
Healthy Living Thread

Marcy-I'm glad your mom has the operation over with, but bless her heart! I sure hope she does well with rehab. Dad's delay seems to be with his doctors coordinating information. He had to go have tests rerun because his blood clot doctor's office swears they never got results from the first tests. Whatever. I can't wait to get our wood staircase. I think it will be beautiful. We out the hardwoods downstairs a few years ago and will finish the upstairs within the next few months, so we split up the cost. It is expensive! And since you promise not to judge...I got out of bed at 2 on Saturday. I've done better than that though! We stayed up until 2am watching a movie, and I think I got to bed around 2:30-3, and slept soundly until 2pm. It felt nice. I would have slept longer but the twerpy neighbor kids woke me up. How inconsiderate! Kids playing outside at 2pm on a beautiful sunny Saturday. And I love my new hair color. It's a totally different color, so people at work will be making their little remarks all day tomorrow. When Matt went out of town Sunday I had strawberry blonde hair. When he comes back tomorrow, he'll discover his wife now has dark brown hair. As long as he recognizes me!
Deegee, I hate when you are at the mercy of a couple of doctors and have to repeat tests. I hope they get the info straightened out for your dad. Your wooden stairs will be gorgeous. We are just doing carpet on ours to the basement. Good idea to do your floor in segments because it sure is pricey. I love late movie nights! We do that too but sadly I still wake up early. Too funny about the neighbor kids waking you up at 2 pm. The nerve of some people! I am glad you like your new hair color. Matt will certainly know it's you. :appl:

It was sure gorgeous in Colorado today. It was in the 70's, no wind, I wish I'd been outside more often. I got back here and it's cloudy, chilly and WINDY. They still haven't shingled our roof Boo.

I did enjoy the drive home though; the sun was shining on my wrings and I enjoyed watching my little diamonds sparkle. I am so easily entertained.
Hey kids – I’m back! Spent the first part of the week in Indy for work. Didn’t work out while I was there, and was REALLY good food wise one day (not on purpose!) and REALLY bad yesterday (sloppy joe and chips AND a chocolate ice cream Dr. Pepper float for lunch, and then pizza from Sbarro in the Cleveland airport while switching planes last night). Oh well, today is a new day.

Sharon, LOL on the blingy truck. Let’s make a deal to stay OUT of that truck!

Marcy, how is your mom doing? And I really can’t wait to see pics of your house—it sounds great! If you need some roof work done I’ll be happy to strap on a tool belt and come over. One look at me with a power tool in my hand and those roofers will get up there ASAP just out of a sheer desire not to have to UNdo whatever I do!!!

Deegee, so let me tell you about my hair color experience last weekend… I am naturally a dark blond, but I was using the John Frieda blond shampoo this summer and I felt like I was too blond for fall, plus my roots were coming in a little darker. So I picked up some Lightest Golden Brown. Sounds innocuous enough right? WRONG!!! Lightest Golden Brown on top of blond = RED. As in I Love Lucy. So I promptly went back to CVS and bought some Dark Ash Blond and dyed it again. It was still a little red, and darker than my natural color, but I didn’t think I should dye it a third time in three hours, so I let it be. It actually seems to be lightening up a little over the past few days, so who knows what color it will turn out to be in a week or so… Please add “dying one’s own hair” to the long list of things that Dee should not do in this life!!!

I have to take my iphone over to the Sprint store today because it won’t turn off. I didn’t even realize it until the last flight yesterday, so who knows how many times I’ve flown and it hasn’t really turned off. Maybe it’s NEVER turned off since I got it… ? And I fly at least twice a week. Oops! I hope they don’t try to say it has anything to do with me getting it wet, because from what I can tell it’s a hardware problem and not water related. We will see…
Hi. How is everyone? Yay that it’s Friday tomorrow.

Dee Jay, a chocolate ice cream Dr. Pepper float? Weird sounding but then again probably really good. I was using the Freida blonde shampoo for awhile but it was starting to really dry out my hair. You and Deegee are putting ideas in my head. I have dark blonde hair and of course always want it blonder. If I dry it in the sun it lightens up but I really manage to have that kind of time anymore. Any news on your car? What kind of phone do you have?

My mom is doing better with her knee that I thought she would. She can lift her leg already and has walked with her walker and even did a little PT already. They are moving her to rehab tomorrow. On the worrisome side though is whenever they take her off oxygen her oxygen level drops about 10 points and her blood platelets continue to drop.

