
Help Finding Padparadscha (Or Spinel) for E-Ring


Wait, WHAT? I guess I didn't read your post correctly the first time--I am SHOCKED! Do you mean you are going to let me pay the remainder of the stone and keep it???

:o :o :o :twirl: :dance:
Austinj, are you SURE about your decision? I just cannot believe it. My jaw is still on the floor. I am awaiting your confirmation because I still cannot believe someone would be so kind and generous!

ETA: I thought it was generous for you just to be willing for me to pay the whole $1,000 and take it off your hands. I was grateful that you would even offer that-but to offer to let me take it for the remainder--are you positive? I am flattered and think that is an amazing offer, but there are no hard feelings if you have changed your mind.
Hey! Yes that's what I mean exactly! And hopefully you will do something nice for someone in the future :). Would you like me to let Jim know then? And if you don't like it for whatever reason just return it and I will let Jim know I still want it if it isn't what your looking for. Thanks for the nice comments guys!
Wow. I would love that!! Thank you so much!!! I just told me BF (fiance-to-be), and he's blown away.

I am a huge proponent of paying it forward and, while I have never been able to do anything of this magnitude, I will be sure to do something wonderful to make somebody else's day.

Let me know how I should proceed. Do I contact Jim? Austinj, would you like to email me?
Yes I love pay it forward too! It's amazing being on either end of it so yay! Yes I just sent Jim an email so I'll let you know when he gets back to me and then we can go from there. Not sure how to email I didn't think we were allowed to put our personal emails up on here?But if Jim says all is good on his end then there is really no need for us to email anyways! You can just deal with Jim after that so I think we will be ok. I hope the stone is as pretty as it looks! Cross your fingers!
This is turning out very well for the OP thanks to Austinj. :)
You're wonderful austinj!
Aw thanks guys! Ok EJ it's all good to go! Just contact Jim. He knows your coming!
Oh wow, this is so nice! It makes my day just reading about it :) Sounds like a good day to buy a stranger coffee.... :)
PS posters are so good to each other. Austinj, your generousity and big heart is not unnoticed. :appl:
Very generous of you AustinJ!! :wavey:
AustinJ, what an incredible thing to do! I'm a huge fan of paying it forward and this is one of the best ones I've seen! You're awesome!
I hope it goes smoothly and no scammer tries to get to Jim McCormick before OP, claiming to be OP (I wish my mind didn't think of these things, but I'm a worrier with a bit of cynicism). :((
The best would be to send him an email with a new pic of a stone posted here.
Yes I thought of the scammer thing too! When I contacted Jim he said he had been following the thread so he knows what's going on and knows who she is. Hopefully that will not happen! Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!! :)
For anyone worried about a scammer--as Austinj said, Mr. McCormick knows who I am from our previous encounter regarding the same stone. We have spoken on the phone and my email lists my full name. I am in contact with Mr. McCormick and am awaiting my invoice. I will let everyone know when I get it, and I would still very much appreciate this community's eye for design when I am trying to find the perfect semi-mount.

Austinj, you have made my (and my boyfriend's) year. Thank you for reminding me how wonderfully kind and good people can be.
Just think Austinj: now whenever they look at their engagement ring, they will also (hopefully) think of you and how your kindness created their ring. Now that's a strong message. :))
Yay I'm so glad to hear from you! I was getting a little worried for a while there. I hope it's what you were looking for! And your very welcome! I hope it has a ripple effect. I will show you what I had in mind originally for the stone! Although I think the diamonds would be too expensive but maybe it will give you some inspiration :) I was actually thinking ( because it was going to be a RH ring) that I was going to make the moons a pastel blue or pastel green. Kind of wild for an E ring though! You were thinking halo right?

Austinj, I have been watching the Youtube video of the stone over and over--I am so excited! I already paid Jim, though I paid through e-check (without realizing it; I am a PayPal noob) and once it clears in 5-7 business days, I will receive the stone 2 days later. I am so touched by the sentiment behind the stone that I cannot imagine not loving it. My fiance-to-be and I are thrilled to have a unique ring with so much meaning behind it.

I am not positive about what kind of setting we are going to have the stone put into. I have taken your suggestion into account re: scrapping older jewelry that I am not fond of. I only have a few rings that were passed down to me, so I'm not sure how much we will actually get out of them, but I'm interested in finding out how much we can stretch our budget.

I am fond of halos, but I don't know that I want this beautiful stone to be darkened. It's going to depend on how it looks when I receive it. I think the half moons are beautiful and would look great next to it, but I don't know whether that would be affordable for us.

ETA: pastel blues or greens sounds quite interesting! I envision the finished product to be a soft, delicate blush-peachy ring with white gold and lots of sparkles.
Ej, I'm so happy your so excited about it! That makes it worth it right there. I think that stone is more worthy of being in an engagement ring anyways, rather than a RH ring. It will definitely be unique and special for sure! I can't wait to see what it looks like in person and what setting you end up choosing! I'm sure it will be stunning :)

Minou, yes I hope that the thought behind the ring sticks around. I had a contractor that I had worked with before, come over because we needed a complicated screen door put in. He spent nearly all day working on it and then at the end I asked how much, and he said "Oh just consider it a baby gift!" I was so blown away! So anyways it's always so nice when things like this happen and I hope they keep happening!
What a thrillingly wondrous, unexpected development! That's so incredibly thoughtful of you, austinj, and it's also grand that you, ejacobson, embraced her offer (some people find it tough to accept a gift).

I've spent too much time this week reading mean-spirited, even viscious, comments posted on some news media web sites. So coming here to PS and reading this is a welcome antidote to those depressing exchanges -- thank you both!
Austin, you yourself are a gem. What an incredibly generous offer - OP is tremendously lucky to have made your acquaintance, and I have to say I'm feeling quite lucky to belong to a community wherein things like this happen ::)
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am eagerly awaiting my spinel today! The USPS website says it's "out for delivery," and I cleared my schedule so I could be home to sign for it. I cannot wait to see it!

Also, for all of those considering buying a stone from Jim McCormick: he has been such a pleasure to work with. I had a few payment snafus which caused delays in our transaction, and he has been nothing but patient, understanding, and professional. I highly recommend him for his customer service alone.

I will post as soon as I receive the package. And austinj, thank you for letting this become a reality for me! :appl:
Austinj, that was an amazing deed! :appl:

Ejacobson, can't wait to see the end result of this wonderful blessing! ;))
Patiently waiting for pics . . . :read:
ejacobson - Congrats on your beautiful stone! Please post lots of photos when it arrives!

austinj - I just wanted to say thank you for being so incredibly kind and generous! And I'm sorry that you haven't had the best experience posting here lately. I too had a tough time when I first started posting, its not very nice. Please keep sharing your beautiful stones!
Any sign of the package yet? :cheeky:
Marlow|1422794766|3825407 said:
A 1,03 ct tanzanian spinel next to a mahenge spinel..

Color is a bit lighter in real life and imo a good alternative for a padparadscha like the one TL posted.

Oh Mylanta that second Spinel!!!
Wow thank you everyone for all the heart warming comments!! That's so nice to hear :) I sure hope that the stone got to Ej ok and that she loves it!

Ricezo- thank you so much for the understanding. I do still feel like a bit of a horses ass for all that. I felt at the time that my personal choices were being attacked and I realize now that that was not the case at all!!! All my bad. Doh!! I will keep posting stones! I've got a couple more goodies coming my way in the next month or two so I will post when they get here
Hi All,

I stayed home all day yesterday waiting for the package, until I finally had to pick up my kiddo from preschool at about 4:00 pm. By the time I got home, the package was delivered and signed for by the leasing office, which was closed.

I now have the package in my hands, but my BF made me PROMISE not to open it until he gets home tonight.



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