
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Rod, you are so right cars and big chunks of ice falling from the sky don’t mix. I would cry if I had my Macan already and it hailed on it. OMG I can’t believe the electrician did that to the side of your house. I am sure your repair job will fix it right up. Our last house had to have 2 holes cut in the siding. They covered up the back porch light wiring and they covered up where the cable / internet would be hooked up. They knew where the porch light was so they were able to get to it pretty easily however they “guessed” on the cable box and ended up cutting about a 5” hole to find it. Then they put putty in there and painted it. We had to have that panel replaced when we sold the house. The contractor on our current house has been pretty good about follow up repairs and issues. Rats your outside speakers aren’t working. Did you get to use your spa? Did you grill?

I had a busy weekend. While Marty was playing golf yesterday I ran errands and started on laundry. I completely spaced out we were going to a pot luck BBQ and I didn’t get cookies or brownies made so we bought a tub-o-brownie bites from the store. Marty made a big batch of spicy guacamole and we headed out. It ended up being about 2 dozen of us included kids and also 2 dogs. One of the dogs was a licker and yes he licked my diamond. Marty thought it was hysterical. We were outside and off course the forest fire smoke really bothers me so I was getting pretty plugged up anyway. Then they lit their fire pit and it didn’t matter where I sat it keep blowing my way so I went in the house. Luckily one can never really be bored with a smart phone. Ha!

We came home about 9:30. I am sneezing and have a sore throat today but my eyes quit burning about noon. Stupid allergies.

Today I continued working on laundry and bought groceries. Marty took off for the airport about 2 this afternoon. He is on his way to Dallas.

I make a small crock pot roast for supper. I have absolutely nothing on hand for lunch so now I can make things out of my leftover beef. Ha! I had raw veggies and mashed potatoes with it. Then a dish of slow churned ice cream.

I got my August newsletter done and posted. I always go open the link after I post it and naturally had a typo in one of the titles so had to fix that and post it again. At least that is better than when I used to pay for 80 copies of the newsletter only to notice my typo when I picked them up. I love putting the newsletter online; it is so much better than putting labels on them, folding them, taping them, stamping them and then having to go mail them. Of course the drive through at the post office is dangerous to my wheels.

Tomorrow we being another week of new adventures.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Marcy, I did fix the hole in the side of our house. We went to Home Depot yesterday morning and I bought everything I needed. I'm pretty pleased with the job I did, and it's all painted and looks good. I'm still disappointed I had to do this to begin with, but at least it's all fixed.

We did grill out last night. It was so wonderful to grill on my own grill and I have to say the Weber grill performed really well.

Then we did get in the spa. It was nice for sure and we couldn't believe we were in our own spa in our lush backyard enjoying life. I noticed some things that need to be adjusted on the spa, so they told me to call tomorrow morning to schedule their service tech to come take care of things.

Our Audio guy stopped by this afternoon and got the outdoor speakers on again. He'd accidentally turned them off when he had to go into the programming menu on the new receiver. It took him about 5 minutes to figure it out. I probably would have never figured it out.

All in all, it was a really terrific weekend! Here's a picture I took of Charlie in the spa last night:

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, golf ball sized hail -- woah! When I was in Kansas City I had the option of two parking garages for work and one was a lot more than the other. Granted the cheaper one was outside, but it was A Lot less than the indoor one and I expressed surprise since they were literally side by side. The HR person said it's because when the ice storms come through in the summer it can wreck your car. Of course I took the indoor garage! And I didn't really know how bad it could be until I saw it the first time. It was CRAZY.

Rod, that picture of Charlie is great! He looks kind of "other worldly" there basking in the blue glow! Your yard turned out so so so marvelously. As for the hole in the side of the house... really! What were they thinking? The good news is you fixed it but, you totally should not have had to deal with that. Oh well, it's all good now!

So my trip to NY last week started with a jolt. I woke up at 5 am on Thursday to get ready to go to the airport and checked my flight. We'll United had sent me an email at 2:30 am telling me that my O'Hare to Newark direct flight was cancelled and I was now on a flight that would take me through Cleveland and would be me there 12 hours later than the original one. Um... NO. By the time I got off the phone with customer service I was on a direct flight to LaGuardia that left half an hour earlier than my original flight and they provided me with a car service from the airport to my friend's house. I had to turn into That Person to make it happen, but DAMN I am one MEAN B!TCH at o'dark hundred!!!

The rest of the trip went much more smoothly! We ate and drank and did a little shopping. I even went to the car dealer with my friend on Saturday and she's getting a black on black CL 300. It's gorgeous! Can't pick it up until Tuesday though.

Right now I'm sitting in my house waiting for the appraiser to come. Hopefully he'll be within his 11-12 window because I don't want to be gone from work for TOO long today since I have to leave right at 5 tonight to go somewhere.
DeeJay, I wouldn't have been very happy with being put on a flight 12 hours later either. I'm glad the airline er, um, saw it your way! Glad you had a great time in NY. What's the latest with the condo?

So, Charlie called the spa people this morning and they suggested he could take care of all the things I thought wasn't right with the spa himself. I was like WHAT??? So, I called the spa people and they've already had a technician out to take care of everything. It wasn't major stuff. A couple of LEDs out, which turns out are behind a panel and had to be put back in place, cuz they evidently can come out during transport. And over 80% of the jets were never seated correctly, so he put them all in the right way adjusted them and now they work. They did have to replace the control panel as the heater light wouldn't come to let you know it was working, even if it was. It took the guy all of about 20 minutes to fix and adjust everything, so we should be good to go from now on. I opened an account at the local pool store so we can take a water sample in once a week and they run it through a machine that tells us exactly how much of which chemicals we need to add to keep the water fresh. I like simple.

I did call the electrician this morning to ask him in which universe leaving a hole in the side of someone's garage wall was acceptable? He apologized, but tried to blame Charlie for not pointing it out. Really? Then he offered to come back and fix it, but I nicely let him know I had already taken care of the job. I got nothing more than satisfaction out of letting him know I was not happy and sometimes that's enough!

It's Monday. Ugh. I wish I was just at home enjoying the new house. We haven't been this happy with a place in a long time.
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am glad you were able to get your wall fixed. Yes, it is annoying you had to fix it. You will enjoy your grill. Darn it that your spa had something twrong but at least you got to use it. Great picture of Charlie in the spa; that color of blue reminds me of the UV light to see florescent diamonds. Go figure I go there, huh? Glad the audio guy found the problem and you can enjoy music outside now. I am glad you at least let the electrician know you weren’t impressed by the hole he left in your wall. Love those deflectors, huh? I am glad you got the spa place to come fix the spa. These places are like my employees; we have got to stay on top of them like my employees.

Dee Jay, yes Kansas is along the hail belt out here. We get more hail and they get more tornadoes. Glad you didn’t have to deal with either of them when you were there. The hail storm we had here in 2012 was awful. My MIL’s car looked like a group of kids took ball ping hammers and smashed every inch of that car. There were dents inside of dents. Her windows were all smashed out. We had the F250 and were in a different part of town and Marty had about $11,000 damage to his pickup. When Utah was seeding clouds we had less rain and less hail but they quit it about 5 years ago and the usual summer hail storms are back. Ugh to them moving your flight but it sounds like they made some accommodations to help you out. Marty didn’t have enough miles last year he lost his status; he was sad to not be in the premiere status group to board early. Your friend’s new car sounds great. What color?

Not much going on here today. I kind of had a stomach ache most of the afternoon so I just had a peach and toast for supper. I doubt my leftover roast and potatoes made me sick but I had a frosted apple filled donut and I wonder if the grease didn’t set well with me. I told my friend it was probably psychological because yesterday I noticed Lipton Chicken Noodle soup in the store and I thought I love that when I’m sick; what would I eat if I got sick now?

It was hot here again today but no rain.

It seems like i am getting more and more spam calls on my cell phone. Grr to places that gave out my number. I must have 100 “block this caller” numbers by now. The one I just had said I won a vacation so call this number now.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, I can't believe they suggested that YOU take care of all the things that were wrong with your spa. Did they also suggest that you get a DISCOUNT for doing so? I bet not!

