
#JOTW Help find a Padparadscha for an engagement ring.

What a gorgeous stone and setting!!! And it looks perfect on her hand.

Congrats with your engagement!
that color just sings!
Wow!!! :love: :love: :love:
saracen|1409541082|3742732 said:
Just a quick post on the final outcome. My 'Fiancee' ( :bigsmile: ) is ecstatic.

As she should. It's very beautiful, congratulations on your engagement.
saracen|1409541082|3742732 said:
Just a quick post on the final outcome. My 'Fiancee' ( :bigsmile: ) is ecstatic.

THANKS EVERYONE for all you help. It is greatly appreciated. :))





Saracen: literally drew in my breath when I saw the ring. Stunning, delicate and elevated to elegant beauty with that setting. Well done!
Thank you so much to all. We are both very happy with it. She totally loves it. Only issue is that it's a bit large and spins on her finger but we will get it sized soon. We had her finger sized but I guess these things happen. Thanks again to all. Such an awesome forum and bunch of folks.
Is it in platinum? If gold, I would check the prongs every couple of years to make sure they're secure. For a large stone with such value, it's important. I would have done double prongs, but it's still lovely. I just had to say that because you're highly unlikely to ever replace it, and it's a very valuable gem. If you ever hear the gem rattle in the ring by shaking it up to your ears, you should check it as well. Platinum tends to be more secure a metal. It also has a high crown, which makes it a bit more prone to coming loose. Please make sure the prongs are tight enough.

The prong I circled does not look very secure.

Congrats again.

It feels very secure. Might just be the angle. It's platinum but will have her get it checked when it's being resized either way.
Oh and you're right about it being difficult to replace so had it insured for the full appraisal value.
saracen|1409606639|3742998 said:
It feels very secure. Might just be the angle. It's platinum but will have her get it checked when it's being resized either way.

Good to hear. I always worry about large gems with high crowns.
Wow that ring is so beautiful!!! Congratulations to you both!
Can we beg any more pics out of you?

:love: :clap: :love: :clap: :love: :clap:
What a stunning ring :love:
The colour of the stone is AMAZING!!!
Just like Freke I am hoping for more pics.
Gorgeous! So glad to hear your fiancée and you are both happy with the outcome. Best wishes for your future and congratulations on the lovely piece!
saracen|1409606639|3742998 said:
It feels very secure. Might just be the angle. It's platinum but will have her get it checked when it's being resized either way.
Oh and you're right about it being difficult to replace so had it insured for the full appraisal value.

Beautiful ring, simply beautiful. Congrats on finding the right stone and setting after a long search with agonizing decision making.

I do not know the policy that you have but most insurance companies will not pay out the full appraisal value, but only up to the amount you paid for it (if cash option) or whatever is the closest replacement stone they can get (so the more information and detail you provide, your chances or a like-replacement is much higher).
Exquisite! Congratulations on a successful campaign, both with the ring and the proposal!

Thank you very much for the photos - we love seeing the end result.
Chrono|1409666818|3743314 said:
saracen|1409606639|3742998 said:
It feels very secure. Might just be the angle. It's platinum but will have her get it checked when it's being resized either way.
Oh and you're right about it being difficult to replace so had it insured for the full appraisal value.

Beautiful ring, simply beautiful. Congrats on finding the right stone and setting after a long search with agonizing decision making.

I do not know the policy that you have but most insurance companies will not pay out the full appraisal value, but only up to the amount you paid for it (if cash option) or whatever is the closest replacement stone they can get (so the more information and detail you provide, your chances or a like-replacement is much higher).

Thanks Chrono. I have USAA and they told me that the full appraisal value is insured. They only wanted the appraisal and Lab report.

Thanks again to all. I will post more pics when I get home from my trip to San Francisco. Here's one more I had shot though. Sometimes it looks like the stone is on fire. This may have been the flash, but either way, it's really interesting.

What a beautiful pad!!! I have been lurking this thread since the beginning and gasped (very audibly) when I saw the final ring. It's absolutely breathtaking and looks wonderful on her finger. Congratulations on your engagement!! :appl:
I keep coming back to look. Boy did you ever find the unicorn!
Thank you all. She's super happy about it. :bigsmile:
So, basically, you can't post too many photos of this ring. HINT HINT. :angel:
Also a lurking reader, but wanted to add my two cents: that is simply a beautiful color--oh man, I just love it, congratulations to you both!! Well done!! :appl: :appl:
Bumping in the annoying hope of more pictures :halo: :devil:
As the owner of one of the rings your fiancee liked, I would like to say well done! Hope she enjoys hers more than I've enjoyed mine...since I got my three stone, the poor pad sits in a box and is only worn twice a year (mothers day and my daughter's birthday.) Your ring is classic and gorgeous!
That is an absolutely breathtaking stone, as in it literally took mine, and a gorgeous ring that showcases it so perfectly and so perfectly on your FI's hand! Congratulations!!!
Lovely. Good job!

In the sun, does the color of the pad sometimes look more yellow than inside? I am just curious because I have never seen a pad in person.
Thanks again to EVERYONE for the well wishes and help. I was floored just now to find out the ring made the 'Jewel Of The Week'. Just happened to see it on the right panel of the thread.

TravelinGal, your ring was definitely an inspiration for her/us. Thank you so much for your nice comments. It's difficult for her to wear it at work, but I hope she'll wear it often, and knowing her, I'm sure she will.

Pregcurious, the color is really very difficult to represent in photographs. I'm an amateur photographer and it was still very difficult. The problem isn't white balance, but more how it reflects the light back. I think in person it's safe to say that it's a very nice pinkish color, ranging to orange, but never brown/amber. The brown or amber photos are usually with less light reflection. The ones with the glow inside the stone are mostly due to the flash and that's probably the yellow you see. It's never yellow in person. I tried my best (sometimes with iphone) to represent the right color of the stone. It really is amazing to see the difference from indoor to outdoor (tungsten vs natural) light. Also, I had only seen about four total Padparadschas in real life, including this one. This one really blew the other ones away. Once you see one, it's easy to tell the vast differences between them.

I just got back from San Fran, so if I missed any questions or posts, please kindly remind me. Thanks again all. :bigsmile:




Oh my :eek: :love: :love: :love: :love: Gorgeous stone! I can only imagine what it looks like IRL. Just amazing and a perfect setting to show it off.

Congratulations :appl:
Thanks for posting the new pics! And congrats with the ring to be Jewel of the Week!!! Very well deserved as it's so exceptionally beautiful and unique.
SaraLee|1410016197|3745941 said:
my ring look like this a little bit , I know peach sapphire are a lite color of padparadcha.

Maybe you can find what you are looking for where I got my ring, they respond very quick to any mail.

its a champagne with orange peach sapphire.

OP ended up with a gorgeous padparadscha from Finewater. Check it out, it made Jewel of the Week.

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