
Healthy Living Thread

LOL - I just checked our credit card. Marty is flying home 1st class. I can't say I blame him.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I don't blame Marty one bit for upgrading! Folding his long tall frame into those tiny seats must just be horrible. One the way back from Hong Kong I had a row of three to myself and I'm so short I could lay flat out and sleep LOL. Did you see the comet? My state tax thing seems to be working OK. I logged on this morning and made a whopping $5 payment for sales tax collected in the State of Illinois in December. I have no idea what they'll do with ALL that money!

This week is sliding by. I took listing pics yesterday, went to the post office and was in the process of cleaning up the kitchen when Liam called and said we were going to meet one of his work buddies for dinner. Three glasses of prosecco and a spinach salad with salmon later I came home and rolled into bed.

Today has been Accounting 101 all over again. Me. The cowhide bag lady. One of the two organizations I'm doing the books for. Ack. I need to queue up a bunch of stuff for tomorrow and also run to the post office and UPS. I'd love to go to the local RV show tonight but Liam will likely be picking YF up.

I'm trying to stay strong and NOT buy something right now... I went to a local furrier that's going out of business and he had the cutest fox fur backpack. The thing is SO fluffy! I would look like I'd grown a giant furry hump, but damn I love it! $700 though. I need a $700 furry backpack like I need a third t!t. Talk me out of this!!!

Alright, off to get some things done.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty said he didn’t feel crippled when he got to Houston. He is boarding the final plane in Denver now. I will be SOOOOO happy when he gets home. I did not see the comet. I gave up trying. Plus it has been snowing since noon anyway. I bet they’ll pave a few inches of a street with your tax money.

LOL - did you buy the furry backpack? I bought a furry jacket once (pink) and hated how much it shed. I barely wore it after the first time. I’m toying with spend money on a Mac Mini and either a new monitor or hook up that camera I broke to my monitor so I don’t have to keep taking my laptop, monitor and microphone apart. I don’t think my boss is giving up the idea of getting me to do live videos. She doesn’t take no for an answer.

Ugh to your bookkeeping chores. I did spend some time this week rounding up some tax documents. I think I need something from the mortgage lady on closing costs, etc with all the horse trading - or is that house trading we did this year. Our taxes are going to be nuts for 2024. Be glad you aren’t our tax lady.

I kept an eye on the forecast and decided it would be prudent to get a vehicle to the airport here for Marty to drive home. I am glad we did. He didn’t want me to leave the Porsche because he can use remote start on the pickup while he’s waiting for his luggage. I rarely drive his pickup, so a friend of mine said she’d drive it to the airport. Her husband dropped her off on their way to drop off their exchange student at high school. She drove the pickup to our airport and I ran her home. Since it was warm the last two days, the snow turned to instant ice and the city is on an accident alert. I am glad I’m not venturing out in it.

Marty’s flight out of Sydney was delayed over an hour. They finally gave up on the maintenance they were doing and took off (a 787) with 4 of 7 toilets working. I’ll be anxious to hear how that went.

I did pile up some teddy bears and rabbits to greet Marty when he gets home. I didn’t round all of them up, just what are in the living room.


Dee*Jay- all that tax stuff sounds like a nightmare! And then trying to find someone to help…I just have no patience. Several years ago someone filed a tax return under my college age niece's ssn. It took years to get it straightened out because she kept getting transferred from one person to the next at the IRS. Finally got someone who would help her after a good two years. You take trips to such fabulous places! Do you go to Aspen each year? Did you get the backpack?

Marcy-I love the welcome committee! That was a brilliant idea for getting a vehicle to the airport. Does Marty have to go back to Australia anytime soon? I hope he was able to do some sight seeing. A lot of Acorn tv shows take place in Australia. There seems to be an underlying theme about how all the critters there try to kill you. That is off putting about how much they were going to charge to reset your earrings. Matt encouraged me to pick what I want from wherever and not be sold to the idea of WF because I had a trade. But I never wear that ring and I thought a trade would make me feel less guilty!

