
Healthy Living Thread

Marcy - 18 years!!! Oh baby, replace that thing before it goes!

Sharon - I love Palm Springs!

I went over to the closest (not *groovy*!) branch of my new gym tonight. I did 20 mins on the gauntlet, 15 on the elliptical, and 15 on the bike. Oddly enough, my ankle (the one I broke in Cuba in November) really hurt on the elliptical, so I gave up on that pretty quickly becuase that last thing I need to to injure someting else!

My eating has been really pretty good today, almost by accident. I am currently, of course, blowing that by having a second glass of wine, but hey, a girl's gotta live! :cheeky:

And my scale has lost it's mind. It told me that I lost 5 lbs overnight (Sun/Mon) and this morning it said I was back where I was on Sat. A couple of pounds, OK, but 5? I think I need new batteries or something!
Sharon, Palm Springs sounds fun too. We've already got plans for 4 of our 6 days so I am sure we'll find something fun to do.

Dee Jay, yes a girl has got to live. I had one glass of wine with supper but stopped there. Definitely good idea not to hurt your ankle again. Darn that scale. I am sure it was in it's right mind when it said you'd lost 5 pounds. :appl:

I was at least slightly busy at work today so it wasn't a long day. I left at 4 too. I took my parents some things, went to the bank then picked up Marty. We got him a new little fan for his office and then got him a few storage bins for his CD's.

We went through and signed our loan application. I put down the wrong date so I'll have to go through it again and lets hope we don't have to start over. She gave us the papers to bring home last Friday and I put today's date on it instead of last Friday. I did find 2 thing on it though she has Marty's income a little short and also it looks like we can get a lower percentage rate on the VA funding fee based on what we are paying up front. That would take a nice little chunk off the loan fees. I hope I am right.

I had cheerios for breakfast, a 100 calorie granola bar for snack, 1 piece of leftover pizza for lunch, 1/2 a steak and 1/2 a potato for supper and one glass of wine. I got apple sauce with my steak but decided to keep that for breakfast tomorrow.

Laters, :wavey:
Marcy, I hope you don't have to redo the paperwork! I remember on one of our mortgages they left an "n" off of the end of Bill's last name. I pointed it out at the closing and they said, oh, don't worry, just keep signing. Long story short, we had to go back (weeks after we closed) and sign everything again. All that paperwork--UG!

So my ankle and back feel pretty good today, but my right knee is a little sore. Probably becuase I haven't been wearing my patella strap. :rolleyes: I do want to work out again tonight, and am hoping to take one of the classes, but I'm not sure if they are holding it at the gym closest to me today because they are having an issue with the air conditioning. As in, it's hotter than the seventh circle of hell outside... and that is COOL compared to what it feels like inside... I muddled through at that location last night, but I'm not doing it again! I'll head off to the "groovy" branchy and skip the class.

Scale update: It's gotta go. This morning it told me I weighed 94.8 pounds. My left a$$ cheek alone weighs 94.8 pounds...
Dee Jay. I like your scale. It just gives you some random numbers. Rats that your knee was giving you heck today. Hopefully it is better tomorrow. It has been in the 90's here for weeks. Very unusual for this area. Were you there in the winter at all? I wonder how cold and snowy it is in the winter. That is pretty bed they had your sign all those papers with a missing n. Especially on mortgage.

I ran our mortgage app to the lender today and they found a few places we missed so I ran them home for Marty to sign and he ran them back.

All the inspectors came today. The biggest one is we need a new roof. We have t shingles which they don't make anymore and some of the shingles are torn from wind so hopefully the insurance will cover most of it. We have an adjuster coming soon to see if they will pay anything towards it. The same guy wanted us to fix the back porch and step which we are already working on and to replace the sidewalk by our garage which will be done as well. Three of our double pain windows have broken seals so they need replaced. The plumber and electrician found minor things that need fixed. I am glad to get them all done so we know what we need to get fixed. We will probably have those companies just fix what they found so there are no questions about trading in our house.

We met the in-laws for supper today. A friend of mine wanted to meet us for a drink so I invited her to join us. My FIL is not very friendly to people he doesn't know but my MIL warmed up to her and us girls then had a nice time visiting. Marty has to run the in-laws to the airport in the morning then pick them up next Tuesday.

Food today was mostly good except one cookie. I had Cheerios and applesauce for breakfast, a piece of pizza for lunch and 1/2 a French Dip sandwich for supper with a glass of wine.

I hope everyone had a great day.
LOL. I meant window pane.
Yay! It's Friday. :appl:

Have a wonderful and healthy day. :wavey:
"Food today was mostly good except one cookie." Marcy, you slay me! If I were writing that post it was say, food today was mostly good except for that one BAG of cookies...

So I'm thrilled to report that no part of me hurts today! I just did the gauntlet and bike at the gym last night, so maybe the elliptical was the culpret for both my ankle and knee yesterday. I have found that the ellipticals where your toe points down more on the forward motion is a problem for me, so maybe I just can't use the ellipticals at this gym becuase they are all the same Precor model. I wish I could remember the brand where your toe is pretty much always higher/as high as your toe, because those tend to work pretty well for me.

The Chicago boyfriend is coming in tonight for the weekend, so I'm sure I will eat badly and skip working out for the next three days. Oh well, it is what it is!

My adventure for today is to buy a laptop so that I am well equipped for my accounting classes starting in a couple of weeks, becuase I just don't think my 5 year old Toshiba is gonna cut it. The hampsters are running on their little wheels as fast as they can inside that thing, and they seem to be getting a little tired...

Happy Friday everyone!
LOL, Dee Jay. One bag of cookies! I'd be more likely to eat about 10 cookies fresh out of the oven. :bigsmile: I love cookie dough and fresh baked cookies. :devil: I am delighted to hear nothing hurts today. Progress!!! I was telling Marty we should look in to a stationary bike when we move. We have a treadmill already but it started to hurt my knees. That is great your BF is going to be in town for the weekend. What kind of laptop did you buy? Poor hamsters in your Toshiba - sounds like they are ready for a rest. We had a Toshiba laptop with a Pentium II in it and I swear I've heard quieter lawn mowers. We'd be sound asleep and hear the fan in that sucker kick on in the living room. The thing weighed a ton too. But it still works; it is my mom'e email computer now and their only DVD player.

Work can be summed up in one word: BORING. It made for a long day so I snuck off about 20 minutes early. Marty got up bright and early to run his parents to the airport. I stopped by my parent's house to water their flowers then went on to work. I emailed Marty about 3 to thaw out some steaks so I got home to find him cooking supper already and he even picked up some wine. Sweet. The evening is shaping up to be a nice quiet time.

I guess they are coming to start work on our patio, sidewalk and steps tomorrow. The claims adjuster doesn't work on Friday so I guess we can call him Sunday.

Our neighbor has someone over there cutting their grass and they were just in our yard turning on our faucet. Really? Some people. Marty marches out there and asks "what are you doing?"

Well, have a great weekend.

Excercising everyday in our pool--no rest for the wicked! Lovely heat and water warm like a bath.

My sister has lost a little over 20 pounds and looks fabu! She has always been petite do she doesn't miss those middle (girth) inches at all!

Sharon, congratulations to your sister! :appl: The weather and pool sound wonderful.

Out day started about 1:30 this morning when Marty accidentally knocked the lamp over on his nightstand. It took awhile for us to get back to sleep. We got up about 6. The guys showed up and started taking out the porch, steps and sidewalk. That was noisy. They found a den of snakes on the side of the house and a bunch of bees under our deck. Aak. I was excited to hear about that. NOT! I went and picked up a few paint samples. We are down to 2 combos for outside. We have the color for inside picked out. It is a light cream yellow color.

Marty played golf until about 2. I had some toast and a peach for lunch. We are trying a recently opened Cajun restaurant with some friends for supper.

I did 3 batches of laundry then realized the water was on low so I had to do them again. I got the sheets and blankets washed for the beds. I vacuuumed and will do the bathrooms and dusting during golf tomorrow.

I got some corn in the cob which we will have with BLT's tomorrow. The farmers market started today but I stayed home most of the morning since those guys were here working in the yard.

Take care.
It doesn't look like much now but I believe all the little sticks mean they are going to dig the hole for our house soon.

Marcy, except for that DEN OF SNAKES next to your house, everything seems to be going well. SERIOUSLY??? DEN OF SNAKES!!! :errrr: I about p!ssed myself when I read that, and I can bring myself to the brink of hyperventilation just thinking about it. Holy jesus Marcy, you are a better man than I am...!!!

Sharon, the pool sounds lovely. Do you also have a DEN OF SNAKES? Perhaps the SNAKES like to swim with you in the pool? Yanno, like happy little water worms or something...

(Sorry to dwell on this SNAKE thing, but I am just amazed at the off-handed remark... "Oh, George, it's so nice of you to stop by. Be careful coming up the walk because there's a DEN OF SNAKES just to the left of the bird feeder. Can I offer you a glass of iced tea while we sit on the porch?")

Anyway, I have had a lovely (NON-DEN OF SNAKES filled) weekend. The Chicago boyfriend and I went out for BBQ last night at a gas station. Yes, a working gas station that happens to serve BBQ. "Yeah, I'll take twenty dollars worth of regular unleaded, a pack of Marlboro reds and a pulled port sandwich with some spicy slaw." Anythony Bordain has apparently declared this the best BBQ in Kansas City, and therfore the world. It's got quite a cult following.

Haven't worked out since Thursday, but I'll be back at it tomorrow.

That's all for now. Going to go to sleep... and dream about that DEN of SNAKES... !
Dee Jay, LMAO. You are so funny. Stupid snakes. I hope neither of us have dreams about snakes tonight. We used to find them in the house (mostly basement) but Marty finally plugged up every drain, opening or hole where they might be getting in. I found one in the living room one time and that was quite a show. Marty had been called in to work about midnight for some emergency. He got home at about 6:15 and told me to wake him up at 7 because he had to be to work by 8 for a meeting. I carried my clothes out to the living room to get dressed so he can get some sleep and I see his "belt" on the living room floor. I bend over to pick it up and the head comes up off the floor. (I am mostly blind without glasses.) So anyway I drop my clothes and back down the hall and say "Marty there is a snake in the living room". He says "not funny". I say "not kidding". So Marty gets up and has me get a bag that he tries to shoe it in to but the thing goes under our large, heavy entertainment center and blended in perfectly with all the cords back there. Marty is tired and irritated by then and I swear he moved the entire entertainment stand with one little push. So he has the snake pinned in place with a walking stick. He is no longer going to just catch it and put it outside. So he tells me to use his putter to hit it. I swear I hit me, him, the wall, the entertainment center and all more than once but I didn't come close to hitting the snake. By then the snake is putting off some horrible stink so Marty has me hold the walking stick in place while he hits it with the club. What a morning that was! To this day I don't get up without looking down the hall making sure there is nothing on the floor. I was already thinking the place where we are moving is just open prairie land right now so I am sure there are all sorts of varmints surround there too. Yes, they will all make me scream like a little girl. Your BBQ sounds great. That is cool they featured it on TV.

Well, now that Dee Jay has given me a good laugh I think I'll go to bed 30 minutes early!


Oh my god--I am with DeeJay--freaking snakes! Then Marcy said she was going to BBQ steaks--but all I read was SNAKES!

Crikey--no snakes here for sure--and the large desert spider who was hanging around our pool took off back to his den: I guess we were just too noisy.

I keep excercising diligently in the pool--gotta be faster than those SNAKES! :cheeky:

Sharon, too funny you guys ran off the spider. My snakes might have eaten him. Ha ha. Stupid snakes.

Work was boring. I had toast and strawberries for breakfast, Cheerios for break, a smart one entree for lunch and 2 homemade tacos for supper. After the dishes were done we ran out to pick up Marty's second prescription of malaria pills then drove by our lot to see if anything was done today. Sadly nothing new there.

Our back patio and step look good.

Tomorrow my dad has his right knee replaced. They told him he would probably not have to go to rehab so he should get out of the hospital Friday.

Take care.
Hello all!

Just back from the gym for the first time since last Thursday. I thought it was a good idea to take a bootcamp class. Me, with the two knee surgeries, broken ankle and herniated disk... Sometimes I am just a special kind of stupid... We started with jumping jacks (jumping jacks--please see the aforementioned list of injuries) and it went straight to hell in a hand basket from there. If I can walk tomorrow it will be a miracle.

Marcy, how is your dad doing? I hear new knees are absolutely amazing--and at the rate I'm going I'll get to experience that myself pretty soon...

Sharon, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but one time we were visting my dad down in Orlando and we went to some water park. Toward the end of the day we were getting tired and decided to just grab an innertube and float down the lazy river. Well the lazy river wound itself through all sorts of terraine, some of which was in it's rather natural state... and snakes live in nature... and snakes can swim... and at one point there was one swimming with ME. That's all I'm gonna say on the topic. (Dee limps off in search of wine to dull THAT particular memory!)
Marcy, good luck to your dad!! Hope the surgery goes amazingly! And I love the pic you posted- looks so pretty there!

DeeJay, so sorry you hurt yourself today :(( and I hope you wake up tomorrow feeling much much better! And no more jumping jacks!! (Heck you were brave to try- I don't think I have attempted jumping jacks for well over 30 years LOL!)

Sharon, congrats to your sister!! :appl: I am sure you are a good motivator for her- you're in such great shape!!

And I'll take snakes to bugs any day of the week ladies- any day of the week. Eeeeew, I really hate hate hate bugs- they scare the heck out of me! :errrr:
Hello everyone!

Thank you for the well wishes for my dad. My dad’s knee surgery went pretty well. They will have him get up today and expect him to go home Friday. My poor mom is pretty stressed. I have today off as well so told her after she woke up from her nap this afternoon to call me and we’ll go down to visit him.

Since my dad was doing well I rode with Marty to DIA to pick up his parents who were coming in from trip. My MIL sister’s passed away from lung cancer so they flew out to Virginia to go to her funeral. We stopped on the way home for a late supper.

BF was a BB muffin at the hospital, lunch was 1/2 of a hamburger and fries, supper was veal parmesan and pasta (and I’ll admit it I had wine with supper).

Dee Jay, were you able to get out of bed today? OUCH!!! I am right there with your special kind of stupid. I’ve often claimed the only reason I am not in that list of amazing stupid tricks is I am alive! I am also right there with you on my knees are probably going to need replaced sometime as well. I am glad you had some wine to help erase the stupid snake story. I bet all you guys are ready to kill me for even bringing them up. I don’t know if there is enough wine to get them off my mind though. Aak

Missy, I hate bugs too. See what a sissy girl I am? I was hunting down flies last night and this morning. Marty had to get a 25 foot ladder in here to replace one of our smoke detectors and propped the door open long enough for those pesky buzzy flies in get in. They drive me bonkers when I am sleeping so I was on the hunt to kill them all before we went to bad last night. I think I got the last one this morning. That will teach them to come in our house uninvited! Ha!

Well we are off to our appointment to pick stuff for our new house. How exciting.

Hi. My poor dad is miserable today. They didn't give him any pain pills until this morning. He has barely slept at all so when I took my mom up to see him he could barely stay away. I don't know who's fault it was on the pain meds. A nurse said he wouldn't take them because he thought his IV was pain medicine. He said they never offered him any. At least they gave him some today and he was starting to feel better. They had him up a few times walking. That is good.

Our house meeting went well. We got the basic layout handled and they will be digging the hole and pouring the foundation later this week or early next week.

We got the list of things to fix on our house from the inspectors. They added a few minor things but told us we didn't have to replace 3 windows that we thought we would. The claims adjustor for the roof showed up and didn't tell us much either way. Keep your fingers crossed on that.

Sadly I have to go back to work tomorrow. I liked having 2 days off.

Later. :wavey:
Marcy hopefully no snakes in the house :bigsmile:
Marcy, I'm sorry your dad had a difficult time with the pain. It's definitely better to take the pain meds as soon as you start feeling any or before- right after surgery there might be a lot of pain so please make sure the medical staff keeps on top of this for him. It's very encouraging that he was already up and walking so soon! Sending PS dust for continued quick recovery with minimal discomfort!

Fingers crossed for your roof! And for no snakes!!!!
Marcy, I'm sorry to hear that your dad is having a rough time of it. Hopefully he will feeling better soon!

Missy, you will see that I tend to overdo things, LOL. And I always pay the price! Yesterday my a$$ hurt like hell, and this morning my quads are so sore I had to use the towel to get off the toilet after I peed!!!

Sharon, I have a vision of you in the pool outswimming the snakes! Kind of like Michael Phelps, but with a flowered swim cap (remember those from the seventies?) and and bunch of geen wrigglers in your wake. Ha!

We had a fast and furious storm blow through here last night. I caught a picture out my window of both sides of a rainbow over the old Federal Reserve building. I will have to send the pics to myself and post them later.

Marcy--I am sorry your Dad suffered b/c his nurse didn't exhibit basic common sense....and I am a nurse! From here, I hope his recovery is on a better (comfortable) path.....

I shall not want to fly home---are there SNAKES ON THE PLANE????? :cheeky:

It is HOT here.....even our pool is WARM........and Mr. Phelps might want to take a lesson from MOI! :cheeky: ;)) (as if he never heard that one before...)

Happy Friday all!

Went to the gym last night and did a hard workout, partly in penance for the TWO GIANT pieces of pizza I had for lunch (followed up by TWO GIANT glasses of wine I had when I go home from the gym because I am so frustrated by this software I'm trying to get to work on my new computer), and partly because I was thinking of taking tonight off. I worked out Tues, Wed, and Thrs, and as tempted as Ms. OCD is, I am trying to be sensible about this (for a change :cheeky: ).

Not much else to report...

See you all later!
Thanks, Missy. I am hoping for insurance helping on the roof and no snake myself. Aak. My sister got after the nurses yesterday for kind of ignoring him. He won’t really complain but last night I found he hadn’t ordered any supper. How do they expect him to get strength back without some substance?