We ran down last night to see her and then went to supper with my father. We didn’t go down today but I called her about 9 tonight. They were getting her ready for bed and stuff so we didn’t really talk much.

We had our electrical and framing walkthrough at our house today. We asked them to add some vents in the kitchen and master bath - both of them strangely didn’t have them. We asked for another light in the walk in closet apparently standard is one overhead light but the closet is about 6 x 8 so they suggest another one and then Marty asked for a light over the shower in the basement. Stupid adding more upgrades.

We also have to change the patio and deck. I guess you can’t place the deck or stairs within certain feet of the edge of our back yard; nothing works for the standard 12 x 12 deck. So we are getting a 10 x 19 deck with steps coming off it by the house. We don’t want the handrail showing in our picture window upstairs. It is actually a bigger deck but Marty said they weren’t going to charge us more. I’ll believe that when I see it.

Good news is they have the siding pretty much done and some of the shingles on. Wind was horrid here today so hopefully they finish our shingles tomorrow. They are coming in Monday to put in the electrical.

Well, I’m cold and yawning. I need to get ready for bed.

Marcy, have you tried the Frieda Go Blonder Lightening Spray? Here’s a link:

But BE CAREFUL. Seriously, I used this (and the shampoo) one too many times and BOOM… JANE MANSFIELD!!! Well, OK, maybe not THAT bad, but seriously, I would just use it a time or two at first and not SEVERAL DAYS IN A ROW like I did. It really does work.

Glad to hear your mom is doing so well! And how is your dad doing?

There really may not be an extra charge for the deck BTW, because if they can’t place the stairs within a certain distance from the backyard the builder should have known that, so if the mistake was on the part of the developer he/she should indeed pay for any necessary modifications. As you say though, time will tell.

So I went to the gym last night. I’m having an argument with the scale—and the damn scale is winning… I’ll try to be good this weekend, but I’m heading to a conference on Sunday night through Wednesday and who knows what they’ll feed us. I am going to take my workout clothes though and try to get to the gym at least once.

The dealer and I seem to have come to an agreement last night, so I am hoping to pick up my car next weekend!!! Still waiting for confirmation on a few details, but it seems like I’ll be zipping around town before the snow falls!

Not much else to report, just happy it’s Friday!

Worked it hard din the pool and gym yesterday--staved off the blingy truck by eating Liberte yougert before going (6% TOTAL YUM), and I normally do not eat before I go, but thought the better of it yesterday. Had my fave CC when I got home this time! :lickout:

Cold and snow predicted today. Will get two of the three cars winter tires put on today. So far all I see is rain, but it LOOKS bloody cold out there. Yanno, that grey dismal sky.

Our kitchen reno's start MOnday--so I need to do the kitchen clean out this weekend. Must put my brain on auto pilot--I tethe mess and inconvenience of it all. BUt I just know it will be awesome after and I love the guy I've hired to do it. Consummate professional.

Hope your car is on it's way DeeJay--I was looking at a swell 2009 Aston Martin yesterday--low km's, but I said no. My DH thought it wa a good idea tho.... :bigsmile:

To ya'll.... :wavey:

Hi. :wavey: Is everyone enjoying their weekend?

DeeJay, I have not tried the Freida blonde spray. Good idea! Congratulations on coming to an agreement with the car dealer. You’ll be cruising around in high style next weekend! Darn that scale not always giving you positive results. Good idea to take your workout clothes to your conference. The contractor did say the deck won’t cost us any additional money. I was relieved to hear that.

Sharon, definitely a good idea to keep the blingy truck at bay. We’ve had some very nice weather here so I hope it works over your way in a few days. Stay warm now though. Keep us updated on your kitchen renovation. I’ll be excited to hear all about it.

We had our astronomy meeting last night then went out afterwards with some friends for pie. Marty and I split a piece of cherry pie. This morning we went to my parent’s house. My parent’s bed is really high and my uses a food stool to get on and off the bed so my dad want the bed lowered. Marty cut the legs off the frame, screwed the frame back on the headboard and got the bed lowered okay. My dad is worried she’ll be all mad about it when she gets home but that should make it a lot easier for her.

We then took him down to Colorado to see her at rehab. They rehab place is really nice and she likes it there. They had an ice cream social and music at 2:30 today. It was kind of fun to go with everyone for that. We got back to town about 4:30 and stopped by our house. My dad had not gone through it yet so we took him in and showed him the layout.

Marty is working on a project tonight and I am getting some assorted chores done. I need to get laundry done too since Marty is traveling for work this week.

Tomorrow we are meeting my dad for breakfast then Marty is off to play golf and I am running my dad to see my mom again.

Overall I think my mom is doing far better than I thought she would. She can lift her leg and bend her knee so they therapist is tickled with her progress. They are working on her breathing. She keeps trying to get up by herself so I hope she quits trying to walk or get up by herself.

Take care!
Happy Sunday kids! Just back from the gym and some grocery shopping. Stopped at Trader Joe's and Target, and they both had frozen meals on sale so now I have 50 (yes FIFTY!) Lean Cuisines, Kashi meals, etc., in the freezer. Plus about two dozen cans of soup. I really wish they had Peapod here...

Marcy, I'm glad your mom is doing so well! Did your dad not tell her he was having the bed lowered? That might be an interesting conversation when she gets home, LOL. And if you go the blond spray route (one more time!) just be careful...

Sharon, I'm sure saying NO to the car was the sensible thing to do, but I'm kind of with your DH on this one. :cheeky: And I've been following your renovation thread in hangout. I hope you'll post pic--before and after!--once the project is done.

OK, off to finish packing and then to the airport. I've already gotten a flight status notification from United that we're delayed a little, so I'm glad to see things are progressing the way they always do with my travel... :rolleyes:

My exercise today will come in the form of shovelling.....SNOW! Big ole pile of it on my driveway. Kid has gotta get out to school and hopefully the reno guys cam get here. It is always the first snow that is the hardest....YUKYUKYUK!

PS DJ: That Aston Martin would be really great in this weather!!


Sharon-snow????? So not ready for that. It was 82 here today. I started to pull my sweaters out last week and I'm glad I didn't bother. Good luck with your renovations. We're going to have to hire someone to finish the projects we started because were never going to get around to finishing them. My dentist bought a 2012 Aston Martin. Sweet.

Dee*Jay-I had a bad hair coloring experience in college and I have never attempted it myself again! I let my haircut lady experiment with my hair, which is probably not smart of me but that way I can blame her if its really bad. I was her guinea pig for a new hair straightener in May. The straightener was awesome and my hair is still straight. It stripped the color completely out of my hair (from dark brown to strawberry blonde), which neither of us was expecting. Good info for her next client though. She immediately scheduled me to fix it after 3 days, but then I sneezed and couldn't move my head for days. I kept my regular monthly appointment instead and decided by the time it rolled around to leave it light for the summer. I could tell Matt hated it when I came home and he gasped "OMG! Have you looked in the mirror?" That was pretty much all he said about it. When he came home to dark brown haired me last week, he was all gushy about how he loved the color. Men. I can't wait until you get your car!

Marcy-I'm glad your mom seems to be doing well. I'm trying to convince mom to ask about a rehab hospital for dad after surgery. How long will your mom be in one? Bless dad's heart, he had to go repeat a test yet again-3rd time I think. He has a cyst in one knee and they're doing extra testing. How exciting you can actually walk through your new house!!! Too bad about your deck, but nice that it won't cost you extra $. Matt & I went to look at a house on Friday which was only 10 minutes from my work. The house was beautiful, built in 2011, lots of stacked stone outside, hardwoods throughout, granite, etc. We missed the turn the first time and found it the second. You turn off the main road, straight down a hill that you can't see from the main road because it was so steep. It was one lane hugging the hillside, gravel part of the way, somewhat paved the rest of the way, curvy, no guardrail, very steep hillside should you miss the tiny bit of pavement and lose traction. Not to mention the crazy steep driveway. I was so disappointed! So...are you going to get the ipad mini?

Work has been really lousy. Is it wrong to save points so that I can have extra wine in the evening? I have been slapping my wine glass on the food scale in the evening, and measuring my serving equivalent to the number of points I have left for the day. I'm not going over my points! Probably that 13 oz glass was pushing it. Food has been good. I have been faithfully tracking. We're up to 3 miles a night for our walk, so hopefully that will be 4 miles in a few weeks. My knee only bothers me every now and then, so hopefully that means it is mending. Have a great day day tomorrow!
deegee|1351029708|3291005 said:

Sharon-snow????? So not ready for that. It was 82 here today. I started to pull my sweaters out last week and I'm glad I didn't bother. Good luck with your renovations. We're going to have to hire someone to finish the projects we started because were never going to get around to finishing them. My dentist bought a 2012 Aston Martin. Sweet.

