
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, dentists can scare the he!! out of us! I remember the first time the hygienist wanted to check my tongue for cancer. I was like WHAT?!?! Fingers crossed your problem will be "easy" to deal with. My assistant sent what I needed fairly early on, which I was grateful for, but by the time I got done with the data I was so mad I kinda wished it never came through at all! I was looking at info going back several years and the stuff I had on MY spreadsheet didn't match some of the stuff on THAT spreadsheet. Really the only things I should have had to look at were the ones that were added since last year's annual review, but of course being me I had to look at EVERYTHING. So I ended up in a long back and forth with someone in finance and their answers were things like "oh, that must be a typo," or "no idea... that's just what we have." We it's not what you HAD last year, so WTF?! Argh!!!!! So long story short (too late, I know!) if you want an assistant you're welcome to mine at this point!

No listing pictures got taken yesterday, even though I've had clean glass sitting on the counter since last Sunday night. But I did pack up the three outstanding orders and did a bunch of real work. Liam came home and said our friends had asked us out to dinner so I sent the aforementioned info off to my boss and we headed over. It was a nice way to wind up the evening after the day's frustration!

I had a long talk with the lady yesterday who owns the townhouse. There's a big clean-out day coming up in the complex in a few weeks with free dumpster use and she and her SIL are going to go there and get rid of a bunch of stuff. Hopefully it will be enough that I can actually get in there to take pictures so it can be listed. I'm also going to try to find a place for mom and the SIL to live so today I have to go to a suburb about and hour and a half from here (one way!) and look at something for them. She's making noise about potentially buying it sight unseen depending on what I think of it. They are very familiar with the complex and have seen other things in there already, but I really really discourage her from doing that. I can't even imagine buying something I haven't seen with my own eyes!

Alright, off to pack up a set of glasses and get on the road. I'd like to get this all done sooner rather than later so I can go to an estate sale that starts at 2 pm today. That seems to be the thing lately; they are starting on Thursdays and doing afternoon/evening hours. No idea why, and it totally screws up my entire afternoon. Oh well, they certainly aren't asking for my opinion on their hours!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am not a fan of dentists but it sounds like I have lots of appointments and torture sessions in the future. Joy!

Holy crap to all the discrepancies on your spreadsheet - sounds like you need a new assistant. No I don't want one - but thanks.

Good deal you ended up the day having dinner with friends. Nice to get some orders packed up and get some real work done,

That's good they are cleaning out the townhouse - hopefully that makes it easier to sell. We filled one of those giant construction trash bins almost 4 times (the last batch wasn't full) when we moved and I still think we moved too much stuff. That is something saying they'd buy something sight unseen - that's trust in you for sure.

Did you get anything at the estate sale? I wonder if they are doing them later and on Thursday simply because it dark later now.

Not much going on with me today. The boss lady is going out of town next week so isn't doling out assignments as frequently. I have a few things I'm waiting on so only worked about 2 1/2 hours today. I kind of started another post but decided it was so late in the day that I'll do it tomorrow.

My mouth and teeth are kind of sore - they did all of these sensitivity tests on me yesterday and today my mouth reminded me of that. The wind here is worse than semi tipping wind today - I was going to go out and wrangle the rocking chairs on our deck but I figured I'd be knocked right over the rails trying to tip them on their sides. Marty was going to grill and the door was pretty much ripped out of his hand when he opened the door. So I ordered from Applebees. At least it's sunny.

I have a haircut in the morning. Yay. Keep thinking of trying something different but don't know what that would be.

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, your wind is headed our way! It's a very breezy forecast for tomorrow and there's an auction at the fairgrounds so I'm sure the blowing sand and gravel are going to be a real joy. NOT. Although I may not make it there as I'm going to an estate sale a bit out of town that doesn't start until later than the auction starts so a large part of my day could be sucked up at the sale. As for the townhouse, I honestly can't figure out what they're going to get rid of because all the stuff in there (as far as I can tell) belongs to the husband's mom. Things like a GIANT china cabinet and enough clothes to start a Macy's. ??? But the wife is DETERMINED so I will remain hopeful until I see otherwise, LOL.

Yesterday I spent over 6-1/2 hours driving. Yes, really. I went to the see the unit for the buyers, and that was three hours round trip. Then I went to the estate sale when I got NOTHING. The only thing I was really intent on yesterday was snapped up by my nemesis right away so I walked around the whole house with a big empty box and bubble wrap and ultimately left empty handed. And then as soon as I got back to The North Estate the buyers wanted to know about a unit in the high rise of the same complex the townhouse in, so I drove three hours round trip to go and look at THAT. By the time I got out of the car I wasn't sure I would be able to stand upright! We'll see what comes of all this...

No estate sales for me today as the only one that had stuff I was really interested in is the one company that puts the list out the night before so even getting there super early in the morning doesn't help. Plus their prices are just too high generally. Too bad as they have some blue glasses that I've had a lot of success selling before but I guess there will always be more! So I guess today I will finally get to listing. At some point I need to got to the store to get stuff for tomorrow's feast. And to the liquor store! Along the way I'll stop at the post office as I've got to orders to go out along with all of Liam's stuff, and I'm in communication with a lady about something so if she pulls the trigger I'd like to get that gone today too.

