
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, none of these video meeting systems are perfect I guess so we do what we can with what we have. Someone the other day said imagine if this happened 10 years ago and we could all talk to each other but not see each other. She said it like it was a *bad* thing...?!?

Deegee, I sometimes download books from my library using Kindle and sometimes just read them in the browser so I don't have to go through the hassle of deleting them later. The other night I was at a very critical part of a very interesting murder mystery... and the site was down! Of course it was a book I hadn't downloaded so I was screwed. Panic ensued. Fortunately it didn't last long but man, I was NOT HAPPY.

My people all got there certifications in yesterday -- woo hoo! There was some extra trauma/drama with the last two, but they are done. When TR came home we zipped downtown and got Billy Ray out of quarantine. I am SO thrilled. Now at least on the one time every two weeks I leave the house I can at least enjoy it.

Today I might have to go into TR's work to help him with something so I should probably get out of bed at some point and take a shower...
I just switched my insurance for Billy Ray over to Porsche direct -- and saved $681 a year over Travelers. That's if I drive 5,000 this year, which would be absurd given that I drove less than 1,000 last year, ha ha. So the less I drive the more I save even on top of that because it's mileage based. WTF is Travelers thinking? I mean, my rate went up 40% from last year and not one thing changed... ??? I'm going to wait until I actually get the policy document in my email before I call Travelers, but I'm going to ENJOY canceling that!
Hi Kids!

Deegee, I heard as well they were going to try and tone down those satellites but that won’t helped those already launched or ready to launch. That’s great to find what you needed at the FoodFair. That’s cool to do sermons on Facebook. I bet most churches are becoming creative that way. We had MS teams and whatever their chat was for awhile and I hated them. Now we are all Google and I don’t like them any better. I’m too used to Mac and Apple products I guess. At least you finished your book. Sweet. Darn for internet problems. We had some a few years ago and I finally had someone come in to check and they found some output switched was not in the right place. Who knows? Your supper sounds great. We eat out or take out food a lot; this has been rough. Marty tried to pick up something last night about 7 and the lines to get in to drive throughs were awful. He finally came home and made bacon and eggs.

Dee Jay, I agree on all video conferencing has issues. I’ve had good luck with FaceTime but that’s on single calls. That would suck to lose access to a good book; I have some of those I’ll stay up late - just one more chapter. Yay for getting Billy Ray out and even better to get a reduced rate insurance. Do they encourage speeding tickets? They should!!! Our auto rates go up noticeably after large hail storms in the area (which tend to be yearly). Enjoy cancelling your travelers.

Work was interesting yesterday. One of my employees wants to transfer back to Arizona but there is a hiring freeze with our company now so she wants to work for us there. She started last fall and I consider her a mediocre employee, she isn’t fully trained on things yet so my boss and I feel she needs to quit. The senior manager wants to think about it though because we won’t be able to replace her. I can’t say I trust her to keep busy from afar.

Work fun part 2 is one of my employees didn’t read an update correctly, made a change that was wrong for the next day and didn’t have anyone check him. Luckily another employee found it before it went out with a whole 75 minutes to spare.

We were at Sam’s Club when they opened today. They were crazy busy. I was delighted to find a big pack of Quilted Northern TP. I picked up more tissues and paper towels. I was excited to find a 10 pound bag of Gold Medal Flour. We got some hamburger, chicken, pork chops, tenderloin roasts and steaks. We are stocked up for a while now. I’d say more than half the customers had masks on; all the store employees had them on. We even scored some disinfecting wipes (store brand) I resisted looking if they were made in China.

Marty told 2 of his clients he’d fill their wiper fluid reservoirs in their cars. The came in the house and the one girl walked right over to me to show me her cat scratches. I wanted to yell get the hell away from me. I wonder if they’ll come back in the house when Marty is done and visit. #beatheadonchairnow

Marty got himself a giant tomahawk steak to grill for lunch. I have a small center cut ribeye for me.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Curby / Marcy
Hi Kids. Happy Sunday!

