
Hello, and thank you for the inspiration


Aug 8, 2019
Hello Pricescopers,
This is my first post. I had no idea a community like this existed. Since I started reading here, I have been all over the place with various jewelry desires. I want to say thank you for the gorgeous pictures, the encouraging messages I see you giving to one another, and the amazing stacking ideas. I feel in a way that I have gotten to know you all a little bit. I hope to one day have a budget for some new jewelry items. Some things on my wish list are: OEC diamond ring (perhaps as a right hand ring), a VCA MOP clover necklace, and perhaps a bezeled diamond pendant. I think I would love to own a Van Craeynest piece at some point as well, but feel I just really need to lay eyes on them in person. Once I figure out how to post pictures I would like to show you all a ring that I bought on ebay for a big birthday that I have this year. It is a platinum and single cut diamond band from 1935. It is a bit different than other bands I have seen from that time, and I am excited to share it with you all. I love it, and treasure it, and I do not think I would have found it if not for you all. So thank you.
I like the sound of your wish list, and look forward to seeing photos of your eBay find - welcome to the PS community!
Welcome to PriceScope!! I love your wish list and am looking forward to seeing pictures of your bling.
Welcome to PriceScope!!..:wavey:
Welcome! Your wishlist will certainly grow the longer you are here! I can explain posting a picture from your phone. Look down where it says post reply. Next to that is upload a file. Select that and it will ask if you want to look at your photo library. Select that and it will show all your pictures. Select the one you want to post.
On your computer you would also select upload a file. Then you would go to the subdirectory on your computer where your picture is located and choose the picture. Follow directions to post.
I hope that helps. Because we love pictures!
Welcome, OdetteOdile.

Deb/AGBF :wavey:
Welcome to PS we are glad to have another jewelry obsessed friend here:wavey:
Thank you for the photo instructions Hypermom! I just added the photos. The ring is engraved with the year 1935. I use it as a stacking band most often. I do not wear it by itself. I love the way it looks in pictures because you can see more detail than you honestly can in person.
Hi :wavey:

Beautiful band...I love the flower detail! You're in the boat with the rest of us...saving for our next purchase!:lol:
Jump on in, the waters fine!

Lovely band! Stay with us and keep posting!

Deb/AGBF :wavey:
Welcome to pricescope! Your band is lovely. It’s so cool to have historical pieces. Save your money, you’ll likely find lots of things you want/need after learning your style.
Welcome! Great starting band :appl: the flower detail is gorgeous
LOVE the band! What a find! Welcome @OdetteOdile! I hope you enjoy it here.
Your band is very pretty!!! :wavey::wavey::wavey::wavey: