
Healthy Living Thread

Marcy, I am very anal about putting the stopper down in the sink before I put any jewelry on becuase I've done the same thing you did!

Zoe, I wanted to take a nap yesterday afternoon but I was glad later that I just got straight to my homework becuase it took longer than I thought it would.

So I've done such a good job of only allowing low cal stuff in the house that even though I feel like I eat and eat and eat I am not taking a ton of cals in. Like yesterday I had
50 coffee
290 lean cuisine
110 mini kind bar
100 banana
100 popcorn
100 chips
125 bbq chicken
60 pudding
935 TOTAL ?!?!?!

I don't want to be that low so today I pre-added up everything I plan on eating and I am going to go to CVS and get a 400 cal Red Barron pizza for lunch or else I'll only be at 840 if I eat the LC I brought. I'm down from 138 lbs on Nov 1 to 130.2 this morning (and that's pretty much where I've been holding), but I don't want my body to go into hoarding mode, especially now that I don't have a lot of time to work out.

And I bought some new pants at Kohl's on Saturday but I think I should have gotten them one size smaller because they fit perfectly this morning but they have "grown a little" already today. Maybe I will go back and get the smaller size. Of course I'm stuck with these now, but at least they were only $30 so I'm not out much money.
Marcy, I am very anal about putting the stopper down in the sink before I put any jewelry on becuase I've done the same thing you did!

Zoe, I wanted to take a nap yesterday afternoon but I was glad later that I just got straight to my homework becuase it took longer than I thought it would.

So I've done such a good job of only allowing low cal stuff in the house that even though I feel like I eat and eat and eat I am not taking a ton of cals in. Like yesterday I had
50 coffee
290 lean cuisine
110 mini kind bar
100 banana
100 popcorn
100 chips
125 bbq chicken
60 pudding
935 TOTAL ?!?!?!

I don't want to be that low so today I pre-added up everything I plan on eating and I am going to go to CVS and get a 400 cal Red Barron pizza for lunch or else I'll only be at 840 if I eat the LC I brought. I'm down from 138 lbs on Nov 1 to 130.2 this morning (and that's pretty much where I've been holding), but I don't want my body to go into hoarding mode, especially now that I don't have a lot of time to work out.

And I bought some new pants at Kohl's on Saturday but I think I should have gotten them one size smaller because they fit perfectly this morning but they have "grown a little" already today. Maybe I will go back and get the smaller size. Of course I'm stuck with these now, but at least they were only $30 so I'm not out much money.
HI folks:

Did a spin class today for the first time. Great workout! It seemed almost shameful sweating SO much....I plan on adding ti to my repitoire for variety. It isn't something I would or could do all the time (my shoulder hurts from the pressing on the handles, etc) but I think I held my own against those 20 year olds! Very little huffing and puffing on my part..... :bigsmile:

Big snow and cold headed our way. Yet I think we've had ENOUGH!

keep well ya'll

Sharon, woohoo for spin! I enjoyed reading what you wrote to Zoe about working out. I had no idea that there was resistance water walking like that, sounds cool!

Marcy, cute pic!!! My boys LOVE stuffed animals!!!

DJ, woot for being so tiny!!! REG's the one w/heavy Corp Taxes and law, right? You will do great, how is class?

Deegee, hi lady!

Well I took the boys for a walk yesterday and we went to the park. Today it was raining off and on. We also had kind of a stressful day; I found out the boys are allergic to Tahini on Saturday, they got benadryl and spoke with their Allergist and they got some cortisone (forgot the rx name) since they still were showing some symptoms (redness, small hives). They seem to be doing better but in 2 weeks we are going to test them to see what else they are allergic to in addition to Peanuts and maybe Tahini? I am wondering if the put pb in the hummus which gave them an allergic reaction?

I got bleach on my shirt while making chicken (used it to clean up), oh well, time to buy some more clothes! I am really working to eat healthy; I am trying to get the boys to do the same but they love animal crackers! They do eat carrots and fruit though which is good. Sorry I haven't kept up; my little guys keep me busy so hope it is okay that I pop in! I do miss you ladies and think of you!!! :wavey: :wavey:
Hi everyone!