I guess I ought to get rolling!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I swear I didn't send you our wind but it is amazingly nice and calm today. I think I've been transported to a parallel universe.

It sounds like those people have a lot of stuff they can't get rid of now. LOL to having enough clothes to start a Macy's. I was thinking of running down to one of those in Colorado to get some clothes that actually fit me. Ha Ha. I hope they find a place to move soon then they can clean out the place they want to sell. Things don't last on the market here for long.

You certainly spent a lot of time in the car yesterday. See if you had that Audi Allroad you would be comfortable. Of course it probably isn't as fun to drive. Oh no that your nemesis snatched up what you wanted yesterday. How rude!

I got up before 6 then went back to bed. Marty sent me a text about then to check out the sunrise and I got up and woke up all the dogs in the neighborhood when the alarm went off. Bwhahahahahahaha. I finished a quick post this morning I started on yesterday. Think unless I get an assignment I'll skip the rest of the day. I met Marty for breakfast after he was done at the gym. I hope to finish that afghan today or tomorrow. Yay! I am getting a hair cut shortly.

I get my hair cut at Penny's - I picked up 4 tops that fit me. Marty will be so proud.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, congratulations on getting four tops that fit! When I rant to Costco the other day I grabbed some jeans (in two colors and four sizes -- why can't they have a damn fitting room?!). Now that I've identified the size the fits I'd like to order some online but they aren't there so I'll have to actually go back to the store to get any more, and I'll need to do it soon because everything I want there seems to sell out pretty quick! How did your haircut turn out? I'm still a ways away from being able to cut mine for the donation and it will be so weird to go back to the world of regular haircuts again once I do that!

Well yesterday turned out a little crazy! The website said the estate sale started at 10 and I left SUPER early because (a) I wanted to absolutely be first in line, and (b) I had no idea whatsoever where I was going. I got there right after six (yes... really... ) and set up my bright purple lawn chair and started a list on a clipboard. A little while later a man and woman arrived and they eyed me warily from the garage for a bit while they were setting up. Finally the man came over and was like, UHHHH??? I said, oh hi, I have a list going. He was like DOULBE UHHHHH??? And so I tried to explain that was the standard protocol. These were just normal people doing a one-off estate sale to clear out their mother's stuff so they weren't aware of how the etiquette works for those of us who are "pros" LOL. A bit after that another lady showed up and came over and was like Who Are You? So I explained it all over again. It turns out that the brother and two sisters who were there at that point thought I had been sent over by the evil third sister (who was not yet there) to watch what was going on and report back to her. When they realized I was there to BUY they let me in! We did some serious negotiating and by 7:30 I had $947 worth of glass packed up--I had to go to Chase and get more $$$ so pay them! That was also the point where the four sister showed up... and I gotta say she was most definitely the evil one. There may have been a few more things I would have bought, but I didn't want her to go down the path of what I'd negotiated already so I got out while the gettin' was good! In the long run some things I paid more than I wanted to and some things I got a GREAT deal on, so I guess it all evens out. I have to say this lady had some SERIOUS glass, both in quantity and in quality. I found stuff I've never seen before and I snapped them up so fast there was smoke coming off my bubble wrap! The sale is going again today and then next weekend too. I'll go back next weekend and see what's left and do some super serious negotiating. I also told them when they get to the end if they want to just onload the rest I would be willing to discussing giving them a dollar figure and just taking it all. I hope I don't regret that ha ha!!!

After all that I ran to the local fairgrounds and identified a set of glasses I wanted, and since Liam was there anyway he bid and got them for me for a cheap price. While he was doing that I went by to the grocery store and got the last of the things we need for dinner and then came home and deveined forty shrimp, made kabobs with the mini peppers and mushrooms, did some other stuff, and all the sudden it was time for our friends to arrive. We ate like kings and queens! Shrimp cocktail, lobster, ribeyes, the kabobs, and cheesecake for dessert (which turned out not to be so great; I guess I should have just made cupcakes or something... ). And wine. Lots and lots of wine! I sent them home with a box of mid-century tumblers they are going to give to their daughter for her birthday today.

And when all that was done I FELL into bed and didn't move again until about half an hour ago!

Today I list list list. It looks like we're going to have rain off and on until noon, so that won't be good for the light, but I guess I'll just do the best I can. Welcome to the weird weather in the midwest!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, nice you got some jeans you like. Darn you have to go back to the store to get some more though. I should check Sam's club for clothes. Good idea.

What a story about the estate sale yesterday. Glad you didn't have to deal with the evil sister - you know every family has at least one of them. Sounds like you made a haul and might be able to get some more things. If they are like me - I was happy to find someone to take things off my hands. My dad was a mechanic by trade and he had an oversized garage full of more tools and parts, nuts, bolts, screws, etc than you can imagine. He had a buddy who offered to clean it all out for us. I had my family take what they wanted first and I then bet that guy and his family made 20 some trips to pack it all out. Last I knew it was still in buckets in a shed and he's never done a darn thing with it all but it sure saved us time and money.

Nice that Liam got your glasses for you at the fairgrounds and at a cheap price.

Dinner sounds great - darn the cheesecake wasn't very good. Was it from the store? And mmm to lots of wine.

I bet you slept well after a long day and lots of wine. I got up about 5 and didn't really go back to sleep.

It is the rainy season (most places). We still have crazy wind. The northern part of the state had a blizzard - lots of drifts but only about 15 inches of snow.

We had our eye appointments yesterday. Both of us got new glasses plus lens in a second pair. Marty wanted glasses without transitions to use when he is out taking photos - they will put them in his current glasses then he will get some clip on sunglasses for them. I am getting new glasses and new lenses in my sunglasses. I guess my computer glasses will be fine. The wind was so nuts when we were out Marty hung on to me because it kept knocking me around. Stupid wind! We stopped at Lowe's on the way home and decided to stay home after that.

I made some cookies for Marty to take to a going away party for one of his clients. I passed on going because the lady hosting it has both dogs and cats and my allergies would be kicking up in 5 minutes with both of them in the house. I got laundry done and lifted today.

I am anxious to get my new glasses - like my clothes these glasses are too big so I am anxious to put these away for a spare pair.



I got the afghan done. I found a vest pattern I like so if I can find another skein that color I will have enough yarn to make myself a vest.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your afghan looks FABULOUS! I really like that ribbed pattern! Yes, the cheesecake was store bought, one of those "variety" versions with eight slices in the package, two each of four different flavors. Never again. We've had some crazy rain lately! On Friday (or at least I think it was Friday... who knows anymore; the day's just merge together) Liam wasn't home but he had me keep going down in the the basement to check one particular area by the water heater because if there is a lot of water that will get some seepage. Fortunately nothing came in though.

Yesterday I got up ten listing and packed three orders. Beyond that nothing really happened LOL. The gem and jewelry show starts here on Friday. I should tryyyyyy to be responsible and avoid it... but we'll see! :cheeky: Liam has identified an auction for Saturday that he thinks will be a good one for both of us. And Sunday I want to head back to Valhalla where I bought all that stuff last weekend. As you can see my days are already filling up and we're barely into spring!

Alright, better get some real work done...
Happy Tuesday kids!

This is turning out to be A Week. Yesterday was fine... I guess... except my assistant tested positive for covid in our weekly Monday morning testing so she was sent home before I ever got here, and now a bunch of things I was counting on her help with are going to get pushed out.

I've got a client actively trying to buy SOMETHING. Last night they asked me to go and see a unit, which I did literally at 7:30 this morning (it is vacant) and they do want to write an offer but the listing agent told me there are already several other offers on the table and these people not only won't be willing to pay full price, they are only interested in getting "a deal." This is going to be a waste of paper and a whole lotta my time.

Our company's annual meeting is tomorrow and the managing director who was going to present for the first half of the day just had to go home because his kid has covid. So now there's a mad scramble to figure out who will fill in. And we (the employees) are essentially uninvited as of this morning, leaving only the investors, as we don't want to have a bunch of unnecessary people there who could potentially give our clients covid. Can you imagine that conversation?! "Oh hi... yeah... just wanted to touch base and let you know that the meeting you came to on Wednesday... well we've just found out that several of our employees who sat in the room with you (and all our other investors) are actually infectious covid spreaders. Nice chatting -- have a good day!" OY.

We are deep in the throws of quarterly compliance certifications (with over 20 people still outstanding), I've got a government filing due on Friday and still no word from the people who need to provide me with the info, and getting any work done on the annual review is a pure pipe dream at this point.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I love good cheesecake but not so much if it's not. I think the afghan turned out nice. I started an ivory one and I am doing double seed stitch on it. Still has a pattern but something different.

Oh no to lots of rain - I hope the basement doesn't get a leak. Our last house had 2 incidents. The first was after they built the house next to us a heavy rain ran down them that house and right in to our basement through a window. It sounds like a babbling brook down there and sadly ruined some stuff stored in the basement. Then after our foundation settled it cracked and some heavy rain seeped through the crack. Marty got some concrete sealer and fixed it. Not fun at all.

Your dance card is certainly full. Ooh to the gem and jewelry show. I should watch for one in Denver.

Darn to people catching COVID - I figure at this point in time we've all had it.

Your client is probably going to have a hard time finding a place if they aren't willing to pay at least full price. Around here people offer more to get their bid accepted. I know it's a seller's market but then you have to buy something else at a high price so what's the point?

Good luck getting all of the quarterly compliance certifications finished. Seems like you are always working on them.

I worked about 4 - 5 hours both yesterday and today. The article i updated yesterday had some very dull, dry, technical stuff in it and almost put me to sleep. I had to finish it today. I went yarn shopping yesterday afternoon and got yarn for another afghan and for a vest. That will keep me busy for a while. It's near 60 here today but chilly. It's only breezy not crazy windy. I didn't know how to walk in it when I was out getting lunch.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I love the idea of an ivory afghan! Please let me see a pic of it as you get going! Water makes me soooooo anxious after the big flood in my old condo. Every time I wake in the night and hear so much as a trickle I COMPLETELY PANIC. The buyer STILL hasn't signed the contract I sent over yesterday, even though I said the listing agent was meeting with the seller to go over the offers there were already on the table. WTF? I AM always working on the certifications, LOL! Hampster... meet Wheel!!! Our nice weather of last Saturday is long gone too. When I was driving back to The North Estate last night the little snowflake icon warning of potential ice on the roads was back up on my dashboard.

I need to be zoomed into our meeting by 8 am. We have all been warned, Warned, and reWARNED about MUTE!!!!! I also don't plan on having my camera on so hopefully I'll get some stuff done. Laundry... Listing... yanno, the usual!

Yesterday I got a call from one of the nice sisters from last week's awesome estate sale and she asked if I was interested in coming back on my own any time this week before they start up the sale again on Saturday and seeing if there's anything else I wanted. I'm so excited! And this lady is SUPER nice and we had a really good time the other morning when it was just us, so I think it will be fun. Hopefully they will be very generous with the discounts and I can walk away with a ton of things!

Alright... quarter after seven. Better make myself presentable just in case there is a camera requirement for this meeting.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am liking that new afghan so much I can see it ending up on my couch. I totally remember the flooding problem you had in your condo. Pretty awful. LOL to hamster meet wheel - I think we are both have that problem. It keeps us off the streets at night, eh? Sounds like that buyer isn't as serious as they say they are - these days it seems like you snooze you loose in the real estate market.

Did you mute your microphone for the ZOOM meeting? I totally get why people get irritated at those who forget to mute when they join; I also love the idiots who put their phone on hold and you hear music. That's the best way to join is with the camera turned off. My new job has a weekly meeting and yesterday someone had awful noises in the background the entire time. How rude!

Sweet the nice sister gave you a call and you can go back and see what you might want from that estate sale - I hope the "Karen" sister doesn't show up. I have one of those you know. I should ask her is she has any of the stuff she took of my mom's left - I'll tell her to send it your way.

I got up at 5 am today so check out the planets and got a picture of them with the moon. Then since I was awake long enough no point in going back to bed. I have a new task for work - proofing videos. I had to laugh since I occasionally got pulled in to quality check video on demand at my old job. These videos were way easier - less than a minute each. I spent most of my morning updating a post that was originally written by a blithering idiot - sentences are as long as paragraphs, misspelled words, wrong words and some incorrect information. One of the pluses for me on a lot of the astronomy stuff is I don't have to research it to see if it's correct. I might go back today to finish it or leave it for tomorrow. I got my lifting done already. A friend is bringing over lunch at 2 and we are going to play cards. I will play being retired this afternoon.

Here is a photo from this morning - Venus is the bright star; the other is Jupiter.
I'll get a picture of my afghan too.

I haven't got far on it yet - but you can see the pattern
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, not only did I mute my microphone, I turned off the camera AND put a piece of blue tape over it just to be sure LOL. We had several "under studies" do presentations as the regular guys were out with covid. It went pretty well though, and now we're set for another year. I absolutely LOVE the new afghan! Forget the "job" you're currently doing, you should be knitting things and selling them on Etsy!

Yesterday, after the annual meeting, devolved quickly... I washed up all the glasses I had left from Vahalla and was about to pack up two orders... when The Phone Call came. It was the school for the youngest feral. Apparently they had been trying to call Liam and his ex but no response so Benny had them call me. He sewed over his thumb in home ec (or whatever they call it now) and had the needle from the sewing machine stuck through his thumbnail and into his thumb and needed to go to urgent care to get it removed. I bolted down there, which still took an hour, even at 95 MPH on the highway because once I got off I had to weave through some small town to get to the school itself. I grabbed him and took him virtually around the corner to urgent care. By the time we got him checked in and back in a room Liam and his ex had both arrived. The doctor pulled it out just fine, fortunately. I was tempted to try it myself but (a) what if the needle broke off in his thumb? and (b) he's not my kid and I didn't know how the ex would react to me doing it and not taking him for real medical care. When you and I were kids though somebody at the school would have yanked that thing right out and we would have been lucky to go home with even a bandaid on it! Oh well, it's all good now, and that's the important part. Once we were down there we took the kids to Culvers for dinner (at 4:30 in the afternoon... ) while the ex went to Walgreens to get the antibiotic prescription. Then we came back north, I ran to Costco and took back the jeans that didn't fit and got another pair in the right size. They didn't have the next size down from there though unfortunately, and I'm afraid if I loose an ounce these will be too big, but since I don't have anything else that fits right now I sprang the $9.99, ha ha.

Today I need to get down to the estate sale people by ten. There is a set of bamboo silverware there that Liam wants me to look at so I need to add that to the list. My boss wants to have a call on something this afternoon, and I also need to talk to the lady who is doing a spectacularly bad job of buying a place. It's going to be a lonnnnnng day!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, OUCH to the feral getting a needle in his thumb - but you are so right when we were kids they would have just pulled it out - putted that red burning crap on it - bandaged it and said get back to class. I love the meme that says I died when I was a kid but my mom told me "walk it off". It does sound like quite the adventure. I hope you had some frozen custard since you went to Culver's. Dee to the rescue!

Good idea to put blue tape over the camera. I had a sticky note over mine at work. Glad the presentations went okay and you are good for another year.

How as the estate sale. I'm intrigued by bamboo silverware - are the handles bamboo? Good luck with the boss's phone call and the lady who wants to buy a house but not doing a good job getting that accomplished.

I woke up about 5 but since Marty was still asleep I attempted to fall back asleep and gave up about 6. I don't have much to do at work today so I only put in 90 minutes. I wish I could make money knitting afghans but if you charged a decent hourly wage no one would buy them for that ridiculous amount.

Marty is so bad at his gym money - I am running to the bank to deposit his recent payments of cash and checks and he has one payment he doesn't remember who gave it to him. For a smart guy . . .

I got a few more inches done on the ivory afghan last night. I am sure that is going to end up on my couch. My friend might get version 2 of an ivory afghan for Christmas.

Off to do dishes and go to the bank.

Woo hoo! I filled my car for $47. Sadly that was only 9 gallons - but hey - it wasn't like filling the pickup.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I had the opposite experience when I filled my car up yesterday -- it's over $5 a gallon here again. Ugh. If I charged an hourly wage for my glasses they'd all be a hundred bucks apiece, LOL. Get up at the a$$ crack of dawn... site outside some dead old lady's house for hours... fight off the other glass nerds to get the pieces... bring them home and inspect and hand wash them... take photos photos and more photos... store them in some organized manner... and safely ship them. Let me revise that: two hundred bucks a glass! :lol: Bamboo silverware can be either plastic molded in the shape of bamboo or real bamboo. And if it's real bamboo the truly valuable stuff is from Hawaii. Unfortunately what they had at the estate sale wasn't bamboo at all, it was bakelite but just looked like bamboo in the tiny picture online. Oh well, that's OK. Liam is not going to suffer without one set of silverware!

The sale yesterday was amazing -- even better than the first day! We negotiated a price up front (flat fee for ever wine glass and tumbler) and I just started loading up. I got about 190 glasses (and one set of candle holders) for $620. Fabulous! And they were happy to have it leave! There were two sets from the last time that they found more of in the basement. Good thing I didn't already take pictures of those! The said they weren't even telling the evil sister I was coming, and the three of us had a ball together.

Today I need to do three work things. WTF -- it's Friday! And then I'll be a picture taking machine. The gem show starts today, but I've talked myself out of going. I do NOT "need" anything!!!

Miraculously my client's offer was accepted on the property so the inspection is set for tomorrow. I'm stunned and thrilled all at the same time! The last thing they asked me yesterday when we talked was how long they had to bail on the deal. That little comment does NOT inspire confidence though, so I hope they don't do anything stupid.

Alright, off to get this party started!
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, are you done with your afghan yet? :lol:

Yesterday I only managed to get up seven listings, and I literally didn't leave the house all day. Still one guy outstanding on the quarterly certifications. Whhhhhhyyyyyy?! Went to bed super early and slept like the dead. It was glorious!

This morning I need to go downtown and pick up grandma, take her north so she can see the place while the inspection is being done, take her BACK downtown, and then head up to The North Estate. One potential change in the plans is that Liam is going to an auction down south of the city that says there are 150 boxes of vintage glassware and dishes. So if he get there are start scoring I will head in his direction so we can load my car up. Not sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing! I mean... ANOTHER 150 boxes of vintage glassware... we'll have to pitch a ten and start sleeping in the year because there won't be any room left ANYWHERE in this house!

Lots to do today, I better get moving!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you definitely don't make lots of money off your site - but you seem to have fun with it. I did check out your site last night - it's looking good. I do remember now seeing bamboo shaped handles on silverware. Makes sense.

Good deal you worked out a "score' buy with the nice sisters. Hopefully the evil sister will act like a Karen when she finds out - makes things a bit more entertaining. Too bad for the nice sisters though.

Woo hoo your client's offer was accepted - I hope everything goes smoothly up to and after closing.

Um no - I am not even done with skein #1 yet. But the afghan is looking good.

WTH one person isn't done with certification yet. There is only one out there.

How was the trip with grandma? Did she approve? Did you end up with 150 - count 'em - 150 boxes of vintage glasses. Wow! You need a bigger north estate.

I was mostly lazy today. I should have gone grocery shopping and done laundry but did neither. I ordered delivery for lunch and we've watched some movies.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I'm happy to report I did NOT end up with 150 more boxes of glass! They were actually porcelain items like Precious Moments figurines and collectable plates; things that I don't deal with. Whew -- dodged a bullet there! The last person did get his certifications in, and I'm sure only to stop my constant badgering. I can be a real nag when the situation warrants! Grandma's comments centered around the fact that the space is all one level, which is super important given her inability to navigate stairs now. But there are some real issues with the place. We'll see how this unfolds...

Yesterday all I did was drive! Down into the city to pick up grandma. Up to the inspection. Into the city to drop grandma off. Back up to the north estate. I think I spent about five hours behind the wheel. Ack. Nothing was listed yesterday (obviously). I took the ferals to Meijer when I got back because they were out of snack food, and spent a hundred bucks on pure junk. After dinner I fell asleep on the couch in the family room for two solid hours, and then I dragged myself up to bed. What a day!

Today I'd like to list, but there needs to be a whole bunch of washing up first. I'd also like to clean up the bedroom and dressing room area, but I've been thinking that for about two or three weeks now and it hasn't happened yet!

Off to wordle and then into the shower!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I know people who used to love those Precious moments pieces, someone gave me one - it's teddy bears with a telescope. I get why they thought of me! Porcelain and stoneware is so heavy too. LOL to constant badgering to get certificates turned in - I don't miss my necessity to do that for work anymore. Of course there is that tall guy around here I find it necessary to nag at times. I leave him "honey ignore list" - that way when it doesn't get done I can calm myself down knowing he did exactly what I had on the list. Ha Ha.

I hope that place works well for grandma.

You were on the road a lot yesterday. Sounds like the ferals are stocked with snacks for a while. Marty's snacks are cheese sticks, grapes and tortilla chips.

Good luck washing your treasures up today. Cleaning can always wait - most of it anyway.

We watched Moonfall last night; it wasn't bad. Then we recent apocalypse and both quickly decided it was awful. So Marty switched over to Prime. He was a couch potato yesterday with a heating pad attached to his back He tweaked his back over a week ago and is still having trouble with it - I know you can identify with that problem.

I got up before 6 am today and sadly missed a lovely sunrise. We went out for breakfast and then picked up groceries. I spent over an hour yesterday researching info for the May planet guide that I was going to update this morning. I logged in when we got home to find someone else had done it already. Apparently although I'm "in charge" of that task - I'm not? I sent the 2 ladies who saved it this morning an email telling them it looks great!

I started laundry and will go lift when Marty heads to the gym. We are meeting some of the family for dinner today which will be nice for a change.

I have over 8 inches done on the afghan. My thumb has a dry piece of skin that kept catching last night so I put it up - we watched a lot of TV too so I missed out on a good time to knit. I painted my nails and played Angry Birds instead. It has a new things now where if you wait too long to do something the birds start yawning, drinking coffee, reading a book or falling asleep. The little piggies pull out one of those pendulum things - with 5 balls hanging on it - and watch it swing back and forth. How obnoxious - it amuses me so I just wait until that starts before I attempt to throw my birds.

Weather isn't too bad here today. Snow is expected tonight thought.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on the Honey Ignore List -- I might have to start one of those myself for You Know Who! How's Marty's back doing today? Did you have a good time with the fam? No snow for us (as far as I know) but we've gotten so much rain lately the ground is like "squishy." Ick.

Yesterday I did manage to clean up the bedroom and dressing room area before putting up a bunch of listings up, so that was a bonus! And I kept thinking I was going to go to bed early last night... but somehow it was almost midnight by the time I crawled under the covers. My alarm woke me out of a dead sleep at 5 am; I was totally disoriented!

I've had two sales today and I actually regret selling one of the things. I have no idea what I was thinking... I totally should have kept it. Damn. Oh well, I guess this gives me something to look for now, right?

Better try to get some work done because so far today I haven't managed much!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yep - that honey ignore list works GREAT!!! Neither one of you can "say" it irritates you and if it works out - it's a win win. Marty seems a little more agile today but I notice he still turns slowly. It was a good time with the family. I made the mistake of just weighing myself while I was downstairs emptying the trash. I've been gaining and losing the same pound for a week and today it was gaining more than a pound - not quite 2 pounds - but still not happy. That whipped peanut butter pie was worth it though.

We had about 2 inches of snow by this morning but it's melted already. No rain though. Yuck to squishy ground there - I hate getting my shoes muddy all the time when it's like that.

Nice to get the bedroom and dressing room cleaned up. I refer to our dressing room as Harry Potter's closet. I spend time goofing off on my phone or iPad mini way too much in there.

You did stay up late and had a short night.

Isn't that just dumb luck that something you decided you want sells right away? Like you said though you can have fun watching for more of it.

I got the last of my new clothes in the mail today so I am washing them now. How exciting. I didn't try them on but i figure well if they don't quite fit they will sometime. Famous last words, eh?

I woke up before 5 but decided to try and sleep in longer. I got up a little before 7 and found an email from someone at work about one of my articles was being "fact checked". LOL. It was one some pounds to dollars conversion from 1930. In parenthesis is said now instead of then and of course that was wrong. I got 2 complaints and since it was my article I had to answer them. I don't have one of their email addresses so I tried to figure out what of my several email addresses to use to answer them. I'm doing all of this in my PJ's. Then I worked on another one of those old articles and think I'm almost done but can't find some new references for 2022. I might have a work around though so maybe I'll do that later.

I made tacos for lunch. By this time tomorrow I'll know if my 2 teeth can be saved. Who would wish to get 2 root canals? I'd rather have them than lose my 2 teeth. I am considering having that broken tooth pulled too if I have the 2 teeth below it pulled. Why bother to try and save it if I can't chew there anyway. I am weary of implants. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have over 9 inches knit on "my" afghan.

I think my "work" around will work like a charm. I couldn't find charts for where the sun is astronomically and astrologically for 2022. But I just "linked" to where is it now. Ha!
It's raining like a mo fo kids! Where's that duck emoji when you need it?!

Curby, you and I must be passing the same two pounds back and forth. Just when I think I've finally broken the barrier it pops back on again. Argh. I keep hoping that the guy who bought the thing I really want will message me and be like, Oh, I don't really need that after all. Never. Going. To. Happen. Good for you on finding a work around that actually works! What's the news on the teeth?

Yesterday I stayed at the office until some time after seven, but left early enough that I could walk home while it was still light out. I stopped at a Walgreens on the way to my condo and was really surprised at the whole bunch of empty slots on the shelves. Wow. I guess I haven't been in many stores lately other than Costco or Meijer, and I haven't really noticed stuff missing there.

When I got home I tried to repair not one but TWO pairs of works pants form Kohls. In both cases I wore them once, put them in the washer, and the thread holding the back of the waistband completely unraveled. I tried some half a$$ed job involving a whole bunch of safety pins, but finally gave up. The good news is I ended up trying on every pair of pants in my close and found one from ages ago that now fit (they still even had the tags on!). I am going to have to bite the bullet and go and buy at least one more pair of work pants though. I've been avoiding it because I'm notorious for going into a store "for one thing" and coming out with bags full of stuff!

Today I declare that I'm going to be super productive!!! (I think I may have said that a time or two in the past. :lol: )
Hi Kids! I'm Alive!

Dee Jay, glad someone is getting rain. I swear we have a protective bubble around town that diverts all the moisture around us.

Lets give those 2 pounds to someone else! I won't be eating much today though but I did pick up vanilla ice cream! I hope that person does decide they want to part with your treasure. stranger things have happened.

My teeth have a bad outcome but better than expected! One tooth has a cracked root with lots of infection under it so needs pulled. The other one needs a root canal but can be saved and is probably being crowded by the "bad" neighboring tooth. So today the worst part was they put this piece of something in my mouth to prevent stuff going down my throat - but I couldn't breathe through it. They cut an air hole for me. That worked. He did a partial root canal on the tooth that can be saved. The girl at the desk then didn't know how to figure out what I owed after insurance so I had to wait around for about 30 minutes for that. I am waiting to see if my dentist can pull the tooth or if I need to see an oral surgeon. So while a root canal wasn't something I'd choose to do; I guess getting one tooth saved is better than none.

You worked late - isn't it nice having light until about 8 pm though? Stores around here have a lot of empty shelves. Pretty sad to see. Does Chicago have lots of those smash and grabs that wipe out stores? I think I saw one there of a car dealership that had their expensive jewelry case wiped out. Joy! I know stores in LA, San Francisco and NYC have closed because of it. Luckily it's still mostly petty theft here.

Nice you found pants in your closet that fit! That's crappy your pants from Kohl's unraveled already. I think the stuff I recently bought from them was more cheaply made than before - which wasn't great to begin with. The pants I just ordered have a funny smell to them. I washed them with some other clothes and the other clothes kind of smelled like them. I washed everything again this morning then have washed the pants by themselves twice. I'll see if they still stink. If they do they may go in a donate bag. Grr!!!

So on a scale from 1 to 10 - 10 being highest - how productive was the day? Mine so far is at 0! Plus I've worked myself out of things to do at work. Bummer. I'll take today off and ask tomorrow if they have something for me to do. I am waiting on another person to get June charts done and info on full moons for Jan, Feb and April, 2023. Then I will update those.

Off to watch TV. I am almost done with the first skein on my afghan.

Curby #soremouth
I just started skein #2. And found out yawning is painful.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, yowch on the yawn! I'm glad to hear the tooth news isn't ALL bad. Still... Grr indeed to clothes with a funny smell. I've had that happen too and it's super annoying. Maybe trying running them through a cycle with white vinegar and then another with regular detergent? On a scale of one to ten I'd say yesterday was about an eight. I'll take a nice solid B! I even remembered to call my dad for his birthday (which is coincidentally the same day as the birthday of my "adoptive" dad down in Missouri, although not the same year). How many inches along are you now?

When I got back to The North Estate last night I went through all my pants here too and found another pair I can wear, but like the other ones I found in my closet if I put on one more ounce they are a no-go. I guess that's good incentive to NOT do that, huh?! And I've got a third pair that are a little snug right now, so I've got that base covered if (when!!!) I lose a little more. I've also been trying on my tops as I go along and now I've got a few of those from the days of yore in the rotation again. Plus I found a bunch of long cotton tunics I bought two years ago that I can wear with the tan pants I got at Costco last week. Score! Shopping in my closet, LOL!

I've been awake since about 4:30 for no good reason. Liam has already brought me coffee and now I can hear him downstairs negotiating with the dogs about it "not being foodin' time yet." I have a strong suspicion the dogs are going to win out. Early breakfast!

Today I want to get some listings up so I can leave the counter cleaned off when I go to Missouri on Friday. I also have three orders to pack up, including the one I don't really want to send. Oh well, once it leaves the house I'm hoping I stop thinking about it.

Spring is truly here because now those loud birds outside start SCREAMING about an hour before sunrise. I wonder if that game Angry Birds is based on these little fvckers because they sure sound MAD out there!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yay for hitting #8 on productivity yesterday. Sweet. Nice you remembered to call your dad for his B-Day. Strange your adoptive dad has the same birth date. Small world sometimes.

I am probably at about 14 inches on the afghan. It's shaping up nicely.

I thought of trying vinegar to see if that would get the smell out of those pants but I just returned them for credit.

Score indeed on finding more clothes that you can wear. I have on my old tops - I found it funny how baggy they are. The reason I dug them out was I got a call from the dentist and the receptionist talked the dentist in to pulling my tooth today. She is so funny - she asked me if my tooth hurt. I said not really - just achy. She said well the dentist can pull it at 2 so if he asks - it hurts. She takes good care of me. Anyway I now have another hole in my head. Marty is such a brat - he said to tell the dentist to pull it while I'm sitting up because I can't afford to have any IQ leak out. Marty was sad when I got home because I have to bite down on gauze for over an hour and so I couldn't talk. He was sad he missed it. I'm married to a comedian - or so he thinks. I would say the extraction was about 10 minutes - he told me ahead of starting that pulling a molar is like wiggling a fence pole out of the ground - you have to keeping moving it and pulling it. It did break and most of it came out but the remaining pieces must have been easy to get out then. I hope the worst of this is over.

Oh no for waking up so early. I can picture negotiating with the dogs about fooding time. My money is on the dogs too.

Don't make me laugh - but LOL to the angry birds out your window. We've got some outside too. They build nest under our deck so they are right outside the bedroom window. They do start chirping with the sunrise. Jerks!

I started my day with nothing to work on but as soon as I ate breakfast an email showed up from one of the full time editors with instructions for me from the boss. I worked on it for about 4 hours. While working I got the call from the dentist office so I didn't have much time to stew about my upcoming torture session. I made burgers and mashed potatoes for lunch - soft and easy to chew food. I might try a cheese stick and mashed potatoes for supper or just skip trying to eat all together. I was going to have vanilla ice cream but directions say to avoid hot or cold food the first 24 hours. And alcohol. WTH? No even mouthwash with alcohol. I dug out a second pillow to prop my head up when I sleep so I doubt I'll sleep too well and wake up with a stiff neck. Soon this will all be a bad memory.

We had rain overnight and off and on today. Yay. It's chilly though but at least it's not snow.

I picked up my new glasses yesterday afternoon. I can see pretty darned good with them. Not bad any for only one good eye!

I am having a hard time keeping my tongue away from my new hole. Directions say to be careful about that because it can break the clot and end up creating a dry socket - along with other assorted warnings.

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, how's the mouth today? Did you sleep OK? It's probably best you just returned the pants. Liam told me I should take the two pair that unraveled after one washing back too, but by them I was so mad I just threw them out. Last night when I went to bed I think the birds were chirping then too... ??? Can that be right? Do birds chirp at night? I forget every year about this and then spring comes and I get mad at them all over again, LOL. The dogs won again this morning, just in case you're keeping score. :lol:

Yesterday I took picture for two listings and washed an entire giant box of glasses and put them on the dining room table. (Bye bye dining room once again! :cheeky: ) I have that many again in another box, and a third one that's not quite as full. The problem is I have to get them all out and sorted before I can take pictures because there are mixed up in there. After several hours of this my back was just killing me so I took a break and ran to the post office and the Salvation Army. At the SA I tried on -- no joke -- like a hundred things. All I came home with was two pair of work pants (one of which I need to lose about three pounds to be really comfortable in) and a sweater that I looked at at Christopher and Banks when it was new and didn't buy. When I showed it to Liam he said, are you sure you don't already own that? LOL.

Today I have to meet my buyers at that property at noon and then there is an estate sale that starts at four with some glasses I want. I was tempted to wait and go tomorrow morning before I head to Missouri, and if the prices are too high today maybe I'll just go back and buy them then on my way out of town because sister #2 doesn't land until 2:45, and by the time she gets to the house (after stopping at the grocery store and who knows where else along the way) it will surely be five o'clock or later. We'll see.

I made plans for Billy Ray's oil change a week from Monday. I'll drop him of on my way into the city, get a loaner, and pick him up that evening. Super happy to be getting him out for the season!

Better get rolling since I want to be on the road here in an hour.