, your watch looks fabulous. Eri and Emi have grown again. They are so cute. Glad to hear Eri is feeling better.

Marty left for Washington D.C. today. His plane was delayed over 2 hours so he’ll get to the hotel pretty late tonight. He’ll be home about noon on Friday.

Marty left instructions that the rabbits are in charge, then Aces (the Audi bear), then my bears. I am low person on the totem pole.

I am hanging out in the den with sunlight coming in – ooh sparkly!

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Rod, your watch is fabulous! And the kitties HAVE grown so much! They look VERY happy!!!

Curby, I understand about being low man on the totem pole; when Bill would travel it was The Demon in Charge, Oscar next, then POG (our beanie baby pig), then me!

Last night the CB had to go and fix something at his mother's house so I just had leftovers from Monday. I spent some time on the Duolingo app that I downloaded the other day because I've decided I want to learn Spanish. The CB and I are going to take a class too and I think I found a good one but I need to call today and firm up the schedule. I've always wanted to take a language (the Latin in high school doesn't count -- it' s only good for help with the New York Times crossword!) so I figure this is a good time. Plus, I've been reading about all the good options for expats to retire in Latin American (specifically Panama, Belize and Costa Rica) so this could he a huge benefit. Ole!
Marcy, I don't know how Marty handles all the travel. I'm happy being firmly planted at home these days.

Thanks DeeJay. Sounds like your party was a success! Yes, there are lots people retiring to South America. I'm not sure it would appeal to me, tbh. Visit? Yes. Live there? Not so much.

It was a really long day today. And when I got home, I had a message from Microsoft that my computer was ready for Windows 10, released today. They're doing the roll-out smartly. They schedule you for upgrade, by reservation, so their servers aren't overwhelmed. Charlie's laptop is scheduled as well, but wasn't ready for upgrade tonight. So, with some reservation, I clicked on the upgrade, fearing the worst. It went so easy and there were simply no issues once my system came back up. I am pleasantly surprised how easy it is to navigate around now. And the addition of Cortana on my laptop (like Siri on my iPhone) is pretty cool.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, at least you know how it is being low man on the totem pole. I did tell Marty the rabbits said I could buy jewelry and while he said he didn’t believe they told me that but he didn’t care if I bought jewelry. Good idea to learn that second language and plan for a lovely place to retire. Ole and margaritas! Sweet.

Rod, so far Marty still likes the traveling. I worry about the day he gets tired of it. That’s great your Windows update went so smoothly. My last Windows product was a Sony laptop (pink BTW) with Vista. One update firewalled me off our network. Marty was trying to pack to leave for Hong Kong at 4 the next morning. It was his first overseas trip and I was being a total crybaby girl about it. He worked for hours trying to fix it. I couldn’t print and that was when I was teaching so I needed a printer. I finally found a way to restore the previous version of Windows and that fixed it. Marty set the updates to “NEVER”. About a year later Vista finally said enough you need to update so I said sure and completely crashed the laptop. That’s when Marty bought me a Mac.

I didn’t sleep well last night – first night with Marty gone I usually toss and turn.

I had lots of meetings today at work and had ton of reports to go through so it was a busy day. I met a friend for lunch and picked up a small pizza on my way home.

I was delighted to find a box on my porch that contained my fruit bowls and bread and butter plates. They are in the dishwasher right now. They seem so thin compared to our stoneware but I like them.

Take care!
Marcy / Curby
Hey everyone!

Marcy, I have a little star on my windshield, too. There's a bit of a crack but it hasn't spread, so I'm just keeping an eye on it for now. Don't you hate it when those appear?

Dee*Jay, no way! Bill grew up in Portsmouth? I know it very well! I'm glad your party was a success. Are you and CB planning on relocating to Central America? Doing something like that is a pipe dream for us. I watch way too many episodes of House Hunters International, Island Hunters, etc., and every time they go to a tropical location, I'm envious.

Rod, I love the cat tree, and of course, the two kitties in it. Nice watch, too! I agree, I like how Windows is releasing their roll out/upgrade. I keep saying I'm going to get a new computer but then I never do. I own a Sony and even though it's pretty old by laptop standards, it's still hanging in there. I also have my uncle's Macbook Air but I haven't taken it in to be cleaned. I need to have the hard drive emptied out (not sure of the term to use).

D. came to school with me this morning to help set up my classroom. I have a lot to do but I wanted to make a little headway before our vacation.

In an effort to eat more veggies, I've made caprese salad a LOT this summer, minus the olive oil. I've just used fresh mozzarella, grape or cherry tomatoes, seedless cucumbers, and balsamic vinegar. Yum! I've also been snacking on red, orange, and yellow bell peppers and hummus. To still feel like I'm eating a treat though, I bought Outshine popsicles and yogurt bars. They're SO GOOD.

Off to watch a few episodes of Ray Donovan with hubby. We just came back from the pool and now it looks stormy. We need a good rain storm. Have a good night!
I went back and quickly looked at what I missed for a week or so..........

Deegee, I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing. It's hard to lose a parent at any age, trust me. Just know there isn't much I can say, except you and your mom and family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Zoe, I'm so happy to see D got the job! I'm sure you're very both so relieved! Enjoy the rest of your time off together!
Hi Kids!

Zoe, yes I do hate those little stars that keep growing. I hope yours stays the same size. This rock that hit us was big enough to see it coming. I was following a truck today that was spitting out rocks I thought maybe I’ll get some more chips at least that way I’ll have more of an excuse to get the new windshield. I had a Mac Air for several years and really liked it. Now I have the Mac Book Pro. Your veggies sound great. Enjoy the shows.

Rod, I will be sure and show Marty your new watch picture when he gets home tomorrow. His birthday is in October, I better start saving now.

Weird day for me. I didn't have any lunch so I came home in hopes of finding 2 packages on my front porch. No such luck. All the sandwich places looked packed at 12:30 so I picked up a McDonalds burger and fries. It wasn't that great but what should I expect? I got my work done about 2 today so I spent the afternoon revising some of our procedures.

After work I pulled up just as UPS was leaving and only found one package on my porch. I'm like Oh no! I called the UPS customer service and they found the other package and it will be delivered tomorrow. Tonight I got my platter, creamer and 11 of my 12 salad plates (which is weird since they were in boxes of 4). If my 12th plate isn't in the other box tomorrow I'll contact Mikasa

We had a message they want to deliver our refrigerator between 8:30 and 10:30 tomorrow but Marty won't be home until about 12:30 to 1 so I left them a message the morning won't work so please come after 1. I put what little stuff we have in the frig in bags; Marty can take them downstairs tomorrow with one hand. I am making cookies tonight so Marty can bribe the guys tomorrow to take our current frig downstairs and I am taking some to work for one of my employees birthday party.

Take care!
Marcy / Curby
Happy Friday kids!

Rod, I love South America, but to be fair I’ve only visited and not tried to live there so I need to be open to the idea that it’s not a GOOD idea, ha ha!

Zoe, yep, bill grew up in Portsmith! His mother is a prominent artist there and his father was the head of one of the UNH departments for 40+ years. It’s such a great area! And we’ll see how this relocation goes… still very much in the early early stages..

Curby, have all your dishes arrived yet? I expect a picture of your table fully set with everything laid out Martha Stewart Style, LOL!

Yesterday my most difficult clients closed on their place!!!!! I left the closing table and promptly went and had a boozy lunch with my best girlfriend! Today I treated myself to a pedi (it just kills me to pay 40 bucks for someone to paint my toenails, but I really wanted one!) and now I’m waiting for a location scout to come with a producer who is looking at shooing a commercial in my space next week. I also had a location scout through yesterday for a prominent Chicago based crime show and she called me today to tell me she was going into share the pictures of my space with the producer, so something may come of that too (or not – you just never know until it really happens!).
Happy Saturday kids!

Yesterday I spent a lot of time DONE stuff, but I really couldn't tell you what got DONE... :confused:

The location scout and producer did come through my place and confirmed that they want to use it next week, so that's good. And the person who came through the other day for the Chicago based crime show called and said she talked to the producer about using my space but had to make sure I was OK with the content of what they would film here because it was violet. Well... OK... this is a *crime* show that involves lots of cops and robbers and guns and drugs and such so I pretty much knew that when I opened the door for her the first time what might go one here, but I guess it was nice of her to make sure! That one's still up in the air though, and I have no idea when they might get back to me.

This morning I paid my second half property tax bill. (In Chicago we pay the first half of the tax bill for the previous year in the spring and the second half in the fall.) The area was also subject to the tri-annual reassessment and the letter from the assessor said my taxes will go UP 82% next year. Yes, UP 82%!!! As you can imagine there is a legal appeal in process already!!! I mean, I know Illinois is screwed in financial terms, a lot of which has to do with pension shortfalls, but dinging people with this level of property tax increase to collect money is going to get every single in-office politician voted out, if not strung up by their toes!

Anyway, did a little cleaning up this morning and I'm off to pick up a client in about an hour.
DeeJay, that's a massive tax increase. In Florida, we have the homestead tax law. It guarantees the tax on our homestead can never increase more than 3% from one year to the next year. I think I'll stick with Florida!

It's been raining to the tune of an inch an hour (or more) for the last 4 hours. I haven't even taken a shower as I don't think I'll leave the house and venture out to flooded roads today. Charlie's in Buffalo visiting his family. This might be a good night for pizza delivery!
Dee*Jay, I wonder if I know Bill's mother's work. I love collecting art from local artists.

Rod, thanks for the congratulations to D! I'll tell him you said so.

Marcy, how do you like your new dishes now that you've had a chance to use them?

My sister, BIL, and my niece are visiting my parents for a few days. I'm dying to know how my niece did on her first plane ride. We're going to my parents' house for dinner tomorrow, and I can't wait to see them again. My niece has changed so much in one month (since we saw them last).

We heard from our landlord (a property manager with a real estate agency) last week. We know our lease has been renewed, but we're nervous because he mentioned that the owners are contemplating putting our condo on the market. They wanted to see if we were interested in purchasing it. We're not in a position to do so right now and we're planning on renting for a few more years, at least. I'm hoping that if the current owners do sell, investors buy the condo and that the sale won't impact us as tenants, but you never know.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty’s favorite foreign city is Hong Kong. He’d love to live there. I don’t know if I can pull off a Martha Steward table. Right now Marty has his “stuff” on the table that he hauls in an out to play music on the deck. I’ll have to get pictures sometime soon. I’d celebrate with a liquid lunch too after a closing for one of your most difficult clients. Definitely keep me posted on any local commercials or shows that might be staged in your place. If it’s airing on a channel that goes up on satellite I’ll find it. It would be like “knowing” a TV star. An 82% property tax increase? Holy Ridiculous tax bill! Don’t let anyone in D.C. hear about that idea.

Rod, Marty enjoyed seeing your watch picture. He said “nice watch”. I of course really like the blue. Did it quit raining? How much rain did you end up getting? Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of a 100-year flood here in town. We had 6” of rain in less than 4 hours and hail that piled up 6 to 8 feet some places and created walls of water. It was awful. Did you order in pizza?

Zoe, I like our new dishes really well. They seem so thin compared to the stoneware. I can pick up 3 salad plates at a time with my small hands. Good luck with the condo; hopefully if someone else buys it they won’t change anything for you.

I am ready to return to my babysitting duties tomorrow. It’s less “work”. Ha Ha.

We’ve had a busy weekend. The refrigerator got delivered about 3 pm Friday. It’s been fun to play with so far. I love that you can do precise measuring of water. I was making waffles this morning and put in 1 ½ cups and it dispensed it right in to my bowl. I loaded up pictures of the bears and rabbits to scroll through the little photo display. It only plays after you use the touch screen but it’s fun to watch on the tiny 2.5 x 4 inch screen. Yesterday afternoon Marty brought up everything from the man cave frig and I attempted to figure out where everything goes. The shelf space is different so that will take some getting used too. It has a dairy case on top of the door but doesn’t have a space for eggs. Marty crammed a dozen eggs in there and broke 2 of them. He did that because we had a bet the egg carton wouldn’t fit in there; he made it fit so he says he won. I say it obviously didn’t fit so I win.

Today Marty has been trying to finish his man cave and is working on putting up an umbrella on the deck. One of the local hardware stores had it marked down to about $300. He is packing around the sand bags to fill the base right now. He also moved the old frig to the garage and has made about 5 trips to the hardware stores. I can hear the cash register ringing on each trip.

I got all my dishes washed and have rearranged the cupboard about 4 times trying get the best layout for them. I packed up all of our old stoneware and shoved old towels, dishcloths, tablecloths and curtains in there as padding. I haven’t used any of them since we moved in here so I think that’s a great way to get rid of them. A lady at work is going to come get them for her mom. Her mom has the same pattern.

Marty is cooking some ribs on the grill with a dry rub so hopefully we’ll eat sometime soon. I bought some corn on the cob and raw veggies so that should be plenty for supper.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Monday kids!

Rod, I would LOVE to have some sort of limit on our property tax increases. Unfortunately property taxes are looking like the main target of both the city and state in terms of where the pension shortfall funding is going to come from. You have no idea how tempted I am to sell my place and rent…

Zoe, you would probably recognize Jane’s work. She primarily uses clay and does lots of political satire stuff as well as other “pretty” things. Does that help?

Curby, I was never really a dry rub fan until I went down to KC and ate BBQ in all it’s godly forms!

Yesterday was the last harrah of falling off he wagon (including pizza for dinner) and today I’m back to being boring – I mean good! I have a huge project at work that is now more than 30 days past due so I think I’ll stay a bit and see what I can get done. Tomorrow night the CB and I start Spanish classes!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, taxes like that would certainly discourage people from owning property. The dry rub Marty used for our 4th of July cookout was good; I think this one had too much pepper on it. It was good though. Have fun with your Spanish classes. Important phrases to learn are wine, margarita, with bacon and where’s the restroom?

I spent most of my day moving my cube closer to my new boss and his other team. I get 2 cubes there but they didn’t have it made in to a double cube for me. I think it is all strange but I spread my stuff across both cubes; I have 2 name plates so I put one up on each cube and I plan on using both spots every day so no one can complain “she only needs one of those cubes”. I got in lots of exercise that way.

I bought a 12 pack of Nabisco animal crackers that are 120-calorie servings per package. I was rather sad at how few there were in the package and I didn’t like them as much as I thought it did. But I faithfully ate only them for a snack when I got hungry.

Marty made us blue cheese hamburgers for supper. He got pretzel buns and dill pickles. He had potato chips but I ate raw veggies.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I used to LOVE animal crackers! Remember the ones that came in red boxes that looked like circus cars? I think I've still got a zillion of them down in my grandmother's basement because I insisted on saving Every Damn One!

The production people are at my house right now measuring things and doing who knows what else. At first I was like, oh, I should be here for this. Now, forget it. Anything they want to know they can call or email me. Much better than standing around for two hours while they talk about whether to put the ping pong table 6 inches to the left, etc., etc., etc. Have at it kids!

I at the left over pizza for dinner last night, but only three small pieces, and I was otherwise good yesterday. Baby steps, right?!?
Happy Wednesday kids!

Last night the CB and I went to our first Spanish class... Ugh. I haven't felt that stupid since I started studying for the CPA exam! The instructor (who owns the language school) opened a class up just for the two of us so there's no hiding in the back of the room... :cheeky:

I'm pretty much out of food at work today. I think I've got one piece of whole wheat bread that I can smear some peanut butter on and a last loan yogurt in the fridge, but that's about it. I tried to get a banana at 7-Eleven on my way in but they were super green.

Today is another day of fast and furious working on my overdue project. I made a TON of progress yesterday so he's to hoping today is another one of those days!
Happy Thursday kids!

I was pretty good foodwise yesterday. Um. Until dinner. We went to a local place for $5 burger night. My concession was to get the black bean burger (which was really good!), no bun, so I could have some fries.

The film crew got here promptly at 5:45 this morning... :eek: My house is a complete disaster. But the amazing part is I know it will all be put back perfectly when they're done (they even put blue tape on the floor to mark the exact spot where the sofas are supposed to go back. If you left before all this happened and came afterwards you'd never even know anyone had been here!

