
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Monday kids!!!!!

Zoe, best of luck to your hubby on the new role! And I feel for you on being a little overwhelmed... But I'm sure you will land a marvelous new job and be just as happy as a clam.

Marcy, LOL on not seeing the tripod--I do stuff like that all the time. And I'm glad your blizzard was a bust, but these weather people just annoy me to no end. The forecast is for snowmagedden, and the reality is a light dusting most of the time.

Deegee, my new company isn't paying for my move, but you can actually deduct moving expenses on your income taxes if you go more than 50 miles and it's for a new role, so I will be taking one big fat write off on that this year.

My Chicago boyfriend's scale said I gained 2.6 pounds over the course of 3 days. I sure hope not... ack!!!

The weekend was otherwise a success though! I found a place to live and just received word that my paperwork has been approved, I've got movers lined up for next Monday (which will give me the weekend to pack), and the CB is coming down to drive my Lexus back, so in theory I will be IN my new apartment by next Wednesday! AND I just got a letter from the State about my CPA credentials evaluation and I don't have confirmation on this yet (still waiting for a call back) but I *think* I may be in better shape that I originally thought in terms of how many classes I still need to take. That would be AWESOME!!! So, busy day here in The Heartland... !
Thanks Dee*Jay!

My poor husband...he and his boss found out that apparently my husband won't be reporting to this new guy quite yet. I don't quite get the whole story, but I guess this guy sent mixed messages. He told my husband and his current boss that he'd like to start working with him (my husband) as of today, but the actual transition of who my husband reports to won't happen for a while. It's confusing and my husband is bummed. He was looking forward to a change because his department has changed so much over the years. He likes the people he works with but I think he psyched himself up for this new gig. The fact that it's not happening the way (or in the time frame) he thought is aggravating. My husband's boss has a conference call with the guy later this week, so he should find out more details then.

Have you ever woken up with a song stuck in your head? I woke up this morning singing Sunshine Day from the Brady Bunch. No idea why and it cracked me up. Totally random.
Zoe-What a song to be singing first thing in the morning! Sorry to hear your hubby is bummed, but maybe he'll find out more (hopefully good news) really soon. We're replacing our entire line of business computer system in a project that will take around 5 years when it actually gets started. I am a business user slated to work with developers to create and customize the solution. We're just through the first phase of evaluating the bids from the vendors-if what we have done gets approved this week, that is. Ah!

Marcy-I never thought about the mumbling thing leading to being sent home early. I need to make sure I mumble around the right people! I am on salary too and have made it a point lately not to do a darn thing on my time. Okay, I may do a few things, but not nearly like I used to. I can't wait to see pics of Marty's handiwork with the wet bar. I saw your house pics in the other thread, and I really like your kitchen/living room area. I love the warm colors too. Do you post pics from your ipad? We really liked one of the houses we looked at yesterday, but aren't sure that it puts us enough closer to work to justify the move. That's quite funny about your tripod! Glad your blizzard fizzled.

Dee*Jay-I'm so glad things are happening so quickly for you. Like I said before (and as is your reputation), you get stuff done! When we moved from Ohio to West Virginia, Matt's new company completely paid for the movers. It was awesome. I knew I wasn't going to look for a teaching job here, so they also paid for me to meet with a career counselor for several weeks. We weren't expecting that little perk.

I woke up feeling headachy, nauseous and drained like I felt on Saturday so I didn't go to work today. I found out that only one of my group made it in today, and the attendance list from work was really long. I think everyone is under the weather with some weird bug. I stayed in my jammies on the couch all day with the kitties and Lily kept me company, which is actually very relaxing. I think I need to bring them to work with me to help with the stress thing. I had a grapefruit for breakfast, a skinny cow chocolate bar for lunch, and I made spaghetti for dinner. That wasn't a wise choice with my stomach acting ugly, but that was pretty much all there was to make. It is pouring rain so we didn't walk tonight. I'm thinking about buying a tv for the room I hang out in and possibly an xbox 360 with the kinect thing. A friend at work bought one and has been getting a lot of exercise playing the sports games. At least it would get me off the couch on rainy days when we can't walk. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. I am sleepy. Mostly for 2 reasons. Time change and too much wine. Aak.

Zoe, how frustrating for your husband to be ready for a change then have it put on hold. I hope they get it all resolved soon. Will he be on the pager with his new job? Marty works from home and generally likes it most of them time. Of course that is why we moved so he could have an office away from our living space. I will send you zen thoughts. Good luck getting your packages off in the mail. You will be off doing interviews before you know it. Too funny about the Brady Bunch song. I can hear it now myself.

Dee Jay, I bet you are anxious to wind up your last week in KC. We actually got about 3 inches of snow today. It was pretty and wet. I can't believe the weather channel is naming snow storms this year. That is great you found a place to live and how exciting you need less classes than you thought for your CPA.

Deegee, I just home if I mumble to myself and start to act crazy they'll send me home. Ha ha. I am on call all the time too and it goes in spurts how much I get called. A lot of it I can do from home. I like our open living room. We have most of our house in warm colors with a splash or red here and there. That is nice you really liked one of the houses you looked at this weekend. Good point though if its not closer to work is it worth it? I do post pictures from my iPad. I am glad Lily kept you company today. It sounds like a good day for you to stay home. In hope you feel better tomorrow.

I got a new iPad case today and like it pretty well. It is a Tumi and more solid than what I've been using. We met a friend for supper and the 3 of us drank 2 bottles of wine. Ugh. Marty and I went downstairs and worked on laying out his poker chips on the top of the island. He needs about 200 more poker chips.

Marty leaves for Brazil tomorrow. Next week he is in Atlanta.

Here is a snow picture from the restaurant tonight. It looked so perfect from where we were setting.


Happy Tuesday kids!

Zoe, that's so frustrating about your hubby's position. Hopefully it will get resolved very quickly and he can move happily into the new role. And I didn't wake up with this, but for the past few days I've been walking around singing "Boom boom boom, let's go back to my room, so we can do it all night and you and make me feel right!" WTF??? I don't even know if there are other words to that song (there must be, right?!) or how it got stuck in my head. Maybe I heard it somewhere in the background and my brain picked it up.

Deegee, I hope you're feeling better! My move down here was paid for by the company, but my move back is not. Funny how I suddenly decided to jettison so much stuff when it's on my dime... ! Is a Skinny Cow chocolate bar a candy bar or an ice cream thing? I used to get Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches at Costco but they came in a mixed box (chocolate and vanilla) and I only liked the chocolate ones so after a while we had about a hundred vanilla ones in the freezer. Poor Bill--I made him eat them all because I couldn't bear to throw them out!

Marcy, I could have KISSED that woman from the Illinois Board of Accountancy when she said all I needed were the two Becker classes I'm already enrolled in and I didn't have to take any more at the regular university!!! Youre snow looks pretty, but I sure hope none of it comes my way for at least a week. I need to get the move over and Billy Ray safe in his new home before I can bear the thought of a single flake!

My eating went to hell yesterday--I even had a full size Snickers bar! But I went and tried on a bunch of clothes last night so I'm thinking of that as a workout! Plus, the next several days will be all sorts of activity with packing and everything, so I'm sure I'll burn some calories there.

Off to do some final clean up work!
marcy-my house is mostly browns, golds, warm greens and deep red. I have a big red chair and ottoman in my family room that I absolutely love, one deep red wall in my kitchen, and red throws, throw pillows, etc. around the rest of the house. The red wall in my kitchen is the only non-neutral wall in my entire house! I can't believe Marty is traveling again. You guys are definitely going to be ready for a vacation. Matt thinks he doesn't have to travel for the next two weeks, at least. Do you use the tapatalk app to post pics?

dee*jay - I have the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and I agree, chocolate is better. I've been buying skinny cow peanut butter heavenly crisps, which are wafers and peanut butter coated in chocolate. They hit the spot when I'm craving something sweet, but they could sure stand to be bigger! Mmmmm...a full size candy bar. I haven't had one of those in forever!

I felt a lot better today but still had intermittent sharp migraine pain stabbing my brain. It is just saying goodbye on its way out. I found a printed e-card on my door at work this morning that said, "I've learned to use meditation and relaxation to handle stress...Just kidding. I'm on my third glass of wine." I thought that was pretty good...and fitting! I don't think I'll share that with the health coach though. My stomach was still iffy today, so I didn't eat all of anything. I had a banana for breakfast, leftover spaghetti for lunch, and grilled chicken, potatoes and green beans for dinner. We stopped by the grocery store on the way home so we have actual food for the next few days. I'm still feeling pretty tired so I'm heading to bed early. I swear the half of our office that worked yesterday was out today. We're all sharing something yucky. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Dee Jay, too funny about that song. I have “at the Copa, Copacabana” because that is where Marty is staying in Brazil. Get Barry out of my head, PLEASE! That is so exciting you are almost done with your regular classes – what then? Tests? I hate to tell you this but there are a lot of flakes out there and you will definitely see them between now and when you get settled in your new place. I guarantee you’ll burn off that snicker packing.

Deegee, it sounds like we have the same color schemes in our houses. Marty’s trip to Brazil got cancelled this morning. He is going next week and his Atlanta trip will get pushed out a few weeks. Marty actually had a pretty bad day but he is relaxing on the couch now. Glad to hear Matt gets to stay home for a few weeks. Yes, I have used tapatalk to post pictures. I switch back and forth between my laptop and my iPad. I like the ecard you found at work. That is pretty funny. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

Since Marty is home this week I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I bought stuff to make tacos for supper tonight and other assorted food to make it through the week.

Work was mostly okay today; just dealing with office politics most of the morning.

Most of our snow melted today except for our driveway. Marty’s diesel keeps popping the gfc (?) outlet in the garage so I couldn’t get the garage door to open when I got home. I watched him this time to see where he turns it back on. If his plug it wet it always trips the breaker and I guess it did the same at the old house.

Well, take care!
Marcy-poor you with Barry! Eek!!! Now it's in my head! I'll need one more glass of wine to get that out. Glad Marty has a little more time at home before his next trip. Like how I got to bed early? I know you can relate...

I had my exit interview and then bolted for the door around three. WOO HOO!!!

Deegee, I felt so decadent having that candy bar! I do have to say though, by the time I was done I was DONE. I really didn’t want any more. Today I had some pringles when I got home, but now those are gone, so just cross that temptation off the list too!

Marcy, I’m glad that Marty is home, but boo for having to go next week. I love Brazil, but business travel is definitely different than personal travel in a place like that. Does he speak Portuguese? That is such a strange language—you think enough Spanish or French will get you through, but it’s a unique animal!

I am going to watch the next four hour Becker review video and then (I hope) do some packing. Last night wasn’t too productive, but this morning a friend of mine from school came and got a sofa, two armchairs, a desk, and four dining room chairs from me. The next time I get annoyed at how much I have to pay for movers, I’m going to remind myself they cost a lost because they know what the he!! they’re doing… unlike the Laurel and Hardy show that went on here this morning… UG.

OH! AND! Grades were posted for the quarter and I got an “A” in my terrible income tax class. Thank god! I would have been OK with a B (or even a C given all the trauma/drama that went on) but I was THRILLED to see an A! So, if anyone wants me to do their taxes, send ‘em on over!
Hi everyone.

Deegee, at least we always have good intentions of going to bed early. Sorry I put the Barry song in your head; I haven’t been able to shake it since Marty went to Brazil. Wine doesn’t help but I keep trying. I hope you are feeling better today.

Dee Jay, congratulations on being free. How exciting to be beginning a new chapter of your life. Marty does not speak Portuguese; he has picked up a few words but that’s about it. Congratulations on getting an A in your tax class. I’ll be bugging you next year at this time.

There were 3 of us today to do the work that would have kept all 6 of us busy. I had to go ask my boss at about 4 pm if he could help us do a few things still setting in our inbox. I couldn’t stay late either so I decided it will just wait until tomorrow.

Marty and I met a friend for supper then we came home and tried to find the comet that is visible at night for awhile. Stupid clouds! Marty went to have a drink at the golf club with a friend. I decided I’d better work on a program about observing the moon since I am giving a program for our club this week. I made a handout and printed out a few pictures – maybe I’ll find some moon pies and distract them with food and they won’t pay attention to what I say. Good plan.

Well, take care.
Hi everyone!

I left a roast in the crock pot today so we had supper mostly ready when I got home. Marty had a conference call about 6:30 so I did dishes while he was downstairs on the phone. We are just watching TV tonight.

The weather was quite nice today. I sure wanted to be outside instead of working. Maybe I can start walking after supper soon. Sweet.

Take care.
Hi kids!

Marcy, ask me any tax question you want! I don't guarantee you a *right* answer, but I do guarantee you *an* answer. That's just the kind of friend I am!

Right now I am so freakin' exhausted... My plan was to whip through this week's CPA homework and then do some packing today. Welllll... I spent SIX HOURS going through the first hundred questions (literally half of which I got WRONG, so I have to redo those), and there are still several more sections to do. Plus, there's an on-line quiz and an extra simulation project. Just shoot me now...

On the good new front, someone wants to see my unit tomorrow to potentially rent it, which would be AWESOME BEYOND WORDS becuase if I don't get it rented I will end up paying rent both here and in Chicago... to the combined tune of SIX GRAND A MONTH. There's no emoticon on the this page that will adequately portray how I feel about THAT!!! On the bad news front, this place is a DISASTER. So, somehow I have to get it somewhat cleaned up before the people arrive at noon tomorrow. God help me...

Food was OK today...until I went to Jack Stack for dinner. I was appaled at the sheer weight of the LEFTOVERS when they handed me the doggie bag--HA!
Hi everyone.

Dee Jay, LOL I am glad to know you are that kind of friend - I always do the little interviews with online tax programs and google anything I am uncertain of so I am sure I've given myself the wrong answer many times. Ugh to going through those questions took so long. You need an audio version so you can listen while you pack. Good luck tomorrow with the person coming to see your place. That would be awful to have to pay that much every month. It would cut in to jewelry, clothing and wine money.

Work was long and awful so I am trying to forget it ever existed today. I made leftovers tacos for supper - quick and tasty. We had our astronomy meeting tonight and then went out with friends afterwards. Marty is down stairs working on his bar top and laying out his poker chips. I think I'll go supervise.

Have a great weekend.
Hi everyone!

Sorry for the me-centric post:

I've fallen behind and I can't catch up. I've been up to my ears in applications and school meetings, as well as transition meetings in my district for people who have lost their jobs. Oh, and PT three days a week. I'm not sure PT's working because not only does my hip still hurt, but my back and legs are killing me, too, because of the exercises I'm doing. Can you fail PT because I'm pretty sure I'm there.

Our tenant in the condo we still own has had some issues with it, so we're dealing with that, too. Right now, we're dealing with possibly replacing the bathroom ceiling because of plumbing issues in the unit upstairs, replacing or at least fixing the water heater, and trying to figure out why the Pergo floor in the kitchen is bubbling. Give me a break please. I'm really tired of getting very long e-mails from our tenant. She's great, don't get me wrong, we're lucky to have someone there who takes such great care of the condo. If I said high maintenance though, would you get it? It's one thing after another. Of course we'll take care of everything but the timing SUUUCCCKKKKKS. We're not in a position to take care of any of it but we'll find a way. We're still waiting for the money tree to grow in the backyard.

I haven't been around PS much lately and that's why. I just wanted to stop in real quick to say hi. :wavey:
Hi everyone!

Zoe, you have been busy and have a lot going on in your life. I hate to hear PT is making you hurt more. I hope you get better soon. How frustrating to have to dal with your rental property now too.

We got up about 7 today. I made breakfast then went to get my hair cut. I wandered around Dillard's for quite awhile looking at bedroom and kitchen stuff. I stopped at the grocery store about noon and decided that was a bad idea on Saturday but Marty doesn't take well to being out of food. I made homemade Mac and cheese for lunch and tore up leftover roast beef, coated it with BBQ sauce and baked it with the mac and cheese. We had raw veggies with it.

Marty got his bar top finished then messed it up. He put resin on top and keep skimming some off of the corner. He tried it again and it was already tacky and he pulled up a big section of it. He is not happy. I haven't seen it yet but I am sure he will figure it out.

Have a great weekend.
Dee*Jay-Woo-hoo for being free! I hope your unit goes quickly. The thought of 2 payments for an extended period of time is what is holding us back on moving on a new house. Matt actually likes to read tax law for some very odd reason. He helps his coworkers with taxes and if he comes upon something he's unsure of, he calls my sister who is an IRS agent. She audits corporations, not individuals...and she hates her job. So, are you doing your own taxes this year?

Zoe-when you figure out how to get that money tree to grow, please let me know how you did it. I could use one of those too! That's really bad timining with your tenant. PT is a real pain. After my accident, I was in PT for over a year. I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist and elbow the week I was scheduled to be released, extending my PT for another 2 months. As much as it hurt at the time, I credit my therapist for me being able to move as well as I do. I do remember it being exhausting and painful. Hang in there.

Marcy-I'm pretending Thursday didn't happen last week, and this week is a do-over. I can wish, right? Sorry you had such a lousy, crappy day too. I'm anxious to see Marty's finished product! Did you see the article about the couple who tiled a bedroom floor entirely with pennies? I forget how many it took, but it actually looked really good when it was finished. I'll stick to hardwood though.

Our meeting on Thursday was a disaster. Our initial phase was pre-approved, then the discussion turned to path forward. All I will say is that there were too many attorneys and important people in the room, and we left feeling very deflated and unsure of what we're even supposed to do next. Our project group was so down afterwards that we decided not to meet on Friday and pick back up tomorrow. Matt and I took that opportunity to take off early on Friday to have a fun day. We tried a new restaurant downtown for lunch which was very good. We went furniture shopping for a new couch for the family room and office furniture for his office. I found exactly the couch I want (pretty much the exact same couch I have now only in a non-worn out version) and the nice lady sent me home with 10 fabric swatches. I told her she should cut it off at 3 since I have such a hard time making decisions! Next we went TV shopping, and Matt convinced me to get a 55 inch smart tv for the family room. We bought the tv but had to order the tv stand. Right now the tv is sitting on an end table - looks lovely! We went home yesterday to have a birthday celebration for my mom - she turned 75 today. Today we're hanging out at the house and I'm going to make chili for dinner. It was 75 yesterday and today it is sleeting. I did pretty well on food this weekend, but I haven't exercised at all. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Have a great Monday!
Happy Sunday kids!

Deegee, LOL on the 10 swatches! I’ve read studies about places like Costco where they offer really limited choices because it facilitates decision making. If people are given too many options they become overwhelmed and sometimes end up just choosing NOTHING. I did not do my own taxes because I also have a corporate entity and since I only took individual income tax and not business income tax I wasn’t sure how to do the business part, which feeds into my personal part. I know; the cobbler’s children have no shoes…!

Marcy, too bad about Marty’s bar top, but I’m sure he’ll fix it right up! I would rather poke my own eyeball out than go grocery shopping on a Saturday, so good for you for powering though! Did you get to see the comet (or was it a meteor… or something else entirely… ?) last week? I know you had some cloud cover, but I wasn’t sure if it ever cleared up enough for you to see it.

Zoe, I’m sorry to hear about your issues with your tenant. As for PT… I was actually IN PT (like, literally in the PT studio doing a PT exercise) when I did the thing to my non-surgery knee that resulted in me having surgery on THAT knee too. I am absolutely not saying it was their fault, but damn…

Taking a study break right now. The CB and I packed up damn near the WHOLE APARTMENT yesterday. I was SO impressed by what we accomplished! I probably still have an hour’s worth of clean up (extra packing paper, that sort of thing) to do before the movers get her tomorrow morning, but I have to take an online test and so some sort of simulation first because that has to be logged on the system before midnight tonight. ACK.

Had lunch with OneFifty this morning. I will really miss her! Hopefully she’ll be able to visit me in Chicago. My new place isn’t fancy, but I will have an air mattress!

OK, off to do this quiz…
Hi everyone!

Deegee, that is nice to have an IRS agent in the family. We hardly have any deductions or weird income but I always get nervous about making a mistake on my taxes. Your Thursday sounds awful; sounds like too many people are involved to make anything go smoothly. Does that mean you have to redo a lot of phase 1? We have a 55” TV too. It’s a great size; we like it. I hope your TV stand gets here quickly. We did see the floor done entirely with pennies. It turned out pretty cool.

Deegee, that kind of makes sense to limit people choices because it is hard to make a decision sometimes. I know when we picked things for our house we got it done in about 8 – 10 hours total and the girls who usually work with people say we were amazingly quick about making decision. We generally agree on things too which helps speed up that process. I am with you on Saturday grocery shopping. I might start springing for a $10 delivery charge and have them bring it to me. Yes, we did find the comet. It is a pretty nice one too. We’ve had clouds in that direction every day but yesterday. Good luck with your quiz! Yay for having the packing done.