Curby, I've seen the damage done by hail storms and it's pretty amazing! And I lost my airline status years ago unfortunately, so I'm in the back of the bus with the rest of the cattle now.

Last night we ran up to the house of an old colleague of mine and gave him some advice on whether to renovate vs. sell his current house. Then we went out for ice cream, LOL. This morning the CB had a couple of things going on downtown so he was able to bring me to work. I was happy to have the ride because it's pretty disgusting out today. I've got an inspection in the south loop at lunch time but I'm definitely taking a cab there and back! And a guy from the TV show Chicago Fire just called me about pitching my space. I'm not sure my complex is ready for something of that magnitude again... We'll have to see...
DeeJay, oh my on Chicago Fire. I'm not sure I could sit outside watching flames come out of my house! A soap detergent commercial would be much safer.

LOL about them giving me a discount for self troubleshooting the spa. There was no way I was going to do that on something so expensive and brand new. Charlie said the guy who came out was really nice and took his time adjusting everything and even explaining operational details in English. Imagine that?!

We got it in last night. What a difference it makes when all the jets and lights work as they should. It was simply wonderful! And now, it's simply easy to operate. We don't even need to use the heater in the spa. It's covered when not in use. And it bakes in the sun all day long. I noticed last night that with the heater completely off, the water temperature was 101 degrees. The sun in Florida makes for a pretty economical heater! Yes it does!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, if they send Marty to Dubai a few times he’ll get his status back next year but it’s hard to say. We bought first class tickets for our trip this month so we’ll get to go to the head of the class. Mm ice cream! I had slow churned tonight but I might pick up a small dish of cake batter from Cold Stone. I love that flavor. My treat for bachelorette-ing it this week. Ha! That would be cool to have your place in another TV show. They should hire you as an extra. Good plan.

Rod, I am glad the guy who came out to fix the spa knew what he was doing and was so helpful. Too bad he didn’t set up your spa in the first place. Good deal it works great and can heat itself from the Sun. You and Charlie will really enjoy having that in your fabulous back yard.

I had another busy day at work. I am starting to try and figure out who needs to do what when I am on vacation. I might just turn my phone off when I’m gone. Ha!

I met a friend for lunch today and made some noodles, gravy, leftover roast beef for supper and had a plate of raw veggies with it. I am really full but only ate one serving of pasta. The other half will be for lunch tomorrow. I sliced up the rest of the roast for sandwiches and froze the slices in little baggies. I think I’ll make a homemade pizza tomorrow night. Woo hoo for leftovers for lunch.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Rod, LOL on the detergent commercial! I'm hoping they don't actually do anything involving flames in my house... but you never know!

Curby, you should absolutely turn your phone off while you're gone! When things go to hell in a handbasket it will just reinforce how much they need you!

Last night the CB picked me up and he made fish for dinner. Then we walked around the building looking at the tree trimming that the electric company did around back by the power lines. Frankly it looks pretty awful but the trees grow so fast there will be new foliage to pretty it up very quickly.

Today I had to do my annual performance review and six for other people. I hate this process with the pass of a thousand suns...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, funny you should mention things going to hell in a handbasket at work while I am gone. I sent out the obligatory FYI email I am on vacation from xxx today and talk about some panicked people. Oh well maybe they won’t even miss me and my badge won’t work when I get back here. Ha! Rats that the electric company butchered the trees around the building. You are right they grow back though. You should see our tree out front; it looks like some kid sculpted it; it’s awful but most of it was dead so Marty trimmed it down. It’s very skinny. Ugh to doing your annual performance review. I hate doing those too.

I had a crazy busy day at work but I did leave on time because a friend of mine needed a ride to pick up her car. She took me out for supper at Culvers on the way home. No dishes and a cup of frozen custard - score!

We had a heavy rainstorm roll through here tonight. It was fun watching the lightning though.

Is it Friday yet?

Hi Kids!

It was down to 69 here today as our high. Tomorrow is going to be cooler. Can snow not be far away? Which will come first? Snow or my Porsche? I'd bet snow and more than once. Marty said he saw a black Macan with all black wheels in the wild of Texas. He said it looked mean.