Zoe, sounds like you needed a nice long nap. That is why I don’t take naps or sleep in - I can’t sleep that night. I hope you get caught up on sleep tonight. It is nice to not worry about cleaning my house. That is funny you run around and straighten the house before your cleaning person comes. I did the same thing.

Dee Jay, I always used the kitchen sink at my old house for the jewel jet and it had a little mesh trap in it so I never worried about it. I will definitely pay more attention. Congratulations on weighing so much less than you did on November 1. How exciting. :appl: I hate when the clothes you buy kind of stretch. I quit buying sweaters from one store because then ended up getting shorter and wider every time I washed them.

Sharon, that is great the spin class was a good workout and you enjoyed it. I hope your shoulder doesn’t get too sore. Stay safe and warm from the storm.

Skippy, I have always liked stuffed animals but I’ve had fun teasing Marty with my bears. Sorry to hear the boys had an allergic reaction. Hopefully the allergist can figure out what to keep away from them. You have problems with allergies if I remember rightly? I hate when I ruin clothes with bleach. I bought some real cute PJ’s one time and left them on to clean the bathrooms before throwing them in the wash and got bleach all over them. I think I only wore them a few days before that happened. Good excuse for you to get new clothes though. Pop in anytime. I always enjoy hearing from you.

Snow and cold are moving back in here today as well. We are not expecting a lot of snow just cold for a few days. The car was all iced up when I got off work but i cranked on the defrosters, scraped the windows and was able to leave work right away.

I had cheerios for BF, leftover london broil and 1/2 of a potato for lunch and ravis, veggies and a piece of garlic bread for supper. Snack was a cinnamon graham cracker which got crumbs all over my desk. I might put the rest of them out by the coffee pot.

I figured out a way to get in more walking and drink more water at work. I take in bottles of water that I refill at home with a water filter. I don’t like to drink room temperature water so I take in about 6 bottles that are only about 1/2 full, put them in the frig at the other end of the other building and walk over and get them when I finish a bottle.

Take care! :wavey:
I hate it when shirts get shorter and wider too. I swear it's not me! :bigsmile: I wash everything in cold water, put the machine on the gentle cycle, and use a drying rack for all my clothes. There's nothing else I can do, right? It's annoying.

Marcy, good plan for drinking more water.

Sharon, I'm glad you like your new spin class.

Dee*Jay, have you tried shrinking the new pants in warm water and using the dryer?

Hi Skippy! Poor boys, I hope they're doing well now. It's amazing how many kids are allergic to peanuts these days. It's a tough thing to deal with, especially if it's a severe allergy.

I'm watching the local news because we had snow yesterday and apparently many roads are icy this morning. There are a ton of schools that have a delay but mine isn't one of them. I should get ready to head to work. It might be slow-going. I'm staying at my parents' house tonight because we have a winter concert at school this evening. It should be fun.

Have a good day, everyone!
Sharon, your spin class sounds great! And you go girl—show those twenty somethings what us… um… 20+ somethings can do! As for cold and snow… ACK! We are having a terrible rain storm here right now and the woman in the office beside me said she felt like she was driving through a tornado this morning.

Skippy, yes, Reg, and it’s the tax and law one. When we got to the law part I was like, oh this should be easy, I took contracts and all this common law/UCC stuff in law school. Wow, it’s amazing what falls right out of your brain in 25 years! Are the other parts any easier? (Please say yes, even if it’s not true!)

Marcy, that’s a clever plan with the water and walking! And I always had to straighten out the house before the cleaning lady got there. If *I* didn’t put stuff away *she* would… and then it was potentially lost forever... I once lost a pair of tennis shoes and we found them in the back of Bill's closet a year later when we moved.