Two of my neighbors are out of town and I have their keys so once this I all up and running I will be taking a nap on someone's couch!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay I am so anxious to hear what they filmed in your place. The little packs of animal crackers have the same design; red border with little circus cars. That’s great you and CB have the class all to yourself but I bet there is going to be significant competition for the highest grade. I hope your project gets finished soon.

Hi Deegee, Rod and Zoe!

We’ve had a busy few days. Tuesday night I came home, cooked supper, hit the dinner bell but Marty didn’t come upstairs. I was hungry so I ate. Pretty soon I heard voices downstairs and he had a friend over here visiting. Oh well I ate without him.

Last night we had his friend and family over for supper and to hopefully look through a telescope. They are in town from New Jersey. They have 3 little girls – ages 3, 5 and 7. They were so cute. The 3 year old was a serious giggler. We did see a few stars in the telescope but nothing exciting at all.

We ordered pizza tonight because Marty has a project to finish by tomorrow.

I get my new windshield tomorrow and I’ll get new tires Saturday. That same tire went flat again so I went to visit the Michelin Man. I decided I might as well get the tires I want now and enjoy them.

Work has been interesting. I told my employee I’d told him no for the last time about something he has been bringing up for 3 years. My new boss had a meeting with the 3 of us the next day. It got rather heated at times. My employee definitely doesn’t think I do any work or do my job. The 3 of us are meeting next week go over his review from last year and I have to do a mid year review on him this year. It’s the fun that never ends.

My new cubes are right by the printer on our floor so there is a lot of traffic by me. It made me think of something I used to do at my old job. I sat at the intersection between 4 different parts of the building and I used to amuse myself by telling people they had a phone call or someone was looking for them. I might have to start doing that to some people who come to the printer. I do think I’m funny.

Tomorrow is Friday. Woo hoo!

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Hey Ladies,

It's been so busy lately. My team had low numbers for July, so our boss is putting a lot of pressure on us right now. I've been working longer hours, when I already work long hours.

The kittens are doing well. They had their 3rd round of shots yesterday. Our vet thinks Eri still needs to be on the antibiotic since she's still a little congested. So, I'm still giving her that, but she is so much better than when we first brought them home. They're gaining so much weight. Emi has almost gained 3 full pounds in the less than 2 months and Eri has gained at least 2 pounds. Their adult teeth are starting to come in, so the vet said we could go ahead and have them spayed the beginning of September. We're having them micro-chipped as well at the same time.

Hey Marcy, DeeJay, Deegee and Zoe! I'll try to read up on what's new, but hey to all!
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I think you're funny too -- sending people on a little wild goose chase is some harmless fun and a good way to keep yourself amused. The key is to pick your audience though because don't want someone to come back and smack you later, ha ha!

Rod, isn't it amazing how fast baby animals grow?! And having the microchipped is a great idea. When Bill volunteered at Anti Cruelty there were a ton of animals brought in without a chip and there was no way to contact the owner.

Yesterday was sheer pandemonium... The film crew showed up at FIVE FORTY FIVE. IN THE MORNING. WOAH and WTF all at the same time. There was a small run-in with a guy from another building who owns parking spots adjacent to the ones the film crew had rented from someone else, and the crew's equipment migrated over to that non-rented area, but we were able to have a civil and productive conversation (even though he was pretty heated at the beginning) and get it all resolved. The crew was here until about 7 last night. I was exhausted just being here. They said it was an "easy day" for them because they only had to shoot in one location and everything went smoothly. I can't even imagine... Ack.

The commercial is for Grub Hub. I can't imagine I'm breaking any rules by saying that... (?). If I get a link to it I'll post it. It could be a while before it's done though because now it goes to editing, etc.

Here's the spot that The Onion did here, which I never remembered to post. You can't even tell it's my house (which is part of the point, I'm sure!). The guy is really in my own bed rolling around on my own sheets, and you can see my brick wall in the interview and a little of the giant bookcase behind the interviewer, but if I didn't KNOW this was my place I totally couldn't tell.,38344/

OK, off to get my hair cut!