
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, too funny the OF will have to stick to back roads when he starts driving. Isn't it amazing how quickly things add up when you go to the store? Especially with ever-escalating prices.

Good idea to start a list for organizing the house. My mom had some of those foliage glasses you have (if they are the ones I am thinking of); it's nice that lady added more to her order.

Speaking of spending - I am returning to the scene of the "crime" - tomorrow. Marty wants to go to Denver to get (or look at) a drive for his camera to take astrophotos. It's kind of pricey, so he is encouraging me to order the lens I want AND he is taking me back to the jewelry store where I fell to finish my shopping. I WILL NOT walk in to the store in a hurry and if there is water around, I WILL avoid it. My thinking right now is to swap stones between two rings I have already and upgrade a pair of earrings I don't wear. So the peachy stone will get moved to a setting that has PC and baguette side stones and I will trade in the decorative crown (that doesn't fit the new stone quite right since it's not a calibrated size) and move the oval blue stone (that is a calibrated size) to the thick band and add a diamond halo to it. Of course, usually they don't have everything I want in the store or I find something else I want instead. The two pair of earrings I might get are halos with gemstones in the middle - they'd be blue sapphires and yellow sapphires to match some rings I have. We will see what happens. Also, Marty wants to eat at his favorite Cajun restaurant while we are there.

Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, did you survive the trip to the jewelry store? Was there a secondary trip to the ER needed?! I'm intrigued by the idea of adding a diamond halo to an existing ring. Definitely pics needed on that! Cajun food sounds wonderful! What do you and Marty like to order there? There used to be a Cajun restaurant in Chicago called Heaven on Seven, but I just looked it up and it appears to be closed now. Too bad; I really enjoyed that place!

Yesterday I ran to an estate sale first thing, washed and took pictures of the three sets of glasses I got there, had a meeting mid-afternoon, and finally worked through all the rest of the jewelry lady's bookkeeping stuff. I didn't go to bed until well after midnight muttering, "I'm not doing this again next year." Which is the same thing I say every year. :lol: Today I need to finish up the cow hide lady's stuff. It should be a walk in the park at this point after what I've been through with the other one.

Today I went to the local auction thinking there was nothing I wanted based on the photos... and I left with a car full of glass, ha ha. Then I zipped over to another estate sale and somehow the glasses I wanted were still there. They were a little more expensive than I thought they'd be, but it is what it is.

I'm currently filthy and exhausted. I think a nap is in order, and then a shower!
Happy Sunday kids!

Well yesterday I achieved NEITHER the nap NOR the shower! I triiiiiied to nap... but couldn't fall asleep. And then Liam came home and said he'd gotten a bunch of glass for me at his auction so of course I had to go downstairs and check it out.

We were both starving at that point so I suggested my new favorite restaurant (i.e., my new favorite restaurant GIFT SHOP :lol: ) -- Cracker Barrel! I had the best friend chicken I can recall in a long time! But... the candle I'm so in love with was sold out. I'm going to have to see if I can find them online.

Today I need to photograph a few listings but then I've GOT to finish the cow bag lady's accounting. Plus, the house clean up hasn't exactly taken off like a rocket, so that's on the agenda too.

Better get moving!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we did not go to Denver yesterday since the first 50 miles was listed as black ice and the interstate in both directions was closed near the state line due accidents. So no second trip to the ER was necessary. Maybe we'll make it down there soon.

Darn that the Cajun restaurant you like is closed. Many of our local restaurants didn't come out the other side of shutdowns. Pretty sad to see so many places gone and the new ones don't seem to make it either. Phooey. I generally order a steak because I get pretty sick from fish. It's safer to stick with beef = for me. What do you generally like to order? Marty tries a variety of things, he someones order alligator sticks as an appetizer - they try them up like chicken strips.

You did have a busy Friday. Darn the taxes for the jewelry lady were so "taxing" :lol: and I hope cow hide lady's taxes isn't as much work for you. I did some cleaning out and organizing today and found two things in the wrong file I had to scan and email my tax lady. Glad she hasn't notified me it's done yet.

Good deal you got some new glassware at the auctions. You are definitely a regular at those.

I generally like the food at Cracker Barrel too, I'll have to try their fried chicken. Darn the gift store was out of your new favorite candle. I totally planned on having breakfast there yesterday on our way to Denver. What was the scent you liked again? I can check the next time we stop there. They usually have Snoopy stuff too.

Since our trip to Denver was a bust, we held down the couch and loveseat most of the day yesterday. I volunteered to proof a few things and add some new photos to our photo galleries, but other than that, I watched TV.

Today though, I've been productive. We went out for breakfast and picked up some groceries. Then I decided to clean out my filing cabinet. The top drawer was so heavy it almost tipped it over if I opened it all the way. That led to cleaning out and organizing the coat closet as you come in the door so I could store my little telescope in there. And opened up some room in the back bedroom closets and threw out a lot of stuff and since the clothes rack is mostly empty I hung up my assorted tote bags getting them off the floor of the closet. It took me about 3-4 hours, but I feel like I got a lot done. I still need to go through that back room and throw things out, but I made progress!

Then I lifted and now I am working on laundry. I ordered Door Dash from Outback to be delivered in a few hours so I can enjoy a day of no cooking. Yesterday, I baked a roast and baked potatoes for dinner.

I dead lifted 40 pounds today. Did 35 pound rows and 27 1/2 presses - those weren't fun. I came upstairs and took Advil as soon as I was done.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, good idea to skip the long trip on treacherous roads! I used to get the gumbo or the jambalaya at the Cajun place. They also had cornbread that was pretty fabulous! The candle I like is by Northern Lights and the scent is Soft Cashmere. It comes in a blue glass container with a top that looks like wood. No luck finding it online (although I can find a bunch of their other scents) so I emailed the company yesterday. Maybe they'll get back to me and say they have a random case of them sitting in the back room, ha ha. The jewelry lady is making me crazy. She does not know how to read a spreadsheet. I am SO annoyed. But today I am putting all her stuff for the year in a big envelope and sending it back to her so I can wash my hands of 2022!

Yesterday I took some pictures, packed an order, answered a bunch of questions for the jewelry lady, and didn't get around to much else. Not nearly as productive as I wanted to be. And then Liam came home and we went to meet some of our friends at a local sports bar.

Today I'm working from home since I've got all day meetings on Wednesday and Thursday so I'm not sure if I'll be able to WFH on Friday. I gotta say Curby, this working for a living is just pants sometimes!

Alright, off to get this party started. I might be working from home but I still need to put CLOTHES on LOL.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, ooh, I love good cornbread. A BBQ place we visit in Colorado sometimes, has excellent cornbread muffins. I hope you hear back on the candle and they send you an entire box. That would be sweet. Sorry the jewelry lady is driving you crazy. That's a case of no good deed goes unpunished. I was going to call my tax lady and make sure she got my email (she never responded) but I forgot and it's after 5 now. Making myself a note now.

Your Sunday sounds more relaxing than mine. If the astronomy store had been open on Sunday, we might have ventured that way on Sunday. Sadly, they are closed that day.

Good plan to work from home on days you don't have meetings. LOL that working for a living is just pants. I apparently volunteered to do something else today for the astronomical league. They had me make up a brochure for them in 2017 so asked me to do it again. It didn't take me that long and they sent the astronomy club almost $800 for my help, so why not?

I worked another full day today. Didn't get much accomplished, but most things I did took a while. Our cleaning lady was here today and I moved to the recliner in the den while she moped. Why haven't I worked in the recliner before? Then again, Marty might find me napping in the recliner.

We woke up to snow again. Shocking, I know! It was very icy this morning. When Marty came home from the gym, he slid right by the first place to turn into our neighborhood. Of course, he drives like he stole it even on ice.

I had one cup of my homemade soup in the freezer, so I heated it up for lunch. I've got a potato baking and thawed out two chicken tenders I have from Culvers to go with it. Easy supper.

Curby #justsaynotonewtasks
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, no news from the candle company... but I haven't lost hope (yet)! Working from the recliner sounds great! It's a good thing the jewelry lady doesn't live close to me or else she'd be DEAD because I'd have to go over there and strangle her. LOL on Marty driving it like he stole it!

I swear I have no idea where yesterday went. I did finish the cow bag lady's accounting, which was a walk in the park after that other mess with the jewelry lady.

This morning I had two big orders come in and I was in a panic because I'm at the very end of my bubble wrap. The order I placed last week for packing materials isn't ready yet but I ran over to the place at lunch and was able to pick up some stuff so I should be fine getting all this out the door tonight.

For the rest of the day I'm working on a risk assessment. I'd really rather slam my left t!t in the car door. Repeatedly. Oh well, I guess that's what they pay me for.

Off to figure stuff out -- wish me luck!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope you hear back on the candles. It's probably a good thing the jewelry lady doesn't live close then. I always wanted to Gibb's smack some of my employees (that's from NCIS, in case you never watched it). I refrained though.

Glad the taxes for the cow bag lady were easier. I got a call from my tax lady tonight. She was asking me questions about my job - if I used a specific part of the house and what my internet costs. I thought, oh oh, that's bad she's trying to save us some money. Turns out we are getting quite a bit back. She suggested I just put it towards our 2023 taxes and then only pay quarterly payments in September and the end of the year. I was agreeable with that.

That is good you got enough bubble wrap to pack your your orders. That's great your store is doing so well. I take it the payments are still coming through okay.

Working on risk assessment doesn't sound like one of your favorite things. I did laugh at what you'd rather do. That sounds painful.

Marty had to work late last night, got to bed at 4 a.m. and he's doing the same tonight. I wonder if he's heading to the gym then at 4 a.m.?

I slept in a bit, mostly because the office is by the spare bedroom he was sleeping in and I hated to wake him. I still worked eight hours today. I stopped in time to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I'm taking a friend to lunch tomorrow and he birthday is Saturday. I first thought of ordering cupcakes to take, but decided I know she'd rather have cookies. Her mom and daughter are coming to lunch too, so I'm taking them all cookies just to get rid of most of them. Of course, I tested a few to make sure they were edible.We are trying a new pizza place in town.

I tried - in vain - to see Mercury and Jupiter tonight. I did enjoy a lovely sunset since those low clouds were probably covering up the two planets.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, LOL on the Gibb's smack! I just watched a GIF about a hundred times and was like YES! every single time! The payments are coming through daily (except for Saturday and Sunday). It's a good thing that they're rolling in... but now I don't have those big Monday payouts. Oh well, I'm just glad to get the $ and not have to worry about it. How was the new pizza place?

Today was lonnnnnnng. They put us in the basement -- er -- I mean The Training Center and we talked culture culture culture. Folks. I get it. Really. Not how 'bout we build a culture where people can stop doing stuff like this and Get Their Fvcking Jobs Done?! And tomorrow Lather, rinse, repeat.

I've been corresponding with a lady about an expensive pair of candle holders. No sale yet, but I'm hopeful. Plus they are small and easy to ship!

We've booked the cleaning people for next Tuesday. Honestly I'm not sure how that's supposed to happen. I guess we'll see...

Alright, off to have one more glass of prosecco and see what I can clean up tonight. As you can see, the excitement abounds!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes, a good Gibbs slap would be so satisfying and well deserved. I can always dream . . .

That's great the money continues to roll in from your store. You can afford some Culver's custard now. :lol:

I hope that lady buys the candle holders.

Today does sound long for you. It's a different world now where some people just don't have a strong work ethic. They'd rather talk about it, or complain about it or ignore it. I'm SOOOOOOO glad I quit my job.

I hope the cleaning people do a good job for you. It's so nice.

Marty was working until 4:30 a.m. this morning but they got the problem fixed last night. I put a teddy bear by the pillow in the guest bedroom since I knew he'd go sleep in there when he was done. When I got up, it was sitting outside that bedroom door. He said later the bear was protecting him from me. Ha!

I got up at 6 today so worked for several hours before heading out to sign on the dotted line for taxes and meet my friends for lunch. The girls lunch was fun. Before I left, I asked Marty if he wanted me to get him a meat lovers pizza. He clearly said no, he doesn't want to eat pizza. So I order a small hamburger pizza. Eat two pieces and bring the rest home fully intending to eat more for supper and freeze the rest for some other day. Guess who ate the rest of my pizza? I had a grilled cheese sandwich instead.

I worked until 4:30 and then lifted. I keep trying see Jupiter and Mercury before they slip over horizon. There are in this picture somewhere.


Ha Ha. I forgot to hit post reply yesterday, and it was still there.

I worked until now today. I am worn out. Off to see if the wind is blowing the grill. If not, I'm grilling myself some burgers. I'll keep the extras for lunch or supper.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you get caught in the mountain of boxes? I hope not.

I had a lot of work to get done today since I’m going to be gone for a while, so I was online by 7 a.m. I had a hair cut appointment at 10 a.m. so took my daily shower when I got home.

Now, let’s talk the wind here. Yes, it’s normally bad but today is absolutely nuts. When I came out of the store after getting my hair cut, I kept getting hit with gusts so I’d stop and wait until it weakened a bit, but one more step and I had to stop again. I kept telling myself “tuck those arms in” just in case it knocked me over. My car was getting pushed around like a tinker toy and it’s so bad outside this afternoon, our house sounds like an old, creaky, leaky shack. I haven’t seen maximum gusts yet, but I think they’ll be high.

Of to start rounding up things for my suitcase. We are heading to Georgia for the burial of Marty's brother's ashes for a few days. I hope I find enough little toiletries to take because I don’t want to venture out to the store for that. We need a new large suitcase too, when Marty came back from his brother’s funerals, the wheels on our large suitcase broke. That sucker traveled the world with him though, so we got our money’s worth out of it.

Curby #thatwindoutthereWTF?
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, Box Mountain is depleted considerably, and we have a new plan that involves some additional shelving there. I've already ordered the posts to extend that area, which will come in a few days. So there is hope! "Tuck those arms in" LOL!!! I hope the trip to Georgia goes OK for Marty. These things are always hard.

Well your wind came at us in a big big way -- as in Tornados! There were several in the area and at one point we all actually did go down in the basement into a small storage room. Me, Liam, two kids, two dogs. Did I already say it was a SMALL room? Fortunately we didn't have to stay there very long. In anticipation of the trip downstairs I grabbed my "good" jewelry, the stash of cash, our passports, and POG the stuffed pig. I was READY! The metal firepit on the back deck decided it would rather be in the yard. I'm just glad it went in that direction and not toward the sliding glass door. Other than that we were fine fine fortunately.

I listed like mad yesterday, and then we went to meet friends at a local place to watch basketball. Today we are doing nothing but cleaning up! The crew of cleaning people comes on Tuesday and we need to have this place ready for them to come in. I hope they don't (a) faint, or (b) run screaming back to their van when they step inside.

Alright, better get rolling. Liam just brought me my coffee and said he's already been hard at work in the garage and the shed. I'm a little afraid of what that means given he did all that without "adult supervision." Wish me luck!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I wondered if the tornadoes were in your area. Glad all of you didn't have to stay in the small room long. And yes, it's a good thing the fire pit blew the other way. That would have been awful to come flying through the glass doors. We have what I call the "Harry Potter" room (a room under the staircase) to go to during tornado warnings. I need to get some wine and chocolate in there - just in case. Probably my gym would be better though, it's cement walls all underground. Such fun.

That's great the box mountain is receding and you have plans for shelves in the works. Sweet.

Yes, the next few days will be rough.

Nice you got some new listings up. I'm taking my iPad with me so I'll definitely browse through your site again. Good luck with the shed and garage today. Isn't it funny we clean things before the cleaning people come? Marty laughs at me that I do that all the time.

I am mostly packed. We went and picked up a new suitcase yesterday and I am almost at the half mark spot. I'm leaving my laptop at home so I won't be tempted to "work" if I'm bored. We went out for breakfast and we plan on eating at Elways at DIA since our flight boards at 5. We get in to Georgia about 11 so it'll be a long night.

Snow is expected while we are gone. Yippee!!

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, how is Marty doing? No chocolate in our "underground bunker," but I totally forgot I put my tiny wine cooler in there that I moved from the boathouse when I sold it. And there are actually four bottles of wine in it! So I'll be bringing those upstairs LOL. Good idea not to take your laptop. No need to work on this trip!

Yesterday I ended up taking pictures for five listings just because the things were on the counter washed already and there was no point in putting them away only to have to get them back out again for photos, and then storing them a SECOND time. I got the dining room table completely cleaned off and all the tubs and boxes of unlisted inventory went out in the garage. Holy sh!toly... There's quite a bit more than I was thinking... Stuff must breed in those boxes under the dining room table!

Liam is staying down at the ex-wife's house with the boys for two nights because she's out of town and they have to go to school. Great in theory, but the cleaning people are coming TOMORROW and there is still a ton of his stuff all over the house. No idea how I'm going to deal with all that between now that then. I guess I just won't sleep tonight...

Today I need to review some contracts, have a slew of meetings, and just generally be amazing. Later, rinse, repeat!
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, hope and Marty are doing well on the trip.

On Tuesday I cleaned up until late in the night. There were a few areas I didn't get to (Liam's stuff is just beyond my abilities LOL) but I did the best I could. Yesterday I took two meetings at home and then headed downtown around one o'clock. The trip in was HORRIBLE. Blinding rain and hail so bad I'm afraid to look closely at my car because I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was damage. But I did the three things I needed to do and made it back to The North Estate by about seven. The house looks GREAT! We really have to have the cleaners come more often!

Today I'm working like a dog. We got the big regulatory approval we need to move forward, so I'm all Game On!!!!!
I’m 47 going through menopause and a thyroid cancer survivor. Losing weight for me is tripple as hard as it is for my friends. It seems to bother them that I am heavy. They make rude comments and basically try to make me feel unworthy. I am starting with a new dietician in two weeks and they really don’t care about my health. It’s all about appearance. I feel so worthless. Am I that frightening to look at?1C1BC1FF-94BF-462F-ACBB-1E5AAB32E497.jpeg
Happy Saturday kids!

Waffle, you are LOVELY! Fvck those people -- they are NOT your friends. Friends don't care what you look like (and you look JUST FINE!!!). The new dietician... I'm not sure I'm reading your comment correctly. Do you mean the new dietician doesn't care about your health (in which case you need a NEW new dietician) or your friends don't?

Curby, thinking of you and Marty. Hope all is well.

I can't remember where I left off... Thursday I think. Work, work, work. Friday I was WFH. Laundry, Packed up two orders, got my haircut (which is fine but not fabulous), went to a new pizza place with Liam (we can cross that one off our list), walked through a local auction that stats this morning (all big stuff, didn't see any glass), and had to make a run to Meijer at about 9 o'clock when I couldn't find the green tomatillo salsa I need to make chicken chili today. As you can see, the excitement abounds here at The North Estate. :lol: Oh. And let me just say the crowd wandering around a grocery store a 9 o'clock on a Friday night... well, it's a strange one!

Today I want to take pictures of some table cloths and quilts since the dining room table is cleaned off. I also need to track down a flourless chocolate cake because my friend who's coming to Easter lunch tomorrow is off gluten. In the city this would be no problem. You can't walk down the street without tripping over three flourless chocolate cakes in a row. But out here in the boonies... not so much. I've got two ideas, but if those don't pan out I guess I'll be trying to bake one. Yikes!

Alright, time to get this show on the road.
@waffle ’friends’ who make you feel like that are NOT your friends. How dare they? I can understand people worrying about the health of a friend, but to make disparaging and cruel remarks about someone’s appearance, is just not on.

Do you know what I see? I see a woman with luxuriant hair, clear skin, and an honest, open, smiling face.
Hi Kids! I'm still alive. Don't think you can contact Marty and tell him I promised you all my jewelry. :lol:

Hi Waffle! What Dee jay and Austina said, no one needs friends like that. I often remember a quote attributed to John Wayne - don't let the b*astards get you down. I see a lovely person, with pretty hair, a warm and friendly smile, a lively look in your eyes. I am glad to hear you are a thyroid cancer survivor. I have a mass in my thyroid but the tests came back benign.

Hi @Austina!

Dee Jay, glad to hear one of us has been working. I usually have over 60 hours in my now and I have maybe 9. Phooey. We've been on a massive spending spree, more about that later. I'll have to work more the rest of the month.

That's awesome the cleaners did an amazing job. It's so nice to have someone clean it for you. The drive to town in the rain and hail does not sound fun. We luckily had good weather to and from the airport on our trip.

Too funny things breed in the boxes. I totally can imagine how many pieces of glassware you have around the house.

The early crowd in stores is rather unique. I see some in their PJ's sometimes. I'm like - really? I hit the Dollar Tree and Kohl's this morning at about 9. Marty is working on his RV today. I went out and spent more money like a drunker sailor today to get "stuff" for the RV. Then came home and washed up the dishes, etc for the trailer. He ordered a new mattress for it and it arrived Thursday. The box says "short queen" on it so he sent a picture of it to his sister and a friend of mine and says that what I was delivered in. He's such a brat!!!

Marty is doing okay. Tuesday was a bit tough on everyone, but the burial service was brief and quite nice. His wife's family lives in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and that is where we were. They were all very nice people and made us fell welcome. Some of them got our names mixed up and kept apologizing to us about it. We are used to it, especially little kids either call us Marcy or Marty - we always say M&M works.

The handicap accessible room I had Marty book for us was pretty nice. But since I am not having much trouble with my wrist, I guess it wasn't necessary. It was a bit pricey staying there, but when he was booking our hotel I had no idea how well I'd be doing and I couldn't see me getting in and out of a tub for a shower.

His sister and their parents stayed in a house they rented so we hung out there most of the time and cooked there. It's a small town with lots of walking to get places and big crowds. It's very pretty there and every morning we got up in time to drive to the local pier and watch the sun rise. We visited a local light house and its museum the last day we were there and met with his relatives quite a bit.

Thursday was a LONG day. We got up at 1:30 our time and headed to Jacksonville by 4:30. Our flight was leaving at 8:15. Got to the airport at about 6 a.m. The TSA line was slow and I don't have TSA pre - Marty does so he got his yellow pass card and stood in line with me. About an hour later we made it through the line. And again, both coming and going, they must have decided I was a terrorist and I got pulled aside for a pat down and hand check. I even didn't wear very baggy clothes this time. I think I'm going to get a TSA Pre check done before we fly again.

We landed in Denver about 10 a.m. and headed to an astronomy store. Marty got his heavy duty tripod and drive so he can take astrosphotos with it. I picked up a solar filer for cell phones to try and got a used eyepiece for my telescope in the house. Then we went to the jewelry store so I could finish my jewelry swapping / shopping I planned to do when I broke my wrist. We went to the other store in Denver so I didn't revisit the scene of the crime. I traded a pair of dangle earrings I haven't been wearing towards two sapphire halo stud earrings that match some of my rings. Then did the "swap" the sapphires between two rings I already have, adding a diamond halo to the blue stone I moved to that fat solitaire ring. Over two hours later - that store is way too slow - we headed out for a 50 mile drive to eat steak at our favorite steak house. We were both so tired we passed on wine with dinner, we figured we'd pass out in our plates. Finally got home about 6 p.m. Like an idiot, I washed all our clothes out of the suitcase that night.

Yesterday, I worked until 4:30 and lifted. Then since we hadn't spent enough money on Thursday and the trip, I ordered the lens I wanted. It will arrive sometime next week.


The sun peaking out, the new earrings, Marty working on his trailer, the box I was "delivered" in, us in front of the lighthouse and Marty's new toy.



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@waffle ’friends’ who make you feel like that are NOT your friends. How dare they? I can understand people worrying about the health of a friend, but to make disparaging and cruel remarks about someone’s appearance, is just not on.

Do you know what I see? I see a woman with luxuriant hair, clear skin, and an honest, open, smiling face.

Thank you!
Happy Easter kids!

Hi Austina! :wavey:

Curby, LOL on the Short Queen! Is Marty going to try to sleep on that in the RV though? He's so tall... how will that work? I have a vision of the windows open and his feet sticking out! :lol: Love the new earrings! When will the rings be done? It sounds like the trip was "good" even though I'm sure it was tough.

Yesterday was a bit of a clusterfvck. Liam went off to the local auction and I stayed home to take pictures (five quilts and two tablecloths that have been sitting around in a giant plastic tub). That all took farrrrr longer than I thought it would. At one point I had to MacGyver a set-up that involved a sheet hanging down from the upstairs landing and a giant piece of cardboard propped up on two chairs because the skylight in the entryway produced a blinding slice of sun right across the dining room table where I was trying to photograph the tablecloths. The lighting in the bedroom worked better for the quilts, but I had to climb on and off the bed about a thousand times. Oh well, at least I got some exercise!

Liam called me around 3:30 and said to come on over and see everyone because the whole gang was there, so I ran over and said hello. I found a restaurant that has a bakery area and they opened at 4:00 so when I called and they said they did indeed have a flourless chocolate cake I went and snagged that thing so fast there were flames shooting off of my American Express card! ANYTHING to avoid baking one myself -- even if it did cost $57! Just was I was getting home Liam said he'd invited some people over. I bolted to Costco and brought home a bunch of stuff to throw on the grill. And then the eating and drinking commenced.

Now Liam is working on getting a ham in the oven. He came in with my coffee and said we had an Easter Crisis because he can't find the roasting pan. ??? We'll it's certainly not here in the bedroom buddy, maybe take another look in the kitchen cabinets! Not sure exactly what's going on down there but I hear some activity so I'm assuming the crisis has been averted.

Alright, better hop in the shower and go provide some adult supervision!
Waffle, You look beautiful. Please ignore the comments these people made and get them out of your head. The comments are not true.

Hi @marcy, @Dee*Jay and @Austina.
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Happy Monday kids!

Hi Callie! :wavey:

I'm happy to report we all survived the Easter Crisis (glass baking pan to the rescue). My friend arrived around noon and there was MUCH eating and drinking. Actually TOO much LOL. I had to take a nap after he left and I cleaned up the kitchen.

Last night was very low key; one order to pack and then I queued up a bunch of listings. This morning I woke up early for no good reason and got to the office about half an hour before I normally do.

Today I need to kick some a$$. The major project I was brought on to do is not moving very fast. Frankly, I feel like it's going BACKWARDS. So that needs to be addressed or I'm going to have to do something else with my life.

Wish me luck.
Hi Kids!

Hi @Calliecake

Dee Jay, that is great you survived the Easter Crisis. Sounds like you had a crazy, busy weekend, but at least there was drinking and eating involved. We had Easter dinner out with the "drinkers" and we didn't all consume an entire bottle of wine each. Maybe 3 glasses each, but it was an improvement.

Glad to hear you got more pictures taken of your loot to get posted on your site. Isn't it funny how just certain lighting is the best for different things? I swear, I don't have the correct angle of sunlight in this house I had at the old house. And I have better cameras now than I had then. Go figure.

I am sure you'll kick arse on the project you were brought in to do at work. I hate when it feels like you are just spinning your wheels or going backwards. Best of luck with that.

We did have a lovely Easter dinner and then went over to the drinkers house and play games for a while. We called it quits at about 7 p.m. though. I ate way too much this weekend but I behaved today. I upped my poundage on lifting a bit more. My left wrist was cracking on rows and dead lifts but it didn't hurt.

Around noon, Marty wanted to run out to our local Camping World to pick up a few more things he needs for the trailer so I went with him. I bet he was sorry he asked me because we left with far more items than he originally intended to buy. I found some great camping chairs that we got. They are director chairs so sit up high meaning they are easier to get out of than most lawn chairs. One airm has a little try on it with a cup holder and the other side has a cooler.

I didn't get eight hours in today, but I did work seven hours. My sister stopped by with some eggs for us and visited for a while so after she left, it was about 5:30 and I still had to lift so I didn't work on my May charts anymore.

It was lovely here today. Probably in the 60's. And only a mild breeze. It was bizarre!

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, Our weather is so good today that when I ran over to UPS at lunch I was tempted to keep on going! I had to bring the rest of the flourless chocolate cake in to the office today because I keep eating it at home. My pants and I are having an argument right now... and the pants are winning! The higher camping chairs are so much better than those low slung ones that you can't get out of. Once your butt is in one of those it's STAYING in!

Yesterday I got A LOT done! Thank god, because otherwise i was going to start applying for other jobs LOL.

Dinner was leftovers from Easter, and then I had to pack up three orders and Liam embarked on his taxes. I went to bed and left him with my laptop (his is going to sh!t and he didn't want to risk losing all the work) and he came upstairs at one point and said, "Can I write off the new shed?" :lol: He did buy it for the purpose of storing his inventory... but he also keeps the lawnmower in there. I told him that was a conversation he and his conscience could have with the IRS!

Speaking of Ebay, I can't remember if I told you this (although I probably DID because I tell you everything!) but Etsy is piloting a program to let buyers make bids on your listings. Seriously?! That's why I listed on Etsy instead of Ebay in the first place - I didn't WANT crazy lowball offers on stuff. I price appropriately (probably LOW if the truth be told) and give free shipping in the continental U.S. Any more than that and I'd be paying the buyer to take my stuff, AND delivering it straight to their front door. Well I got so torqued off by the whole thing that I've decided to open an Ebay store. There are programs out there that will port over your listings from Etsy to Ebay. It does cost money, but I've got about 500 listings so it's worth it to me to try it. I'm a little concerned about how inventory will work. I.e., the port sites say they will manage it so that if an item is listed on both sites and it sells on one it will also come down from the other... but who knows. I'm sure there will be some snafus along the way. I'm hoping to start migrating things over later this week. There's also an option to open a Shopify store, but I'm thinking two marketplaces might be enough for one Dee at the moment! Anyway, stay tuned on that because I'll likely be throwing some techno9logy questions your way!

Alright... off to wash my lunch dishes and get ready for my next meeting. Later gators!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we are having amazingly nice and warm weather here too. I will not - however - bet anyone that it will last. Yay for a few days of spring!

Darn those cakes being tempting. I am gaining and losing the same few pounds over the last 10 days or so. I am trying very hard to be good this week! I was definitely stress eating a bit before we left for Georgia. Then the time with the relatives required more alcohol consumption and we had dinner with the drinkers on Easter. Back to normal this week.

That's great you got so much done at work. Progress. I finished my big chore for the month about 20 minutes ago. Yay.

Definitely, those lawn chairs you sink in are rough to get out of, and that's what our old chairs do, plus they are a bit low to the ground. I think I'll really like these new ones. So far, I haven't spent money today. Shocking, I know. I did order more beef last night, Marty eats for four people and we go through it quick.

Leftovers for dinner are the best, easy prep and clean up. Too funny about the shed and Liam's taxes. Our tax lady deducted some standard deduction for the square footage of the den that I use for my office. We honestly don't use it for anything else. She also deducted my monthly internet since I work solely online. And she also deducted my medicare premiums. Anything like that makes me nervous but hopefully she knows what she is doing.

I hope the Esty / Ebay dual stores work out well for you. That will be nice if the process works smoothly. I haven't bought anything on Ebay for ages. I don't even know if I have our account information anymore. Like I need another place to shop. :lol: Of course, you've got to stick with your strengths.

I got up about 6 a.m. today and I did work eight hours. I'm about falling asleep. I wonder if it's because I had carbs for lunch? But that piece of my lasagna for lunch didn't exactly suck. Think I'll have oven fries and two Culver's chicken tenders I found in the freezer for supper. And some strawberries.

My new lens might show up tomorrow or the next day. Or at least by Friday. My two rings should show up on Friday as well. Marty has so much stuff showing up for the RV, we are getting quite a mountain of boxes as well. I have been putting new boxes in "my" short queen box.

Off to grab the mail. Hopefully my winning Publisher's Clearing house notice is in the mail box.

Hi Kids!

I worked 9.5 hours today. What was i thinking? :lol:

It was another spring day here. Friday mentions the cold white stuff again. Phooey.

I even suckered Marty in to going to the grocery store for me today. He needed to get food anyway for his quick camping trip this weekend.

Hi Kids!

Our spring days are fading away. Snow and rain tomorrow. I hope Marty can pull his trailer north tomorrow. He has a client competing in a city about 180 miles north of here. Party at Curby's house!

I worked over ten hours yesterday so I am quitting at 7 1/2 hours today. Off to do my lifting now.

Marty was working in his robe again this morning. He came upstairs from his office at about 10 and said, "well, I guess I better put on a dress." :lol:

I'm way behind, but still alive! More later, just didn't want you calling 911 on me!