Work has been really lousy. Is it wrong to save points so that I can have extra wine in the evening? I have been slapping my wine glass on the food scale in the evening, and measuring my serving equivalent to the number of points I have left for the day. I'm not going over my points! Probably that 13 oz glass was pushing it. Food has been good. I have been faithfully tracking. We're up to 3 miles a night for our walk, so hopefully that will be 4 miles in a few weeks. My knee only bothers me every now and then, so hopefully that means it is mending. Have a great day day tomorrow!

OHOHOKOK Deegee--that 82 degree post was teasing, but that 13 OZ glass of wine was just plain MEAN! :lickout: :saint: :devil: :bigsmile:

Hi everyone!

Sharon, they had 2 feet of snow in the Sierra’s. Winter is here again. We are expecting about 4 to 6 inches tomorrow night. The Aston Martin would be perfect as a winter car.

Dee Jay, you are stocked now with healthy meals. Woo hoo!!! My dad did not tell my mom he was lowering their bed. Their stories don’t always jive anymore but to listen to him she will be pretty mad about it. It is truly for the best for her. Marty is sure getting tired of the delays and cancellations on United. He said they have been bad since their merger. His flight on Sunday was delayed almost an hour.

Deegee, I had to laugh when I read what Matt said about your hair when you came home. That is cute he was glad to see your hair dark again. From what I can see with the parents the rehab was a very good idea for them. My mom had a cyst too; I know the surgery took longer and the bone was thinner but I haven’t heard anything else about it. The house you saw sounds perfect too bad the location was so bad. I can’t say I am not interested in the iPad mini but I certainly don’t need it. Are you thinking about getting one? I hate to hear work is rough right now, I don’t see any problem with saving points for wine. That is awesome you are back to walking 3 miles again.

I didn’t sleep well last night. Marty is traveling with week. I heard a noise outside right when I was falling asleep and then started thinking of how I will be such a scaredy cat to stay at our new house when we move. I ended up having bad dreams all night so it was a short night.

I went to the dentist to get my crown put on the tooth that I had fixed with a root canal. I was in the chair over 75 minutes. The fit was really tight. The dentist had to use his thumb to push it down. They had to shape it a few times and then when they cemented it in place they couldn’t get the cement out between the neighboring teeth. What a hassle. Between the stress of that, being tired and them working in my mouth I ended up getting a migraine and came home about noon. I took a nap then felt better so I vacuumed which of course made me tired so I took another nap. I did get the sheets changed and did a batch of laundry though. After i ate supper I felt better though.

I am getting ready for bed early tonight. Maybe I should have some wine to help me sleep. :bigsmile:

No! Snow and cold are here. ;(

My day was mostly uneventful. Work was okay, I met a friend for lunch. We had a taco then wandered around a furniture store and Big Lots then both headed back to work.

Supper was a leftover steak from last week that I brought home my second half and froze. I fixed oven fries and ate raw veggies while everything baked in the oven. I had about 4 oz. of chardonnay to tide me over until dinner was ready.

Marty was in meetings late then went to dinner with people from work so I didn't get to talk to him. He wanted to get to bed early and go to work early.

My mom gets her staples out tomorrow. Her doctor came to see her today. I guess she has low protein and low potassium. Her white blood cells are really low so they think she has an infection. She keeps getting up and doing things by herself. She doesn't know when she'll get to come home.

ETA: I am going to dig out my electric blanket.

Take care. :wavey:
Sharon-I had the points for my giant glass of wine!! I was good today. I had points for an 11 oz glass, but I only had a 6 oz glass. See? I have some self control. I thought of you and your snow this evening while Lily and I sat on the porch after work, enjoying the mild fall weather.

Marcy-oh no! I hope your mom doesn't have an infection! If she does, I sure hope they get it controlled quickly. You've had so much trouble with your teeth lately. I hate to hear you we're in the dentist chair for so long. Yuck. I'm looking at the Galaxy Note 2 or Galaxy 3s for my next gadget, so I'm going to forget there is such a thing as an iPad mini. My back doctor always gripes at the weight of my purse (because I always forget to take my iPad out before I go in), so I'm thinking one of those 2 gadgets would be bigger than an iPhone and maybe I could get by without carrying my iPad everyday and only carry one device instead of two. My current iPhone is crapping out on me, so a replacement will be soon. Electric blanket? Nooooooo!!!!

