
#JOTW Help find a Padparadscha for an engagement ring.

I should add that they both looked very similar in color, but the finewater was more saturated, but not to the point of being dark or brownish. All three of us agreed that the finewater looked better. It's justifying the price difference. Very subjective. I know.
saracen|1404313538|3705222 said:
I should add that they both looked very similar in color, but the finewater was more saturated, but not to the point of being dark or brownish. All three of us agreed that the finewater looked better. It's justifying the price difference. Very subjective. I know.

Thanks Chrono!

Well Saracen, if you like that one better, then I would go with Gary's, unless you want to wait it out and find other stone with similar color, an AGL report with orgin, for less $$$, but that might take a while. It may be along wait, if you have the patience and a good source for these gems.

I know its a $4K difference, but that's not much more when you're considering much better color for a padparadscha, and she'll have to look at it for a very long time.
TL|1404314226|3705229 said:
saracen|1404313538|3705222 said:
I should add that they both looked very similar in color, but the finewater was more saturated, but not to the point of being dark or brownish. All three of us agreed that the finewater looked better. It's justifying the price difference. Very subjective. I know.

Thanks Chrono!

Well Saracen, if you like that one better, then I would go with Gary's, unless you want to wait it out and find other stone with similar color, an AGL report with orgin, for less $$$, but that might take a while. It may be along wait, if you have the patience and a good source for these gems.

I know its a $4K difference, but that's not much more when you're considering much better color for a padparadscha, and she'll have to look at it for a very long time.

Thanks TL. I agree with you. My gut feeling is to go with Gary's. My girl-friend is very easy going and she didn't even care about the inlcusion, which I was trying to cover up in the setting. :lol: I think it will be covered though. I'm the picky one. I guess opposites do attract.
Based on the limited information, if the additional $4K is doable, I would be pleased to wear the Finewater sapphire as my e-ring stone.
Chrono|1404314581|3705233 said:
Based on the limited information, if the additional $4K is doable, I would be pleased to wear the Finewater sapphire as my e-ring stone.

It's do'able. I just wasn't sure if it's justified. I don't want to look back oen day and think that I should have gone with the finewater. Or always wonder how nice it 'would have' looked.
saracen|1404314704|3705234 said:
Chrono|1404314581|3705233 said:
Based on the limited information, if the additional $4K is doable, I would be pleased to wear the Finewater sapphire as my e-ring stone.

It's do'able. I just wasn't sure if it's justified. I don't want to look back oen day and think that I should have gone with the finewater. Or always wonder how nice it 'would have' looked.

Well, if you do get the Gary stone, then we need lots of pics of the final set piece. :naughty:
I love the color in the last photo you posted. Seems to really pop on her skin tone.

Two questions.

How will you set it?

What metal color will you use? Something about the skin tone and the stone color makes me think yellow gold would be amazing.
Niel|1404315248|3705241 said:
I love the color in the last photo you posted. Seems to really pop on her skin tone.

Two questions.

How will you set it?

What metal color will you use? Something about the skin tone and the stone color makes me think yellow gold would be amazing.

She picked a simple setting, where the band kind of comes up to the stone a bit instead of making a full circle (if that makes sense). Initially she wanted a three stone one with diamonds on each side of the pad, but after talking with the jeweler she decided against it. She also is going with white gold (instead of platinum) since it's harder. Funny, this jeweler is all about making the customer happy versus selling the most expensive setting he can. The only thing she doesn't know yet is if she wants to do french pave or not. And if I'm not mistaken, I think she was actually considering the wedding band to be in rose gold. Considering it. My suggestion was to to french pave on the wedding band only and do it in the same metal (white gold). I think it would look nice to have a smooth ring for the setting and then french pave wedding band.

I will post pics of the setting she selected when the jeweler sends them to me.
Can't wait to see. I'm having a hard time imagining. :)
White gold - prongs can break and gold is removed when polished. Depending on body chemistry, it may need to be replated to remain white within a few weeks. I presume she has no nickel allergy.