Zoe, I haven’t washed the pants yet, but I’m going to try it tonight. Unfortunately they are synthetic (oh the miracles of polyester!) and even if they come out of the dryer a little smaller I’m afraid they will be just as big by noon. Worst case I'll just zip by Kohl's on my way home from class tomorrow night and see if they have the smaller size.

So the scale had given me a reading below 130 (128.4!) for the first time in YEARS. I doubted it so much I got off and back on 3 times! The sad part is I think I’m “bigger” than the last time I weighed this amount because it’s not all muscle now like it was last time. Oh well, I’ll take what I can get at this point!

ETA: I was in the BMI thread in Hangout. Truly I do not understand that number. At 5 feet tall and 130ish lbs I am a size four petite. When I was at 120 last time I was a 0/2. At at that weight my best friend told me my head was too big for my body. I can't remember who said they were about my height and 98 lbs, but I don't think I could even GET to that number! Or if i did, I don't think it would be attractive (on me). That's the problem with these numbers--there are not "one size fits all."
Skippy|1359425180|3365998 said:
Sharon, woohoo for spin! I enjoyed reading what you wrote to Zoe about working out. I had no idea that there was resistance water walking like that, sounds cool!

I got bleach on my shirt while making chicken (used it to clean up), oh well, time to buy some more clothes! I am really working to eat healthy; I am trying to get the boys to do the same but they love animal crackers! They do eat carrots and fruit though which is good. Sorry I haven't kept up; my little guys keep me busy so hope it is okay that I pop in! I do miss you ladies and think of you!!! :wavey: :wavey:

HI mIss Skippy:

Yes, imagine trying to swim against a current in the Ocean--or River--if you been in a big body of water and the tide goes pulls you back...KWIM? The river I run in has a strong current, and it tries to push me back but I walk against it and it is a good workout. Or next time you are in the regualr pool with your kiddies, go into waist deep water ( or pectoral deep) and try running. You'll see what I mean! :wavey:

Animal crackers are a staple. I love them still!

Off to brave the weather.

Hi everyone. :wavey:

Zoe, LOL at “it’s not me” when the shirts get shorter and wider. It is annoying. I hope you made it to work okay and enjoy the winter concert tonight and visiting with your parents.

Dee Jay, did you hear they have tornado watches out tonight? It is so early in the season for that. I noticed that with the cleaning lady. She even washed the few dishes I had in the sink. I will be more aware of what’s out the next time I leave. Congratulations for being in the 120’s. How exciting for you!

Sharon, animal crackers are a favorite snack of mine too. A few things like that can be a treat without going crazy on calories.

Hi Deegee and Skippy!

We didn’t have much snow overnight but it started coming down at pretty heavy about 3:30. It was very icy and slick coming home. I picked up sandwiches on the way home and then Marty went to a concert with some friends.

I liked going for quick walks to get water today and I drank more water since it was always cold. Sweet.

Sharon, I love animal crackers too, but only the "real" brand that comes in the red boxes with the pictures of animals in cages. I've tried other kinds, but since those are the ones I grew up with they are the only ones that taste *right* to me.

March, the weather in this place is just CRAZY. It was 76 and sunny on Monday, rained like Noah should be building an ark yesterday, and today it's snowing like somebody shook up a giant snow globe. Back into the fifties this weekend...?!?

Last night I sat down to take notes from Chapter 6 and 7 for my class tonight... and then--after finishing 6-- I realized our test tonight is on Chapters 4 and 5. Argh. I didn't get done with all the homework and everything until after midnight.

Scale is performing an act of kindness at 128.2. If I get back to 125 I will be thrilled. If I get to 120 I will be BEYOND thrilled (but I'm not counting on that!). I really can't wait until I get some time to go back to the gym. It provides me with a bit of sanity I don't otherwise have!

I've made arrangements to go back and meet with the private equity people next Wednesday BTW! And tomorrow and Thursday I'll be in Indy for work, so I might be a little MIA.
Hi all!

