
Heirloom solitaire RHR project (aka Blueroses finally has a ROCK!)

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It''s going to be sooo pretty!! It has such special meaning to you, and that''s always nice. I echo my friend mrssalvo in that we have missed you on here. Thanks for the update and can''t wait to see the pics once it''s set!!!
Thanks MrsS and Kaleigh!! I have missed you ladies too. I need to find a happy medium on PS between lurkerdom and OCD addiction!!!!

(And oh my goodness, MrsS, is that new avatar precious!!!!)
Glad your back Blue
I hope all is well with you. Can''t wait for the finished product.
HI guys,

So a semi-update, but nothing has happened yet. I finally took my ring and new setting into the jeweler yesterday. She agreed that it was white gold which would need new rhodium plating and that the prong/beads would have to be rebuilt. (We settled on calling them "nubs!") They weren't sure yet if they can shave the opening to enlarge it for the stone so that it can be set more flush, or if it will be set just slightly up from the bezel. It won't be set high at any rate. (phew.) They will get the specs and measurements from the stone once it's out of the current setting and loose. But we did eyeball it together and she confirmed my suspicion that it is probably SI range. (Big old black inclusion w/ a loupe but very hard to spot w/ the naked eye.) Fun fact in terms of the era of the setting: she thinks the little saphs are probably sims, partially b/c manmade stones were so hip at the time (brave new world, look what man hath wraught kind of thing.)

So I am getting a call with the (gulp) estimate next week, but they will be (not in this order):
1) rebuilding the prong/nub/beads
2) evaluating and setting the stone
3) replating
4) most likely reshanking (and if so, engraving the initials of my grandmother and aunt into the new shank)
5) resizing.

I probably could have gone with a PS vendor, but I really wanted to do this in person. Plus, this is a great local AGS jeweler (5th generation family) that my folks have known for years. personal eye candy tour AFTER we worked up the order confirmed my decision!
So after we got the paperwork squared away, the woman helping me grabbed her keys and helped me on a trying-on-drooling spree!!!

I took no pictures, I'm VERY sorry
But it was almost 5pm and I was one of 2 customers in there so we had FUN!!!! We started out at the estate case where I tried on a lovely very faycullen-esque dome ring. Lovely, great, fine. Here's what REALLY matters: the 2.2+ct OEC in plat w/ a DOUBLE octagonal single cut pave halo. Yep. You read that right. Sheer heaven. As many of you know, I'm an asscher/step-cut/occasional cushion girl, but this OEC knocked me on my arse. It was INCREDIBLE. SO well cut for an oldie, the facets were chunky but not huge and it was just shooting off fire. I was completely mesmerized--it seriously knocked me out. THe double halo was actually TOO big (!) but that OEC could have even stood alone--dunno about the spread, but it seemed HUGE. And WHITE. ANd oh my god, I have to stop talking about it--this kind of stone would almost convert me to another shape. There were other antiques, but that one was the real kicker.

We went on to the more contemporary case and I tried on several different Simon G rings which surprised me b/c I didn't think they were really my cup of tea.....until I saw them on ME
here's one (white, yellow, rose gold, diamonds w/ yellow & pink diamonds. Seriously, had no idea I'd dig this and I totally did. And I thought pretty reasonably priced too.)
(ETA: The pic below is a hair different b/c the one I tried haed PINK mq-shape diamonds w/ the rose gold rather than 2 round ones.)

One thing that I liked--which was good to think about for future custom work--was how comfortable these were on the inside--rounded, etc. THis next one was way too thick for me, but--given that I don't adore yellow gold--it surprised me how much I liked this. Just very SWEET. I do not need another RHR but this was fun


And unfortunately, the one I liked the MOST I just can't find online, but I really loved it. THis was tiny (under 1pointers) micropave little hexagons in wg(plat?) each held together by a thin little horizontal "tie" of rose gold. GOD it was pretty and it totally surprised me. If it were a wband you couldn't wear something else with it but it was just so simple and elegant--loved it!! Can't find it--I have looked and looked.

Anyhoo, I'm really excited about the prospect of my "new" RHR being beautiful and sturdy enough to go for another 3 generations and I can't wait to have it on my hand!! (And heLLLOO, I plan to hit up the rest of the estate case when I'm back in there!)
Nice eye candy blue!!!! Sounds like you had a blast!!!
i think your inherited stone is fluorescent?
Ooooh, ladyk that would certainly be cool--I have NO clue. Which pic makes you think so--I want to go check it out! I would love it if it were!
Date: 5/5/2006 9:11:48 PM
Author: blueroses
Ooooh, ladyk that would certainly be cool--I have NO clue. Which pic makes you think so--I want to go check it out! I would love it if it were!
go to petsmart or a pet store and buy a 20 dollar urine light. go into a dark room and turn it on. Bing! what fun!

i noticed the periwinkle blue color and sparkly blue flashes in various photos.
Urine Light?????
Thanks for the update BR. I''m hoping the reworking/remake isn''t too much $$ but I know it will be fabulous when it''s done.
Thanks moonriver and MrsS!! (Moonriver, I''m guessing a urine light is to find uh-oh accident spots you might have missed? God knows we could use some in our poodle menagerie over here.)

MrsS, I hope so too, but I know it will be worth it.

I totally forgot to mention one other dazzling piece of eye candy I tried on. It was around a 1.3ct H VS1 SE/gen asscher with 1-sided pave on the band tapering up to the head. SO PRETTY! It was sobering to remember how much smaller asschers face up but it was still absolutely HEAVEN to put on my hand!!!
Hi, blueroses, it's really nice to see you! Like you said in your first post, I need to find balance between real life and PS! I look forward to seeing your beautiful ring!

The urine light is news to me, too! After all the pets we've had in this house over 18 years, I'd be very afraid to turn on one of those lights (even though we, of course, have had rugs cleaned)!
Is this the ring you''re going to be picking up today? It''s going to be lovely
, and I think your story is just so sweet. Wear it in good health, and take lots of photos!
Yep Researcher, that''s the one!!!

And I''m now about to leave one of the kinds of posts that I hate: a crumb-dropping teasing one b/c I have the ring on my hot little hand and it''s more amazing than I could possibly have imagined it would turn out.......but my digicam''s battery is dead and I have to fully recharge it and I''ll be in LA tonight. (For my dear friend''s last Groundlings show of the season!!)

But I will be on here tomorrow and will take tons of pictures when the camera is up and running. OH MY GOODESS the setting suits the stone so well you would never know they hadn''t been made for each other. Serious sparkle

So......should I start a new thread once I have the pics, or should I continue this one??
Oh I can''t wait to see it. I would start a new thread, definitely.
*So exciting*!!!!! Definitely start a new thread. You can always add the link to the end of this one.
Oh BR, I''m so sorry to hear about your aunt. I''ve lost family members to cancer as well. It is so lovely to have such a sparkly reminder of such a special woman.

Your setting is fab. Looking forward to pics!!!

btw - I loved the george clooney collage! too cute!

take care :)

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