
Heirloom solitaire RHR project (aka Blueroses finally has a ROCK!)

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Thanks for the input, Ana! I am going to have to wait until it arrives to see what it looks like close up....(I pmed you too)....the sellers are estate/antique people and not jewelry folks, so it's hard to say. I will trust your eyes on the age of the piece. I didn't know that about silver over gold (I'm such a newbie still) so thank you!

I'll be sizing it down most likely to a 6.5 but I have no problem replacing the shank if that seems like the best course of action.

So those look like beads and not just the old nubs/remains of prongs to you? Hmmmmm. I have no idea!!

The stone seems to be close to 5.2mm (holding it up to a chart on paper) and the seller told me that the actual opening on the head is around 1/8 inch (which is between 3.175 and 3.5mm???) If it were a bezel setting it'd be a problem, but since it appeared to be made for prongs? (Which is also what the seller said when we spoke on the phone) I went ahead and bought and figured I'd try to make it work! We'll see!!

(ETA: I'd never heard of bead-setting a center stone, I only knew of bead-set in terms of pave. How would that work?)
I see no reason why your jeweler can''t build prongs for you on the ring??
Lisa I agree--I hope so, anyway!! We''ll see how it looks in person....I should have it by mid-week.

THANK YOU ALL for all of the kind words and input (and Ana for your expertise!!)

Have to go make myself useful for a while, but I''ll be back!
Didn''t have much luck matching the pictures, but drawing a diamond to fit the space between the beads on the setting produced these pictures below. The size of the ''stone'' may not match yours to a tee, but it does match the setting - the best I could guess.

I hope the ring can be set and worn again - the style and filigree work are so nice :)

That looks great, thanks Ana!!! I will be curious to see what blue''s jeweler says about the prongs. A bead set bezel would be lovely too.
NO, I couldn''t stay away long!!

ANA, that looks just beautiful!!!! Thank you so much! I didn''t really take any comparable-angle shots of the diamond, so I really appreciate your making it work w/ another picture.

Even if the finished product has a different look, this has given me such a great image to work from!

Date: 1/21/2006 3:58:20 PM
Author: blueroses

So those look like beads and not just the old nubs/remains of prongs to you?

No. Let me see if I can find an example...

Here's one - although the setting does not look like yours, this one comes with allot of detail.
And a real ring made that way. I should have found one with six evenly-spaced beads, not set in a square setting like that - just didn't get lucky.

The stone seems to be close to 5.2mm (holding it up to a chart on paper) and the seller told me that the actual opening on the head is around 1/8 inch (which is between 3.175 and 3.5mm) If it were a bezel setting it'd be a problem, but since it appeared to be made for prongs?

I don't know how it will work for this ring, but the type of setting you have should fit several sizes of diamonds - as long as the outer bezel is not smaller than the stone. If this one can be made to fit your stone - no idea though, I am not a jeweler.
I wonder if (assuming that the stone is too large to bead-set it w/in the current bezel) it would be possible to shave the edges around the opening there to enlarge it? There seems to be some room to work with, such that where the current bead/prong bits area would be shaved away and the stone would sit closer to the outer milgrain? I'm not explaining it right, hold on:

Here's what I mean:

Ana, thank you for that wonderful example!!! I have seen lots of vintage rings like that but never knew it was a completely different process--just assumed it was a different sort of "prong-ing" Silly layperson me!!

I am almost certain that the outer bezel will still accomodate the stone. The stone is close to 5mm,the measurement across the entire top of the setting was 3/8" which is around 9.5250mm, and the inner bezel opening is somewhere around 3.2-3.5mm, I am thinking it will hopefully be able to work right in there!! I HOPE!!
Date: 1/21/2006 4:30:50 PM
Author: blueroses

There seems to be some room to work with, such that where the current bead/prong bits area would be shaved away and the stone would sit closer to the outer milgrain?
It is clear enough to me... hope a jeweler can make this work in real life.

PS. see the bead set center in the previous post (edited). But this is closer to what I thought your setting was to begin with - well, only in terms of how each of those two stones is set.


This ring is listed at Fay's (HERE). I don't know any other setting that covers less of the stone!
Hi, Blueroses...

First heartfelt condolences to you for the loss of your beloved Aunt. She was much too young....I'm so so sorry.

I think it's just wonderful that you now have her diamond as a treasured

Your project is great fun...sorry I'm arriving so late! That's a great mounting and I'm curious to hear what your jeweler has to say about it when he sees it.