Yes, those 2 girls came in the house, one of them sat on the couch and was picking up all of my toys. I'll wait a few days wipe then I'll wipe down the plastic ones. They were barely out the door and I had wipes out for all the door handles. :wall:

We downloaded Periscope Down and Undercover Brother; both pretty funny movies. Marty is on Disney now watching Marvel movies. I am working on laundry. We ordered pickup from Olive Garden for lunch. I picked the buy one get one entrees so now we'll have 3 entrees for later. Sweet.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, what on earth are some people thinking?! The good news is you're not in a packed metro area where every person has been in close proximity to every other person, but the bad news is it only takes one. Ugh.

This weekend flew by! I helped TR at his work for about four hours on Saturday. We actually got a lot done. Yesterday we went for a two hour drive through the windy back roads here in farmland. It was fun.

Tenants moved into the house next door last week. The kid had a graduation party on Saturday night for a bunch of other kids that involved playing volleyball in the back yard late into the night. TR said when he got up to let the dogs out at 5 am there were to kids sitting over on the little rise between our houses. He realized it because the dogs bolted right over there and started barking at them. Of course. And how 'bout social distancing? People up here don't take it seriously. At All.

My boss sent me a message yesterday about a regulatory filing that we have to do every five years. Well... it's time. Due May 29. Not sure how I will do this without the file in my office, but I guess I'll figure out a way.

It looks like another sunny day out there, although not nearly as warm as the weekend.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that’s good you and TR got a lot done Saturday. I assume your drive was in Billy Ray? Sounds fun to me. I am rather surprised at the neighbors having a big party; the family across the street from us sure has family and friends in and out all the time. Good luck with that regulatory filing due the end of the month. I have a company propaganda class to attend today; boring. We also has a sunny day but like you it was not as warm as the weekend. Darn!!!

I was busy at work today which made the day go quickly. I lifted when I logged off my work laptop and lifted 105 pounds 15 times again today. Woo hoo!

I heated up some noodles Alfredo and leftover steak for lunch today. I wasn’t too hungry for supper so had toast and a cheese stick. Marty picked up his supper at a Mexican restaurant so I had some chips and salsa when he got home.

Marty has been at his gym all day. I need to take off a day this week or next because I am within 3 hours of maximum vacation accrual and I am not losing any; I’m not that dedicated. Sadly there isn’t much I can do though. I need new shoes.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, oh yes, definitely take a day off so you don't lose it! I used to go through that when I worked for the bank. Use it or lose it. You better bet I used it!

Yesterday was pretty non-eventful... until TR's new (old) car showed up. He's got nothing else to do so he ended up buying a 1985 Trans Am to work on as a project. Hood eagle and all. Oy.

Today I signed up for a two hour CE webinar that I'd completely forgotten about until the reminded popped up on my calendar. I really don't want to, but since I can just turn it on and go about my business there's really no reason not to do it.

I've got two big work things, plus the annual review, looming over me now. Yikes. All from a position of now having all the stuff at my fingertips I normally do. Double yikes. Instead of chicken soup for lunch maybe I should go for a glass of wine!
Marcy-kids touching stuff in your house? Nooo!!! I’m not ready for anyone to be in my house yet. It’s been only Matt and me since mid-March, and we know where we’ve been. Pretty much nowhere! The cleaning company called to let me know they were planning to reopen next week, but I’m just not ready to have people in my house yet. Even though they’re taking precautions. Matt and I bought a couple of steaks. Now, how do I fix them? We don’t own a grill, unless you count the little George Foreman grill!! And yes, take time off. Do not lose that.

Dee*Jay-I remember those cars! And a long drive sounds divine right now. We went for a drive Saturday and I did not want to come back home. I am blessed to have a nice, spacious home for quarantine and the houses on my street are nicely spaced apart so we’re not on top of anybody, but I need a change of scenery! Good luck with all that work stuff. If I had been at work yesterday, I might have choked someone. I seriously thought about getting a big glass of something, but I was good.

Matt and I attempted a trip to Sams Friday, but the line was all the way around the building. Forget that! The stores in that shopping plaza were all crazy, so we went to an out of the way Walmart in a different town and only waited a few minutes to get in. It’s the first time we’ve been shopping with our masks on, and I couldn’t breathe! I am slightly claustrophobic and that thing was awful. I am hoping the cloth masks I ordered will be better. Our director has a meeting with the governor tomorrow, so I figure we’ll be finding out when we return to the office soon. I was planning to keep my door shut, but then I remembered my claustrophobia thing. I could never shut the door in my old office, as much as I wanted to! Maybe mostly shutting the door will work, with a No People sign posted. I want to go back, but I’m scared to at the same time. Ugh.

Have a great Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday kids!

Deegee, I'll be interested to hear what the timeline is for reopening your office. My best guess is mine is still well over a month out.

Yesterday was not as productive as I'd hoped... I have two things that MUST happen today (or at least get started) before my 2 pm call with my boss. I work better under pressure, LOL. I did finally clean out the lazy susan and organize that crazy tupperware situation. To be clear: I only threw away one lid that obviously didn't go with anything, but at least now stuff is organized in a way that you could actually find tops and bottoms that go together if you needed them.

TR and I watched a movie last night called Prestige about some magicians. Have you gals seen it? It was REALLY good! If you haven't I highly recommend it.

Not a lot else exciting to report today... just work and laundry. Always the laundry... !
Dee*Jay-the governor is putting the brakes on opening things up. He said government buildings are still a few weeks out and he strongly encourages employers to let employees who are fully functional at home to continue working from home for the foreseeable future. The original plan for government buildings was May 11. I haven’t seen that movie. I’ll have to check it out. We have organized our pantry, kitchen cabinets, & bathroom closet. Next up are the cabinets under the bathroom sinks. I claimed the bigger vanity/cabinet when we moved in, now I gotta clean that thing out!

Hi Marcy!

I went out in the big world today, to my haircut lady’s. Her salon sparkles, and smells very heavily of bleach. My cloth masks haven’t come in yet, so I made a makeshift mask out of the sleeve of one of Matt’s old shirts and rubber bands. Luckily she had a box of disposable masks, so I used one of those. I was careful to go straight to the chair and not touch anything at all. She is spacing customers with 30 minutes in between so she can clean each time. I came home and worked the rest of the day. Not much else to do because it has poured rain and been cold all day. Dinner is steak and baked potatoes. I’m throwing the steaks on the George grill and we’ll see how that goes! Have a wonderful evening!!
Hi Kids!

Both of you ladies have done way more cleaning and organizing than me.

Dee Jay, definitely use those vacation days. I am taking Friday off. Maybe I'll sleep in and wander around the man cave. Ha Ha. TR's car sounds like a great project. Sweet. I'll be anxious to see the finished pictures. Wine for lunch sounds like a smart idea on a busy day of work. Why not; you may as well enjoy that while you can. So you may be home for another month? Yay for finishing another CE course. i took a 30 minute work course; total propaganda. Cleaning out the lazy susan and organizing the Tupperware can be a chore. I had Marty put drawers in my cupboard where I keep bowls and Tupperware. I love it. i got a basket for lids. I'll look for Prestige.

Deegee, sadly I think steaks are best on the grill; broiling them would be my second choice. Did they turn out okay? We decided our cleaning lady is covered with cleaners and disinfectant anyway. I wipe down our handles and door knobs after she leaves but that's it. I am taking Friday off. Woo hoo!! Glad you got in to Walmart okay. Our Sams had a long line around the entryway when we went the other day. Is this really America??? I am with you on masks; looks like our Colorado offices are going back this week and next week and they have to wear masks other than being alone at your desk. Ugh. I'll tell you guys below what the Colorado requirements are. That's good you can stay home this month. Sweet you got your hair cut and her place sounds very clean.

Had a few crazy days with work; I felt like I was in the office. I keep sleeping in later and later; I'd better knock that off - when I have to go back to work it's going to be rough to get up on time.

Corporate is letting about 50% of their employees back in the office. You have to check in from home or the parking lot and indicate yes or no to 12 symptoms. Then you show that at the gate and they take your temperature. You record it while they watch you and submit. if you get a green check you can go to work. You have to wear masks. There are restricted entryways. We have to use hand sanitizer once you get in the door and rub it on both sides of your hands for 30 seconds. Hallways will be marked for one ways (where available). Only one person in the elevator at a time. They said they'd post bathroom restrictions per site. You can't bring in food to share. You can only use the break room in your section of the building.

Marty is at the gym. I played cards online today with a friend of mine during lunch. Her 16 year old son was sent home from work Sunday with a fever so she finally had him tested yesterday. 2-6 days to get results. She is staying home but her husband went to the store last night. Scary times.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
the area rug and pad are no longer heavy to pick up and move. :D
Happy Friday kids!

Deegee, it's so interesting to me how differently each state is handling things. We have some complex five step plan here and I've read a dozen times and still don't get, LOL.

Curby, I've got plenty of heavy stuff here for you to move around if you're so inclined! My problem is I forget that I'm not The Hulk and the realization comes slamming back to me along with the back pain, ha ha.

Today I made my bi-weekly trip to the grocery store. Another $205 into the economy! I didn't even buy anything major this time... ??? I'm tempted to go and look at the receipt, but it went promptly in the trash and I've washed my hands about a dozen times since I got home so I think I'll skip it. This was the first time I've been to the store with a face mask on. It was a big PITA frankly. I had to knot the elastic so the thing was tight enough, and it rode way up on my nose almost over my eyes. I also made a mistake in not pulling my hair back because it kept falling in my face. Of course I didn't want to touch it, or the mask, so it was constantly irksome.

It's sunny here today, but cool and very windy. Trying to talk myself into a walk... I've also got a TON of work that I'm procrastinating. Ugh. But at least the laundry is pretty much done! :cheeky:

The ferals come today. My peaceful existence is going to come to an end...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think I heard they are keeping your state in lock down for quite a while; how long is it for now? We have I think 4 phases for reopening. Typical government documents too; too long and wordy. I’ll be right over to move those things for you. Get me a drink ready. I beat you on the grocery bill but I didn’t buy any meat - mine bill was $127. Yes, the masks are a pain and I had to put it on first then put my glasses back on. Yay for having the laundry done. Bottoms up since the ferals have arrived.

I had a heck of a time paying for my groceries, my phone wouldn’t recognize my masked face for Apple Pay and then I still had to touch (ewe) the keypad to enter my PIN. I had wipes in my car though. Ha! I found the mask a PITA too. I was too big for me and fogged my glasses. I wore it in to the bank and said ha ha I am wearing a mask and I want you to give me some money. The teller was amused (or pretended to be).

So yes I ran errands - groceries, bank, got gas - what a bargain that was - and ran flowers out to the cemetery.

I totally enjoyed not working today even though I was still mostly at my desk.

Marty grilled chicken and I made mashed potatoes and a raw veggie plate. I never ate breakfast at all so now I’m starving.

A lady at our company sent out an email asking for hand written notes to send to our nursing homes. I struggled with finding that much to say so I did something completely different. I hope they like it. I asked the NIRDI’s for ideas as well.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy

Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, your letter for the senior center is great! You are very very talented. In addition to the state plan the mayor of Chicago has an additional plan on top of that. As far as I can tell I'll be collecting social security before I'm allowed out of my house, LOL.

I had a call with one of our attorneys yesterday. We talked about quite a bit of non-business stuff (I really hope she doesn't bill my company for the entire time we were on the phone!) including the fact that her father was a rare book dealer and actually had a Gutenberg bible at one point and that her sister is an infectious disease specialist... who directed the entire family to collect disinfecting wipes, cleaning supplies, gloves and masks. Back. In. December. Apparently the virus -- and news of it -- we making the rounds WELL before it became public.

The ferals are here. TR took the youngest feral mushroom hunting this morning. The oldest feral is either still sleeping or just hasn't come out of his room yet. I'm fine either way, ha ha. At the grocery store yesterday I got a bag of mini powdered sugar donuts as a surprise this morning. TR and the youngest better get home pretty soon or there won't be any left! :lickout:
Out of an effort not to do "nothing" today I just completed a course worth 14 hours of CPA continuing education. Woo hoo!
Happy non-Mothers day kids!

Went for a big walk yesterday, which was nice. I was disappointed though when I got home and say I'd only gone 7K steps. I really thought it was longer! TR made smores last night (after a totally non-nutritious dinner of buffalo chicken nuggets and alfredo noodles from a packet... the children are probably going to die of malnutrition... ) and the house still smells of smoke from the fire. I can't figure out where it was coming in though -- I checked every door and window and nothing was even cracked... ?

A couple of days ago I broke my "good" coffee mug. I was pretending to TR that I was sure he'd gotten me a replacement and I couldn't wait to go downstairs to find it on the counter along with a bouquet of flowers and a box of candy. Yeah... right. At least I got bacon in bed!

There is some sort of bruhaha going on downstairs right now. It sounds like the Jack Russell peed in the house (again). The problem is I'm the only one consistent about hard punishment when that happens. Definitely no hitting him or anything like that, but yelling and putting him in his kennel by himself, which he hates. I had a friend who adopted a boxer from the pound and he peed in the house a few times. They put a doggie diaper on him and it only happened one more time and then then never again. I swear I am tempted to do the same with this little sh!t!

No big plans for the day. The weather is rather pants (to quote Lorelei!) but if there's no rain I might go for a drive later.
Hi Kids. I'm ordering a ring mostly because I'm bored and can't go shopping in person - which one do you like? 2 left bands are ruby with diamond accents, then multi color sapphires with diamond accents and then a peach sapphire halo ring.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thank you about the letter for the nursing home. I think I'll forward that to the retirement home where we have our astronomy meetings as well. i might do a few more up just because it's something to to.

I did totally laugh but it's not funny you'll be collecting social security before you can get out of house arrest. So far Florida and Georgia aren't seeing any spikes in cases from reopening. I think restaurants can open here next weekend - with precautions and less seatings. We are so there too!

The call with the attorney sounds interesting and yes I bet your company gets billed for the entire time of the call. The attorney for my dad's estate was really chatty and charged me for every minute of it; but since he made the entire process as painless as possible I'm okay with that. Very cool that her dad was a rare book dealer; I am sure he saw and handled many interesting things. I hear many stories this virus was well known before Christmas. Grr.

I totally enjoy those little powdered sugar donuts; now I want one. Mm. Are the wiild mushrooms there large?

Wow to completing 14 hours of CE. That is awesome.

LOL we do all qualify for the non-mother's day. Sweet.

Darn that the house smells of smoke from the fire. I know when we have close forest fires I can smell it in the house; it must seep in pretty easy but i don't know how. S'mores sound delicious.

That is too bad you broke your good coffee mug. Marty has so darned many of them I doubt he'd miss any of them if I broke one. My 2 favorite ones of his are ones I had made for him, one has a sunrise over the ocean picture he took when we were in SC and the other has 3 images of the solar eclipse from a few years ago.

I bet the dog would hate wearing a diaper, that would be an easy fix too.

I think of Lorelei often totally because of the weather is pants. We are chilly here but Marty is out getting our sprinklers going now. I hope you do take Billy Ray for a drive. Marty sent me a text he was lonely at the gym and asked me to come hang out with him so I did. One the way home i decided to take the interstate around town so I could drive fast - and wouldn't you know it? Construction the whole way, blocked down to one lane and 45 mpg speed limit. Rats. I did get up to 78 mph before I got to the first cone.

We ordered bacon cheeseburgers to pick up for lunch yesterday and will order takeout from Texas Roadhouse today. I did get laundry done already so I'm going to be lazy today.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Curby, I like the band on the far left the best (assuming you don't already have something that looks similar -- which I know is a possibility given all your rings!). My second favorite is the next one over.

Do you already have a peach sapphire? I'm thinking you do, which is why I swayed away from the halo ring, but if not then I may want to rethink my answer!

The multicolored sapphire band... boy... I really need to see those in person to make a judgement. Sometimes they are lovely and sometimes they look cheap. That one would be hard for me to pick without seeing it for real.
Dee Jay, I'd totally agree it's better to see them in person but since the store is in Denver I'm not expecting to go anytime soon. I am leaning towards the ruby band as well. I don't have a peach sapphire yet but I usually find them too pale. I have a cognac sapphire that looks peach in some light. Also on the halo ring I generally like to pick out loose sapphires and put them in a semi mount. Loose stones can be upgraded for $1 more; pre-mounted jewelry can be traded in towards double what you paid for it. I am intrigued by the second ruby band but they are small and bezel set so they would probably be like my Danielle sapphire / diamond band and only only show well from behind or light directly overhead. The left band would have 3.5mm rubies. The multi color sapphires would be great if well saturated; not so much if they are pale. Like I told Marty if I don't like what I get I can always return it or have a nice deposit on my next purchase.
Dee*Jay- one of our neighbors is having trouble with their new dachshund peeing in their bed. They have a dog trainer that comes to the house to work with it, but it still pees in their bed! Um... shut the door and don’t let the dog in there? I’m so afraid to talk to our work attorneys. One is a partner in her firm with a very high bill rate. I had to work with her at the first of the year regarding the new RMD laws, and I was half afraid to send her an email asking for clarification on one point. Her answers are never short, and I figure they cost a lot. And I would swear I had the virus in December. I missed 3 weeks of work, and I have never missed that much work. Even after my car wreck with broken bones! I struggled big time when I went back. Whatever I had took out about 2/3 of the office. It would be interesting to have the antibody test.

Marcy- I like either of the two ruby bands the best, but you can’t go wrong with any of them! Based on your new work rules, going back to the office is going to be odd. I’m guessing we will have a lot of those same rules. Part of me wants to go back as soon as I can when there are fewer people there to get used to a new routine, and the other part of me wants to keep working from home as long as possible. Your letter for the senior center is great! It was a great idea to send letters to the senior center. My haircut lady’s mom is in an assisted living center, and she is able to see her through a window and they can kind of talk. That would be so hard.

We had a gorgeous day today after an ugly, cold day yesterday. Our park reopened yesterday, so we went for good long walks both yesterday and today. It was nice to be back in a familiar place and see actual people...from a distance! Our usual trail isn’t open due to some necessary repair, so we had to walk on the road. I had to do a quick jump out of the way of a car driving too fast, and sunk down in watery mud halfway to my knees. Matt didn’t want to let me back in his new car afterwards! We had a nice day anyway and went to the town where we used to live to pickup hamburgers from the best hamburger place around here, then we drove to a riverside park to eat them in the car. I wanted to visit mom today, but the weather there wasn’t good for an outdoor visit. Tomorrow begins week 8 at home! Have a great day.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, can't wait to see what you get! I'm living vicariously through you, LOL. And really you can't go wrong. As long as the store is willing to let you return something if you don't like it why not?!

Deegee, if it is a flu we all had this year than it was the worst flu ever! So many people were flat on their backs and for so long too. Miserable! That being said, my antibody test came back. Negative. Ugh.

So you gals will love this… Chunky Monkey here decided to go for a big walk. I was doing just fine… until I fell down. Seriously. I was moving off to the side of the road because a car was coming up behind me. And my foot went half on/half off the edge where the pavement meets the grass. Dee Jay fall down, go boom. The guy in the car stopped in the middle of the road and was like, “OMG lady! Are you OK?” My pride was hurt more than anything of course, but came up with a palm full of gravel and my right knee is going to be black and blue for a month. Damn. Of course then I came home and ate a bunch of carbs to sooth my woods, ha ha.

I need to do a bunch of work this afternoon, but I think a nap and a shower are in order first, as soon as I get off the call I'm listening in on now.
Dee*Jay-oh no! Are you okay other than just bruised? Matt said I screamed a curse word really loud when I jumped off the road up to avoid the car and landed up to nearly my knees in a watery mud. Did I? I tested negative for flu, but whatever I had kicked my butt hard. Too bad for the negative. This is one test we want coming back positive!

marcy-I meant to tell you, I took the interstate to my haircut lady’s last week so I could drive fast. I put it in sport mode and punched it! No construction and almost no traffic. I took the back road home, and realized I was going 70 in a 40 zone. I forgot the speed limit was so low...