Food was good today and we walked 3 miles this evening. My body has decided that now that my knee isn't bothering me so much, it would be a good time for my back to act up. I was in bed the entire day on Monday (except for potty breaks). Matt was worried and stayed home with me. How sweet. Yesterday and today I have been really stiff and sore, but much better than Monday. I walked last night and tonight hoping to work the stiffness out. Stupid back. Matt is heading out of town in the morning and won't get back until Sunday. Weekdays aren't so bad when he's gone, but I'm going to be so bored over the weekend! Wah! Have a great day tomorrow!

And Dee*Jay-I'm anxiously awaiting your new car!!!
Sharon – I had a crazy dream last night about driving my Lexus SUV in the rain on the way to pick up my new 911. In my dream I was on a wet hill and the SUV started spinning around. When it stopped I got out and watched as it slid right into a ravine and ended up in a river. I was like, hmmm, if that’s how my SUV handles in this weather I wonder what the new car is going to be like. Yikes.

Marcy – I don’t have an electric blanket, but I did put the fleece sheets on the bed last week! Hope all goes with your mom. I can’t wait to hear what she says when she sees the bed. I’m with Marty on United BTW, but they pretty much own my soul at this point because of status. I would be hard to give up Premier Platinum and start over with someone else at this point. And those free automatic first class upgrades kind of grow on you!

Deegee – I’m dying over your 13 ozs of wine! You do know that liquid is measured in liquid ozs and not on a scale though… right? What Matt said about your hair is so funny! Mine is actually lightening up; I think the dark didn’t take well on top of the blond. Now it’s a color I really like, but who knows if it’s done with whatever transition it’s going through…

Nothing exciting to report from Georgetown. Never did make it down to the gym, and we ate very very badly the whole time! Oh well, I’ll head to the gym tonight and start undoing whatever damage was done.

And on the car front… SATURDAY AT 10 AM BABY! At least that’s what I’ve got set up with the car guy as of now. He needs to confirm with the delivery specialist (who I guess goes over all the features of the vehicle with you) that that’s a firm time, but I’m so excited!

Deegee: yanno I was just teasing about the wine--the bottle is my usual glass/measurement.... :)

DeeJ--you car is da bomb! Funny about those'll get some awesome Perelli Winter tires I am sure and weather be damed!

Went to the gym and the pool was dam cold. Nice. My house stinks with my kitchen reno's; varnish, paint, glue....I could barf. But looks far!

Hope all is well, Marcy.

Hi everyone! We had about 2 inches of snow which melted and became ice overnight. My new snow tires worked great. Sweet! It is snowing again tonight.

Deegee, good trick on your points for wine. I finished my chardonnay tonight with some homemade tacos. I am glad you and Lily enjoyed some nice fall weather. My mom saw the doctor today and my dad did make it for the appointment. The doctor thinks she is doing great and she can go home from rehab in another week. They think the white blood cells are because she got a pint of blood at the hospital, they don’t think she has an infection. I agree that I’ve had more than my share of dental work this year. I am thinking of signing up both at my job and staying on Marty’s dental insurance so I can have double insurance. Good plan to get a smaller tablet to carry around with you. How old is your iPhone? Is it under a replacement plan? Yes, I enjoyed using my electric blanket last night. Sorry to hear your back it giving you heck. That was very sweet of Matt to stay home Monday to take care of you.

DeeJay, what an awful dream! Maybe your SUV is jealous of your 911. I hope my mom likes her lower bed when she gets home. Marty is in the same boat as you not wanting to loose his points. He is flying to Brazil soon so he will be building up more points. He is premiere exec I think. How many miles do you have to get for premiere platinum? Hurry up 10 am Saturday. :naughty:

Sharon, we measure wine the same way - by the bottle. I hope you post pictures of your kitchen when it’s done. I am sure it will be awesome!

Tomorrow is Friday! Marty gets home too. :appl:
Happy Friday kids!

Sharon, I'm a serial remodeler so the smell of construction is very familiar to me. Stick it through (there's probably a lovely little red in the pantry that can help you) and you will be so happy when it's all over!

Marcy, premier platinum was one of those goofy classifications that got created when United and Continental merged. I think it's the old 1K? But this year I will only make the lowest premier category. It's a trade off--you get lower status but you have to fly less. I'll take it!

Went to the gym last night. Damn scale is CRAZY. After all I ate in Georgetown it said I was back to the lowest weight I've gotten to over the past several weeks. Maybe I need to buy my own scale, because that just CAN'T be right...

