
Healthy Living Thread

Marcy, I'm glad you're feeling better. Yes, children are nothing but petri dishes of all manners of bacteria.

I didn't sleep much at all last night. When things go wrong, I so internalize them. That's just how I'm wired. Hopefully, today will be calmer.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, that is just CRAZY. Truly. I'm sure it doesn't seem like this now, but the company should be GLAD that they dodged a bullet and are not getting a wacky employee. As for internalizing things, I do the absolute same thing (as you probably know). There have been countless hours lost over my condo board situation since I've been president!

Curby, I agree 100% that kids are walking petri dishes! The CB and I are flying down to Orlando on Friday and there's nothing worse than that flight -- dozens of screaming munchkins with god only knows what germs in a confined space with recirculated air. UGH. Makes me want to go take a shower and buy a breathing mask just thinking about it!

Last night the CB and I picked up a chicken at the grocery store, which I enjoyed with a glass of wine (ok... maybe two...!). We went out and looked at some things in the back parking lot. Man, we are two people who need a hobby, ha ha!

Today I am going to get A LOT of work done!!!
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope you had a better day. I agree with Dee Jay, that employee would probably have turned out to be a bad deal for your client.

Dee Jay, and isn’t it just your luck you get right next to the screaming kids or the ones coughing all the time? Have a wonderful time in Orlando. So I’m curious what did you see in the back parking lot? Did you get a lot of work done today?

I think all of us internalize things and loose sleep. I’ve been thinking too much and not sleeping well for days.

The ship my car is on has sailed from NJ and the web site says the next port is Houston. It should dock there on the 19th which is 4 days earlier than expected. Best case scenario my SUV is delivered before my car is out of the auto body shop. I told Marty it will probably set on the dock for weeks then get put accidentally on a truck to Calgary. I am both anxious and nervous.

I told my boss I needed next Wednesday off to get my wheels fixed and then said “Marty told me I can only drive my car to and from work after that so I don’t mess up the wheels.”. My boss said “well if he told you that to begin with you wouldn’t need to get your wheels fixed.”

We are chilly and rainy here today. I turned on the furnace when I got home tonight. It’s going back up to 60’s and 70’s but since it feels like 40 I wanted to be warm. I even broke out some cocoa this morning.

Have a great evening.
Curby Anxiously Waiting for my Ship to Come in
Marcy, that's exciting news about your Macan winding its way to you! I can't wait until you tell us you've taken delivery!

Today was only marginally better. I had a candidate bomb an interview. That's never good. Otherwise I just hunkered down and spent the day trying to find more candidates. To be honest, I'm truly tired of being a recruiter. At my age though, there's not much else anyone would hire me to do. I just need to figure out how to make it another 4.5 years. Then I can retire, but not stop working. I'll just find something to do that's more fun.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I hate to disappoint you, but there's not exaclty anyting *exciting* going on in the back parking lot. We share the driveway to it with another buidling and there are some differing opinions on maintenance so it's fallen into disrepair (think poholes big enough to swallow Billy Ray) and they refuse to do anthing about it. Ugh.

Rod, I know what you mean about wanting to find something else to do. That's kind of what I was thinking when went downt he CPA path... but here I am, still a compliance officer, and I probably will be until the day I retire. I'm sure you're feeling down, but it will swing in the other direciton soon I'm sure my friend!

This morning I got an email from a locaiton scout and had to bolt around taking photos of a bunch of areas before I went to work. They are making noise about coming to see the place tomorrow but I told them it will have to be early becuse I need to get to the boathouse and back to check on things before I head to Orlando for a long weekend. I'll rest better knowing the thing is still above water, ha ha!
DeeJay, sometimes I think it's sad we get stuck in careers we don't necessarily find fulfilling or enjoyable. But the bills don't go away and we do what we have to do.

I hope the boathouse is still above water and you have a great time in Orlando this weekend. It's HOT HOT HOT down here. Pack lightly.
Hi Kids!

Rod, I spent hours searching for webcams along the Houston Ship Channel so I could watch my “ship come in”. It was a complete waste of time. We do know where it is going to dock though based on online vessel information. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. I can easily believe being a recruiter has more lows than highs and that has got to be tough. Sorry a candidate bombed their interview. If I hold on for about 3 more years where I am I will get another week of vacation plus 4 extra days for the 20 year milestone. I have a hard time using my 3 weeks of vacation now though. So it’s still hot there? We turned on our furnace. It should be near 70 again this weekend.