Today is back to cold and windy. If it isn’t raining by the time Matt finished working, we’ll bundle up and head to the park for a good walk. Our neighbor owns a construction company, and he parked one of his dump trucks on our street for us (4 houses) to toss our junk in, and he hauled it to the dump for us. Our old deck furniture set did not survive the winter, so it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of it. I ordered a new couch glider thing today, and I’m excited that it’s made in the USA and it’s a poly-lumber material that is nearly indestructible. It has a 20 year warranty, only needs hosed down for maintenance, and doesn’t have to be stored in the winter. I’m all about no maintenance. Our last set was only 5 years old, but we neglected to cover it this winter and parts of it rotted. I placed Target and Ulta Beauty orders today too. I’m just not ready to actually go in stores yet, plus masks are smothery!! I’d rather just order for now. WV numbers are really good, but I live in the county with the most cases and the second highest number of deaths. The only county higher in deaths had an outbreak in a nursing home, and that accounts for all of their deaths. I’m still scardey to get back out there around people. Baby steps.
Hi Kids!

Deegee, your neighbor should definitely keep the dog out of the bedroom. Maybe lawyers are naturally chatty to pad their bills. Ha Ha. I think antibody tests are available here finally, I might call about one. I feel the same as you about returning to the office - half the time I’m ready now and then I want to stay home as long as I can. I am sure you’ll have rules at the office too when you go back. That’s nice your hair stylist can at least see her mom. A good friend of mine sent me a family picture yesterday; the nursing home her mom is in set up a wall of plexiglass that families can use to see their family members. She said it worked pretty well. Oh no to sinking in mud on your walk but what a jerk that was driving too fast and not watching out for you. Too funny you cursed; I’ve been known to sound like Gordon Ramsey at times. Nice you can walk in the park again. Sweet to pick up delicious burgers on the way home. I hope you can go visit your mom soon. Thank you for going fast for me yesterday; wasn’t it fun? It kind of feels strange to drive. That is very nice of your neighbor to haul off stuff for you. Marty never covers our patio furniture either; of course those stinking covers get ripped up in our wind so why bother?

Dee Jay, well darn and good that your antibody test came back negative. Oh no that you fell on your walk yesterday and got hurt. I am glad you weren’t hurt worse though. I bet you are very sore today. Carbs can only help you feel better. I hope you got in a nice nap today. You deserve it.

One of my employees fell yesterday and did a complete face plant on the sidewalk and chipped her front tooth. I am glad I stayed home yesterday; the 3 of you didn’t fare very well on your outings.

It was down right chilly here today. It rained tonight. Tomorrow is forecast to be warmer.

Work was strange; an incompetent HR guy kept having me look up stuff on my employee who is quitting - I’m like you have more information than I do. Then I have to submit a monetary impact and explain why my newly vacated position can’t be absorbed by other employees. Luckily my boss forwarded that chore on to his boss. Then the employee who chipped her tooth had an insurance problem and wanted me to provide her the number to call - I may as well add HR to my job title, eh?

I lifted after work and since I’ve been cold all day I made myself aa bowl of soup for supper.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, LOL on adding HR to your title. I often feel the same way. To compound it, our HR director passed away unexpected last year (such a tragedy... but I won't go there right now) and I was given the task of handing out new employee manuals during annual compliance training this year. No matter how many times I told people I was doing it as a courtesy and the binder was an HR item and NOT a compliance item, it didn't sink in. I've gotten more questions on HR policies than compliance policies ever since then. I know that was going to happen... but what could I do?

Deegee, I got really cool (and expensive, in a relative sense given the small quantity) patio furniture for my new place last summer. The patio is enclosed on three sides and has a "roof" (i.e., the patio above) so I thought it would be fine. Well I was wrong. It is absolutely filthy at the very least, and I hope not worse. I don't think I sat on it three times, and now I'm worried I may have ruined it by not covering it up. The fabric is sunbrella and I think I can just hose it off, but TR and I were talking and I'll likely have to haul it up here to his place and put it out in the yard to do it. Sometimes I am such a moron...

My knee and hands aren't as bad as I feared they would be today. I am sore though, including my elbow, which I didn't even realize I'd hit at the time. My plan is go have another big walk this afternoon. I'd like to go earlier but I signed up for a 4 hour CE webinar from 11 to 3 and I hate to miss that given it's easy hours. Plus I have a TON of work to do and being stuck here at my computer is a good reason to hot to it.

It's gorgeous here today -- low 60s and sunny -- but my allergies are Out Of Control. Ugh.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes you are now the HR rep for new employees - Dee will know - she gave us the employee manuals. You are just all knowing and seeing.

You'd think your mostly enclosed patio wouldn't get so dirty but then it is the great outdoors. Sounds like a perfect solution to haul it up to TR's house. Our patio furniture sounds similar yours in that you can just hose it off; Marty never bothers though he just shakes the cushion off. For some reason I only "believe" rod iron patio furniture is "clean" so I don't like hanging out on furniture that is outside all the time. I'm strange, I know.

I am glad to hear your knee and hand aren't as bad as expected today and darn that your elbow wanted to join in on the fun. I hope you did get out for a walk since it was nice. Sending you mega dust you feel better tomorrow.

We had heavy fog this morning and chilly weather. Our cleaning lady was here this morning. I went and bought Arby's for us for lunch and had an apple, cheese stick and Magnum ice cream bar for supper.

I've been watching season 1 of Yellowstone. I am a total fan of that show. Season 3 starts next month so I hope they air Season 2 between now and then so I'll be all caught up.

Still no word on when we'll be going back to work. We had to submit a justification today to replace my employee that is quitting on Friday. We even have a meeting with HR tomorrow to answer questions. My boss and his boss generally take over meetings so I hope I am just a casual observer.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I did get my walk in yesterday -- the full 10K steps this time! Today I've got five calls scheduled (well really 6, but two overlap so I'm going to have to make a decision there) and I'm hoping to go and do my daily walk after the first one and while the second one is going on. My fear is always that I'll accidentally hang up on the call if I put it in my pocket so I'll likely have to hold the phone in my hand the whole time, but I guess that will be OK.

I wasn't super motivated work-wise yesterday, but I fired off four important emails late in the day so that's something. My injuries from Monday's fall are doing OK, but the cut up air on my right hand are right where my palm rests on the edge of my laptop. Super annoying. And I don't want to put a bandaid or anything because of the constant hand washing.

One of the dogs is in the doghouse (pun intended!) because he peed on an amazon box that was sitting in the entryway. I kick the boxes inside and let them sit for three days before I touch them. Well apparently Sunny thinks that means he got a new doggy toilet. I put his little doggy a$$ in the kennel and he's going to stay there. So mad!

OK, off to empty the dishwasher and get settled in for my first call of the day.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, i am glad you got your walk in yesterday and reached 10K. Sweet. Good plan to go for a walk while you are on a conference call today. I like it. Marty was on a call in our car one night when we were headed home and it was with a very vocal, cranky VP - I unhooked my seat belt when we pulled in the garage so of course the seat belt alert keeps going off - I got yelled at by the cranky VP. :lol:

Yes, 4 emails count for something. I am not super motivated today either. Glad to hear your injuries are doing okay. Sorry your hand is uncomfortable on the edge of your laptop. I bought some Nexcare waterproof bandages and they stay on usually about a day with washing. Between my knife accidents and dry skin that cracks I have to wear them a lot. They are so sticky though I hate to get them on a keyboard. That scar that filled in the hole in my finger from my scissors accident really bugs me after lifting. I feel the lump for days then.

Darn that dog for peeing on your box. I do the same with packages and mail. I put the boxes inside the front door and leave them there a few days. Mail sets on one spot of the table for about 2 days plus I wait and get it the following morning so it's already set for over 12 hours. Marty isn't that cautious.

It's pretty nice here today. I snoozed my alarm 3 times this morning. it's going to be rough when I have to get up at 6 am again. My motivation-o-meter is not showing any activity. I didn't open the shutters until 9:30 and went oh crap and had to rush our trashcan outside. I think I made it in time. Then Omaha Steaks had free shipping, free chicken breasts and pork chops (4 of 4 oz each) so naturally I had to place an order. I might order that ruby band today. I keep waiting to hear when we are going back to work - I just know the day i place the order we'll hear go back tomorrow. Then I'd have to take the day off too be here to sign for my ring.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Yippee!!! My Whiteflash earrings will arrive tomorrow. Pictures hopefully arriving later tonight. :appl: