
Help Choosing Location - Bora Bora Pics Inside!

Hey Amc80 -

I have decided and I went with the Four Seasons. I was able to get free bfast, free internet and free boat transfers, so I'm really happy it all worked out. I haven't chosen a wedding location yet (main beach vs grove) since the coordinator said we could pick when we get there. I guess not too many people are getting married on the same random monday, so not too much competition for spots.

However, I haven't paid yet since the USD/XPF exchange rate has been so bad. It's driving me nuts! I just want to pay and be all set. ;(
Congrats! I'm sure it will be amazing.
sounds lovely :)
We honeymooned in Bora Bora and stayed at the Pearl Beach, which is pretty much around the corner from that rock island in your first picture. It's absolutely beautiful, so four seasons definitely gets my vote.

The only one thing I would ask you to keep an eye out for is algae. A lot of it comes downstream and accumulates around the resort lagoons, so make sure they clean the area the morning of your wedding.

I'm sure you're going to love it there! We loved the Yacht Club (you get there via a two person motorboat) and Bloody Mary's for dinner (superb fish selection). We also went to one other place somewhat deeper into the city where I bumped into another PSer (!!!), but I can't recall the name of that restaurant. Let me know if I can help with anything! I have pictures burried deep in a thread somewhere on PS, if you want to take a look.
Hi kama!

Oh my gosh, I would love more information about Bora Bora when I get closer to my trip. We have a bunch of other trips between now and then so I haven't really started looking into details yet. When I do start gathering info, please post about your experience!

On a side note, I realized it was kind of bothering me to wait for the exchange rate, so I booked the Four Seasons today! I have my international flights, my inter-island flights, the Four Seasons, and the Hilton Moorea all booked and paid for. Yay! My wedding is coming along. :)

Thanks for all the help everyone!!!
Congrats on booking such a big part of the wedding Cali! I can't wait to follow your planning process/progress since we're considering a destination wedding as well.