Marty said he was interrupted in class all day because of the project he has to work on. I am sure his teacher was thrilled. He said he was going to each Turkish food tonight - I said you are what you eat and also pointed out I crack myself up.

I continued assigning my work to my employees for when I am on vacation.

We are having a pot luck at work tomorrow and I wasn't too motivated to make anything so I bought some assorted cookies tonight and will take them in tomorrow.

My cleaning lady is coming tomorrow and she asked if she could bring her baby. I was not thrilled in any way about that. She said he'd sleep and she'd only have to feed him once. Um doesn't that mean you aren't working then? She said it would only be this once. I thought it was odd because she asked me if Marty was here or if I'd be waiting for her. No way would I tell her she can bring the baby when Marty is trying to work. I might need to be looking for a new cleaning lady. I wish I could hire her sister back but I hate to do that between sisters. Also, this cleaning lady is the DIL of a friend of Marty's so it's a no win situation. She said she'd try to find a sitter so I'll see what happens when she shows up tomorrow. Mean, aren't I?

Have a great evening and tomorrow is Friday. Yippee!!

Super quick fly by to say I am under contract on my boat house! Have to bolt off and try to bring another deal together for one of my clients but I'll write more tomorrow!
Congratulations Dee Jay. I am so excited for you. :appl:
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, thank you! I am now in deep shopping mode! I'm not actually *buying* much, just mostly getting my ideas in order. I found a sleeper sofa I like and and a rug, and I've got the kitchen design pretty well worked out. I'll use the same type of flooring I have here in my current place, but in a lighter color I think. I did actually order a chaise lounge from Pier 1 that was on clearance for half off. They will bring it into the store, which will take at least a week or two, for no extra charge and it will fit into the back of my SUV so I'll check it out in person and if I don't like it I just won't buy it. I might get the rug if it goes on sale too because I'm afraid they might sell out of the color/size I want. I'm definitely not getting the sofa yet though, and probably not for quite a while yet because I have the construction to do. I'm also debating about paint. The whole place is currently white white white. I know there will have to be some painting done once the construction is over, but I'm not sure if I should keep it white or go with a cream-ish color, or even a light blue/green/aqua. I like the blue/green/aqua idea but I'm also waffling in terms of being very neutral or going more with a boat house theme. Not like sea shells and anchors sitting around in the corners or anything, but just a little nod to the beach. Anyway, woo hoo -- another project! Now I just need chase to finish up my HELOC (fingers crossed no snafu's on that because I wasn't overly impressed with the appraiser they sent through...) and I can firm up a closing date!

Today I have to get some more paperwork done on last night's deal for my client and pick up his earnest money check. That one's going to get a little sticky because he's also under contract on another unit (in the same building no less!) that he has since decided is too small. I feel bad because I really really like the listing agent, but what can you do? I'm going to make sure he exits the deal gracefully though to spare the other agent as much trauma/drama as possible.

OK, off to look at throw pillows, LOL!
Just a quick Flyby......WooHoo it's Friday!

Marcy, I'm not sure when you're leaving for vacation, but YES, turn off your cell and enjoy your time off. Wow to 69 degrees. We won't have anything close to that until December. Ps: Knowing where you live, I predict snow before Macan! :naughty:

DeeJay! Yay on getting the contract on the boat house! I'm sure your HELOC will go through just fine and I'm sure you'll have fun picking out colors and furnishings. Heck,that's where the fun is! Sometime when your up there, please take some pics and post them, OK?

Going to be a long day. Then we're having dinner with our housemate and her two sons. We're going for Sushi!

The rest of the weekend should be nice and relaxing. Some grilling and hot tub time is in my immediate future! Yes it is!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am sure you’ll figure out what you want for your boat house in no time and I know you’ll enjoy planning it all out. I like the idea of a lighter blue / green / aqua for the walls. A lot of stuff and furniture in the man cave is from Pier 1. We do the same thing; order in to the store and then pick it up. They are great with returns too. I hope your closing date is soon. Good luck with your client who is backing out of his one contract. I am sure that will be awkward. Did you find any throw pillows you liked?

Rod, agreed about woo hoo to Friday! Sadly I think you are right there will be snow before I see my Macan. I emailed my sales associate today so see if our order locked yesterday or Monday and didn’t hear back from him. Darn it! I think once it locks they give a more precise timeline on your order. How was dinner with your friends and the sushi? I am sure you’ll enjoy some time in your spa and enjoy your terrific back yard.

Marty has been really busy this week so I’ve only got an occasional text or 2 from him. I was going to text him tonight and tell him to quit ignoring me and I’m setting there at work and I get a text from him he’s turning in his rental. I’m like “you coming home tonight?” The answer was yes. He lands at DIA about 9 and hopefully will be home by 11:30. He is going to spend the next 2 weeks trying to get his big project done before we go on vacation. He said it was 101 there, high humidity and not a breeze. I am sure he’ll appreciate the cooler temperatures here.

We had a pot luck at work today. I ate way too much including sweets but it was all pretty good. They brought stuff for breakfast burritos, and lunch was pulled pork and pasta salad. About 1/2 of the cookies I took in were left so I sent them home with people. The single guys are always agreeable to taking home treats.

I got several projects wrapped up at work today. I may have some people to interview next week for my position; it would be great to find someone and make an offer before I go on vacation.

Have a great weekend.
Curby / Marcy
Hi Kids!

Happy Saturday! My sister is coming to town today and bringing a friend. She is picking up a ring she had a jeweler make a friend of hers and then when Marty is done with golf we are all going to lunch.

Marty got home about 11:30. I am not sure what time he got up but the clanging of pans woke me about 6:30 so I got up then.

It's overcast today so I opened the shades on our patio door and started noticing tiny little polished sapphires all over the floor. My bag of sapphire findings didn't have any big or nice sapphires in it so my nephew polished them all for me and I had them setting on a little white plate. Apparently my cleaning lady either knocked them off or spilled some of them on the floor. I thought there were less sapphires on the plate. It's not that I am mad she would knock something over but she didn't tell me about it. I put the rest of the sapphires in my gem jar but will have to watch for those little rocks. Ugh.

My Porsche sales associate wrote me back this morning and gave me the same dates he did when we were there. It locked on the 3rd but doesn't go in to production until the 26th and should be done by the 2nd. It then takes about 3 weeks to get on a boat to head out for the U.S. It should arrive in Houston 3 weeks after that and a week later it's mine. He said "Patience young Skywalker". I told him patience was not one of my strengths. Ha!

Hi Kids!

I hope you had a fabulous weekend.

I did some reading last night and worked on laundry today. I had Marty unpack his suitcase before he left for golf today so that added a few loads of laundry.

I made myself a homemade pizza for lunch. I just made cheese this time because I wanted the leftovers for lunch and cheese is about the only pizza I like cold these days.

Off to unload the dishwasher. Such excitement!

Hey, from a very rain soaked Tampa. It's been raining since yesterday afternoon, with no signs of stopping until Tuesday. At least our new backyard landscape is getting a nice drink.

We cooked last night at home. I bought jumbo shrimp, jumbo scallops and 3 lobster tails. I sauteed all the seafood in a butter, old bay and red pepper. We then sauteed fresh spinach, mushrooms and onions in garlic and olive oil. We cooked some fresh linguine and then I made a light cream sauce with butter, olive oil, cream and lemon juice with some flour to thicken it up. Tossed it all together and have to say is was simply amazing!

Tonight we're having an old fashioned pot roast with veggies. The house smells so good!

We decided to order a new sectional sofa to replace the one we've had now for more than 10 years. It's a Natuzzi and while it's held up well, it's definitely showing its age. What is cool is that the new sectional is very close in size and style to the one we own, so when it comes in 3 months, we won't have to rearrange anything. We special ordered in a beautiful dark blue leather. Here's a pic of the one of the floor of the showroom.


My 2 year old laptop took a nosedive today. Good timing though. My 2 year service plan expires the end of this month, so Best Buy is sending it off to the service center and if it isn't worth fixing, they'll just give me what I paid for it 2 years ago and I'll get a new laptop. I really hope I don't have to go through that though. I've got mine all set up exactly how I want it and don't really relish the thought of setting up a new machine all over again. They said the back light in the screen is failing. Not sure if that's fixable or not?

Marcy, when do you leave for vacation? Homemade pizza sounds great!
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, there is a blue Macan just like yours in the parking garage where I put my car when I drive. I say "Hi Curby" whenever I walk past it on my way to the elevator!

Rod, your sofa is going to be marvelous in the dark blue leather! And it's nice you're not going to have to rearrange much when it comes.

This weekend I really have no recollection of where Saturday went... Yesterday we returned the X-mas tree to my friends, had lunch with some neighbors up on their deck, and I took a client to see a unit they want to make an offer on. We were also supposed to go out with some other friends for dinner but the CB didn't feel great after the greasy grilled Italian sausages we had for lunch so we skipped that. I also read through all the declarations and bylaws as well as the rules and regulations for the boathouse and I've got a slew of questions for the property manager. Nothing terrible, but definitely a lot of them!

Oh -- I just remembered! We went to TJ Maxx on Saturday and some other stores like that. I have been on a summer clothes buying spree. I've gotten about a dozen new tops in the past few weeks. Now I need to clean out my closet again... Ugh. Then we went to a restaurant that the CB had read about in a neighborhood a little bit south. It was OK but we won't be going out of our way to return. And we ended the night in the parking lot with the neighbors.

My boss's wife is having a baby at the end of this week so I'm working furiously to finish something for him before he goes out for a couple of days.
Small rant about Chase (this is starting to be a familiar theme... ). My appraisal was supposed to be back last Thursday. I called on Friday and left a message. Called again today and got a human, but my appraisal still isn't back. I know we're only talking a few days at this point but the whole process with them is annoying the sh!t out of me.

The underwrite also kicked my file back last week because my property, which is my primary residence, was also "listed for rent." I had no idea what they were talking about until I realized they were referring to the two days of rental income generated in 2015, and reported on my tax return, for when the Onion and Grubhub filmed in there. I explained it, but I'm not sure they got it.

Ugh. Big banks.
Aren't big banks fun?

A couple examples come to mind on our home loan. Towards the end of the loan process, the bank asked me to write two letters. One letter was about our address prior to the condo we were selling. I had to state in writing it was our principal residence before we bought the condo. Duh, why else would it have been listed as such on our loan application? And the 2nd even dumber letter was that I had to write a letter explaining why we made a payment to the IRS on tax day in 2015. We owed some money and we paid it. But why on earth would I need to put in writing I made a payment for income taxes to the IRS on tax day? It's the little things that annoy the poop out of you when applying for a loan. Yes, it most certainly is.
OH! And in the LATEST of the New Buffalo saga... I have just been fired by my real estate attorney. He said I had too many questions and they were too specific and he wasn't comfortable working with me.

BUDDY!!! I'm buying a damn piece of *real estate* here. OF COURSE I have QUESTIONS!!!
Dee*Jay|1470693602|4063634 said:
OH! And in the LATEST of the New Buffalo saga... I have just been fired by my real estate attorney. He said I had too many questions and they were too specific and he wasn't comfortable working with me.

BUDDY!!! I'm buying a damn piece of *real estate* here. OF COURSE I have QUESTIONS!!!

He What?????? That's absurd. The realtor for our home builder had to tolerate a bazillion questions from me as we purchased this home all the way up to closing and she was very patient and happy to email, call or text at just about any hour. This guy sounds like a moron.

Will this in any way impact your buying the cabin?
Hi Kids!

Rod, has it stopped raining yet? I love your new sectional. It looks great. Marty would have loved your fish supper; I would have asked for a plain old grilled burger. Just to be safe. Now the pot roast would be fine. One of my favorite meals. What a deal your laptop quit just in time to be fixed or replaced. Hopefully if they replace it they will copy over all of your data for you. We leave for SC on the 20th. That is interesting some of the stuff you had to fill out for the bank. They do seem to ask some silly questions sometimes.

Dee Jay, holy crap on your real estate attorney quitting on you. WTH? You did have a busy weekend but it sounds fun. That is kind of crazy about Chase questioning about you renting your place. You are hitting some obstacles for sure to purchase your boathouse. That is cool you see a sapphire blue Macan in the garage and even better you say hi Curby to it. Marty thought that was funny!

Had a busy day at work until about 2 then I was bored. Marty might be talking to a guy in Denver about a different job. It would be with the same company just a different job. Sounds like part of it could be sticky because they are trying to get in as vendors for my company (Marty’s former company) and some one in upper management is still having a cow about Marty coming in as a vendor. Sigh. He’s been gone more than 4 years now. Some other recruiter called him as well because of an old resume on DICE. He is calling him tomorrow. Nothing like potential change to get me all stressed and worried.

Marty never planned anything for supper so we went out to dinner. Both of us had burgers but of course I ate some fries and part of my bun. I swear that burger was over 1/2 pound; I ate about 1/3 of it then gave up and ate a bit more beef and a few fries. Too much food there.

We stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Marty bought another skillet and I talked him in to getting some splatter guards (yeah) and then since I had a glass of wine with supper I did say “I’d be thrilled if you used a splatter guard and rinsed all of your dishes”. Ha!

Marty went to the grocery store a while ago and I opted to stay home; he said he spied with his little eyes a Cayenne in the parking lot. Darn it I would have gone with him if I’d known there was a Porsche sighting to be had.

Yesterday I checked out the distance from the Porsche factory to the docks where the get loaded to be shipped to the U.S. Figured the distance out and everything. The looked for images of Porsche on the docks there, watched videos of Porsche’s being loaded on the transporter ships. Yes, it’s true I am still anxious and excited.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, I should be fine as long as the second attorney I was referred to gets back to me promptly. I left him a message yesterday but it was after 5 pm MI time (they are on Eastern) so I'm hoping I hear from him today. If not I'll be looking for lawyer number three...

Curby, the amount of time Marty's been gone should be more than enough. I can't believe someone is having a fit about it, but then again there's always someone having a fit about something. If it's a better job and he wants it I hope he gets it!

Last night the CB and I had fried chicken for dinner (so much for that diet... ) and then just lounged around a bit before going to bed early. Very low key! Tonight I have to take someone to see a couple of places. I also have a client in a competitive bidding situation and all offers are due by noon so fingers crossed that shortly after that I'll be giving them good news!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope that attorney called you back. Sometimes it is just hard to find good help. You are so right there is always someone having a fit about something. Fried chicken sounds fabulous! I hope your client in the bidding war came out the winner.

Work was full of the usual assortment of ups and downs. I had some M&M’s though so that helped me through the day. Ha!

Marty didn’t say squat during supper about talking to anyone today about jobs or work so I didn’t ask.

I saw cool lightning coming home today but it’s only windy here I doubt we get any rain.

Tomorrow is Wednesday. Woo hoo!

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Hey....Anyone got enough wood to build a big boat? We might need one down here in rain soaked Tampa. And the rains are supposed to continue through tomorrow. There's this low pressure system parked off the coast and it just refuses to go away.

Marcy, I hope things work out for Marty if he wants a new position. Maybe he wouldn't have to travel so much. Your vacation will be here before you know it!

DeeJay, I hope the new lawyer got back to you?

I had a dentist appointment today. The last several years have been expensive, with several crowns. Today's fun news is that I have a pocket that will likely require periodontal surgery on the gum surrounding one tooth in the next 6 months or so. Fun Fun Fun.

Have a great Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, my clients sadly did not win the bidding war... They are off to Aruba until next week, but then we'll be back on the trail again!

Rod, I talked to the second attorney (omitting the fact that I was fired by the first attorney) and he seems like a perfectly reasonable guy. Fingers crossed!

Last night I took someone to see a unit where the deadbolt was locked and the only keys we had were for the front door and the door handle lock. So a big waste of time. The other agent didn't even seem that disturbed by the situation (of course it also took her three hours to text me back and she never answered her phone). There are SOOOOO many bad agents I just can't believe it...
Mini boat house update: My person at Chase said they've finished going through my income documents and the HR person here said they called today to verify my employment, so I think all they're waiting on at this point is my appraisal. I called the appraiser this morning and he's turned it in but now about a zillion people at Chase had to look at it. I really hope this doesn't go on forever... But it does seem as though progress IS being made!