The question regarding bead-set vs. prong-set is interesting. I was looking at an old ring of mine, and it seems to me beads seem to be nestled between the stone and whatever metal is next to it, while prongs are free standing. Does this make sense? (! are you out there?)

Anyway, here's a pic of the ring I'm talking about...I'd call the diamonds all bead set...I'm less sure of the center stone...which was more recently set in this old mounting. Are those four small nubs in the corners 'beads' or 'prongs'?


ETA: LOL...Ana is not only "out there" she's been answering my questions as I was asking them!

Blueroses, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I too am really close to my aunt and I would be devistated if anything happened to her.

I think your ring will turn out gorgeous! What a nice rememberance!
ooo, I love the mock up pics Ana did. Blue, I know you''ll jeweler will be able to come up something to make it work. It''s going to be fabulous, I just know it
Ana, thanks for the info. and for the additional bead-set example....that''s really helpful and a good visual to have so I can ask questions properly of my jeweler. Thanks!

Thanks also to widget, pebbles, and mrss for the kind words!! Widget, I see exactly what you mean about the diamonds in that ring--great example!

Date: 1/21/2006 4:48:28 PM
Author: widget

The question regarding bead-set vs. prong-set is interesting. I was looking at an old ring of mine, and it seems to me beads seem to be nestled between the stone and whatever metal is next to it, while prongs are free standing. Does this make sense? (! are you out there?)

That is the sense I used the words ''bead setting'' for too... for better or worse.

Check out what I found on-line:

Ana, is this also a pretty good example of the kind of bead-setting we were discussing?

Blue I am sorry to hear about your aunt, but you can wear a bit of her spirit in the ring you design!! I love the ideas being thrown around...
Thanks Mara

Me too--it''s so nice to have everyone''s input!

I guess I spaced out, but when did Princess Portia take over for the fantasy asscher avatar? She is such a sweetie!!
I am sorry for the loss of your aunt. Losing those close to us is never easy. How fortunate you are to have been so loved that she wanted you to have her ring. It is really beautiful and you will always have a part of her close to you.

The new mounting is really pretty - unique - something you wouldn''t see everyday. Can''t wait to see the finished project!
Blueroses, I'm so sorry for your loss. It seems like you loved your aunt very much and I can only imagine how hard this has been for you. I do hope that whenever you look at this gift from her, it brings you happy memories. I have recently inherited a OEC ring from my grandmother (not the pendant stone, but posted in the "Heirlooms" thread) and I treasure it because even though I never knew her, it is like a link to the woman that she was.

On a lighter note, I think that is a beautiful setting and I cannot wait to see pics of it when it arrives. I hope that it works out perfectly.
Blueroses, I''m so sorry to hear about your aunt. Cancer is such a monster. But I love the fact that you will have a gorgeous and sentimental ring to remember her by! I love all the ideas you''ve got going....can''t wait to see what you end up with!!!
Thanks so much, MissGot, Fata and HouMed!!! I am excited for the "journey" ahead and will post more pics when the setting arrives....which I hope will be soon!
Sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful gift your aunt gave you. Love the ring!
Blueroses, I''m so sorry to hear about your aunt.
and how sweet your aunt to left you such beautifful family ring.
so, did you get the ring yet??
I don''t know how I missed the thread, but I''m so happy to see that you won that auction! I love that setting, and it looks as if it will be a very treasured ring for you.

I always think of my great-grandmother when I wear her engagement ring, and it looks kind of similar to yours.

Blue-I am so sorry about your aunt.
But, her memory will live on everytime you look at that beautiful stone. Great find on the setting.
Can''t wait to see how the project comes along!
I love that to remember the history of the stone, you chose a setting like the one you did. Very appropriate. This ring will be just another way your lives are linked.

Sounds like you have lots of choices to make but in the end it will be perfect, I''m sure.
I haven''t updated this thread in forever....I''ve been travelling for work so there''s no real action, BUT I realized I''d never posted any pictures of my own once the setting arrived. It is PERFECT--just what I wanted it to be, even more beautiful than the photos online.

Anyway, my hand and jewelry-box shots of the mounting aren''t that great, but it was fun to get some of the two together. I am FINALLY taking both in this week so I''ll have more to report--and finally some specs on the stone as well!!

thanks for the update Blueroses. I can''t wait to see the stone in the antique setting. also, we miss you around here
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