Okay, so what does it mean when you feel achy all over, tired, weepy, and feverish, but you don't actually have a fever? That's how I feel right now, and I don't know what to do about it. I felt this way last night but by morning, I was fine. Well, except that my stomach's been a wreck today. I don't feel bad enough to call in sick tomorrow, but I just feel blaaahhhh and icky.

All right, that's out of the way, how are you girls doing?

I went to our winter concert last night and it was fun. The kids were so cute and everyone had a great time. We ended up with a delayed start to our day today because of ice on the roads. Then the temp rose to a balmy 47. Weird. Progress reports go home this week so I've been busy typing those up. I have plans to go to a local art museum on Saturday to see a friend and her daughter. We'll walk around and then have lunch in the cafe at the museum.

Sorry for the me-centric post but I think I need to go to bed. Later gators.
Dee Jay, I agree - only the original animal crackers will do. Your weather sounds like typical Wyoming weather. We often get 4 seasons in one day around here. Rats that you studied the wrong chapters but I am sure you did fine on the test.

Zoe, it sounds like you need a hug and a good night’s sleep. I hate to hear you feel that way; I hope you feel better tomorrow. Glad the concert went well. We used to drive out to my nieces programs all the time. They were in a rural grade school where each class had about 4 to 10 students. They were always fun. Your trip to the museum will be really nice. Enjoy!

It was still bitter cold this morning but not much new snow. The wind was obnoxious and persistent today. I met a friend for lunch today.

We stopped by my parents house tonight and got everything lined up for TV shopping tomorrow. My dad wants a new flat screen TV. He feel in love with our TV and decided to get a bigger one for them. When he broke his hip my sister and I were going to buy him a new TV but our mom pretty much said no way so we backed off the idea We’ll go shopping with them tomorrow, Marty will help them pick out the TV then Marty will set it all up for them. They will love it once it is all in place.

Tonight we met 2 other couples for dinner. It was 1/2 price wine night so we each bought a bottle and tried each other’s wine. It was fun. I ate too much though since we didn’t eat until after 7:30.

I took tomorrow off. My new laptop is getting delivered. Woo hoo.

Marty is heading to Brazil again and maybe Ethiopia. It’ll be me and my teddies. All 6 of them. Maybe I need to go to Kay’s again and ask for more.

Laters, :wavey:
Sorry for the woe is me post last night. I feel much better this morning. Hopefully it will last. The weather here is wacky. It was in the teens and twenties last week, and yesterday we had enough ice to delay opening schools around the state. Right now it's 61 degrees and it's raining.

Marcy, what does Marty do? Does he like traveling for work? Have a fun day off today!

Dee*Jay, good luck next week and have fun in Indy!
Hi everyone. :wavey:

Zoe, Marty is a system architect. He generally likes to travel. He likes to see things and try new cuisines. He hates the long plane flights though. I think this trip to Brazil isn't pegging his thrill-o-meter though. Both because it is so difficult to get around where he needs to go and he is enjoying building his wet bar. Glad you are feeling better today. I am sure you are enjoying the nicer weather. We warmed up to about 40 today.

Hi Deegee, Dee Jay, Sharon and Skippy.

I slept in by an entire hour. I got up, paid bills, wrote some checks, filled out the paperwork to auto withdraw our house payment and worked on taxes. We get a refund. I see a new ring in my future. Maybe. I have been wanting a different ruby ring but OMG rubies are sky high right now so I might have a ring made out of a diamond and ruby earrings I have. I have a 1/2 ct solitaire diamond pendant I rarely wear and a pair of 4mm ruby studs. They are all very nice stones so I was thinking a 3 stone ring. Total carat weight would be over a carat so I think that is enough finger coverage for me. I generally don't like the larger pieces of jewelry on me. Decisions. Decisions.

I had toast for BF, rice, veggies and London broil for lunch and we are going to supper with my parents then taking them TV shopping.

My laptop arrived. Marty is copying over my current laptop. The Killer Rabbit was left in charge of it.

Take care.
He gets all the fun.


Zoe--glad your yuckiness didn't last. Yucky is NO good......

Marcy--you guys remind me of my boys--gadget folk! Better stop that bunny...they multiply quickly! :bigsmile:

Did restorative yoga today--and wanted to go straight to Spin Class but my DH (and I use the term "Dear" sparingly at this juncture) wanted me to come straight home to receive his UPS delivery....yes Marcy, wait for it....a NEW gadget. Like the good wife I am, I came straight home...and no delivery....was bored.... :|

DH comes home and an hour later, the delivery! OKOK things happen for a reason--and I am gonna say my shoulder has been SO sore lately that missing the spin class is a blessing (lots of forward movvement on the bike). I volunteer tomorrow, so spin class is out--and I am busy this weekend....GOOD news is, there is always another class....

Gosh I just ranted. :oops:

Howdy to the rest of the gangarooni! And lurkers! Join in! :bigsmile:

Sharon, it's Marty's fault I am such a geek. He gets new cool toys then I want them too. Sorry you had to go home and wait for a package that didn't show till your DH came home. That is frustrating. I hope your shoulder feels better soon. LOL that bunnies multiply. Around here the bears seem to be taking over. :bigsmile:

We had supper with my parents then went and helped them pick out a new TV. They are excited to see the difference in HD channels.

I am using my new toy. I like it so far.

Laters :wavey:
Marcy, it sounds like you had a nice day at home the other day. I'm taking a personal day on Monday and it will be nice to get some things done that I need to catch up on.

Sharon, I hate it when you're sitting at home for something to be delivered and it doesn't happen. Complete waste of time if there are things outside of the house you could be doing.

I've been bad this week, regarding exercising. I've had so much going on that I haven't made time for it. And to top it off, my husband's picking up Chinese food on his way home and I'm not getting steamed chicken and vegetables like I should. Oh well. I've been really good for a month, so I can indulge a little this once, right? I still haven't had any pasta, white rice, potatoes, or bread, or any sweets. I still crave them a LOT though. I won't let myself indulge in those even a little because then I'll really fall off the wagon. I doubt my weight's changed since last week and it's a slow going process.

Have a good night everyone!
Hi everyone. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.

Zoe, have a nice time on you day off on Monday. It is always okay to eat something occasionally. I think that is less likely to make you really overdo on either it or something else to compensate for it. Slow and steady wins the race and it is not always about what the scale says. You are doing great. :wavey:

We stayed up until about 12:30 last night. I was going to have Marty put Parallels on my laptop so I could run Publisher but then we realized I need to purchase Windows too. I don't know if I will or not. I like Pages okay it is just I have a ton of documents in Publisher that I can use for the astronomy club.

Marty is still sleeping so I propped up 2 of the teddy bears and the rabbit so they are watching him sleep. I am such a tease.

Today Marty will be working on his wet bar and I need to do laundry since he leaves for Brazil on Sunday.

Other than that I think I will run to the mall to return an iPad case and pick up something to protect my table from water and scratches. In our old house we always ate in the living at our coffee table (the top pulls up towards you) so we rarely used our table. Should i go get more teddies while I am at the mall?

Take care. :wavey:
Hi Marcy!

One can never have too many teddy bears. Well, unless it becomes hard to find space for other things, and then it's time to stop! :cheeky: I went to lunch with my friend and her daughter at a local museum earlier. They have a cafe where we ate after looking around for a bit, and it was a fun time. I'm glad my friend's daughter came, partly because it meant we didn't spend a lot of time looking at all the exhibits. I don't have the patience for that. I tend to whip through museums pretty quickly.

I was hoping to go to the gym with my husband today but he's still sleeping. He's on call for work one week each month or so, and if he can't trouble shoot over the phone, he has to drive in. It's kind of a pain because we live about 45 minutes to an hour away from his office. He went in this morning around 5 and got home a few hours later. It looks like I'll be on my own today.

I found a good crock pot chili recipe so I think I'll make that for dinner tomorrow. We're having salmon and brown rice for dinner tonight.

Hi Sharon, Skippy, Deegee, and Dee*Jay! I hope you're having a great weekend so far.
Happy weekend kids!

Zoe, I’m with you on the museum thing! If there’s something that’s really interesting to me I’ll take as long as I want and look at it, but I’m going fascinated by every damn thing like some people are. I think I made it through the whole Louvre in a couple of hours, and trust me, I saw as much as I needed to see! I did try shrinking those pants BTW, but no dice. I ran by Kohl’s today on my way home and picked them up in a smaller size. Oh well, it’s hard to be mad when your pants are TOO BIG!

Marcy, my mom and her last husband used to eat dinner at the coffee table too, but I can never get comfortable that way. Do you sit on the couch or the floor? How are your parents liking the new TV? And I keep forgetting to ask how you mother is coming along after her surgery. (I see that I called you MarcH in my last post—sorry!)
Sharon, I just HATE waiting around for deliveries. Actually waiting for ANYHING is not exactly my strong suit—HA! Sorry to hear your shoulder is hurting. Are you all through with your house projects BTW or do you have any more reno to do?

My connecting flight in Cleveland yesterday was delayed by over two hours so I didn’t get home until about midnight last night, and then I had my CPA review class today from 8 to 5. Boy was I exhausted when I finally got home (after stopping at Kohl’s and Walmart too)!

I was around 1200 cals today, maybe a little over. Had I been thinking I would have taken a lower cal Lean Cuisine with me for lunch today because I was in the mood for pizza for dinner and my favorite one is a little higher on the cal side. That’s OK, I’ll be good tomorrow. And I let myself eat a little badly while I was in Indy because I firmly believe that if I am too good every day my body gets used to it so I shake it up a bit.

Tomorrow we are having a study group for my personal income tax class and I have yet to do the reading… signing off now so I can go to the land of Employee and Self-Employee Related Expenses. How exciting is my Saturday night—NOT!

Zoe, I agree you can never have too many teddy bears. :bigsmile: I still have not found Re-Pete. Marty says he ran away because I was hiding him in the closet. I have quite a few empty shelfs and cupboards so I can get a more teddy bears. I go through museums at a quick pace. I like to look but I don’t waste anytime either. Sorry your husband had to go in to work. Marty does not miss being on call 24 hours a day. It makes for lots of sleepless nights and ruined plans. Your chili sounds good for tomorrow.

Dee Jay, definitely pants that are too big are a good thing. Naturally the only clothes that shrink are the ones you really like and fit just perfect. We used to set on the couch we ate our our meals with on the coffee table. You pull the top up and towards you so it works really well. One of our end tables spins up and over too but I am too short to use it. My mom is doing about the same. Her orthopedic surgeon just wants her to wear a brace on the other knee and will not be operating on it. He originally said he wanted to do both of them so I wonder if he is backing off on that idea after seeing how weak she it. No worries about March. I get called Mary, Nancy and other assorted named. I think it is a great idea to shake up things a bit and not let your body get used to just one thing.

Marty worked on his wet bar until about 11. He stained the doors and drawers tonight after sanding most of the day. I went down to check out his progress. The basement is a disaster but I know you can’t be clean and do things like that. Based on his number of trips to Lowe’s I am starting to think having them add these cupboards with the house would have been easier and about the same price. Of course he does enjoy doing things like that.

I went to the mall to do 2 things and was there for 2 hours. I went to our Mobile Best Buy to return an iPad case and the girl waiting on me couldn’t figure out how to give me a refund or exchange. I wanted a different smart cover and she couldn’t get it shipped to me or the store. Finally after about 45 minutes she asked another guy working to help her and he figured it out immediately. After all that I just took my refund and will worder my smart cover elsewhere. Then I went to Joanne’s Fabrics to get a piece of vinyl to put under the tablecloth. They had all the 54” vinyl on rolls on the back wall. I was looking at one of them and the velcro falls off and the vinyl starts to unroll all over the floor. I finally took the whole thing down off the wall. I pick out the tablecloth cover I want and then get my “Number” to wait in line to have it cut. Finally I get up there and the first piece she rolls off is about 8 inches more than I need. I agree to take it but then notice a big spot on it so asked for another piece. Then she cuts me a piece which she cut 3” too short. Finally she cuts me the correct size then I wait in line to get to the cash register. I think that would have been a better excursion on a week night.

