
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Monday!

Dee Jay, are you moving in this week?

Deegee, that sapphire ring is really pretty – it looks like a good color and sparkly sapphire. Do they have a return period if you don’t like it? 3 stone rings are really pretty too. Not much help here am I? I am so used to sleeping in a really dark room that it is more difficult to sleep when we go somewhere. I swear I must have thin eyelids because I can sure “see” light when my eyes are closed. It is funny how much I missed the sound of the ocean after we came home from Pebble Beach. It is so darn “chillaxing”. (I like it). The cube farms are good to get a lot of workers in a small area but not much else. It is always so noisy too.

The "Killer Rabbit" sent me a picture from Dallas today. I’ll post it below with his taunting comment. What a tease!

I met a friend for supper at Olive Garden and I am absolutely miserable. I had salad, 2 break sticks, 3 lasagna fritta, 2 cheese raviolis and part of lemon cake. I starved all day so I’d be hungry and that didn’t work out well for me. Sigh.

After supper my friend and I wandered around Bed, Bath and Beyond. I bought another new table cloth and place matts, some more shelf liner and jewelry cleaner. Rats that I forgot to take my 20% off coupon.

Take care.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Deegee, I understand about not taking the shelf down! Too bad I live so far away though ‘cuz I got guys who could do all that for you (removal, patching and painting, hanging the clock). You and Matt could head out somewhere for the weekend and when you came back it would be all done! As for the cube farms, what’s up with that? I understand they’re trying to “foster teamwork and communication” or whatever crazy BS they give for having an arrangement like that, but seriously.

Curby No Avatar Gorgeous Diamond On The Way, I had the same experience about being miserable last Friday night after eating WAY TOO MUCH at the CB’s mother’s birthday dinner. The funny thing is it didn’t seem like THAT much at the time, but I was unhappy all night long. The pic of the killer rabbit is great, but Marty gets bad husband points for teasing you like that! What’s the ETA on your ring? It can’t be long now, right?!

So I’ve visited the floors in different light a couple of times now and they are pretty much OK except when the light is shining directly on them – which was the case the morning I saw them for the first time in the bright light. Still redder and lighter than I had envisioned, but at this point it is what it is.

My sofas are coming on Thursday! I’m trying to get the fabric protection people to come on Friday because I don’t even want to SIT on the sofas until they are practically coated in Teflon!

I spent THREE FRICKIN’ HOURS on the phone yesterday trying to get internet service at my new place. Apparently AT&T is the ONLY provider to my building and they had a ridiculously hard time finding my address because the post office changed the zip code at some point. I almost resorted to a portable hub from Sprint but I want a Sonos sound system and one of the components has to plug into a router with an Ethernet cable. The bad news is they will have to drill a hole through one of the outside walls to run the line. I set up the appointment for a time when the CB is there because I definitely want these people adequately supervised when they start drilling holes willy nilly in the side of the building!

The small sized sample rugs I ordered came yesterday. I’m really torn now. I was hell bent on the orange writing but the background on the rugs is more tan than cream so I wonder if the black is a better choice because it pops more. I may have to order the larger size in both rugs to make a final decision.

Sorry about the me-centric construction post! I’m sure you guys are as tired of this project as I am at this point – HA!
Happy Tuesday!

Dee Jay, it is good that we can get full so fast but it sure makes me feel bad when I do eat too much. I won’t give Marty bad husband points – the Killer Rabbit has his own email account and he emailed me the neener neener comment. Yes, it’s true we are both completely crazy. My ring is supposed to arrive some day this week. We will see. I am quite anxious and impatient this week. I am glad the color of your floor is looking okay to you. Good plan to get the Teflon coating put on your couches. Good luck getting your internet service put in; we had hassles for weeks getting lines to our new house since we were the first house within a 3 block area. I still can’t believe there isn’t Internet service to a building in Chicago. It sounds like the black rug might look better but of course in a larger size it is hard to say. If it’s easy to return the one you don’t want ordering them both may be the way to go.

Marty spent most of the day trying to get from Texas to New Jersey.

