
Healthy Living Thread

I just saw that the building violation issued by the City is now posted on the website! It's a short description on the site, I can only hope the write-up that was sent to the association is more detailed. But hey, this is a start!!!
Happy Monday! :wavey:

Deegee, I love that wide pink sapphire band. It is so comfortable. I had them size it pretty big because the band is so thick so it’s a bit loose but it doesn’t fall off my hand so that’s all that matters. Of those 3 rings I like the wide band the best, then the lavender sapphire then the cognac sapphire. The cognac sapphire ring isn’t very comfortable. That is very tempting to exchange rings for a free room on the beach. Of course I’d never want to come home. I really enjoy watching the ocean. I know Marty would love for me to travel with him. He gets kind of blue when he goes places and I am not there to share it with him. WF wasn’t very communicative with me either once the order was placed; I had no idea where it was in the process. Once they get the money I guess you are off their radar. They sent me pictures of my channel set ring on Thursday yet didn’t mail it until the following Tuesday. I did inquire why but never received an answer. I’m not unhappy with their customer service but I thought those 2 areas were a little weak. I hope you get pictures and a shipping date this week. Lever back dangle earrings are very comfortable. I really like wearing them. I do sometime feel the stone moving but it’s not weird or annoying. Your trip home sounds fun. Ugh to beating the school kids out of the neighborhood. Our school doesn’t start for a few weeks yet.

Dee Jay, I think I got that pink sapphire band in the spring. It is very different than anything I own but it is definitely one of my favorite rings. Are you and Deegee telling me you don’t hang on everything I post and remember every single picture I post on PS? :lol: No worries though! I can barely remember what I posted 5 minutes ago. Hopefully your insurance company will think it is worth trying to pursue the association for reimbursement. Sadly they are not out as much money as you are so who knows how aggressive they will be for you. I am sure you’ll never be compensated for the aggravation and your time. That is good to see something was posted about the building violation. At least you have the old flooring up, that sounded like a major chore. I bet you knees and body are sore from all the work you’ve been doing pulling up boards and patching holes. So if I can get a free room at a beach house with rings – what are you going to bring?

I was very busy at work today. I was late to every meeting because I kept loosing track of my time. I ran errands after work with very little to show for it. I didn’t find any shoes for the wedding and really felt weird buy lingerie for a bridal shower so I think I’ll go get her a gift card tomorrow. I ate supper at Culvers, got fuel and got home about 7.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I know what you mean about not remembering what you posted five minutes ago! There are times when I type out a big long post to you and DeeGee and I'm like, wait... Did I tell them this already...? Bill travels a ton too and would send me pics from interesting places -- Look Dee, I'm a the top of the Eiffle Tower! I second DeeGee's suggestion that you quit your job and go with Marty!

Last night I didn't do much of anything. I just... couldn't. I was just so worn out that I needed a night off. Tonight I'll make up for it though. I haven't heard from the insurance adjuster. To be fair, I just sent her the email with all the relevant inforamtion in it yesterday morning, but I'm getting antsy!
Happy Tuesday! :wavey:

Dee Jay, sometimes I scroll through my past posts to see if I am repeating myself, myself. :bigsmile: However the fact that I post about my day here so regularly has come in handy. I come here and find what day I did something (that was helpful with the estate stuff). How are you coming on your grandmother's estate? I don't think I'll ever really be done with little stuff. Was it a frog you and Bill used to travel with and have in pictures? Did he send pictures of that to you from his world travels? Or I could be crazy and someone else told me that. I know Marty would love it if I traveled with him. Too bad there are those pesky bills. I know Marty sure has been some unusual places. I am very glad to hear you took a night off. You certainly deserved it. The floor will wait.

I ran more errands after work tonight. I got the Clinique stuff I needed, a gift card for my friend's lingerie shower and some spray fabric paint to try and spray some tennis shoes to use for wedding shoes. I bought opaque white and then some gold glitter. If it doesn't work I'm out $20 and an old pair of tennis shoes.

Deegee, did you hear from Denise today?

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, Bill and I had (and I still have) a pig named POG (so I totally see where you got a frog from!). POG talks to us in funny voices and has his own furniture and dishes and other stuff and a wardrobe bigger than mine. He's a general PITA and somehow I got him in the divorce. Of course Bill got the dogs so I took POG. Whatever... My grandmother's estate just keeps churning along, much like your parents'.

Last night I did pretty much nothing again and tonight I'm having drinks with a friend of mine that I used to work with. Thursday and Friday I better be super productive! Speaking of productive, I feel a burst of energy coming on for one of my regular work projects right now so I think I'll log on to the SEC site and see what they have to say on the topic. Am I out of control with excitement or what?!?
Happy Wednesday!

Dee Jay, POG sounds fun! I remember now that he has furniture, toys, clothes and other assorted things. At least he's cheap to feed. And yes the estate thing continues to churn along. Having drinks with a friend tonight is always a good idea. I had a glass of wine with my Kraft dinner tonight. :bigsmile: That is great you are excited about working on a work project. I started a new book last night so I think I'll get off PS and the internet and actually go read.