I picked up Subway sandwiches for lunch while I was out. For supper we have leftover lasagna and asparagus.

Well, I must get to bed. I am yawning. :snore:

Happy Super Bowl Sunday! :wavey:

I made homemade biscuits for BF and tacos for lunch. Marty took off for the airport about 12:30. I went to a local jewelers SB sale (50 to 70 off) but didn't buy anything. They were sure busy. I stopped by to see my parents for awhile then came home to watch the SB. I actually had offers for 2 different parties but decided to just stay home.

Marty is on his way to Brazil again. His layover is only about 50 minutes since his first flight was over an hour late but he should make his connecting flight okay. I think he only took carry on luggage - it looked small to me anyway. He flew economy on US Airways. He said the legroom was horrible. I hope he gets a better set on his flight to Brazil.

My dad has been asking me for sour cream sugar cookies. I made some for him but did drop cookies instead of rolling them out. I just don't want all that flour mess in the kitchen. They still taste the same. I ate 2 small ones to make sure they were okay to give someone else. :bigsmile:

I hope everyone has been having a fun, safe and healthy weekend.

Happy Monday kids!

Marcy, I just HATE it when I got to a store and the person helping me has no idea how to do the transaction. I never say anything becuase I figure we all had to learn to do something for the first time, but 45 minutes is way over the top!

I went to my study group yesterday and then did a lot more homework when I got home. I will have to study for my Wednesday night test on the plane tomorrow night and again on the way back on Wednesday. Ah the joys of nonstop homework...

Was pretty good on the food front this weekend and I should be able to start working out in a week or so when my Saturday CPA review comes to an end (for this segment, anyway, then I have three more).

OK, off to dig out from being gone at the end of last week.


Nice decent warm day--bright and sunny! Road my stationary bike at home for the length of a movie--used the ball also. Nice run outside. I could get lulled inot "this is Spring" but I am too smart for that... :bigsmile:

Cleaning out my closet nonetheless--a GF's daughter is starting her first big girl job after graduation and I am offering some label clothing/shoes I no longer wear. If she doesn't want the stuff, I am going to donate it to an organization in town that dresses women "starting out"--who need professional clothing but have none.

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. :wavey:

Dee Jay, I am usually patient with someone waiting on me but this girl was getting edgy and also not asking for help once it became clear what she was doing wasn’t working. I am sure you’ll ace your test. Yay for doing lots of studying.

Sharon, riding your bike is a nice way to enjoy a movie and get a workout at the same time. That is great your weather is nice and springlike. We are expecting temps in the 50’s this week. :appl: That is terrific to give your GF’s daughter some nice work clothes. I am sure she’ll appreciate them.

Marty got to Brazil about 6 am our time today. He tried to stay up all day but ended up taking a nap. It is raining there today but he walked 2 blocks to a restaurant he likes. I told him I am the only one who melts in the rain. :bigsmile:

Work was fun except for the meetings.

I had an easy mac for lunch today and leftover tacos for supper. Easy cooking and very few dishes.

Take care.
Sharon, I'm with you on not being tricked into thinking it's spring yet! And it's so nice of you to give your GF's daughter some good things to being her career journey. I'm sure you have impeccable taste--if I were as tiny as you I'd be knocking on your door for the chance to go through your cast offs!

Marcy, you mentioned before that Marty might be going to Ethiopia from Brazil—is he still doing that? And coach on a flight like that even for me (all five feet of me!) is terrible so I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone tall.

Went to my personal income tax class last night. Man, it’s just going from bad to worse… I don’t know what to do at this point except to hope for at least a C. So depressing. I was tempted to get some sort of candy out of the vending machine at the break, but in situations like that I just remind myself that my thighs don't know my head is unhappy, so peanut M&Ms won't do me any good in the long run.