Dee Jay, oh no that there are potholes big enough to swallow Billy Ray. Glad you don’t have to worry about that happening. Sounds like one of those deals where everyone should share in the repair but no one wants to actually handle the repairs. Dee Jay to the rescue. I just babysit for a living; but I too contemplate a career change. I hope your boathouse is still above water.

We went to supper at Olive Garden. It’s buy one take one right now (on select entrees) so I think I have enough for 7 lunches now. Yippee!!! Marty had a conference call right at 5 so we got there late and had to sit in dining room next to screaming kids rather than the bar but we drank and that helped us ignore it.

I just called the mobile Best Buy here and they said I could come in pre-order an iPhone 7 tonight but it was already 8:30. Rats. If they’d answered the phone an hour earlier I would have been down there. Maybe I’ll be sick tomorrow and go get in line. Or not.

Have a great Friday.
Marcy, I gave up trying to find a link to the ship with either car on it. I just had to put it out of mind and wait for them to call and let me know it was at the VPC center. You'll get your car soon and then the pain of waiting will all be over!

I'm skipping the iPhone 7 this time around. We finally paid our iP 6 phones off and they're working just fine. For me, the upgrades aren't enough to make me want the 7. I've been hearing the phone next year will be a radical design change, so hopefully, I can hold off until then. In the meantime, we'll have a greatly reduced cell bill and that's a good thing.

Yay on soon getting 4 weeks vacation, though I'm like you and rarely use what's available to me. Still, it's quite an accomplishment to stay at one company that long, so kudo's to you!

It's Friday! YAYAYAYAYAY! I'm so ready for this crappola of a week to end. Yes I am!
Hi Kids,

Rod, you are more disciplined than me; I've been tracking that ship all day. It is officially heading in to the gulf tonight. The reason I am going for the new phone is because I can trade my phone in for about $230 and I'd have to pay $299 for the upgrade so I basically get my new phone for $70. For that price why would I not upgrade? I can't upgrade for 2 years but that is fine with me. Marty will pay full price for a phone but I"m too cheap. I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend. You deserve it.

My program on aurora went well tonight. We had about 15 people come for the program.

I'm starving. I had cereal and a mini muffin, a PB sandwich with a few cheetos, a few noodles and a piece of toast. No wonder I am starving but it's almost 9 so I hate to eat now.

Tomorrow I am heading to Best Buy Mobile as soon as I can. Someone from work is coming to pick up our 2 old patio sets - woo hoo getting rid of stuff we don't want.

Have a great weekend.
Hi Kids!

I am the excited owner of a gold iPhone 7. It is pretty nice. It is definitely quicker than the 6. I was at the Best Buy mobile for about an hour a lot of that time was waiting for my pictures to transfer. They even had a nice blue rubber case I liked so I don't have to buy another case. I got Apple Care for 2 years as well. Score!

Then I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. I got a roast to cook in the crock pot tomorrow. Marty is playing golf so it will just be ready when he gets home.

Have a great Sunday.
Happy Monday kids!

I am THRILLED to report that I'm back from Orlando!!! My dad and his wife were everything I warned the CB they would be... and then some.

Being home is GLORIOUS. We unpacked our suitcases, threw a load of laundry in, and went to dinner at a place that's not a chain. GLORIOUS.

Will catch up more tomorrow but just wanted to check in and let you know I was still alive!
Welcome back. I guess congrats for your description of your father and step mom being accurate to CB?? Was it warm enough for you?
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, well at least CB knows you weren’t exaggerating about your dad and his wife. Sounds like some alcohol is required to dull some of those memories. Did you hit Red Lobster? I know there are times I want to kiss the ground when I get home and I bet you kind of feel like that.

Rod, are you saying it’s still hot down there?

The height of my day was watching my ship getting closer to port then watching it pass by the webcam along the shipping canal. Marty was watching from home. I was in a meeting while it was rounding the corner and I kept kind of glancing at my iPad.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Marcy almost new car

I see it Marcy!!! (at least I see the ship, or at least I think I do!)

And yes, it's still HOT HOT HOT down here. Though today will only be about 90. Which is better than the 95 we had on Saturday.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, my father and his wife are Trump-votin' gun totin' Republicans with a capital R. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Republicans per se... but I believe all things in moderation. The CB and I were greeted at the door by my father's wife in a "Trump - make America great again" T-shirt and the sound of Fox news blaring in the background. Their new favorite thing is the Sunday afternoon shooting event at the gun club. These are also people who only pay cash for things because they don't want "anyone" (I've yet to get them to define who "anyone" is) to know where they are or what they're doing. And my dad is convinced there's "someone" (again, yet to be defined) listening to all his phone calls and reading his text messages. Oy.