My "Chicago boyfriend" comes in tonight, and we're going to visit a friend's family in Tenton, MO, this weekend. It's about an hour and half drive, but I'm not taking the new car becuase the transition from the main road to the new road is a long stretch of gravel. The first ding is inevitable, but I don't want to happen within two hours!
Dee Jay, I love the little red and white things in my pantry that brighten my day. The only year Marty make the 10K status was the year he was flying to Hong Kong a lot. I think a few trips to Brazil will help him out but of course it's almost the end of this year. Have fun with your new car this weekend but of course I'd keep it off dirt roads too. Post pictures of it when you can.

Marty got back from the airport about 12:30. I left a roast in the crock pot for supper and was very anxious for 5 pm to roll around. I was going to make steam and mash potatoes but forgot to pick up milk yesterday so I had to run to the store to get some milk before I could finish supper. I did a batch of laundry tonight. My mom sent home some more clothes for me to wash and she had a kleenex in the pocket. Sadly I didn't find it until after it had shredded all over the inside of my washer. I will probably be picking up little pieces of that here and there for a few days.

I need to do laundry tomorrow. We are meeting a friend for supper tomorrow then Sunday I am going to get my ring replaced that broke a few months ago and see if I can find a slightly larger EC diamond for my RHR and not totally break the bank. We can also stop and see my mom on the way home.

We had 4" of snow last night. It was quite icy this morning. My new tires were pretty good but did slide a little bit. I didn't feel unsafe with them.

Well, off to bed. Take care! Have a great weekend.
Hi. I hope all of you on the Eastern side of the U.S. stay safe from the storms. I am thinking of you.

I didn't sleep well last night because the rehab center called me about 10:30 saying they were taking my mom to the ER because she had a red rash-like area on her leg that could be a blood clot. They said my mom didn't want them to call my dad but of course I called my dad. He said he didn't sleep well either. They did decide it's not a blood clot but they didn't really know what it was. They are giving her some exercises to try and exercise that spot.

My day was exciting. I made breakfast for us then we took off to Colorado. We stopped to see my mom for awhile then headed to my favorite jewelry store. Remember the ring that kept breaking on me (with my EC diamond)? Well they ordered me in another one in my size and it came in a few weeks ago. The new ring has a lot thicker band. Naturally since they were going to have to move my diamond to a new ring I decided to see if I could find a slightly bigger diamond that wouldn't cost me a ton to upgrade. They only had 3 in my budget range but I did end up getting one of them. My old diamond was a .71 F Si1, the new one is .90 G VS1. The diamond is EGL certified and the store graded it as a J VS2. It definitely had warmth from the bottom on white paper but from the top it looked white. The ring is YP so even a really white diamond will show a little yellow anyway. One of the diamonds they brought out was D but it was the elongated EC ratio and looked almost like glass. They did bring out one that was about $1000 more with less inclusions using a loop. They were very close naked eye and so I bought the one that was more in my budget. My other diamond had a 1.5 ratio and the new one is 1.3 so it isn't much longer but is a little wider. I should get it Thursday. I will scrutinize it then. I always have buyers remorse on the way home - thinking did I really like it, I forgot to check this, blah blah blah. I know it appeared to be a little better cut than the one I traded in so it should be fine. I have to get my jewelry purchases in now before we move. :bigsmile:

We stopped about 3 pm on the way home for lunch / supper. I had some wine, we ordered a cheese, crackers fruit plate then I had 1/2 of a french dip sandwich.

Take care!
I just had to post some pictures of my new diamond. Not my best photos but I was just taking them there in the store.



Marcy, that's a beautiful stone! And I hope your mom is doing OK. Do they know what the issue is yet?

I ate very badly all weekend, but I'm back on the wagon in a big big way today. Didn't do much else but drive around this weekend... :cheeky: The markets are closed today but we are working anyway. Damn--I was hoping they would tell us to go home and then I could make a quick zip to... hmm... maybe Des Moines and back just for fun. :bigsmile:
Dee Jay, lol for a quick drive to Des Moines. Your very cool car looks like it goes very fast. Sweet. I am sure you enjoyed cruising around all weekend looking awesome in your incredible car. Thanks, I am quite anxious to get my ring this week.

I wasn't hungry today so finally ate an easy Mac about 2 then I was starving. I bought some Cheetos and ate about 1/2 of them. Marty cooked burgers on the grill, some rice pilaf and veggies for us for supper.