My car had a service appointment at the BMW dealer today. I almost cancelled it because we had freezing rain on and off Saturday and then 5 more inches of snow yesterday. Once I got out of our neighborhood and off of the dinky road to the main road, the roads were fine. I stopped at a local family owned jewelry store on the way home to drop off my mangled sapphire ring for repair. While I was there, I tried on 3ct, 2.5ct and 2ct diamond solitaires. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable above 2ct. And then I tried on some rings from the estate section. I found a 1.69ct OEC with .34ctw stones in the setting. Loved it! I just took Ruby out to do her biz and it’s -1. I know you two are from colder climates and that’s probably not so cold for you, but I can’t take it! I want to move south!! Have a great day tomorrow.
Hi Kids!

Deegee, what a pain for your niece with her SSN. My niece’s husband had his identity stolen and they took out a bunch of credit cards and charged a lot on them. Most companies were helpful, one was not. I don’t think Marty has to go back to Australia, but since it’s a new company, who knows. He did some sight seeing while he was there. It was warm too. I get trying to stick with WF for a trade, I like those down payments on new things, but hopefully you find exactly what you want no matter where it’s at. Good deal your roads were okay once you got to the main ones. Did you get a picture of that OEC? It might just be the one. I think my 1.5 carat is big, so I wouldn’t like some of those larger diamonds on me. I have small hands though. It’s all personal preference. I hope they fix your sapphire ring as good as new. And -1 is cold to me too. Heck anything below 75 is cold to me. I am sitting on the loveseat with a long sleeve t-shirt, covered by a pullover sweatshirt and a zipped up hoodie and a fleece blanket doubled on my lap. I am getting warm though. Finally. We’re at -5 and it feels like -19.

I spent my day working on February sky charts. Marty is coming down with his typical post travel cold. He stayed home from the gym tonight. We finally got to sign up for his benefits with his new company today. Our dentist and eye doctor don’t take the insurance we’ll have. The medical is still with BCBS so that should be fine. I have such weird vision problems, I hate to switch eye doctors. But we will see. We had great VSP before that covered almost 80% of our new glasses. Our dentist said they’ll submit to the other insurance, but they are out of network and only pay a certain amount. Joy. He is supposed to get paid tomorrow, but so far nothing is in our account pending and he doesn’t has a paystub. It’s a pretty poor system for a remote / new employee. And crap, I need to remind him to find out how to submit expenses from his trip. It took me forever to figure out what percentage he had them withdraw for his 401K. Who knew CAP meant that on his old paystub. It was so clear.

Happy frigid Tuesday kids!

Curby, good call on getting a vehicle to the airport for Marty and I hope the new expense system goes smoothly. When I used to travel I would do my expenses on the plane on the way home or else I would forget half the stuff I needed to submit. How's your weather? It's officially So Fvcking Cold here. And today is warmer than yesterday!?! Are you going to be around tomorrow? I can find the link to the webcam and wave to you!

DeeGee, what a mess about the fraudulent tax return. I can't believe how often stuff like this happens. I go to Aspen at least once a year, and often two (or three... or four... ) times LOL. If I ever win the lottery I'm definitely moving here! The ring sounds fabulous! Do we have *pictures*?! You know Curby and I are dying to see it!

I'm currently sitting on the couch in the condo. The place we rented is gorgeous -- high ceilings, newly redone, corner unit with great views. Two of my friends skied yesterday and today, and my other friend went shopping with me yesterday and cross country skied on the golf course today. I've been tooling around all the shops... but so far the only thing I even considered buying was a coat. Given that I want to move to the DESERT that seems like a poor decision, so I'm holding out. Also no furry backpack from the furrier back home. But I gotta say, staying strong in the face of good shopping is HARD!

Well I think there's a nap in my future, then cocktails at one of the hotel bars and dinner after that. All this vacationing wears me out! :lol:
Marcy-when the Australia company bought out Matt’s company, a lot of things were messed up at first. The first pay, their IT stuff, benefit packages, etc. He’s on my insurance, it I hear it really messed other people up! We used to have VSP and it was awesome insurance. Now we have Humana for vision and it doesn’t pay quite as well. Lucky for you to have small fingers!! My ring finger is 6.25 and I know people on here get much larger stones, but it didn’t feel like me. I didn’t get a good pic of the OEC. The ring was too delicate anyway, seeing as to how I am the destroyer. I think I will feel better if I trade my stone for another ACA. I’m way too lazy to sell the stuff I don’t wear, and I feel so bad for having all the pieces I never touch. I’m becoming very economical in my old age. Now I have to find the certificate.

Dee*Jay- do you ski? I would be banned. There’s a joke at home and at work that I’m not allowed to take a step in the dark, and I don’t go upstairs if Matt isn’t home, I have a reputation! The condo sounds awesome, and good job staying strong with all the shopping!

It’s -5 right now. I am not okay with this weather!! We have been under blankets, hanging out by the fire all evening. Last night Ruby got in bed with us and burrowed down under the covers. I don’t know how she can breathe all covered up like that, and she’s not a fan of this cold either. Tomorrow is our coldest day so far, and I have a meeting in the office at 10. Boo!!


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Frugal is the word I meant! I’m getting frugal in my old age. Nothing much to report today. It’s freezing and icy, I worked from home. After work, I played with Ruby for about 2 straight hours to burn some energy. Bless her heart, we haven’t wanted to walk her far in this cold. She has short fur and no undercoat, so poor little girl has to wear a jacket. I bought a tennis ball launcher for her and she’s learned how to drop the ball in the top and can entertain herself for a while. We have high 2-story ceilings and an open layout, so plenty of room inside. She loves playing fetch to the point we’re tired of throwing things! She wants me to sit at the ball launcher while she’s chasing the ball. Cutie pie. I found my diamond grading certificate in the craziest place… in the credenza by my desk in my home office in a file labeled D’s jewelry. Ha! I don’t remember being that organized. I got in touch with WF about how to start the upgrade process. I’m not going to overthink it like I have a tendency to do. Have a great Thursday!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it’s freaking cold here too and crazy windy. I have on a full-length fleece robe over my PJ’s and a fleece blanket folded in half on top of me. That was fun waving see you on the webcam today. Did you find anything exciting to buy? Sounds like living the life in Aspen. Except for the cold.

Deegee, that ring is pretty. I feel like I need bubble wrap most of the time too. I am a walking klutz. It is definitely cold. It sounds like you are covered up as much as me. Too funny Ruby gets under the covers. It’s cute she wants you to hang out with her while she’s playing. Nice you started the upgrade process with WF. What are you thinking of doing? I keep looking for my certificates, but no luck so far.

We had some interesting company last night. Marty told some guy he worked with at his last company and who was let go a few months ago that he could spend the night here on his way back to California. Surprise, he didn’t tell us he wasn’t traveling alone. Turns out he has a van that’s basically a bed on wheels because he’s a swinger. We didn’t see that coming. The wife that with him wasn’t his and strange she’s having trouble in her marriage. It quickly got a bit uncomfortable. They were pounding down drinks and getting more cozy. To each their own, they are adults, but take it elsewhere. I told Marty don’t ask him to spend the night here again. I sent a friend a mine a text about it last night and she sent me back a picture of “Love shack”. I wasn’t sad to see them go this morning.

Other than that excitement, I’ve just been working. Marty’s crud is about the same. Glad my thrillometer is low tonight.

Happy Thursday kids!

DeeGee, are you surrrrrre you don't want that ring? It looks lovely! No, I don't ski any more. About fifteen years ago -- here in Aspen! -- I tore my ACL, MCL, meniscus, and got two big bone bruises. That was the end of my skiing days. Oops!

Curby, waving to you on the webcam is always one of my favorite parts of an Aspen trip! YIKES about those overnight "guests"!!! I mean, WTF?! And they are definitely NOT welcome back. All of my gem certs and jewelry appraisals are in different places right now. I need to get them all gathered and into a safe deposit box.

Today my two skiing friends went over to Buttermilk and my other friend and I watched a little of the X Games practice there before we all had lunch. I needed a nap when we got back! Now we're all just internetting and killing time before we go out for a pre-dinner cocktail.

Tomorrow: Home!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it is fun to wave at you in Aspen. It’s much link to a town of the rich and famous. I’m still a bit stunned on our guests. I hope you find all of your cents and appraisals, I have more than 1/2, but I’m missing quite a few of them. I continue looking when I think of some new spot I haven’t checked.

Sounds like you are enjoying a life of leisure on your trip. Enjoy cocktails and dinner.

Marty is still sick so I get to venture to our astronomy club meeting by myself. I am not a fan of driving in the dark anymore but at least it’s not icy. It’s only cold and windy so I guess I’ll survive.

I am brewing up a little batch of nachos for myself for supper. I worked on videos most of the day. I’m at least ahead of what I need to get done for the beginning of the month. Yay.

Marcy-oh my! I don’t think I’d know how to react to that. How awkward!! I don’t like driving at night either. I had that injury to my eye many years ago and have a big scar in my eye right in the line of sight. When headlights hit it, that eye can’t focus for a good while. I’m thinking about a diamond right around 2ct in a solitaire setting. No fuss. I hope Marty starts feeling better soon!

Dee*Jay-i definitely understand why you don’t ski after that kind of injury! Matt tore his ACL and meniscus playing basketball. He went skiing many years after the repair surgery, and he was sorry he did it. That OEC ring was gorgeous, but way too delicate. Lots of tiny side diamonds scattered around. I would destroy it in about ten minutes. Safe travels home!

Nothing to report today. I worked from home and cleaned out my sock drawer afterwards. That wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been looking for a ring box to send my ring to WF. Today was supposed to be Ruby training day, but the trainer messaged me this morning that the community center had no heat so she cancelled. Ruby is doing so well, she doesn’t really need the basic manners training anymore. I already committed, so we’ll learn some other things. The trainer told me she trained her dogs to put away their toys, and I want in on that training!
Yay, Friday!! I went into the office today just for a meeting that got rescheduled to next week. Of course! I made the effort to get get ready and get there, so I decided I might as well stay for the rest of the day. I decided I wasn’t going to overthink, so my ring is on the way back to WF and I wired the difference between my new and old stones. I always feel so guilty when I make a jewelry purchase, so I’ve had heartburn since the wire went out. GAH!! And I gave zero patience. Gotta wait for them to receive my stone, verify it, then send me the new one. And then I’ll have to decide on a setting. What have I done?? Have a great weekend!!
Deegee, darn that you went to the office for a meeting that got rescheduled. Isn’t that a bit scary to send your ring off? You picked out the new diamond(s) already? Cool. They didn’t tell me they send the diamond(s) off to be re-certified before they’ll move forward on your upgrade. It added a few weeks on my diamond dangle upgrade. I kind of get that, but it’s not like you and I have the ability to engrave a serial number and WF logo on that tiny girdle of a diamond. I’ll be anxious to see what you get. If I find my certificates, I might upgrade my studs to a larger size diamond and put them in platinum. If not, I’ll keep what I have. I am with you on stewing over spending the money on jewelry. I get so excited before hand then I worry for days did I really like that? Should I have spent that much money?

Sounds like your scar on your eye is similar to mine. My scar is right on my macula and that eye can’t see the center of my vision, it’s like someone put a smudgy fingerprint of grease on the center of my glasses.

That would be cool to train Ruby to do things for you. I occasionally see where someone trains their dog to be the ring bearer at weddings. That is pretty cool.

We are getting snow tonight. Marty is feeling slightly better but still really stuffed up. We ordered in a pizza for supper and had ice cream for dessert. He must be feeling somewhat better.

Have a great weekend.
Happy Sunday kids!

DeeGee, I can't believe the meeting you went info for got cancelled. Ugh! Are you doing a plain solitaire setting or adding some embellishment? And don't feel guilty -- we work hard and it's totally OK to use $ on things that make us happy!

Curby, How's Marty doing? I agree, pizza and ice cream generally indicate the patient is felling better. The idea of training dogs to do things for you is intriguing... but ain't never gonna happen with the two I've got now LOL. Now The Demon, he was one smart furball. TOO smart if the truth be told.

The trip home on Friday was about the smoothest I've ever had coming from Aspen. Liam picked me up from the airport and then I stayed up until after midnight packing orders. Yesterday I ran to the post office before the local auction. I only spent a few hours there, even though I could have gotten two more lots later on, but I wasn't standing around alllllll day in the cold to do it.

Today I took pics for a few listings, packed more orders, and took a long nap in the family room. It was glorious! Until the noise started of course.

I need to queue up listings for the next few days and wash some glasses to take pics of tomorrow. We'll see if that actually happens!
Hi Kids!

Deegee, Marty is feeling slightly better today. He’s still coughing a lot. He shoveled today with his little utility vehicle plow. He even plowed out the cul-de-sac by our house. He said he was having fun, so decided to do it. So he must be feeling better. Yes, some dogs are very smart. I saw a video of one driving around a lawn mower. I don’t think it was AI either.

Nice that your trip home was so smooth. I have been seeing pictures of new items showing up on your FB and Instagram page. I try to share them. Not like I have a huge following though.

I successfully stayed away from work this weekend. Marty was firmly planted in the recliner yesterday so we watched all day yesterday. Today I did laundry and tried to bake another roast for supper. Once again, it was almost raw. The first couple of roasts I made over overdone, so now I try baking them in less time and this sucker was even too raw for Marty. He sliced it and fried those pieces up for us. I told him the last few roasts we have from our half beef are his to cook. Yes, we have meat thermometers, I just never use them. Not to brag, but my baked potatoes turned out perfect.

I got my article for the local paper done today AND got my February newsletter for the astronomy club ready to post and send out. Since I don’t do that until the 1st, I’ll probably forget about it by then.

We had about 4-6 inches of snow this weekend. Since it drifted it’s hard to tell how much we got.

Dee*jay-glad you’re home, safe & sound. And it sounds like you got straight back to work!

Marcy-we understand each others eyes! I got hit in the eye with a duffel bag strap and it caused a total posterior vitreous detachment. Now I have a Weiss ring. It’s like a greasy blob right in my line of sight. If I’m wearing my glasses, I take them off dozens of times to clean them because I swear there’s a dirty spot, but it’s just the blob in my eye.

And I’m with you, Marcy. I don’t understand why it takes weeks to verify my diamond. Unset it, find the inscription, make sure it’s not chipped and it should be good to go. The diamond on reserve is a 2.19 ct J VS1 ACA. I have a ring with a J OEC center stone and the color doesn’t bother me, so I’m hoping this one will be okay. It’s the most I was comfortable spending and I’m feeling really bad about it already! I’m planning on a solitaire setting. I had asked them to send the diamond first so I can see it in person, then I’ll return it to have it set. But now I’m considering having them setting it before they send it. I’m not going to overthink!!
Upgrade update-bummer! When they inspected my stone, it’s damaged! There are chips in the girdle. I asked them to return my stone unset and I’ll check with insurance to see if that’s covered. If not, I’ll have something else made with it and decide if I want another ring or not. I’ve mostly been wearing my sapphire as an e-ring anyway.
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Hi Kids!

Deegee, I do that too - try to clean off my glasses. It doesn’t help. How awful about your diamond being chipped. I hope insurance covers it. You could maybe bezel set it for a ring or pendant. I hate to hear that. I had mine insured with Jeweler’s Mutual but didn’t renew the policy the last time it came due. It was while we were getting the house ready to put on the market, packing, cleaning things out and it just slipped away. I have no idea if the home owner policy we have would cover it. I noticed my ruby band I wear a lot has a tiny diamond missing. It’ll be covered by that jewelry store in Denver. I might even send it in to them.

Not much new going on here. Marty is finally getting better, he’s not well yet but better. I’ve been working but not doing much else. I did see a skinny crescent moon tonight and got my camera out to catch it.

I watched the first few episodes of Paradise on Hulu. It’s pretty good.



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Hello from the Denver airport kids!

DeeGee, that's a bummer about the chips. Maybe a bezel is a good idea! Would you consider something like a double bezel with milgrain (like my yellow oval)? Or something with an engraved bezel? That could add some visual size and still let you use the diamond. Just a thought?!

Curby, had I known how this current trip (which you and DeeGee don't even know about yet!) was going to turn out I would have made arrangements to meet up with you. Cool picture of the crescent moon! Did you take that from the observatory?

So WHY am I in the Denver airport?!? Because... sister #2 decided she HAD to get away from the 'rent, whom she's been staying with since before x-mas, and we decided to take a mini-jaunt to Sun Valley in between my Aspen trip and Big Sky. I left from Chicago, she left from KC, and we met up in Denver for the last leg. Just as we were sitting down for a little layover cocktail our flight was cancelled. More accurately, it was "rescheduled" from 6 pm last night to 7 am this morning. And now it's already delayed to 8. Apparently the weather in Sun Valley is sh!t for travel. If we don't get out today we might decided to go somewhere else. So now we're in the United lounge having breakfast and crossing our fingers that this flight today actually happens... Ugh. The joys of ski season travel!

Not much else to report. Will keep you posted. And Curby, if you see a rental car pull into your driveway in a couple of hours... It's ME! :bigsmile:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I’ll be watching for you. Don’t you love layovers and flight delays? Lots of ski resorts should be happy with all the snow. I took the moon picture with my DSLR and zoom lens.

Big Sky made me think of two funny stories. My best friend in college lived in Bozeman. We were heading up there over spring break and she was sleeping off a hangover while I was driving. Once we crossed the state line in to Montana I woke her up and said wake up - the sky just got bigger. She called me a name. She was an avid skier so we went there over the break. I stayed in the bar and drank since I don’t ski. After college she got married at the Big Sky resort with the ceremony out in the prairie. I did a reading for her during their vows, so I was up front and off to the side. After I sat back down there was a bee under my long dress. It was getting more and more agitated banging back and forth between my legs and it was during their vows. First I tried just pulling up the skirt a bit hoping it would fly out. Finally, I stood up and was pulling up my skirt up to my knees trying to get the bee to fly out. It finally did. Her mom is looking at me mouthing what are you doing? My friend didn’t know about it until she saw the pictures. Such a sight. I also got sunburnt so bad that day I had blisters the size of quarters on my arms and where the V-neck of my dress was open. Good times …

We went out for breakfast today. It’s warmer but windy. I THINK I have all of my tax documents so I’ll round all that up this weekend. The house cleaner is here now so it’s either dinner out or ordering in today. I like having a clean kitchen for at least one day. Then Marty will fry something tomorrow in a cube of butter and put the burner on high. Oh well …

I think I’ll read today and be lazy. We’ve got wine if you show up today, Dee Jay.

The moon and Venus right after sunset today.


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Hi Kids!

I found my WF diamond certificates. I was looking for my little laminator and spotted them at the bottom of one of my “stuff” drawers. I might look in to upgrading my studs and move them to platinum. Maybe. Like I need more jewelry.

I am reading books other than working.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that story about the bee in your dress is hilarious! At least you didn't get stung! Good for you for getting all your tax stuff together. I have downloaded literally ONE form for myself so far LOL.

We'll I'm back from Sun Valley. It snowed pretty much nonstop the whole time we were there. Fortunately both #2 and I made it out today. The stores there are mostly open Wednesday through Saturday so I didn't even get into many of them, let alone buy anything. I did manage to slip and fall on an icy sidewalk yesterday, but the damage seems pretty minimal. #DeeIsAKlutz

I've been down in the basement packing orders since the minute I got home, and there's still one more that just came in but I don't have it in me right now.

Tomorrow I need to do laundry and then Thursday I'll repack. I think I'm taking pretty much the exact same stuff I took on this trip haha. Even though we'll be there longer I'll just rotate the sweaters twice.

Alright, I'm so tired I might fall asleep typing to it's time to call it a night!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the bee was amusing. I DID not gather my tax stuff. I need to do that and do my gym bookkeeping chore for January. Maybe I'll get fired from that job.

So it was snowy at Sun Valley? Oh no to slipping and falling on ice. I am glad the damage was minimal. But I bet you are sore. It's just been cold and windy here. It is warmer - a bit - this week.

So you're off to your next adventure.Is that to Big Sky? Wave at my friend in Bozeman. If her sister was still alive - I'd suggest you wave at her with your message finger. I wouldn't do that to her sister.

The wind is NUTS again today. I was waiting for the lid to blow off the dumpster out front. The house sounded like my knees - cracking and creaking.

I plan on making myself some mini pizzas for supper tonight. I bought the stuff while Marty was in Australia and never made them.

I need to dig out my WF certificates to see how much they'd give me for a trade. I totally would upgrade my studs for slightly bigger diamond and platinum studs. Yay for a birthday in a few months.

Marty is not a happy camper. Work is crazy stressful for him and his Nespresso machine bit the dust from well water. I keep asking to get a water softener for the house, but Marty doesn't want the sale in our water. He'll be cranky until his new machine shows up. If he uses water out of the filter water in the frig, it might work better.

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the snow in Sun Valley was kind of crazy. It virtually never stopped! And yes, Bozeman is next. I'm actually in the United Club at O'Hare right now waiting for my flight. Poor Marty! I love me a good Nespresso machine and I hope his new one shows up ASAP. When I was doing the kitchen reno two condos ago I put my Nespresso machine on the counter in the master bathroom and I was like, "Why don't I live like this all the time?!"

I cranked out two good days of listings so I should be all set for about ten days. I also did a ton of laundry (otherwise I'm not sure what Liam planned on wearing to work while I was gone... ?) and picked up two rounds of bubble wrap from the packing place. It was a whirlwind couple of days home!

When I was in Sun Valley I saw a raccoon fur vest in the window of a store that I just fell in love with. Of course the store wasn't open during the days I was there, but I messaged the owner and she left me a message back yesterday. I hesitate to buy something I haven't tried on, but I'm really tempted to get this one because it's the best raccoon vest I've ever seen. Hmmmm... I did (so far!) hold off on the furry backpack from a few weeks ago, so maybe... (Enable me?!)

Alright, off to get another cup of coffee and check out the apple walnut cake they were putting out when I went through the buffet line the first time LOL.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty misses his Nespresso. It does still have the out of order sign on it. How’s Bozeman?

Of course you should order the raccoon vest. Vests don’t have to fit exactly right either. Plus, it sounds warm to me. I dug out an old Eddie Bauer sweatshirt with faux Sherpa lining that is quite warm. It’s my best friend right now.

Since I found my WF certificates, I emailed today about upgrading my studs. I was looking at the 3/4 carat range each. They have a pair that’s over $1,000 less than similar diamond pairs. I’m thinking it’s a pricing error so I thought I’d try to get a quote on them. I want them mounted in platinum studs. Looks like I’d get the upgrade for under 1K including the 8 prong martini studs. I’ll take that deal any day. They are I VS1 and I Vs2. I see their ACA are all GIA not AGS. At least in that size and diamond pairs. I have preferred AGS cut over GIA in person, but on earrings I’m not that picky and to be fair I’m probably imagining a huge difference between the cuts.

A guy from the astronomy club is coming over for supper. Marty wanted some advice on some of the electrical stuff in the observatory. I baked some cocoa brownies. They smell good enough to eat. Marty just got back from buying a computer for the observatory. He’s been stewing for weeks over how to automate things out there.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I've finally figured out the "recipe" for the Nespresso here. Three pod cups of the medium intensity coffee (the high intensity -- which I used the first day -- will put you in the hospital!), TEN little squirrel p!ss containers of half and half, and FOUR sugars. This is all in a normal sized coffee cup. I swear this to be true. That would be fantastic to get your studs upgraded for such a "reasonable" cost! Are you going to change the style of the setting or just the metal? I've got the three prong martinis and I have come to love them.

I finally remembered to call the lady back about the raccoon vest. Turns out she slipped on an icy sidewalk the same day I fell down and Broke Her Femur. OMG. I was like, "Yanno, I'm interested in the vest but you have bigger fish to fry right now. Just give me a shout when you're out of the hospital." Yikes.

So I've been doing a whole lot of not much. Yesterday I went into "town" and bought some groceries; nothing major, just sandwich stuff, chips, and a couple bottles of wine. Today I went to the tiny grocery store in the resort (which I didn't know about yesterday when I took my life in my own hands to drive ten miles on an icy road in a rental car I don't know) and got the rest of the things I didn't think to get yesterday. See, that's what happens when you send someone who doesn't grocery shop to the store! Anyway, now I'm sitting down in the lobby lounge internetting while they clean our room.

I'm starting to get a little anxious about all the orders piling up. I realize it's a good problem to have, but I've only been gone two days and I have over 70 pieces of glass to ship when I get back. At this rate, with five more days to go in this trip, I'll be up all of the Friday night I return and Saturday until the minute the post office closes at 1:00 putting stuff into boxes!

We've got a reservation at another resort close by tonight to watch the game. I have no pony in this race, but I'll be a good sport and eat and drink my way through. It's the least I can do!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty probably takes double shots of those “will put you in the hospital” coffees. And he wonders why he can’t sleep.

I have the 8-prong martini YG right now and do like them. I am not sure I wanted martini settings because I occasionally see posts here they are uncomfortable. But surprise, that’s what my studs are anyway. I’d go with the 4-prong basket settings, but they don’t have them in platinum. So right now I’m inquiring about the 8-prong martini platinum settings.

Oh that poor lady breaking her femur. I bet you are still sore and have developed lovely colors of bruises by now. Stupid ice.

I bet that drive to town on icy roads was not fun. Good deal there’s a store at the resort. Our dinner guest last night brought a bottle of port. It was really sweet so I poured my drink discreetly down the drain when he wasn’t looking.

Naturally the orders will pile up while you are gone.

I don’t care much about the big game either but I have the pre-game going already. I rented Juror #2 this afternoon. It was a good movie.

Again, I am avoiding digging out tax documents today, but I SWEAR I’ll do it tomorrow.

Our friend from the astronomy club ruined my fun last night. He and Marty were downstairs chatting and it was getting close to 10 p.m. When Marty used to have poker games, at 10 p.m. I’d yell down the stairs “Marty, are your little friends staying past 10?” It worked GREAT on people who didn’t know me. Those who did - never suckered for it. Just my luck, he and Marty came upstairs at 9:45. They still talked up here for about an hour but it wouldn’t have been the same …

Have fun!
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Marcy-your bee story cracked me up! I could just picture it. I noticed the ACAs are GIA certified with an extra AGS document certifying ideal cut. I bought mine in 2008 and it was certified by AGS. I wondered about that change. Did you hear back from WF? I got my stone back last week and I can’t see any damage at all around the girdle, even with a loupe. The pictures they sent show it chewed all to pieces.

dee*jay-ouch to falling on the ice, and double ouch for the poor raccoon vest lady! 70 pieces of glass to ship when you get back? Something to look forward to! I can never fully relax when I’m on vacation because I know work is piling up. Ugh.

Good news - My insurance is going to pay to replace my center stone. Bad news - this blip has caused me to second guess getting an upgrade! Matt is encouraging me to move forward with my original plan. He’s such an enabler! I got my sapphire back Thursday and the jeweler did a fabulous job repairing it. I absolutely love this ring! I have been spending my evenings playing with this adorable goofball. I think she’s much younger than the age the shelter had her listed as. She has endless energy. Have a great day tomorrow!


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