Curby, I can definitely see your ship coming in! Reminds me of the day I got Billy Ray and drove him back to my apartment in Kansas City. I had put the address in the GPS and I glided into the parking garage the lovely likely voice purred to me, "You have arrived." Ha!

I was so happy to sleep in my own bed last night! This morning the walk to work was lovely (well except that part where I was going To Work!) with cooler weather and big puffy white clouds. Unlike the oppressive heat and humidity in Orlando. On Saturday we were at an outlet mall and the sky OPENED UP. I was afraid the CB and I were going to have to buy kayaks at the Dicks outlet to get out of there. And five minutes later it was blindingly sunny again. That climate confuses the he!! out of me!
DeeJay, are you absolutely certain he is your biological father? I'm not sure how you could have grown up under him? If I had gotten there to a Trump, Make America Great Again T-Shirt, I'd have walked away. Yes I would have! LOL I'm sure it surprises no one that I think he's the absolute worst, least qualified candidate to ever win the GOP Nomination for the highest office in the land. Not that I think Hillary is an Angel (she's not), but God help us if he wins over her. And with that I will not go further on politics.
LOL Rod, the last thing I said to the CB before we got out of the rental car at the resort was, "Don't forget, I was born into this, I didn't pick these people."

And my mother is just as crazy in her own way.
My father would have loved Trump and my brother definitely does. I don't fit my family either. You can choose your friends, but you're stuck with who brung 'ya to the party!
Hi Kids!

Rod, yes the carrier is the big ship beyond the battle ship. It headed back to Germany tonight so that means my car (theoretically) is on U.S. soil now. I hope my dealer gets notified when it passes through customs and gets on a truck to be delivered. 90 sounds very hot to me and I am sure you’ve got humidity. I tell you what I hated most about the beach was the big bugs. Yuck!

Dee Jay “I didn’t pick these people” is way too funny! All of our families have a share of those people. It sounds like you could easily get your dad and his wife more paranoid than they are now. Did you hear that? I think someone was reading my text. I am such a rotten person, aren’t i? That is cool Billy Ray told you that you have arrived. I will look forward to that. The new IOS for iPhones tells you where your car is park. That can come in handy.

I went to lunch with a friend today which was a nice break in my day.

Marty is going out of town probably on Saturday so now I have no idea what to do about a car since my car goes in the body shop on Monday. I might try driving the truck to work. The problem is even if I feel comfortable driving the truck around town no way no how will I want to drive it to DIA and park it. Marty won’t take the shuttle home. Brat! I think the best thing to do is rent myself a car for a few days. I really should have got these few things fixed this summer but who knew the car would get here early (probably) and Marty would be gone.

They moved my wheel repair to Friday so I should cry and whine at the Porsche dealer and ask for a free car from them. Ha! I am sure that would be no problem.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, what poor timing on your car repair! It certainly cant hurt to ask for a loaner!

Yesterday my two best work buds and I went to Cartier to pick up some gifts for the people hitting the 5 and 10 year mark at the firm (one guy is hitting 25, but his gift came from somewhere other than Cartier). We had two lovely glasses of champagne while everything was wrapped. Then the CB and I went to the boat house to get a measurement for the missing electrical panel cover (don't ask...) and we had dinner at a really nice little Italian restaurant right there at the end of the complex.

This morning I took a THIRTY DOLLAR Uber ride to the dentist (which is 2.1 miles from my house according to Google). It was utterly ridiculous. The driver went in one complete circle and attempted another before I finally got out in the pouring rain and walked the rest of the way. I actually sent an email to Uber saying I want a refund it was so bad. I've never done that before. If they don't give me one I will complain through American Express and they will indeed take that charge off my account. I've learned that if you spend enough with the Am Ex Platinum card they want to keep you very very happy!

The left side of my face is puffy and I have about half feeling back so far. Good thing I don't have any major lunch plans, ha ha!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am sure the dealer would gladly let me take home a 911 or something. :lol:

Shopping and drinking at Cartier sounds like a good time. Okay I won't ask but really a missing electrical panel cover? We have a safety check on our panel for a different address as well as a window still in our garage for a different house.

I hope you are doing better tonight; sounds like you either needed to go to the dentist or they did some serious work on you. Either way - ouch! I would complain to Uber as well. That is kind of crazy.

We went out to supper tonight and then I worked on laundry when we got home. Marty needed the few pairs of jeans that fit him washed. I had a brownie sandwich sundae for dessert at the restaurant. It was massive. Marty had a bite or two but said it was way too sweet for someone who hasn't been eating sugar. I ate some of it but I swear it would feed 4 or 5 people.

Sounds like I might only need to rent a car for 2 days. I am tempted to just take those days off and stay home.

We had a really loud strange noise about 20 minutes ago. The arm on the ice maker downstairs was frozen up and kept spitting out ice cubes. Marty found quite a mess in there. The ice was frozen in a big lump right there that started all of it. I guess we need to use that ice dispenser more frequently. It sounded awful like glass breaking.

Tomorrow is my Friday.

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I totally think you should take those two days off. Tell your boss I authorized it! As for the missing electrical panel cover... the previous owner said it's been gone for 25 years, since they bought the place, and their answer was to hang a paper nautical chart over it. A PAPER nautical chart over an ELECTRICAL PANEL with WIRES that aren't covered by anything. No, THAT wasn't a disaster waiting to happen. Yikes.

My dental work yesterday was the first half of a crown appointment. I had been putting it off for a while and I figured I better get it taken care of before I head off to Asia. The idea of dealing with tooth pain in the middle of that trips is not something that appealed to me at all!

Last night we had a happy hour for Big Brothers Big Sisters, which I volunteer for, to kick off our program for the school year. It was nice but went on too long.
Happy Friday kids!

I had my review at work yesterday and am happy to report I'm still employed! :cheeky: Actually, it went well and I'm really lucky in that I (generally) love my boss and everyone I work with. I did tell him about one thing he does that annoys the sh!t out of me and he really had no idea and said he wouldn't do it any more. Seriously -- how reasonable is that?! I'm sure there are things I do that annoy him too but he was too nice not to say so, ha ha!

Not much exciting to report at the moment... today's adventure will include trying to track down that missing electrical panel and cleaning up around here a bit before we head to the boat house tonight. I just put a set of new sheets in the washer that I bought for the air bed at the boathouse. When I unzipped the package they came in the smell was TERRIBLE (very chemical-y) so I really hope they smell a lot better coming out of the washer/dryer than they did going in or I'm taking them straight back to Costco!

OK, off to tackle the bathroom cleaning!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks for helping me get those 2 days off. I feel like it’s Christmas without the snow - but the wind showed up anyway. I am goofing off until Wednesday morning now. Sweet.

Well what’s wrong with hanging paper over exposed wires? Holy sparksaplenty. Bad ideas 101.

Good plan to get your tooth fixed before being out of the country. That would not be fun.

Very cool you volunteer for big sisters. Do you get a new girl every year?

Your boss sounds great and reasonable. I am delighted you received a wonderful review but I know it’s well deserved.

Did the smell come out of your sheets? I bought some reading glasses from Sams Club that came 4 in a pack and they absolutely reeked. My face even smelled like them after I took them off - I finally threw them away.

Have fun at the boathouse this weekend.

Rod, any fun weekend plans for you?

Hi Deegee is you are stopping by. I think of you and hope things are going better there with the flood clean up.

I spent my morning at the Audi / Porsche dealer. I turned in my papers for financing but since my sales associate never came in while I was there it didn’t get processed or finished.

The guy that fixed my wheels did a fabulous job. They look brand new. It took him about 3 hours and he did comment 2 of my wheels were really bad but he still charged me $75 each. After seeing my wheels I wished I’d tipped the guy. I added him to my contacts “in case” I have a curbing incident with my SUV.

I was starving so stopped 1/2 way home at a McDonalds which was full of screaming kids and flies but you know those were some of the best french fries I’ve had in a long time. Crispy outside, hot and well done inside. I didn’t eat many just enough to curb my hunger.

This long weekend chores include cleaning out my car, cleaning out and rearranging some stuff in our closet (mostly the shelves and baskets).

Marty leaves early Sunday morning and gets back late Tuesday.

Have a fabulous weekend.
DeeJay, congrats on a great review! Funny fact. Not one company I've ever worked for has done a performance review on me. Not one. I would imagine I would have gotten good reviews. But still, never had to sit through one.

Good idea finding the metal cover for the electrical panel. Can't imagine how anyone could have felt safe there without one.

Wow, gifts from Cartier? The company I worked for 16 years gave 5 year and 10 anniversary gifts, but you ordered something you didn't really want from a Catalog.

Marcy, I'm glad the wheel guy did a great job on your wheels. They can do truly amazing things. Glad you're taking a couple days off and now that you've turned in the paperwork for the financing, did they say when they think the Macan will show up in person?

No big plans for the weekend. My brother and SIL are coming over for dinner tomorrow. They've been in MD., for the last 2.5 months while they had my father's home, which they have taken over completely tiled. So they only saw our new place just a couple days after we moved in, when boxes were still piled to the ceiling and none of the backyard work had even started. They should be pretty surprised to see everything done.

Did you know bacon grease and wood floors aren't good friends. Maybe that's backwards. If you get bacon grease on wood floors, maybe they are such good friends, it's almost impossible to get the grease off. Last night we had bacon and eggs for dinner. We bake our bacon on a rack in a baking pan in the oven. Charlie took the bacon out and the pan was sitting on the counter. He forgot the pan was hot and picked it up and of course immediately dropped it because it was hot. Grease went on the really nice rug we have at the sink on the floor. The rug is now thrown out as I couldn't get the grease out and since we didn't realize the rug got grease on it to begin with, we wound up spreading grease all throughout the kitchen. It took me hours of mopping and being on my hands and knees with a damp rag and Pinesol to get the grease completely off the floor.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi Kids!

Rod, that is amazing you’ve never had a review. I never had one at the photoshop / photo lab I worked at for years but always got one each semester teaching. The place I work now gives annual reviews. My first review where I work now my boss pushed over his box of tissues and said “you’ll probably be wanting these.” That did kind of freak me out.

Sadly I don’t know anything yet about my car, it’s location or financing. My sales associate emailed me late yesterday and said he’d update me early this week. I have to admit I keep stewing “what was I thinking that I could afford a Porsche?” Not the payments just the upkeep and repairs. But Porsche honestly does have a great history of making reliable cars. I even quizzed the guys who set up repairs how much more the Porsche will cost me than the Audi. The Porsche labor charge is $15 more per hour; most parts are roughly the same; some things can be double. I toyed with buying an extended warranty but Porsche doesn’t offer one in the U.S. and the company our dealer uses has horrible reviews online. I am a worrier but I know it will be fine.

I bet your brother and SIL’s house looks great with new tile. Are the keeping it (since they moved down there) or putting it up for sale? They will love your new house, I’m sure.

How awful to get grease all over your floor. I am sure that was fun to clean up. I’ve spilled a few things on the wood floor but have done more damaged dropping things on it. Dings and dents here and there. Ugh.

Dee Jay, how was your weekend at the boathouse?

Marty got up about 5:45 and left for DIA about 6. He is one his way to D.C. As luck would have it my internet was down when I got back from the store. I was delighted but it came back on it’s own. Lucky for me.

I went to the store and am going to the mall this afternoon. I turn in my car in the morning to get the scratch on my hood fixed.

We went to lunch yesterday then stopped at Sams Club. I found a 14K tri color X link bracelet there for $249. I couldn’t pass it up. I think I am going to return the link bracelet I bought at Kays on vacation. The 2 don’t look good together and I like the new bracelet better. I’ll pretend to look for something to exchange it for but I plan on just returning it. I have a few pieces of theirs that needs cleaned and checked anyway. While I am at the mall I am going to have a burger, turn in my big fat band to get sized then pick up some ice cream on the way home. After tomorrow morning I am house bound for 2 days so need to get my running around done today.

Have a great day.
Marcy, my brother and SIL simply loved the house. I didn't think they were going to go home. We were going to get in the spa, just as we heard a clap of thunder and saw lightning. Needless to say, the spa was out. But Charlie and I did get in after they left and it was nice and relaxing. Dinner was just great. I bought jumbo (I mean JUMBO) shrimp as an appetizer and Charlie made homemade Guacamole for my SIL as she's allergic to shrimp. I bought huge Porterhouse steaks for me and my brother and salmon for Charlie and SIL. I grilled them perfectly and they were simply terrific. Salad, fresh sour dough rolls and potatoes sliced, coated in olive oil with salt and pepper, baked till crisp rounded out the meal. We had gourmet cupcakes with ice-cream for desert. To answer your question, they are keeping the house. My brother is buying my half of the house. They've so far put about $60,000 into renovating the place, which was really needed.

I got up to go be first inline for crabs and then back when the crabs arrived and I'm having JUMBO (they're really large today) MD Steamed crabs for dinner. We're heading out soon as I need a new pair of flip flops for the spa area and we'll have the spa water tested for whatever new chemical they haven't yet sold us.