We went to Denver today. We picked up a new garment bag for Marty, the Delsey we bought him fell apart almost immediately. Hopefully this one lasts longer. I got a new purse and wristlet. We picked up some baking ingredients for a friend of mine for her birthday. She has been baking homemade cakes so I got her some stuff for that. Marty got a few things in the Apple store then we headed to my favorite jewelry store. I got a .21 ctw pear shaped E ring to move my peach sapphire to and then bought a rose gold, pink sapphire and diamond band. I am very excited I’ve wanted that band since they offered it about the time I was upgrading my ering. I should have bought it then too since the price of gold really made the price go up. Rats.

We stopped at an Italian restaurant on the way home and had some bread, wine and pasta. We were pretty hungry so we both ate too much so we had alka seltzer when we got home.

The wind here is awful today. It was in the 60’s in Denver today.

Marty leaves for Brazil again tomorrow.

Take care. Have a great week. :wavey:

Hi. One day down, four to go.

Marty is on his way to Brazil. His fight is delayed over 2 hours. He is not thrilled. He was so excited the plane was not very full, he didn't have anyone by him and he had a place to charge his phone and iPad. He figures they will cram them on another plane.

Work was busy, I had a lot of meetings and stayed a little late. I had a cup for homemade soup in the freezer so I had that for supper. My friend that lives a few blocks away brought over some caramel cake and we each had a small piece with some slow churned ice cream.

Take care.
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Marty had a GREAT time getting to Rio. They did cancel his flight saying the plane was broke. Then they bring in a smaller plane and pack them in like rats. Then they determine the pilots can't fly this plane so they have to call in on call pilots (good call watching "Flight" the other day, Marcy!) and cater the plane. They finally get ready to take off about 4 hours late and the lady right in front of Marty has a heart attack. They bring in paramedics and take her off the plane and then finally take off 5 hours late. They went in to the office when they got there so he had a long day. Tomorrow is another day at the office for a meeting with their client then he flies home tomorrow night. He'll be beat when he gets home Friday.

Work was busy again. I had several meetings but ran out for errands at lunch. I picked up a iPad for Seniors book for my parents. It has a lot of pictures so if my folks will use it they might find it helpful. I stopped and visited them on the way home tonight.

I had strawberries and cheerios for breakfast, a few pieces of pizza for lunch and 1/2 of a steak, rice and veggies for supper.

I was able to find the comet again tonight but when I tried to get a picture of it the clouds started coming in and then the camera died because the battery was low. I'll try again if we get a clear night.

I am excited for tomorrow. My rings will get delivered to work and I am meeting a friend for supper. She wants to go to Old Chicago and have pizza. Which is kind of funny since that is what my office decided to have for lunch today. Oh well, I am sure I can find something else on the menu.

Take care!
Marcy - wow! Poor lady on the plane! Poor Marty! What a day for sure... Sounds like you got some good stuff in Denver. I have never actually seen rose gold in real life, but I always think I'd like to have a rhr in rose gold. I love Old Chicago but don't get it often because the closest one is 3 hours away. Okay-I don't remember the food so much, but they have an awesome beer selection! I"m loving my new tv, except the only thing I can watch on it right now is Netflix, listen to Pandora, and look at big pictures of real estate listings. We haven't called DirecTV yet, and I haven't bought my xbox. Matt has a 50 inch tv in his man room...mine is bigger. Hee-hee!