Platinum - softer but less brittle, so prongs are bent but not broken. Platinum is moved around, not removed when polished. It does take a slightly grayer cast over time but replating is unnecessary. No worries about dealing with acids or chemicals since it doesn't get eaten up, unlike bleach and chlorine when it comes to gold.

Sounds like she prefers a cathedral style setting. If she wants to add accent diamonds, I strongly recommend platinum over gold.

How funny - your jeweller is able to show you another bigger and a bit cheaper stone!!
Or did you ask him to do this??

You will make the right decision!!!
Marlow|1404320394|3705287 said:

How funny - your jeweller is able to show you another bigger and a bit cheaper stone!!
Or did you ask him to do this??

You will make the right decision!!!

Kind of a bit of both. He basically showed me what's in my budget and available to him. He's really not pushy at all and is probably not marking it up much either. My guess at least.
Chrono|1404318628|3705278 said:
White gold - prongs can break and gold is removed when polished. Depending on body chemistry, it may need to be replated to remain white within a few weeks. I presume she has no nickel allergy.

Platinum - softer but less brittle, so prongs are bent but not broken. Platinum is moved around, not removed when polished. It does take a slightly grayer cast over time but replating is unnecessary. No worries about dealing with acids or chemicals since it doesn't get eaten up, unlike bleach and chlorine when it comes to gold.

Sounds like she prefers a cathedral style setting. If she wants to add accent diamonds, I strongly recommend platinum over gold.

Thanks Chrono! I will share this (great) information with her.

Then everything is fine - my choice would be the finewater pad too!! :appl: :appl:

The other pad is nice too and it was a good idea to compare them.
Dying to know how the setting is going :wavey:
Elliot86|1406463623|3721405 said:
Dying to know how the setting is going :wavey:

Hi Elliot,

I think it should be ready for the stone to be set this week. It's a platinum solitaire setting with french pave. No side stones, but there is going to be a tiny ribbon under (and to the side) of the stone. Once I get it, I probably won't post pictures until after she has it, which will be late August. :D
I know we're all excited for the finished ring (and obviously your engagement as well :lol: )!
Elliot86|1406497603|3721618 said:
I know we're all excited for the finished ring (and obviously your engagement as well :lol: )!

Thank you! Me too! :D
saracen|1406512138|3721713 said:
Elliot86|1406497603|3721618 said:
I know we're all excited for the finished ring (and obviously your engagement as well :lol: )!

Thank you! Me too! :D
We really do love colored stone engagement rings around here. They ARE the best ones. :naughty:
A whole month of waiting, probably longer for us, since she gets to see and wear it first. ;( :bigsmile:
Looking so forward to pics, even though we have to wait a month. ;(
Thanks all. I know, I know. I feel bad. I've gotten so much help here and wouldn't have been able to do this without all of you. I really can't thank everyone enough. I'm glad to be able to share this with everyone. I promise to post it as soon as she's seen it. Just would like her to see it first if you all know what I mean.
A quick update. Got the ring back a few weeks back from the jeweler. To the eye it was very nice, but I did notice the stone a bit crooked in the setting. I also took some close-ups of the ring and noticed some polishing needed as well as prongs not looking the same. Got the ring back again today and it looks much better. Although, I'm still a bit unimpressed with the prongs. They are slightly different shapes and lengths. Nothing that she'll ever notice, but I do. :(sad

The jeweler is very cool and wouldn't have an issue with whatever I would want to do, but I'm going to keep it as is. It's very pretty and I know she'll love it. Unless she decides to take macro shots of it with my camera (if she can figure it out), I doubt she'll ever see it anyway. And even if she did, her response would be 'it gives it character'.

Anyway, I will post some pics in a couple of weeks. :D
I'm sorry to read of the finishing issues but it's good that the jeweller is taking care of that without complaint. Another few more weeks... :boohoo:
Just a quick post on the final outcome. My 'Fiancee' ( :bigsmile: ) is ecstatic.

THANKS EVERYONE for all you help. It is greatly appreciated. :))




Whoa!! It came out beautifully! Thanks for updating with pics :appl:
Beautiful!!! This is simply a gorgeous ring. Congratulations to you and your fiancée!
:love: :love: :love: :love:
That looks amazing!!! Congrats!!

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