Tonight I head to Chicago. I’m not sure what I want the outcome of this to be… I can see the end of the tunnel with this CPA thing, but then again if this is a good chance to move back… ?!? I’ll keep everyone posted!
Happy Tuesday!

I hope everyone's having a good week so far. I've been too busy to post but I think I can catch up.

Marcy, I hope Marty has a good trip in Brazil. Sour cream sugar cookies sound yummy!

Dee*Jay, I can't imagine working full time and taking classes. Kudos to you! Actually, I did take a class that began in the summer and met once each month through November, but it was on Saturdays once school started. It was still hard to work and then have school work to do after a long day. You can see the end in sight though, so that's good. I LOVE what you said about your thighs not knowing your head is unhappy...that's great! I'm going to have to remember that one.

Sharon, that's a great idea to donate your clothing to an organization if your daughter's friend doesn't want it.

Done, all caught up! :bigsmile:

My cravings are driving me up the wall. A little boy came up to me today at work and gave me a cupcake for his birthday. That actually happens all the time when it's someone's birthday. They hand out treats for everyone in their class and then go around to the office staff and other teachers. It's sweet. I couldn't give in though so as soon as the boy left, I threw the cupcake away. I felt kind of bad but I would have devoured the whole thing in one bite if I let myself have it.

I went to the gym over the weekend, yesterday, and today. I can't go tomorrow or Thursday though. I've been eating well but I'm thinking of using our database to track exactly how many carbs and calories I'm eating. I met with the dietician (nutritionist? what's the difference anyway?) yesterday on my day off. She said to stick with 45 g of carbs at each meal and 15 g for snacks. She also said for weight loss, considering I'm now exercising regularly, I can go up to 1500 calories. That just seems so high to me (although before I began on this makeover), I'd easily surpass that and not freak out. Well, I'm sure I'd freak out if I knew exactly how many calories I was eating, making 1500 seem small. Does that make any sense? It makes sense in my head but not sure it translates well here. :bigsmile:
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Dee Jay, the Ethiopia trip may still be on but we don’t know when. I see where Marty upgraded seats on the return flights from Brazil but seatguru isn’t singing the ones he picked any praises. Rats that your class is so difficult. That is great thinking though that your thighs don’t know your head is unhappy. Good luck in Chicago!

Zoe, that shows tremendous strength and motivation to throw away the cupcake. A trick I’ve used is just imagine a dirty kitchen and since I am kind of a germ-o-phob that kind of keeps me from eating homemade treats. 1500 calories sounds reasonable with you being active and working out. Slow and steady wins the race.

Sharon, did you have more springlike weather today?

Deegee, are you guys looking at houses yet?

Skippy, how are the twins? Are you taking them for some nice long walks?

I didn’t have a fun day dealing with the downside of being a manager. :(( I had wine for supper then made 2 tacos. I spilled my wine on my phone, countertop and floor too. Rats. I used an electronic wipe on my phone, washed the phone case, scrubbed the countertop and floor. Maybe that burned off some of my wine calories.

Marty and I talked on FaceTime tonight. He’ll be back Thursday. Yippee.

Take care. I have to pick up the house for the cleaning lady tomorrow.

Hi Everyone! :wavey:

Sounds like those of you in the NE are going to get lots of snow. Stay safe and warm.

Not much exciting going on here today. The cleaning lady was here today so I am working on laundry tonight to get the towels washed and empty the hamper before Marty gets home tomorrow with his supply of laundry. Marty will be back to Denver by about noon then head on home. He is flying out again on Sunday and his Ethiopia trip is maybe still on this month sometime. Good thing I have so many Teddy Bears to keep me company.

I had a grilled cheese and baked lays for lunch and a burger for supper. I am meeting my parents for lunch tomorrow. They like Olive Garden but it is pretty slow for an hour lunch. I might suggest something closer to work for me. I know you can get anywhere here in 15 to 20 minutes but still I should only be gone an hour. :bigsmile:

Have a great evening!