Matt and I are absolutely reeling from news he got at work yesterday. Completely out of the blue. He got a huge promotion, and our little brains haven't wrapped around it yet. He got a promotion about a year and a half ago to a job he really loved. He doesn't want this job, and wouldn't have applied for it had there been a posting for it. He got called in 20 minutes before the announcement was made, so it was a real shock to him. We're both pretty upset. It's a lot more travel, more hours, and a boatload of people (chemical engineers) reporting to him from offices in 3 cities, 3 assistants, and who knows what else. We're transplants here. My family is in KY, and we're away from home so much that all of my friends are at work. We live too far outside of town for me to really hang out with anyone after work. Since we met 20 years ago, Matt has always been my very best friend, and I'm having a hard time with gripping the fact that we won't have our evenings and weekends to hang out. Marcy-help! Wahhhh!!!!! Tomorrow is board meeting day. We'll find out if our work for the past 3 months on the first phase of the project is approved and we get the go ahead to move on. My stomach hurts. Deep will be okay. I think I'm going to go read the stress management material my health coach sent me today. Have a good night.
Deegee, sorry to hear you are so stressed. Can Matt turn down the new job? Is that something he might want to do? It is a rough decision for both of you. It sounds like the type of position Marty was in at his last job. The mental toll it took on him was not worth any amount of money. He never got to sleep or have a free weekend. I often said they couldn't pay me enough to do his job. He was finally just mentally worn out and decided he had to change. As for the travel it makes it very rough on both of you. We talk on FaceTime and that really helps because it is more personal than a phone call. Also I try to plan projects or a girls night out when he is gone. I don't have many friends to go out with anymore because if Marty is home I'd rather hang out with him. How often would he be traveling? Also maybe finding a house nearer to work is a good call so you can have a chance to hang out with friends from work on occasion. And it will be less of a commute for you. I feel for you guys as I remember the upheaval in our life very well. Lily will keep you company, my teddies and the killer rabbit don't do much to help me out there. Ha ha for having the bigger TV. Do you need to have Direct TV come hook up your new TV or you don't have it hooked up because you are waiting for the stand? Good luck with phase one being satisfactorily completed at work. I really like pink stones in rose gold. I am anxious to get the ring tomorrow. I even painted my nails pink tonight. Hang In there with Matt's job situation. The unknown is usually not as bad as it seems.
Marcy-the job was a done deal before they even talked to him about it. Since the email notification went out 18 minutes after they talked to him, he thinks it was already written and and ready to go well before they even talked to him. The headaches certainly aren't worth the extra money. Plus it isn't something he has ever wanted to do and like I said, he wouldn't have applied for it had it been posted. He doesn't know what to say when people congratulate him on the promotion. It does sound like Marty's old job, so you know my (and Matt's) worries. This kind of happened to me too with yanking me out of my job to work on this project for the next 5 years. We both got the "look around the office and tell us who is better qualified for this position (Matt)/for this project (Me)" line. I'm going to play dumb in my next job so I won't be picked for anything I don't want to do! We actually need Direct TV come and hook up my tv. We didn't have a tv in the family room, so I need it all. Matt is thinking of getting the whole home DVR. He was going to take care of it this week, but he kind of got derailed right off the bat with the job thing. Be sure to post pics of your new stuff. That's funny you painted your nails in preparation for the new goods. When I say I alternate between 2 rhr's, I'm not kidding! You can probably coordinate your jewelry with your clothing for the day!!

The work we have done so far was approved and we can move on. We're meeting in the morning to discuss what to do next. I have an eye appointment bright and early to get a new prescription for glasses to replace the pair I broke. My contact lens prescription changed a bunch from last year and I don't want to have a new pair of glasses made up with an old prescription. I have a dental appointment tomorrow too, and in between those appointments I have meetings scheduled at work and I need to return the 10 fabric swatches in there sometime. I had cottage cheese for breakfast, roast beef from a sandwich for lunch, and I went out with some people from work for dinner at a Middle Eastern restaurant. I tried all kinds of things I have never tried, and it was all pretty good. I'm pretty sure I can't spell any of it though. Matt and his buddies got together this evening to do their player pool and brackets for the NCAA tournament, so I was on my own. Lily and I walked 2 miles when I got home and now I'm about to fall asleep. I think I'll read for a while and call it an early night. Have a great day tomorrow!
What's in here?

New "Ear" Rings.

Hi everyone! The pictures are one of our new slightly crooked Killer Rabbits. I named this one Fluffy. Sounds scary, huh? Marty always sends me a series of photos of his Killer Rabbit opening my packages so I had to take a series of about 6 photos to send him. He'll be back in the states about 5 am our time tomorrow so he'll get them then. Sounds like they are packed like rats on this plane and the flight from Atlanta to Denver is worse so hopefully they will give him a good chuckle.

Deegee, from what you said I figured Matt's situation was one where he has no choice but I was hoping he had the option to decline the promotion. That is too bad he doesn't. Yes, his new job sounds very similar to Marty's former job. I don't know how many 24 x 7 emergencies he'll have but Marty's emergencies arose all day and all night and every day. It got old fast. I have the same one call responsibilities but my pages are far less frequent. Yes, you both are suffering from the curse of competency. I feel for you. You guys sound a lot like us and can deal with the last minute alterations in your plans and neither of you will get that upset about it but it is all about keeping things in perspective. I approached it as it's your job and I know it's not me or personal so I will be the supportive wife and not get upset about it. He often reminded me that no matter what his job responsibilities were that I was his number one priority and that we always come first. I think both of those attitudes helped us through those rough time giving both of us a base to focus on and be comforted by. More money is nice but not everything. Yay for having your phase one complete. You should get some Tiffany glasses! You get a blue box and gift bag. I need to get both of us an eye appointment. That is great you enjoyed some new cuisine today plus got in a lovely walk with Lily. We have the Dish whole house receivers and it's nice I can watch recorded things in any room. Marty watches DIY a lot so I can go watch my programs in other rooms.