Work was really busy today so my day zipped by. I made some macros up for some of our paperwork.

I am watching the storm coverage. It looks pretty bad.

Take care.
Marcy, how is your mom doing? Is she coming home soon? And I have been rivited to the storm coverage too. WOW.

I was pretty good yesterday... until I got home from class and ate 16 pringles out of sheer frustration at midnight because I simply CAN NOT get the software for one of my classes to work. The class is tonight and I'm going to head over there early and see if the instructor can give me some advice. Lots of people take this class, so I'm guessing the problem is ME and not the software...

Hello Deegee and Sharon! :wavey:
I hate, hate, HATE snow. I don't think I can say that enough! Was I really sitting on the porch just this past Friday evening in 85 degree weather? Did I dream that? We were expecting flooding from Sandy, but instead we woke up to 8 inches of very heavy, unpredicted snow and it snowed the entire day. An hour south of us had over 24 inches by noon, so I shouldn't gripe about the 8 inches. It was predicted for the higher elevations, but the valleys were supposed to just get rain and it's definitely considered a valley where I live. Since it was a surprise storm for us, there was a big delay in treating roads. Wrecks and stuck cars everywhere! About 10 minutes after I got to work (which took over an hour this am), the governor announced that only essential employees were required to report. That figures. Almost everyone else left, but I had to wait for Matt since he dropped me off. I ended up working until 3 in a very cold building. We were one of the only buildings around with power, but the heat sure wasn't flowing much. Its really weird because we still have standing water in places due to 3 days of non-stop rain, and then we have snow piled up. We're having soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, and there will be no walk this evening. I'm wrapped up in my toasty warm blanket on the couch by the fire.

Dee*Jay-your new car is awesome! It totally suits you. I love the color too. I can certainly understand taking lots of drives. You need to take a week off just so you can drive around in know-really get used to it. Sounds like a plan to me. So the scale said you were back to your lowest weight in a while and you want to get a different scale? I'd never want to weigh on anything else!

Marcy-I'm glad to hear your mom doesn't have a blood clot. I hope she's still recovering well. That's too funny that you were going to have a new ring made, but ended up getting a new diamond too. I'm sure you'll love your new and improved ring once it gets finished! I have an iPhone 4 which is 2 years old. Both mom and I are having problems with our iPads since the ios 6 update. They're extremely slow and won't stay connected to wifi. Matt and I will probably go phone shopping this weekend. Glad to hear Marty made it back safe and sound. Matt was delayed this trip and was gone an extra day. He shouldn't have to go anywhere for a few weeks.

Sharon-those renovation smells are nasty, but oh so worth it!

Have a great day tomorrow.
Hi. I hope all of you back east are safe and sound.

Dee Jay, did you get your software working? My mom is doing pretty good. They are having her do therapy 3 times a day. She is worn out from that. She may get to come home Friday if her therapists agree she is ready. We watched more coverage tonight of the damage in NJ and NY. It is so awful.

Deegee, sorry to hear you are getting so much snow. Darn it anyway that you went to work for nothing especially being out there in the bad weather. Rats that you and Matt are having trouble with your iPads after the latest IOS updates. Have fun phone shopping this weekend. I really like my iPhone 5. I don’t want to look at an iPad Mini. I know I will want one. I am quite anxious for my ring to show up this week.

Marty and I met at the courthouse today and voted. I thought there were be a long line but I was next and Marty only had to wait about 3 minutes for a booth to open. We went and had lunch afterwards then headed back to work. One of my former students waited on us. I thought he was a student but I hated to say anything. He finally asked me if I was still teaching. I told him what happened and it was nice to hear him say kind things about my class.

Marty fixed leftover roast beef for us for supper. He added cumin and I sure didn’t like it with beef and beef gravy. It tasted okay on the mashed potatoes though.

We ran out to our house. They have more of the electrical and wiring done. They have the gas lines run and put the garage doors on. The front porch and sidewalk area are framed in for cement. More progress!

Well, speaking of supper I have a pan I need to go wash.

Deegee, LOL on the scale! I am thinking I should get one for the house too because I only weigh now when I go to the gym, and it’s at different times of the day depending on whether it’s a weekday or weekend, so if I had one in the bathroom there would be no getting around it in morning. We’ll see if I make it to a store this weekend…

Marcy, I went to my class last night and of the nine students only ONE was able to get the software working and complete his homework—and he’s a computer programmer. So I quickly made a new best friend and now mine seems to be working too, but I won’t believe that for real until I try to do the rest of the assignments this weekend because she gave us a week’s grace period to get everything done. Technology makes me crazy!

Not much to report yesterday… I was pretty good until I got to class and opened my yogurt for dinner. It looked a little weird to me, so I threw it out and promptly resorted to cheeze-its from the vending machine! And then I had a lean cuisine when I got home, so instead of 1200 cals I ended up around 1350. Dammit. Oh well, I’m headed to the gym tonight.

Happy Halloween all!!!
Happy Halloween! We lost power a few minutes after I got to work at 8 this morning. It's now 1:35, and we haven't been notified that we can go home. This was going to be a crazy week anyway because we're getting new carpet and had to completely pack our offices up and put everything in storage. I had planned to work on my report that is due in December this week and I can't do that without the network, which is down because of the power. The phones are also down, and everything else in my office is packed and in storage. What a day! We have nothing to do but watch the carpet guys pull up the old carpet by the light of the emergency light fixtures. Yeah, fun. I downloaded a new book last night, so I think I'll read for a while. Lunch was a hamburger from Wendy's because it is one of the only places nearby with power.

Dee*Jay-I don't weigh myself because I got so obsessed with the scale while I was losing weight. It got ridiculous. Now I put on my tightest fitting jeans each week and I know if I've done good or bad. They wouldn't even pull up over my ginormous hips this summer, and I actually wore them yesterday. It didn't even hurt! Woo-hoo!

Marcy-I'm glad to hear your mom may go home this week. That's great! Is your dad ready/able to take care of her at home? Is your house on schedule? You'll be buying furniture and house stuff for each other for Christmas! I don't plan to look at the ipad mini just yet. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the Galaxy Note 2 to use as both phone and tablet, it is just a little smaller than the ipad mini. I'm aggravated that mom and I are having so much trouble with our iPads. I sure hope I can get hers running better. I bought it for her so I'm tech support! Yikes!

I'm off to read if I can think straight with the carpet guys making all kinds of noise repairing the subfloor. Have a great evening!
Marcy, JewelFreak has a thread in Hangout where she's looking for some bling ideas in Denver. I offered to page you here in the HLT just in case you had any good ideas for her.
Happy Halloween! I didn’t get rid of all my candy but the last few kids got a few handfuls. I will take the rest to work tomorrow. I did test one white chocolate kit kat though. I love those things.

Thanks, Dee Jay. I gave JewelFreak a few suggestions. I only tend to buy my loose stones from one place in Denver and I’ve got many nice stones from them. That is pretty bad that only one person could get their software to work. Good idea to buddy up to the software developer. Of course you may remember Marty wanted me to get Mac because he was SICK of fixing my windows problems. Trust me if some bug or update was going to crash a computer it was going to be me. Now that he’s not a network and IT manager anymore he doesn’t get as irritated about it. I don’t have many problems with Macs. 1350 calories for the day is not bad. Are you taking detours and driving extra bonus miles so you can drive your pretty new car further?

Deegee, congratulations to getting your jeans on and especially that they didn’t hurt. I think we can easily become too obsessed with what the scale says. D’oh to you and your mom’s iPad. I put down your and Matt’s last night. That is still too bad you both are having problems with them. Is it everything or just an app or two? A friend of mine at work had a Galaxy 2 and really likes it. My hands are so small I don’t think the iPad mini would fit in one of my hands. I definitely don’t want to look at one though since I am easily attracted to shiny things. I know a lot of people who bought the new iPad are irritated with Apple coming out with the iPad 4. I am happy with mine though so that doesn’t tempt me. We will have fun buying new furniture for the house. They say they are still on track for finishing our house by Christmas. How much snow did you end up getting?

Sharon, did you get any damage or weather from Sandy?

My day was long. I had 2 people off today (there are 6 of us). I had to go to my management class from 9:30 to 2:30. We had a new benefits meeting at work so the 3 people still at work took 3 hours out of their day to go to that. Then we had updates coming in plus trying to get things done through the beginning of the month so everyone was a bit cranky when I got back. My swing shift was non-existent tonight so I told them we will just do it tomorrow.

I left work a little late and was going to pick up fast food tacos for supper but luckily Marty texted me and said he’d fixed supper for us so I just came home. We had about 30 trick or treaters. I worked on my November club newsletter and did a batch of laundry.

Tomorrow my ring arrives. Yippee!!!

Take care.