Dee Jay you always make me laugh. I chuckled out load at getting off the toilet. I sure hope you aren’t so sore now. I would love to see your picture of the rainbow. COOL!!! I had 2 pieces of pizza and 2 glasses of wine myself last night. I slept a LONG time last night too.

Sharon, I sure hope you didn’t have any SNAKES ON THE PLANE going home. My dad is doing better on pain but I guess they were getting him out of a recliner yesterday and the girl put the foot rest down and didn’t catch his leg and it hit the floor. That is really poor.

After work yesterday I went to the hospital to visit my dad. Then I headed to the social club at the golf course. Marty was still playing golf so I sat with my in-laws and their friends and had a glass of wine and some popcorn (I was starving so I knew not to drink on an empty stomach. ) By the time I finished my wine Marty showed up so we went to the bar side and had a drink with some friends. It was already 6:45 by then and everyone else had eaten so we ordered a pizza. I was pretty “happy” when we got home so went to bed early and slept in late.

Marty was on the road by 5 am to play in a golf tournament in Denver. I made breakfast and went down to see my sister and BIL who set up a booth at a craft show downtown. I picked up a few things for my dad to lift his leg with and got them time ice for his thingamabob (my technical term for the ice cooler they hook up to his knee to keep pain down) and then went to their house to water the flowers and break up the ice bags in to smaller gallon bags. Then I came home and started a batch of laundry. I took my sister and BIL back lunch and sat with them for a few hours. My sister won a wooden trivet and I really like it so I ended up buying a matching napkin holder and a 16x20x1 inch cutting board. New house stuff!

Now I am off to visit my parents and my sister, BIL and probably Marty are going to supper then we’ll take back the parents take out.

Marcy Don't Want to Have the Snake Blues . . .
Good morning and Happy Sunday!

We are running around today to look at the local parade of homes. There are 8 homes this year; 2 in the development where we are building. We are going to get ideas and of course to win prizes. :bigsmile: Well hopefully win prizes.

Have a great day.

Hey kids!

Did hard workouts yesterday morning and today. I will skip tomorrow, but go to the gym Tues/Wed/Thrs becuase I'll be home for the weekend and I know that will involve all sorts of bad things! :cheeky:

So on Friday I downloaded itunes onto my work computer. The fact that it let me do that was SO surprising becuase I didn't really think that the net nannies would allow it, but the disc drive on my old computer isn't working and I don't really want to put itunes on my new computer because I've heard from several people that their system has never been the same after that. Anyway, I went to the office after my workout today with a bunch of CDs to make a new playlist and the network got angry because it's identifying my ipod as a thumb drive. Now I'm totally locked out of the system.... and I will have to call and confess to the IT people in the morning so they can unlock me... OOPS!

Anyway, not much else to report. I have about 500 pages of accounting text to read before the 20th becuase I'm skipping Accounting I (I took it during my undergrad) but I want to have a refresher before launching right into Accounting II. That should keep me busy for a while!

Marcy, I'm as excited about your new home as you are! If you need any design opinions along the way, feel free to ask becuase I LOVE that sort of thing! :bigsmile:

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
Here are my rainbow pics from the other night. I hope I can figure out how to put them side by side!


OK, well apparently I can't figure out how to post them side by side, LOL...

But here is one more.

I just popped in here to say hi.

DeeJay, great view.

Marcy, did you move? Are you still in WY?

Sharon, howdy!

Missy, hi!
Dee Jay, wonderful photos! I was trying to find a rainbow tonight since we had rain and the sun was coming out but some rascal must have found the pot of gold already and ran off with the rainbow. Boo! Did you get IT to unlock your account? I loved it when Marty was our IT manager I never worried about getting in trouble for things. Now I am not so lucky but most of those guys liked Marty so I am still good. Thanks for being excited for me. We were looking at drapes tonight. Kohl's had some on clearance then I can get 15% off so I may go back and get them. It would take care of one room anyway. :appl:

Hi Skippy! It is good to hear from you. :wavey: How are you? How are the cute twins? We are still in Wyoming. We are having a house built and hope to be in it before the end of the year.

Work was painfully long today. I ran out at lunch to pick up a big cookie for one of my employee's birthday so since I was miles away from our lot I drove by and found they had started the excavation. I was so excited. I took a picture from my car and sent it to Marty. Marty laughed when I told him I was just in the neighborhood since it was like 10 minutes at least from where I was. We went back after work and Marty got this shot of some of the sections they have dug out so far. We had rain so I stayed in the car because I didn't want to get my shoes all muddy.

We split a sandwich for supper then wandered around Kohls and Bed Bath and Beyond.

Take care.