Marty's office had a power outage so he got to go home early today. He may be gone most of September. :((

I hope you had a great evening.

Happy Thursday! :wavey:

I hope you are having a great day. Work was busy. I stopped at Target on the way home. Marty sent me a shopping list of things he needed me to pack or pick up for his golf tournament Saturday morning. He'll probably pass out the minute he gets home then has to be back in Denver bright and early on Saturday. Poor guy!

I couldn't sleep too well last night. My mind was in high gear. Stupid employee problems. How do you get someone to realize how negative they are when the last thing they will do is accept responsibility for their own actions? :wall:

Off to practice my talk for my meeting. I need to pretend like I know what I am talking about. :lol:

Happy Friday Kids :wavey:

Dee Jay, how is your floor coming along?

Deegee, do you have pictures of your gorgeous ring yet? Do you have your ring? :appl:

Marty got to town about 8. Yippee. Poor guy is beat. He's sound asleep already.

My program went well tonight. There were lots of questions and a family got up and left. I was talking about the properties of stars and she stopped me about 10 minutes in to my talk and said she believed in creationism and wanted to know if I was going to include that and when I said no they all got up and left. Okay!

Marty is heading to Denver at about 5 in the morning. I have a bridal shower in the afternoon. I swear I am going to do my errands this time rather than stay home and read.

Weird thing about another employee. They didn't show on Thursday. I started calling, texting no response. About 9 am I get a call sorry he missed my call and didn't let me know but he was out with his brother because his brother's BIL got in a bad car accident. He seemed very rattled as any of us would be. He said he wouldn't be in. About an hour later he calls me a bit more calmed down and says he won't be in. I'm like okay, didn't say you told me that before but whatever. So he comes in today and you can tell he is pretty upset. Again as any of us would be. So during my lunch I always read the local paper and I like to check the arrest reports to see if I know anyone. Well there it was in black and white that guy got arrested Wednesday night for DUI. I'm like wow! What a convincing story he told us. I have no idea if the BIL's accident really happened, or if they were all partying together and that happened later or what. I am pretty sure they lock you up for the night for DUI and I'm sure they won't let you keep your phones. Just a strange and yes tragic story. The fun just never ends.

Have a great weekend.

P.S. I found a recipe for s'mores truffles. They look divine. I'd best lose that sucker till Christmas.
Marcy-wow-that's crazy about your employee. Wow is all I can say! I'm happy to no longer be responsible for employees, and so is Matt. So draining. I love, love, love the wide band. Is the cognac ring uncomfortable because of the scrolley design? I've always wanted one of those viney scrolley bands but wondered if they were comfy to wear. Denise said my ring would be ready early next week and they'd take glamor shots before it was shipped. I hope I get it by Friday. I'm a little irked they charged me a $75 setting fee because my diamond isn't from them, but it was from WF before there even was a BGD. Shoot, he was at WF when I bought it! Is your book good? I got lost in my book every night this week. I'm glad to hear Marty is home, but not glad to hear he may be gone so much in September.

Dee*Jay-POG sounds interesting. I need to see pictures, especially since he has clothes, toys, etc. I'm intrigued! How are the floors coming? Did you make your decision on the color? I took a picture from upstairs and realized I need to move my couch back and over a bit. This thing is so dang big and heavy. Argh! Do you get to visit with your dogs? I miss my Lily Pie horribly when she's not around.

Last week at work was absolutely ridiculous. Personality conflicts between our PM and consultant, and our little 3 member team is getting pulled in. We feel like the children of divorcing parents. We gave our honest opinions when asked and we're ready to walk out if it doesn't get resolved immediately. It has been awkward for a few weeks, but last week was downright hostile. The grocery store across from my building was robbed Thursday night, and a clerk was shot in the chest and is in critical condition. I got to work early Friday and parked really close to the building instead of down the street like I usually do. I don't understand tis crime spree people seem to be on. This is usually a safe place! Matt and I are heading out to go furniture shopping for his man room and then out to dinner. We're hoping to end this lousy week on a good note! Have a great Saturday!!
Happy Saturday!

Deegee, I am so worn out of being a babysitter. This employee is constantly “telling” me things other employees say or do. Now I am questions the validity of those acquisitions. Not like I am going to do anything about hearsay but still. Ugh. I do believe the scrolly ring is uncomfortable because of the little pieces here and there. It is not a smooth feeling ring. I get used to it as the day goes on but it’s not my favorite ring. I’d be irked to at the $75 fee. You should point that out to Denise you did buy your diamond from Brian when he was at WF. I am so excited to see your photos and ring shots. I am enjoying my book and am anxious to get back to it when I am finished posting. It is the Lee Child Jack Reacher series. I started with the 8th book but it’s first chronologically. Personality conflicts sound like a major pain for everyone. How scary about a shooting right by work. Definitely get closer parking. Did you find something for the man cave?