Marcy, enjoy your two days housebound. I wouldn't mind being housebound for a couple days. Let us know what your sales guy finds out about your Macan. We did buy pre-paid service and extended warranties on both Mercedes for 6 years. They shouldn't cost us a dime. If your dealer sells the wheel and tire insurance, you are just about the best candidate I could think of for that protection. I've already had to use the tire warranty when I got a nail in one of my new tires. Just drove to the dealership and it didn't cost a dime for a new tire and the tires are nearly $400 a piece. If I scrape a wheel (knocks wood that I haven't......yet) that's covered as well. They either fix or replace the wheel if they can't fix it and again, at no cost to me.

Enjoy your Sunday!
Rod, your dinner sounds wonderful. I am glad you had a nice time with your brother and SIL. So they will have 2 plays; that is nice. Cool! I hope they enjoy renovating the house. My parents house was built in the late 50's so had oak floors hidden of course under well worn and dated carpet. The guy that bought it was going to tear all the carpet up and do the hardwood floors. I doubt it needed completely refinished maybe touched up here and there because it was always under carpet. He built a big book case on one wall and was going to redo the kitchen and basement. I'd love to see what he did sometime.

Yay for jumbo crabs and new flip flops. I did chuckle at having the spa water tested for whatever chemical they haven't sold you yet. Too funny.

Thanks for your info about warranties. I am really on the fence about the extended warranty. I wish Porsche offered one then I wouldn't hesitate. Good point I'd do well to get a wheel and tire plan but they don't offer anything for tires. I've replace the Audi wheels and tires more than I'd care to admit. The wheels are about $1350 and the tires were about $420 each. Being in a construction area I've replaced quite a few that kept getting nails, then there were curbing incidents and if I slide once on ice I am off buying Michelin tires. I was not able to pick which all season tires that came with my car - looks like 3 choices - Perilli, Michelin or Continental.

I am definitely going to be bored staying home but I have been working on projects now and then. I can sleep in a bit.

I forgot - I did go to the mall and ended up returning the link bracelet I bought on vacation. The new bracelet I bought yesterday looks goofy with it and I would always pick the new bracelet over the link bracelet so may as well get the money back. I also got this year's teddy bear.


Happy Monday kids!

Rod, just for you I dug up a review that I actually turned in at one of the places I worked. My manger signed it and turned it in the first year I worked there (I never even bothered to do a review form after that and my manager just sighed as said OK when I said I wasn't going to.). We never head a peep out of HR, which tells me that either (a) they don't look at these things at all, or (b) the figured I was a lost cause. Probably a combination of the two. My review:

Accomplishments and Contributions:
- I came.
- I saw.
- I conquered.

Opportunities for Improvement:
- I could swear less... but sometimes those words are the most effective conveyance of the message.
- I could clean up the mess on my desk... but then I would never be able to find anything.
- I could east less... but then people wouldn't think I didn't care about their birthday/retirement/baby being born/dog learning a new trick.

Overall Performance:
I get up every morning and come to work, bathed and in clean clothes, as close to nine o'clock as I can manage. I am also kind to my coworkers and am always willing to give a dollar to anyone who needs to be a pop out of the machine.

Focus for the coming year:
I will try not to hit or bite anyone next year. (This relates back to a greeting card that Christabell gave me... do you thin she was trying to tell me something?)

THAT was my review! Chritabell was my nickname for one of my assistants. She adored me but said I could be as mean as a wet cat when I got mad. Christabell understood me. :cheeky:

Curby, I like your new bracelet a lot! And good idea to give up something you don't like as much. I wish I could learn that... but instead I have a whole closet full of things that I don't love because I found something I love MORE.

This weekend the CB and I were at the boathouse. We had to have an electrician come in and do an emergency full electrical panel replacement on Saturday evening. I can't even begin to tell you how that all unfolded... just trust me, it was the right decision! And we met our neighbors on either side of us. They are all super nice people so I am just thrilled about that! I have to admit I was ready to come back to the main house yesterday though... all that "leisure" just wore me the he!! out!

I also stumbled across a dining room table that I bought from a cute little antique store. It's from the 1940s and had a cull curved edge to it, and has three leaves so it can go from 5' to 8'. It's a tiny bit beat up, but after 75 years I'm not surprised. Plus that way when the first thing happens that *I* do to it I won't be as upset, ha ha. Now I just need to find some chairs...