So today was very busy at work. I met a friend for lunch and had a taco. Both of us needed fuel so we didn't visit too long so we could get gas and go back to work. She started a new job on Monday and wants to try and get me on at the state. She says it's her mission. Her BF is a HR manager at the state as well so maybe I need to update my resume, huh?

My jewelry showed up by 10:30 so I went down to shipping and picked them up. The rose gold band has a really thing band so I had it made an entire size larger than my other RHR - bad idea. It is pretty loose. The semi mount with peach sapphire seems a bit small on my finger. Sigh. I bet both of them will have to go back to be tweaked. They both are pretty though.

I met a girl friend for supper and a few drinks. She has not been to our house yet so she followed me home for the grand tour. She stayed for about an hour. We had some wine so I am about ready to take a nap on the couch. LOL.

Marty will be home by about 1 pm our time tomorrow. Yippee!!! I will have to get some real photos of my rings and start a thread. I don't know where there is good ring lighting in our house. I will have to experiment.

Dee Jay, I hope you are having a safe trip to Chicago. I am sad you didn't have me drive junior for you but my pocket book thinks that was a good call because I can't afford all those speeding tickets.

Zoe, I hope this week is less hectic and stressful for you!

Sharon, are you having any spring-like days where you live?

Hi Skippy! How are the twins?

Happy Thursday kids!

Marcy, LOL on the “curse of competency”! Love the killer rabbit getting into the package—he’s a curious bunny for sure! We need some close ups of those new rings, and I’m sure your jeweler can fix the sizing issues in no time. Poor Marty, being jammed on a plane like that. Bill travels internationally a ton too (he flew over 200K last year) and he’s another tall and lanky one. I feel from people like that!

Deegee, I’m so sorry to hear about Matt’s promotion! (Boy, that sounds wrong, but you know what I mean… ) Maybe it won’t really be as bad as he’s thinking. Otherwise, can he do it for a little while and parlay the position into something better at another company since he’s now got the higher level role on his resume?

So I am writing to you from my new apartment in Chicago!!! The drive up was FABULOUS—except for when my radar detector would start screaming at me. That thing saved me at least three or four times—totally worth every penny! I looked like the Clampetts (sp?) moving to Beverly Hills though, with poor Billy Ray packed to the gills with all sorts of crap!

The last night in my KC apartment I slept on the floor on a yoga mat. The first night here I stayed with a friend of mine and he’s got a futon in his guest room, but last night I decided to stay here on the yoga mat again. Well… let’s just say the carpet quality (or more accurately, probably the padding) was not as cushy as in KC, so I ended up folding up my king sized blanket and putting it under the mat, and then using a beach towel as a blanket. Ah; the advantages of being small! Today I am going to work out for the first time since January! Hopefully it will help my back and hips, which are sooooo sore right now….

Here are a couple of pics from my new place.
View from the bedroom - hello Sears tower!

Living room view

Hi everyone!

Dee Jay, the view from your apartment is fabulous! When is your furniture arriving? Sleeping on the floor doesn't sound like a lot of fun so hopefully that won't be going on for too long. Are you excited to be back there? What airline does Bill fly? Marty was kind of sick of United so tried Delta this time and thought they were worse plus he has no status with them. I am going to try and get some pictures of my rings tonight or tomorrow and get a thread started. I like the rose gold so much I am already thinking of getting a RG band to wear with my ering. Like I need to spend more money on jewelry. :bigsmile:

Deegee, I hope things are going well with you and Matt.

Zoe, how are you doing?

Work was very busy and my two shifts are bickering about each other. I love our busiest time of year. Marty got back to town about 1 and I sure wanted to say "BYE". But I was a good kid and stayed at work until 5. Marty was napping when I got home and wanted to just go get something for supper. We split a burger and he had some chicken wings. Then we went to the grocery store. The forecast is for cold and snow for about 5 days so I thought I would get some food now instead of this weekend. We have a wedding to go to tomorrow so I hope to sneak off work early.

Take care!