Marty was up about 4:30. I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so I enjoyed a view of the stars from my bedroom window. I was waiting for Venus and Jupiter to get high enough for me to see so kept getting back up. I think I fell asleep again about 6:30. At 7 am some of the stupid construction people starting banging on something metallic and scared the crud out of me. I finally got up, put earplugs in and went to our front guest bedroom on the opposite side of the house from the noise. It is really dark in there so I was out in no time. The next thing I knew it was 9:30.

I got up and read for a while then went to a bridal shower. It was fun. Marty got home about 5 so we went out for dinner. Marty’s golf buddy called and said we needed to go sign the book at the club because they have 3 $500 drawings for signing the member book so we met him for a drink. I hope I win that $500 tomorrow.

Speaking of paying for things that I shouldn’t have to – I spent about 20 minutes on the phone last night with our phone internet provider. Marty has an international long distance plan yet they had $8.84 for long distance calls. I called to dispute it and she said he didn’t dial the code for them. It’s some stupid *250 then dial the number. Well apparently Serbia doesn’t work so he gets charged those minutes. So I told her that was a pain, her company doesn’t have as good of features or service as the company they bought out and asked if she was going to credit me that $8.84 since we already pay a fee for international long distance. She said “no”. I said thank you and we’ll be checking with your competitor.

Today I get our mail and my house payment is going up about $500 a month. They had issued us an escrow refund last summer because they based estimated property tax on a vacant lot. I saved the money to pay them back. So our escrow review in July said to pay them back $3700 or our payment would go up the $500. If I pay the shortage back it would go up about $220. I sent them a check, it cleared my account and shown as paid online yet they raised our house payment the $500. Sigh. Another phone call on Monday.

Right now I am not a fan of a lot of people. I like you ladies though!

Off to read my book.

Marcy-my good friend took over as manager of my former department merged with another department, and she says it's like having 23 kids. Yuck. I'm at the point I don't like people much either! My mom suggested the jack reacher series, and I think I read at least one of them. I finished The Rook on Thursday and am now working through 2 books...I read one for a while and then go to the other. Actually, as with all Stephen King books, I started his book (11/22/63) and find myself getting only so far then I have to switch gears. I read 11/22/63 for a while, read the rook, read a few more chapters if 11/22/63 and then started Gone Girl. Oy. Matt ordered a chair he has wanted for so long, and I'm afraid he's going to cancel his order in the morning because of the cost. I'm encouraging him not to because he never buys anything for himself. It's a chair from the company Ekornes in Norway. They're custom made and so freaking nice. The chair he ordered costs more than twice my ring reset in platinum, but like I said, he never splurges on himself. Tell Marty to check on his order when he travels the world again! It has a 14 week estimated delivery date.

I got a text message today telling me there will be a 9 am meeting with the director, deputy director, and the project team to discuss the elephant in the room. C-R-A-P. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, I'm hitting the bottle hard tonight. Not good, I know. My ankle is swollen and purple from tripping over the cat, so I'm medicating! Im going to feel lousy tomorrow morning, but oh well. Have a great Monday!
And Marcy-I can't believe the mortgage payment notice. Holy cow! I got one of those regarding a shortage in the escrow account due to the education levy that passed. I forgot to pay the lump sum and my monthly payment went up $55. I can't imagine $500! I sure hope you get that taken care of right away.
Happy Sunday Eve. Okay I’m kind of lying here – more like BOO it’s Sunday Eve.

Deegee, I definitely feel more like a babysitter than a boss. I am very weary of how petty and backstabbing they can be. Oh well, I’m not going to scream and yell at them – they will just call me bosszilla and it will make me miserable. They better not come crying to me when they don’t get a raise or promotion though. I thought 11/22/63 was okay but certainly not a page-turner. I am also reading Freakenomics on my Mini but I only have it at home on the weekends so I am not getting far. That chair sounds amazing. I hope Matt doesn’t cancel it. I am so sorry to hear you tripped over the cat and hurt your ankle. Do you have ice on it? I’d self medicate too. Good luck at the CRAP meeting tomorrow morning. I am not happy about the house payment. They will be hearing from me in the morning.

I was up late reading again. I just finished the book. I was going to start the next one but I think I’ll wait so I go to bed on time tonight.

We went out for lunch today and I wanted to save room for that so I had one piece of toast for breakfast. We got home about 2 so I watched preseason football. I made one of the Cake Boss cake mixes today. It’s not bad – it is more like a sponge cake than cake cake. Marty really likes it.

Dee Jay, how is your floor coming along?

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, the floors are... coming... I had a guy come in this weekend and skimcoat so the surface would be perfectly smooth to lay down the planks. That way we don't have to worry about any lumps or dips that would make the edges not line up perfectly--which you KNOW would drive OCD Dee absolutely bananas! I am ready to order the planks now and if they can get them to me this week we could start laying them as early as the weekend, although they have to acclimate to the environment for at least 48 hours so we'll see. As for your employee... WOW. Does he really think you wouldn't find out?!? I'll be curious to see if he ever comes clean to you, especially after that elaborate cover-up!

Deegee, yowch about your ankle! And I am really surprised they charged you a setting fee given that the stone came from Brian! I haven't read that Stephen King book but I do generally enjoy his stuff. The last of his that I read was The Dome. I made the mistake of putting it down for a while and when I went back to it I couldn't remember who half of the characters were because there were so many! I have had the dogs once since I moved into my new place but then The Great Flood occurred and I haven't had them since because the floor was pretty dangerous for doggies with all the holes and nails sticking up and stuff. I'll get them more once I have the floors down again.

On Thursday I talked to an attorney about The Situation and he told me to send him all sorts of documents. I did, and he's going to look them over and get back to me this week about whether it makes sense to move forward with a case. Personally I think the greatest chance of recovery is from the association's insurance company because they have the deepest pockets (my reimbursement would take up almost half of all the money the association has in reserve if they had to pay), but I'll have to see what the lawyer says. Plus, you never know how these things will come out. You could have the best case in the world and still lose, so it's always a crap shoot.

Friday... geez... I can't even remember what I did on Friday... !

Saturday I took a client to see some houses and they have asked me to comp out two of them so then can decided whether to make an offer or not. They are such a fabulous couple and their kids are Adorable with a Capital A! Here's a story for you: The wife delivered their first baby 4-1/2 hours after her water broke, so they figured the second one would be a pretty fast delivery too. Well, the second baby was delivered IN THEIR BEDROOM. Not by choice! She woke up and said to her husband, we better go to the hospital. He called the midwife and she got up and was getting dressed. Well all the sudden she grabbed the footboard of the bed and BOOM! Baby born! Thank god the husband was there to catch the wee one or she would have fallen on her little head! Wow...

Anyway, the CB and I sat in lawn chairs with cocktails and watched a bit of the air show Saturday afternoon while the guy was working on the floor. He pretty much finished the other half yesterday but he has to come back and look at a couple of spots today now that they're dry. I have to clean the whole place like crazy this week becuase aside from all the dust now there are concrete speckles flung far and wide. Some day this will all come to an end!
Here's a pic I took of the airshow. I just love this water tower on a building by my house!

Happy Monday!

Dee Jay, great picture of the Blue Angels. We have the Thunderbirds here every summer. I love to go out and watch them. I don’t blame you for making sure your floor is as smooth as can be before you put down the new flooring. I can so identity with that OCD bit. Things should just be “right!” I do wonder if my employee will ever tell me the truth. I actually had a one and one schedule with him today but I told him I didn’t have anything and so he said he didn’t either. I have a terrible poker face so it’s probably just as well that I didn’t talk to him about anything. That was a whopper of a story he told me though. Glad to hear an attorney will look over what happened with your floor. It doesn’t hurt to try and get some of your money back. Wow that lady delivers babies FAST. If she has another baby she’d better check in to the hospital towards her due date.

I can see a lightning storm going on outside tonight. I went and opened the drapes in the den so I can see it. They have the frame and roof done on the house across the street and yep it completely blocked my sunset today. I could see this glowing pink, red, orange sky so I got up checked out the view from our guest wing rather than from the couch. I guess getting up for a walk is good for me though.

Work was mostly busy today. We have one more week of down time then it’s going to start getting busy again.

I spent time on the phone today with my mortgage company. They did find my escrow shortage payment and said yes your payment should be $$$$ instead of $$$$$$. However online they made no changes to my payment information. So I emailed them tonight. I asked Marty if he wanted to bet me a dollar which amount they withdraw on the first. He wouldn’t take my bet.

Hi Deegee. I am anxiously waiting for those first pictures of your gorgeous ring.

Marcy-I'm anxious to see a picture of my ring too! Patience is not my thing. I read a snarkEcard last night that made me think of you. It was something along the lines of "driving myself to the emergency room and stepping inside long enough to email my boss that I was in the ER and wouldn't be in the next day technically wasn't a lie." Ha! Sadly, I can see someone trying that. I just can't get into 11/22/63. I downloaded it at the beach in April, I read a little bit, and then read several other books before I get back to it. I keep thinking about your neighborhood being a construction zone. I think it would put me in a bad mood every day! There is only lot available in our neighborhood and it is at the very beginning. I'm sure I wouldn't hear anything if someone builds a house there, but getting around the construction equipment to get out if the neighborhood would be tricky.

Dee*Jay-the air show picture is really cool. Those planes fascinate me! Our old house was in some military training flight path, and military jets used to buzz by our house, make a sharp turn, and buzz back by. If you weren't already outside when they came, they would be long gone by the time you heard them. I can't believe that woman had her baby so fast at home. That would be horribly scary! My poor sis was in labor for 29 hours with my niece...hard labor a lot of the time. The second kid wasn't any easier. That could totally be why Aunt Dee has never had kids of her own...

Yes, I tripped over the cat and my ankle looks like a purple egg. It's not a complete week until I have hurt myself somehow! It' feels much better today. Work was bad and I left with a huge headache. The meeting today lasted about 2 hours and as much as we would like for things to improve, I don't think they will. I am not going to kill myself for this project, and I am really to leave if it comes down to it. I think another team member is already looking for another job. The third says she can't stay if the 2 of us leave. Yes, it's that bad. At any rate, I'm hoping for the best but planning for the worst! I got home at 8:30ish, and darling Matt had gone to the grocery store and made spaghetti for dinner and pudding for dessert. He's a sweetie. Have a great Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I wonder if your employee was shaking in his boots, thinking maybe you knew about the incident, or if he was bold enough to imagine you did't know. It was probably a relief to him not to have to meet with you! As for that house in the way of your sunset -- WTF? I TOLD them to move it 50' to the left! Let me get on the horn right now. You should see bulldozers on the site by noon. And if you see a bright pink hard hat bobbing around you'll know I came to supervise. :cheeky:

Deegee, I'm so excited about your ring I could just about pop! About your headache; did you ever try the magensium? I was doing pretty good with the orginal stuff but they changed the manufacturing process. The first bottle of pills was smooth and had no taste but when I got antoher bottle they were chalky and had a tart taste. I emailed the company and they said they changed the process but the ingredients were all the same. Yah... well... original bottle = no/very low migraine for four months, new bottle = KILLER migraine for two months in a row. Needless to say I've moved to a different brand to see how that works out.

Montauk called me yesterday and asked if they could pick up the other sofa this week. Well YEAH!!! That and the range and the two heaviest things in my house and they've been moved multiple times now with this wole floor thing so I'm MORE than thrilled to get it out of there. I also approved the flooring order last night so they are going to try to get that delivered on Thursday so it has 48 hours to acclimate before the weekend. There are still a couple of areas of the concrete that are soaked and we'll have to work around those but otherwise we might be able to get some floors down -- woo hoo! There are also a bunch of other things that need to be done so I'll have plenty to keep me busy on Thursday and Friday. For one, the bookcase is dusty beyond belief because they started removing the floors and never put the plastic up. By the time I realized it it was too late. What a PITA that's going to be...

And I'm sitting here having iced coffee and potato chips for breakfast. Just thought I'd share. :bigsmile:
Hi! Long day, early meeting tomorrow, going to bed. No ring pics. I'm kinda bummed. I was hoping to get my ring by Friday, but that doesn't sound like it will happen. Marcy-it's 2-day shipping, like your band I think. It kind of feels like it's not important enough to overnight!

Dee*Jay-I havent tried the magnesium. I really need to. A few people at work say it helps them, and migraines suck so bad I'd be happy to try anything. I'm really feeling for you living in a perpetual construction zone!

Have a great Wednesday!
Happy Tuesday.

Deegee, I am sure you are very anxious to get your glamour shots. Patience is not among my skill sets either. I like the snarkEcard idea – you are not technically lying. Yes, I can sadly see someone trying that. I agree 11/22/63 is not a book that really grabs you but I did manage to finish it. I started book 2 of the Reacher series last night, I like having free books since Marty is a few hundred books ahead of me. Hopefully the logistics of building on that one lot will keep it just the way it is. The street was bustling with cars, people and trailers this morning. I hate there are so many people on the street who may notice when Marty is here or gone. Of course I am paranoid. Your poor sister – that is a long time to be in labor. I am hurting for her just thinking about it. Yay that I’m Marcy no kids. Ouch to your purple ankle. I am glad to hear it felt better today. I hate to hear you worked until 8:30 – tonight and how awful all of you hate it so bad you want another job. Matt is a total sweetie making spaghetti and pudding for you for supper.

Dee Jay, I think that employee knows I know. He is setting there at lunch when I read the paper and I often say “let’s see who got arrested” so he knows I read that section. Someone was asking him how his brother’s BIL was doing and all he said was he hasn’t heard. That’s the problem with lies – they do come back to haunt you. Those guys didn’t listen to you – that stupid house is still in my line of sight. I’ll watch for someone in a pink hard hat – Marty just stocked up on all sorts of wine too so bring CB, Deegee and Matt – we’ll have a party and go move that house ourselves. That is great they are coming to get your sofa finally. So this weekend will be very busy at Dee Jay’s but that means getting all this work behind is getting closer. I feel for you dusting your giant bookcases. That is why I don’t have many knick knacks and I have someone dust for me. Your breakfast sounds better than my fruit loops.

Work was busy today. I spent an hour on a webinar listening to our new time card system. Sounds like a major pain to switch over to but hey we do want to get paid.

More employee fun today. 2 of them haven’t been allowed to do something and 1 of those 2 has been very vocal about it when I’m not in the room so I told them today they could start doing it. I’m trying to give them something they want. Of course the whole thing insulted one of them so I talked to them and hopefully left them feeling better. All I want is for my employees to be happy, not hate their job and work hard at becoming the best at their job they can be. Marty does the happy he has no employees dance whenever I tell him my adventures.

We had BBQ ribs for supper and some oven veggies.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

deegee|1408498346|3735908 said:
Hi! Long day, early meeting tomorrow, going to bed. No ring pics. I'm kinda bummed. I was hoping to get my ring by Friday, but that doesn't sound like it will happen. Marcy-it's 2-day shipping, like your band I think. It kind of feels like it's not important enough to overnight!

Dee*Jay-I havent tried the magnesium. I really need to. A few people at work say it helps them, and migraines suck so bad I'd be happy to try anything. I'm really feeling for you living in a perpetual construction zone!

Have a great Wednesday!

A Friday delivery is still possible. Let's hope you get your pictures and shipping info tomorrow. They overnight shipped my ering but they sure didn't my band. Must be a how much it cost thing. . .
Happy Wednesday kids!

Deegee, I'll keep you posted on whether the new magnesium helps me or not. The old version of the first pills certainly seemed to.

Marcy, all managers should put "Babysitter" on their resumes! Seriously, I am so thrilled not to have any direct reports right now. The guy in the office next to mine has taken me on as a quasi-manager because his manger is way high up and he has virtually no contact with him (not sure exactly how that all happened, but the structure was in place long before I got here). Joe (next door) is such a great guy that I really don't mind doing everything I can for him.

I went around various spots on the floor this morning with the water meter and there are several areas that are not dry enough to put the flooring on top of. Three of the areas have been wet since the original flooding and a couple are wet now becuase there were deep holes that had to be filled in so those will take longer to dry anyway. Honestly, I may not get any flooring down this weekend because with fix or six prominent spots that can't be done it seems like more hassle than it's worth to work around them. What a PITA.

The attorney for my case was supposed to call me yesterday but I didn't hear from him. I will give it a few more hours and reach out. The volume of materials I sent may have been simply overwhelming and he decided he wasn't interested, but he did ask me to send everything! And when we went home last night there was water around the toilet again. We had a heavy rain yesterday afternoon and although nothing came up through the shower or utility room drains (thanks to the check valves) I think the surges are so violent that the wax ring under the toilet has been damaged and that's what's leaking now. I'm really really realy trying to be patient and upbeat about this whole thing but let's just say it's not gonna last much longer...
Marcy-I bet Marty does a no employees dance when you tell him about your employee craziness! The person who took over for Matt isn't quite out of his other job yet, so Matt has not completely vacated his manager role. He seems so much less stressed now and I'm loving it. He's nearly back to his pre-manager of too freaking many people self. Lies do catch up to you. In our meeting this week with the director, deputy director, consultant, PM, and the three of us sharing an office (we're the business analysts/leads), one person around the table flat out lied and everyone at the table knows it. Might as well just be honest and not worry about covering your tracks later. When we first moved into our last house, there was only one house on each side of the road past us and the road stopped. Maybe 10 houses in all. When we moved last year, they had finished the road (making a great 1 mile loop for walking) and there were about a bazillion more houses. Living through the construction phase is no fun! Once they got the house right next to us and right across the street built, the craziness and noise moved down the street and was better. Be on the lookout though! As you know, they sometimes cut through lines on your property, we also found once when we got out electric bill that they had made a practice of running cords to our outside electrical outlets to power whatever construction stuff needed power. Watch out for that one. That's crummy the house is in your line of sight. Is it the same elevation as yours?

Dee*Jay-I don't understand why companies constantly need to tinker with formulas for their products. I took a supplement that helped so much with inflammation, and it actually boosted my energy and helped me feel a little better. They came out with a new improved formula that does absolutely nothing so I quit taking it. I bet the attorney is surprised how much information you have compiled. I hate to hear you're still having water issues. Water is so incredibly damaging! Whoever sold you the space should give you a full refund, but still let you live there if you want. :-) The bookcase is definitely beautiful, but I can't imagine the dust that collects in a good week let alone construction dust. Holy cow! I have a dark wood Thomasville entertainment center made to look like a very short version of your bookcase, and I find myself sometimes running a duster thing over it in between weekly cleanings by the cleaning company. Of course, I haven't gotten around to buying anything for shelves so I notice the dust on the dark wood.

I stayed home from work today because I woke up with a killer backache. I decided that my backache along with my healing purple ankle, my still sore finger from my knife wound,(nerves are healing and it tingles all the time. It feels like an electrical shock when I bump it.) and work drama, I needed a day off. I got a shipping confirmation today from BGD but no glamour shots. They shipped it overnight, so I hope it went out early enough that I'll get it tomorrow. If not, I should definitely get it by Friday. YAY! Matt brought lunch home today. We split a piece of lasagne from a little deli with home cooked food. Yum. I made myself a salad for dinner, and I'm determined to finish Gone Girl tonight. Have a great Thursday!
Happy Wednesday!

Dee Jay, I think babysitting takes up more of my time than anything else. That is very nice of you to help out your neighbor, Joe. I am sure he appreciates your input. It definitely sounds like your floor needs to dry some more before putting the new flooring down. Better to be safe than sorry there. Did you talk to the attorney this afternoon? I hate to hear now you have water around the toilet. This is like a bad dream that won’t go away.

Deegee, yes lies do catch up to you. I can’t believe that person flat out lied in front of all of you. I’d say that’s a case of more guts than brains. That is amazing they built out the loop by you so quickly. I think the house next to us and across the street will be the worst. The place to the south of us will be a little farther away because the greenway will add about 10 feet more between us and them. I know some of the contractors have used water from us before. With Marty traveling so much I worry about coming home and finding something cut and no one around to call. I hope your headache is better. I’ll be watching tomorrow for those glamour shots and hopefully your ring shows up too. I am so excited.

Marty sent me a text this morning his company is thinking about sending some one to test the waters in Hong Kong the last few months of this year and he is thinking about volunteering. Of course all I read was he’s not going to be home the last 3 months of this year and spent a half hour crying. I know he loves Hong Kong, I know he’d be able to come home sometimes but I would absolutely hate it!!!! All I could think about was that would be during my parent’s birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then I started crying again. I know I’d live through it but I wouldn’t be thrilled. I hate to tell him it upset me so bad because he might pass up the chance to do something he wants to do. I did tell him he’d come home and find 100 teddy bears in the house.

I got my order from Amazon today (popcorn popper inserts, Snoopy journals and another Killer Rabbit) and too funny the new Killer Rabbit doesn’t look like any of the other 7 rabbits we have. That company must not have any quality control that is pretty bad that you can tell 8 stuffed animals apart.

Off to read.

Take care.
Marcy-I hate to hear Marty is thinking about volunteering for such a long term assignment, especially at such a bad time of the year. I know you don't want him to not do it because of you, but at the same time maybe if he knew how much the thought of it upsets you he'd think bout it a little harder before deciding. This affects both of you. Hugs! Be careful, your killer rabbits are going to mutiny on you someday!

I just had a funny thought. I can see the FedX plane approaching the airport from my house. The airport is on top of a mountain, my house is on top of a mountain, the FexX plane is kind of bright.... Anyway, I should stay home tomorrow so I can sit in my porch and watch for the plane!
Happy Thursday kids!

Deegee, I LOL'd at your empty book case! I am wishing now that mine was still empty because taking all this stuff off to clean and put back on is going to be the biggest PITA ever. I still can't figure out how we failed to tape up plastic over the squares before the floor work started... I mean, this is not our first rodeo so we totally know better!

Curby, your post made me think of something that Bill said about when he lived in Tokyo for three years. He, like Marty, is pretty tall, and the Asian people tend to be much shorter. He said that walking down the crowded streets and looking around was like a "sea of black heads". That image has always stuck with me!

I'm so frickin' happy right now I could just about fvcking spit!!! I talked to the attorney yesterday and he put me on a mission to get evidence from my neighbors that they have notified the association over the years of the water back-up issue. WELL, I just met the association president for the first time and he admitted himself that he has had water back up into his unit a couple of times a year for many years!!!!! He even described the "three step process" for me: First the toilets gurgle, then water backs up into the tub, and step three is water backing up through the utility room drain. If that isn't is the smoking gun I don't know what is!!!!! I drafted an email to the management company representative thanking them for arranging to have the problem fixed because the president told me they will be out next week do it. I also said how (NOT!!!) sad I was to learn that the president himself is one of the victims of this water situation over the course of many years. My attorney is going to dance around his office with utter glee when I sent this to him!!!

Whew! I've worn myself out with all this! I think I need to take a nap and recover from my joy!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Dee*Jay-I'm glad you made serious strides with this water thing. Was the attorney impressed? My entertainment center has 6 total boxes, and your bookcase has about a hundred. You've got stuff in each me of those? Send extra stuff my way!

I didn't get glamour shots (boo), but I did pick up my ring this afternoon. I was at a meeting that was only five minutes from the FedX place, so I had to go pick it up as soon as my meeting was over. My phone absolutely won't take a picture though. It won't focus whatsoever. I must have hit some funky setting and it won't cooperate. I'll try again tomorrow at work. I haven't had a chance to study it with my loupe yet, but it sure looked pretty awesome in the wonderful lighting in the restroom at work today. I worked 8:30-8 today, so I'm off to bed. Probably another long day tomorrow starting off with a meeting at 9. Have a great Friday!
Happy Thursday! :wavey:

Dee Jay, I would be doing a happy dance all day. :appl: :appl: :appl: I don’t see how these people can’t be responsible to all the damage to your house. How awesome to get the president of the association to admit both knowledge and frequency of previous incidents. I think your attorney will agree you have a very good case. I like Bill’s comment about a sea of blackheads in HK. Marty’s boss (former job) is over 6 feet too and she and Marty were on a train and a little girl looks them both up and down and asks her do you like being so tall? She really drilled her with questions about where she was from, etc. I am sure tall people are easy to pick out in a crowd over there.

Deegee, I am so excited you got your ring. Do you love it? :love: :love: :love: Maybe your phone can’t focus on all the brilliant light and fire coming off your diamond and your gorgeous ring. Did BGD take glamour shots? I understand what you mean about letting Marty know if I am upset about him being gone that much but after my initial emotional reaction I have been okay with it. He is going to Ethiopia next week so I will think some things over and see if I am concerned enough to tell him. I would so hate to have him back out of it because of me. Hong Kong hours are so different we can only talk on weeks but his company is really good about letting them come home on weekends or every few weeks and it’s a region of the world that I feel is pretty safe. Also they often back out on sending people places so it may not happen or be more a few weeks here and there.

Work was busy. I had some moments when I wanted to beat my head on the desk because my kids needed some babysitting and hand holding.

We met my sister and BIL for supper. We ate too much but dinner was good (Steak, baked potato, salad and a warm apple cobbler). And of course a nice merlot to go with our dinner.

Have a great Friday.

Happy Friday kids!

Deegee, I can't wait to see your new beauty!!! The camera on my iphone sometimes cooperates... and sometimes doesn't. But I hope you find a way to post a pic! About the empty bookcase squares; the crazy thing is I probably DO have enough stuff to fill both of our boxes once I finally get everything unpacked. How sad is that?!

Curby, if Marty did go to Asia for a longer time would you make a visit too? I have always wanted to go, especially since they have lots of small sized shoes and being a 5 I have a hard time getting them! And that's funny about the little girl asking if they like being so tall. Out of the mouths of babes!

I didn't sleep at all last night. I woke up to water gurgling around midnight and prowled around making sure everything was OK. I finally went back to sleep but the thunder and lightening woke me again at 2 am and then I barely slept after that. I was going to sleep in this morning but the sofa people called and said they'll be here soon (they didn't come yesterday because of the off-and-on monsoon) to pick up the other piece. And the flooring that came yesterday is scattered around the condo in various piles. Ninety-five boxes of it... woah... The CB and I were thinking we would put some down this weekend but the concrete is still too wet and there's no point in doing in piecemeal. Plus, there are plenty of other things that need to happen around here so it's not like we have a lack of projects to keep us busy!
Happy Sunday, Kids! :wavey:

Dee Jay, I think I should get lots of bookcases like you have and fill them with teddy bears. That would keep me busy if Marty was gone for a few weeks. I am sure Marty would want me to come visit him in HK – getting me on a plane to go there; that is a different story. I guess I can view an overseas flight something that is not much longer or painful than how long I had to wear that bridesmaid dress yesterday. Sorry you are in a rainy spell there; I would be checking all the drains too. Hopefully you’ll be able to start putting in your 95 boxes of flooring soon.

Deegee, how is your sparkly new ring? :love: :love: :love:

My sister, BIL and I went to my aunt’s funeral Friday. We left about 10 am and got home about 7:30. Marty’s poker party was in full swing when we got back to our house. Marty’s sister showed up (surprise!) for poker and spent the night. I went to bed about 11:30 but the poker game continued until about 1:30.

Saturday morning we took the relatives to breakfast and they all took off and we came home and got ready for the wedding. Marty’s rented tux was standard plastic fabric, uncomfortable and designed to last for years. My dress has lots of stays in the bodice that stuck out well past where I had anything to fill them. I thought it looked goofy and they just made the dress uncomfortable.

My friend is a PM but she was not very organized with her wedding. No one knew what to do, where to go and people definitely didn’t show up on time. The priest was quite cranky about it too. They wouldn’t have a rehearsal the night before and then the bride and most bridesmaids didn’t show up until 25 minutes before the wedding. No one knew who was walking down the isle with whom or in what order. One of the bridesmaids went and asked priest to come outside and talk to us about what to do and he wouldn’t do it. So while guests are coming in we are all huddled in the back 2 pews listening to the priest lecture us that “since the bride and groom felt like a rehearsal was unnecessary this is what you are going to do . . . “

All in all everything went well though and my friend was very happy so that is what matters. We did photos after the wedding then had about an hour between photos and the reception. We can home about 9 so Marty would pack and clean up the poker party mess. Yay for having the chairlift I was able to get the glasses, towels and silverware put back downstairs today after washing them.

Marty left for Ethiopia this morning so I got things done around the house that has been patiently waiting for me since Thursday.

I hope you had a great weekend.