We had a change everything meeting in my office today. People are going to be kicking and screaming all the way but I am bound and determined to standardize everything and get everyone following the same processes. We hire new people and the rest of us tell them how to do the same thing 5 different ways. No wonder new people are overwhelmed! I used to be very rigid and said everyone had to do things the same way and everyone cried and whined they I don’t like to do it that way so I relented. Now no one follows the same steps so I am nudging everyone back to the middle. This one lady has logic that works GREAT for her but the rest of us don’t follow it. She is not happy about it but I think the rest of us can come back to common ground pretty quickly. I am off tomorrow so they will probably do a LOT of complaining since I am out of the office. That is our summer project and it will take a lot of our time so hopefully it works out in the end.

I had leftover raviolis for supper. Tomorrow I might have to actually go buy some food. I have my appointment with the estate attorney. I am going to go order my free glasses and see about getting a title on a utility trailer in my name so I can transfer it to one of my dad’s buddies.

We are going to have about 2" of rain over the next few days. It is starting now. There is a large hail watch for tomorrow. I plan on getting Curby in the garage before that starts.

Take care.
Re: Healthy Living Threadbes!

Marcy-killer rabbit looks like he's having an awesome time! You may have to revoke his email priveleges is he keeps being such a smart-a. I CANNOT wait another day for you to get your ring! Ahhhh!!! It is going to be so beautiful and I am so excited to see it! I am so with you on everyone being on the same page. As we're working on documenting our current processes for the vendor, I'm discovering so many people have versions of who knows what saved on their personal folders that they use, so noting is standard. When I took over my department, I made my group move everything to a shared drive, then I cleaned it all up and the told them they had to use what was shared and were forbidden to use anything else. Other departments didn't do that, and I am going crazy trying to find all the calculation spreadsheets, letters, trackers, etc. that everyone uses to provide to the by vendor so they can see what they need to design for our new system. You will be so happy when you get everyone on the same page. I must be your thin eyelid twin! Lily too. She sleeps as long as we do in our dark room at home, but she was up with the crack of dawn at the beach. No convincing a dog to go back to sleep.

Dee*Jay-I'm so glad your floors are mostly okay. Like Marcy's ring, I CANNOT wait to see pictures of your space completed! I was thinking about your awesome sounding shower this morning as I got in my little 36 inch shower stall. The people who built our house sure splurged on the tub but skimped big time on the shower. I'll sure take you up on your guys! In fact, we'll go away for a whole week and I'll leave a list. I checked that is up there and reinforced. That sucker isn't going anywhere without a fight. We have our tv mounted to the wall because they used such monster brackets for their tv and there would have been a massive hole in the wall had we asked them to take the brackets down. I was so ready to move, I didn't want to fool with having them fix it so we told them to leave the brackets, and voila! I have a tv on the wall! We did have them fix the MBR wall for the same issue. You and Marcy got to start from scratch! You didn't have worry about other people's dumb moves!

Nothing to report today I was in a meeting from 9-4:30. We had lunch brought in and worked while we ate and only left the conference room for potty and coffee breaks. The next few weeks will pretty much be the same. I had fruit for breakfast, a sandwich from Penn Station for lunch, and macaroni and tomatoes for dinner. I decided popcorn wasn't a good thing for me to eat while I'm home alone because I nearly choked on a kernel. Oopsie. I'm having my before bedtime snack of tasty dark beer...might have more than one. Have a great day tomorrow!
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, ooooooohhhhhh, a “change everything” meeting. I feel for you sister! Two jobs ago I went in and “started fresh” and people about had a sh!t fit. In the end it was better (in my opinion anyway, and since I was the department head that’s the opinion that mattered!) but in the beginning and middle it was sheer hell. As for rain, please keep it that way until at least Sunday! I can’t bear the thought of having my new couches rained on tomorrow and a rainy Saturday move would be really miserable…

Deegee, LOL on giving it to the TV mounted on the wall! It’s funny, from about 2005-20010 everybody was like “WOW! TV on the wall!!!” and now people are like, get the damn thing DOWN from there. I know what you mean about just leaving things as they are for the sake of moving in. My whole life is like that now – ha! And if it makes you feel any better though, there were plenty of other people’s dumb moves to deal with. Some of the things my guys found when they were working in the new place really had everyone scratching their heads.

My Stikwood was delivered yesterday. That’s the self-adhesive 1/8” thick wood that I want(ed) to put up on the soffet separating the high and low ceilings… but now that the floors are done I am afraid they are going to clash terribly. The Stikwood idea might have to go by the wayside…

The upstairs neighbor called me this morning to complain about the fumes from the hardwood floor finishing. I feel terrible but there’s really not much I can do. Fortunately they just put the last coat on so it will come to an end soon, and I will go over tonight and open the doors on both sides to get a cross breeze through. Sorry neighbors!
Happy Wednesday :wavey:

Deegee, I can’t stand it anymore – I want my ring! That Killer Rabbit is a TOTAL smarta**! Marty tells me he talks to him about it but he is a Killer Rabbit; they can’t be controlled. It sounds like we are definitely thin eyelid and supervisor twins – it sounds like you had the same problem with your team. I know my team will be kicking and screaming all summer but in the long run it will be better for everyone to do things the same way. Too funny Lily gets up at the crack of dawn when there are no blackout curtains to keep things dark. I swear I can see lights on in the basement. While Marty and I didn’t have to worry about other people’s dumb moves on our house, we did make a few ourselves. We will work on them one at a time though.

Dee Jay, sometimes it’s good to stir things up at work! I am sure I won’t win a popularity contest right now but then again I probably wouldn’t win one anyway. I will try to keep the rain here. So far we’ve had lots of lightning, thunder and some rain but nothing else. Tomorrow promises to be the same and there is that 4-letter word in the forecast – SNOW. Oh no!!! We definitely don’t want your sofas getting rained on. Moving in rain would be awful too. When we moved in here we had 12” of snow on the ground. Our floors were trashed but we’d put down a lot of those sticky floor covers everywhere and that really helped. Rats that the stikwood will clash with the floors. Your fumes aren't making points with the neighbors huh? I am sure it will go away in a few days. Our neighbors NEVER complain. :lol:

I had today off which is always nice. I went to the eye doctor first thing. I won a pair of glasses with prescription lenses so I picked those out. Then I went to the county clerk office to get a title in my name for one of my dad's utility trailers. I still had over 90 minutes before my appointment with the attorney so I went and had coffee break with my dad’s buddies. They were so happy to see me and me them – it was nice to visit with them.

The estate attorney was quite pleased with my progress and told me to keep $10,000 in checking (mostly because of the Hyundai lease) but go ahead and divide up the rest of the money between my sisters and me. He said there shouldn’t be any taxes because it is a small estate. He said I should have a CPA file the sale of the house on that EIN next year and get K-1 forms for us 3 girls. (Dee Jay I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about but I don’t). So then I spent my day chasing around to banks closing accounts and mailing off checks. I am mostly done being the successor trustee. Woo hoo!!!

I was going to meet a friend for lunch but she wanted to take her new car home in case it hailed. I grabbed a junior hamburger and baked potato and came home and have just been finishing up paperwork this afternoon.

I bought a new tablecloth the other night and I got it on the table a while ago and there is a snag right in the middle. Naturally my receipt is gone, the original bag is gone and I paid cash so there is no taking that sucker back. Phooey!

Yes, it’s true I had a major curby incident today. At Wendy’s I cut the corner short and scrapped up my back left rim in several places. I decided it’s because I am so short I can’t see the ground! That’s my story and I am sticking to it. I should go order my plates – maybe CURB!

If I don't get glamour shots from WF tomorrow I may go CRAZY!!! Wait, I already am - I should say CRAZIER!

Curby no avatar no ring
It's Curby. :wavey:

Just checking to see if this works. Neither Marcy or Marcyc seems to be working now. I've been kicked off PS! How will I spend my time?
It's snowing and I've decided to sleep in our closet. It is pitch black in there and I can't hear the wind. How do I get a king sized bed into our walk in closet though?
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby no avatar no diamond no nuttin’! – Did you really get snow? Say it ain’t so… I bolted home yesterday afternoon because it started to rain here and the floor guy had left the windows open. When I got there there was nothing I could do because the polyurethane was still wet (not just tacky, WET). I figured if I walked on the floors they would surely be ruined, but if they got a little rain on them maybe they would still be OK. Honestly, it didn’t rain that much and it wasn’t windy so the rain was pretty straight down and not angled in the windows so I’m just going to go on with the idea that everything’s fine. About the table cloth, can you try to take it back anyway? I would go to customer service and explain what happened and see if they will at least exchange it for you. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a customer service person with some common sense and in a good mood. Two almost impossibilities I know, but it’s worth a shot!

Deegee, I was thinking about your shower and believe it or not 36” square isn’t all that small in the world of stand-up bathing. I’ve seen some truly tiny ones, including the shower in my dad’s time share in Orlando in the room that I stay in. Plus, not only is it small, it’s got this weird angle on one side where they had to accommodate the vanity along that wall so I bump my elbow just trying to wash my hair. I wonder if there is some sort of code requirement for a minimum size. I should ask the CB—he is a plumber after all!

Today the infamous sofas come!!!!! I, of course, spent a good part of last week in a panic worried that maybe I should have gotten a different model. The ones I got are very “basic.” Well, if any 10’ long, 3-1/2’ deep, grey velvet custom sofa can be called “basic.” But I was like – wait! I just had sofas MADE. Maybe I should have gone with something a little funky. Oh well, too late now! And I keep reminding myself that I visited the store a gajillion times and sat on every model to excess so if there was one I liked better I would have gotten it… right?!?

Tomorrow’s adventure includes getting my washer/dryer delivered, having internet installed, having the mirrors put up in the bathroom (hopefully – still waiting to hear from the glass people on that), having the baseboards put in, having the locks changed because everybody and their brother’s second cousin has a key to my place right now, and about 100 other things. Woah… I’m exhausted just typing that out…
Happy Thursday!

Dee Jay, yes we had 2” of snow on the ground this morning. This weekend’s forecast is for about 8” of snow from Saturday night to Monday morning. Boo! Crap you couldn’t get the windows closed but I bet any rain that might have misted in on the floor won’t harm your beautiful new floor. I might try taking my tablecloth back. It won’t hurt to ask. I am sure you’ll love your new sofas, as you said you very carefully picked them out. You do have a very busy day tomorrow. But you are getting closer to moving in to your beautiful new home. :appl:

I had an email today that didn’t make my day – my ring is being delayed a day. ;( The email said “while our craftsmen give extra care to the final stages of your piece. The details are being hand-finished and we insist on taking the time necessary to ensure that all aspects meet our standards in terms of quality control and appearance.” Which of course made my mind immediately wander to they chipped my diamond, they broke my diamond, the head I picked won’t work on the 3mm scattered diamond band or other assorted unimaginable horrors. Of course rather than ask them such questions I politely responded “while I am anxious to get my ring I certainly want the craftsman to take the necessary time to make my little beauty. “ I was quite sad though.

Work was busy today and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I better get some food in the house before Marty gets home. He has been getting taken out to 5 star restaurants this week so he’ll probably be let down no matter what I try to feed him. :lol:

Laters, :wavey:
Curby no avatar no diamond ring on the way

ETA: LOL I am logged in as my alter ego and this one has an avatar. That was a rose in my mom's garden.
Impatiently waiting for the glamour shots of my rings. The lady I dealt with said I will love them.

Looks good so far!




Marcy-I've been checking my phone all day to see if you had posted any pics. It looks great! Did you get 14 or 18 kt gold, and what head? The prongs look great. You're going to love it!
Deegee, I got 14K gold with a platinum head. My Tiffany band is so scratched up already that I decided 14K is probably a better call for me. I think I will be very happy.
I was watching my email all day waiting for these pictures.
Happy Friday and Marty Coming Home Eve! :wavey:

Dee Jay, are you packing today? Moving? Good luck!

Deegee, I swear I started at the email on my mini all day at work.

I got an email about 10 from my saleslady at WF who said she saw my rings, they were stunning and I was going to love them. She said I'd get pictures later today. Then I got a notice that my order would ship. Then I waited impatiently for the photos. I was actually in a meeting with my boss and his boss when they showed up. I kind of titled my min up and started downloading those babies. I wanted to shout out a "woo hoo" but didn't think I was in the appropriate place to do that. :lol:

I emailed them immediately to Marty who said "wow, even I am impressed." Now I just have to wait until I get them in person.

Work today was slow which made the day drag but 5 finally rolled around and I was out of there. Curby was racing out of the parking lot avoiding curbs since there aren't any there.

Have a great weekend!
Marcy soon to be new diamond ring no avatar
Marcy-will you get your ring on Monday? I really like the width of the bands. See, the craftsmen needed an extra day to get them polished and perfect. Nothing bad happened! Marty will get incredibly spoiled eating at such fine restaurants. Kind of like my champagne and filet mignon vacation! I haven't had anything nearly as good since I've been home! Snow? I don't even like the sound of it! We're having lots of rain storms. The plus side is that the grass is a beautiful shade of green. Did you really sleep in your closet? My closet is on the front side of the house and it has a big window which let's on tons of light. No sleeping in there. The rose is beautiful. Gorgeous color.

Dee*Jay-holy cow on the storm and your wet floors! That would completely freak me out too! Did you get your couches, and do they look fabulous? We're going to need a whole photo tour when this thing is finished. I kind of wish we would have had them take down the bracket and fixed the wall. I would have done something completely different in the room-probably 2 sofas facing each other with the fireplace to the side. I don't even watch tv, and I have a big 60 inch tv hanging on the wall!

Last week turned into a crazy busy week at work. It seems like I worked late, came home and ate something and went straight to bed. I was so tired yesterday, I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 1 this afternoon. How's that for some serious sleeping? We had planned to pressure wash the deck today, but it's storming outside. We're heading home to KY tomorrow, and I hope we have decent weather so we can get in a wiffle ball game. We have some errands to run which require going to the mall. I hate going to the mall so much that I order my sephora stuff online. Unfortunately I ordered the wrong color, so I'm going to have to brave the mall to exchange it. Have a great weekend!!
Deegee, I got my ring today. I absolutely love it! I will have to start a thread for it but I'll post a picture here. It is so sparkly! Marty understands what you mean about not having something as good as your champagne and filet vacation. We met at Outback for lunch when he got to town today and he said it was okay but certainly not what he's been used to this week. The spring rainstorms definitely make the grass green up and look beautiful. Of course then our wind dries grass here to a lovely brown early in June. Yes, we are expecting about 5 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow in to Monday. It's been warm so a lot of it will probably melt right away. I did not sleep in the closet but it is absolutely pitch dark in there - no outside windows at all. Thanks for the compliment on the rose. That rose bush always had gorgeous roses. Sorry you had such a CRAZY week at work. It's always good to catch up on some sleep. Have fun in KY this weekend! How are your parents doing? Funny you mentioned buying your Sephora online. I was going to look around for online deals for Clinique.

Dee Jay, happy moving this weekend!

I slept in until about 8. Of course I was up for awhile at 6 but did fall back asleep. I picked up a few things at the store, got gas and took some flowers to the cemetery. I was at FedEx at 10 and they had not unloaded their packages for the day so I came home. About 45 minutes later I got a recording saying my package was ready to pick up so off I went to pick it up. I ripped that box open pretty quickly once I got to my car. I must admit I am very pleased with my ring so far. The little less than 1 point diamonds are very small and subtle but they really sparkle in the right light.

Take care.

Marcy-your new rings are so pretty! What are your thoughts now that you've worn them? Are you happy with the diamond size? Do you notice a difference between this stone and your old stone? Does it sparkle adequately? Have you made a trip to Lowes or Home Depot? I hope you're loving it! :appl: I bet you've stared at your hand a bunch over the weekend!!

Dee*Jay-I hope all is going well in you're crazy life!

We just got home from KY. We had a great visit. Dad was feeling well enough and was determined to sit with me on the swing waayy out in the back yard (my parents have way too much yard to take care of) for the wiffle ball game. It was a gorgeous day outside and everyone had lots of laughs. I have a family full of goofs, and Matt fits right in! I'm heading to bed. Have a great Monday!
Happy Snowy Monday Eve!

Deegee, I am loving my diamond. I definitely notice the larger size and it has more fire than my last diamond did. It is very icy which is funny I'd notice that only going from a G to a F. I have only seen it in our house lighting and the bar at Outback. I need a trip to Lowes and also some sunlight to get some backlit photos. I think the sparkle is about the same as my other diamond but more noticeable because it's larger. My last diamond was a great diamond but I would say the ACA is a better cut diamond. I don't foresee me keeping the rings that's long. I think the Tiffany Etoile band kind of set the standard for me so I might wear the Tiffany band with my ering more than the 3 mm band. I like my diamond anniversary band with it too. The rings are very nice but aren't nearly as hefty as the Tiffany band and of course the diamonds are 1 pointers or less so unless they have light on them you barely notice them. They do sparkle a lot when they get light on them. I might eventually get a solitaire to wear with the Tiffany band but right now I have 3 bands I can wear with the ering so that gives me a lot of variety. I like the more subtle diamonds on the ering band because I don't want to detract from the diamond. I didn't even notice until about 10:30 last night they forgot to return my solitaire mounting. I hope it's not scrap metal already. It is worth $395 credit towards new jewelry. I am glad you had a nice visit this weekend and your dad joined you watching a family game of wiffle ball. Yay for having a family of goofs that Matt fits in with so well. I was kind of blue today since it is Mother's Day but I watched my digital frame and had some sad and happy thoughts watching memories roll by.

We've had about 10 inches of snow since last night. It is expected to snow through 9 am tomorrow. Boo.

We stayed home today. I made soup for lunch and we had leftovers for supper. Marty painted me a Snoopy Red Baron photo. It turned out great. That brightened my day.

Take care.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby Different Avatar NEW DIAMOND! – WOW!!! I LOVE your new ring! The rock is stunning and I think the setting is great too! And did you say *ten inches of snow*… ? Please tell me I read that wrong… I would love to see the Red Baron picture if you want to post it!

Deegee, I’m so glad to hear your dad had a good time yesterday out in the yard with the family! Did the electronics issue get resolved, especially the washer/dryer? I know what you mean about hating the mall BTW. There was a time in my life when I used to shop “for sport.” Now the idea of it is inconceivable to me!

So about the move…

The couches came on Thursday (more on that later… ).

Friday AT&T came (still no internet though; someone came back on Saturday and now another person is coming this Thursday. WTF?), the washer/dryer was delivered, the carpenter put in the baseboards, the mirrors were installed in the bathrooms, the locks were changed (although I didn’t get the security system set up because I have no wi fi), and the cleaning ladies came. Whew!

Saturday was a whirlwind of movers and boxes and stuff everywhere! We made progress yesterday but I have to admit it still looks like something exploded in there.

Yesterday we had breakfast with the CB’s daughter who had to drive back down to school… and then we went to Montauk to talk about The Sofas. So, you ladies KNOW what a problem I had finding a fabric. Well I finally found a grey velvet at Montauk, which is what I ordered. The couches have a grey velvet-ISH fabric on them, but with really defined sort of whitish lines running through it with some texture. I noticed it on Saturday and by yesterday I was in all-out obsessing over it mode. I got out my sample and one side was the smooth velvet… but the other side was textured like what I have on my couch. I then unzipped one of the pillows and the inside has the smooth velvet. I figured either (a) they upholstered my couch with the wrong side of the fabric out, (b) the sample was shown to me incorrectly, or (c) I made a bad choice, compounded by the fact that every bolt is different and what I got had even more texture than what was on the sample. So we went to Montauk. They had the fabric in three colors. The first two they pulled out were correctly labeled with the writing on the back (meaning the velvet was the back and the nubby texture was the front)… and the grey one was done “backwards” so they showed me the velvet on the front, and that’s what I chose!!! The person who helped me freely admitted she made a mistake because she was the one who wrote the fabric info on the sample. My options are pretty much to have them remade in Montreal or have the fabric shipped here and have them upholstered locally (which Montauk assures me will be done with same care and quality as what they do at their own factory). I waiting to hear back from them, but my inclination is to have them ship the fabric here for my approval and then put in on the sofas. The bad news is I will be couch-less for god only knows how long. But at least I could see it before they put it on. Maybe I should pick out a different fabric entirely? Although frankly I would rather slam my left tit in the card door. Repeatedly. Anyway, that’s the latest on the sofas! I wouldn’t blame you guys if you stopped reading at any point in all that! But seriously…

I’ll post a couple of pics so you can see the general arrangement though!

OK, off to do some real work now!!!
Sofas far

Sofas closer

Happy Monday!

Dee Jay, the slam your left tit in the door repeatedly made me burst out laughing in my very quite office today. Ouch but it really cracked me up. How awful they mixed up the sample on the fabric! You did take a long time to pick out exactly what you wanted and then this happens. Aargh! Hopefully they would give your sofas a top priority and get them reupholstered for you quickly. Your couches and room look amazing! We ended up with 12” of snow and drifts everywhere. It is really wet snow too. Thanks for the compliment on my rings and diamond. I told Marty you have a screen shot of me saying I won’t ever want to upgrade the diamond. He was amused. I will get a picture of the Red Baron painting for you. He did a great job on it. That sucks you won’t get Internet until later this week. It sounds like everything else is coming along though. I think we worked 5 days to even get our house livable when we moved here. It takes longer than it should! I will be anxious to see more pictures as you get everything set up.

Marty had an orthodontist appointment at 7:30. He hadn’t been gone for 2 minutes when he called and said to call work and let them know I was going to be late – he’d come back and take me to work after his appointment. Holy snow drifts out there! One street had drifts higher than his truck. He had to back out on the main road and go another way. It was in the 30’s today so a lot of it melted by tonight but once it freezes tonight we’ll have more ice tomorrow.

Work was very slow making for a long day.

WF did find my solitaire ring and are sending it to me. Rats I was going to ask for even trade in Teddy Bears. All jewelry stores seem to have teddy bears. :lol:

Hi Deegee!


Dee*Jay-slamming the tit in the car door is how I feel when faced with any kind of decorating, period! Your room looks very cool though. The fabric thing sucks. I had a fabric picked out for the kitchen chairs (which was a major accomplishment for me) when a coworker said " you know you're looking at the back of the swatch, right?" Argh! Your floors look like they turned out very nice! The sofas look soooo comfy. Everything has been replaced for mom and dad except the dishwasher, which should be delivered Wednesday. That was one expensive tree removal!

Marcy-that's great you have multiple options with your ering set. I'm sorry you're a little disappointed with your WF rings themselves, but I guess you might not have noticed anything if you didn't have the Tiffany band already! I'm having my spring flare up so my rings will not see my fingers until some swelling goes down. I'm hoping that after a few weeks without looking at my rings, I'll have this epiphany of what I want to do...3 stone ering? Loose sapphire? Dee*Jay's awesome wrap idea? It will all just come to me. Ha! Your weather has me stunned! Be careful!! I'm glad Marty is home right now. It got up to 90 today and was terribly humid. I'm so not ready for 90.

Tomorrow is a state holiday for primary elections, but I'm going in to work anyway. Another lady on the project team and our consultant will be there and we think we can get a heck of a lot done with no one else there. I told them it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for me to show up in my jammies and slippers for maximum comfort! We're working on a major deliverable and we're up against a deadline. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi Deegee, I think you should go to work in your jammies and slippers tomorrow. You may as well be comfortable if you are working on your day off. I am sorry to hear about your spring flare up. I hope that goes away quickly and yes this would be a great time to decide what you want to do for your new jewelry project. I agree the WF rings are fine and very nice so I have no complaints against them. I just like the Tiffany band better. It is hard to pick out rings without trying them on. I am so delighted with the diamond I don't care what rings I am wearing with it. I was very happy that Marty was home this morning so he could take me to work in the trucklet. The A6 has always been great on snow and ice but these drifts were bad since the snow is so wet.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that picture is AWESOME!!! And if anyone in your office was like, Marcy, what are you laughing at? I sure hope you told them! I hope your roads are OK today and that the overnight freezing didn’t produce a lot of ice. It’s crazy to me that you’re getting snow now, but I keep reminding myself that my mom lives in the last house before the Boise National Forest starts and she has frost on the ground in the mornings pretty much all year round.

Deegee, LOL on picking the back of the fabric for the kitchen chairs! Some places will do that for you (and Montauk certainly will let you choose what side of the fabric you want) so I can see how confusion may come in. And 90 and humid—talk about the other extreme from poor Curby! Between the three of us we’ve got the national weather covered; east coast, far west and Midwest. Maybe we can parlay this to the national weather service for $$$!

Last night I did pretty much nothing… I took all the pieces of the security system out of the box but I realized I needed internet to finish setting it up so I promptly put the box on the floor and read a magazine—ha! This morning I had a burst of motivation and emptied a box of coats in to the hall closet. At this rate I’ll be done by… um… Labor Day…

Week before last I ordered the appliances for my kitchen, one of which had a 4-5 week delivery estimate. I just got an email and it’s coming on FRIDAY. WTF? Normally 4-5 weeks turns into 7-8, but this time it turned into 2?!? Great. So now I’ll have a 36” six burner restaurant stove sitting in my living room for a month. Whatever…
Dee Jay new house, I am glad your place is coming along. Don’t worry about relaxing now and then - it’s not like those boxes will go anywhere. They will all be unpacked in good time. That is amazing you are getting your stove so soon. It sounds like a fantastic stove too. I thought Marty did a nice job on the painting and of course I will always like something that has Snoopy in it. I did relay what made me laugh at work to a few people. They were all going ouch and laughing at the same time. We all understand the anguish of having to pick out something a second time. Our snow continues to melt but the first 2 corners after I left my house this morning had such high drifts I couldn’t see over them. The ditches look like they have 3 feet of snow in them. It’s crazy for May. Luckily I didn’t run in to any ice this morning.

Work was boring but I had lots of meetings with employees today. The one person who does everything very different than everyone else was crying and felt like she was being picked on and pushed out the door. I tried to ask her many assorted questions which she agreed to (yes we need to have a training manual, yes things should be streamlined and simplified) but no way does she want to change her steps because she’ll make mistakes. I did get her to agree to try it but I foresee this falling apart really quickly. We will see how things go.

My free glasses are ready to pick up. Woo hoo! I think I’ll go get them at lunch tomorrow.

I got the attorney bill - $961.80. I guessed at least $1000 so I was close.

Hi Deegee. Did you look at rings online today? I did. I am so bad.

Take care.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I love those employees who agree things are indeed fvcked up, but they don’t want to change their process. Insert eye roll here! And what rings are you looking at now?!? Thank god I have you and Deegee to live vicariously through in terms of bling because I haven’t gotten anything fun or sparkly lately.

Last night I cleared out about 8 boxes… but it’s still a disaster. Oh well, I’ll be home all day tomorrow with the workers doing some final stuff so that will give me plenty of time to go through some more of the mess.

I just got off the phone with the rug people. When I placed the order for the French sonnet rug I didn’t realize my profile had my old address (FOUR addresses ago, actually) because it never asked me to verify that info. I realized it yesterday and am now trying to get the delivery rerouted because it’s already on the UPS truck on its way... somewhere… they can’t actually tell me WHERE.

I need to go over to my storage unit and make sure it’s 100% cleaned out and broom swept. I meant to do that last night on my way home from work but I forgot to put a boom in the car yesterday. That could be another chore that gets added to the long list of things that need to happen tomorrow!
You guys. Lorelei is back in RockyTalky! I figured that meant I should come back to the HLT. :lol:

I'll catch up more later, but I wanted to pop in and say I'm recommitting to losing 15-20 pounds and I need something to keep me motivated and on track. This thread helped me tremendously years ago. I've tried to rejoin several times since but none of those stuck. This time it's for real! I swear! LOL :wavey:

Where did Rod go???