
Help me pick out of these diamonds (Aussie buyer)

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Oct 11, 2008
Hey PS,

Can I just first say, what an awesome wealth of information this forum has been! I''m preparing to propose to my GF and have never looked at rings, stones etc (don''t really wear any jewellery myself).

I''m an australian buyer and have read numerous threads (way to many to count over the last 2 days!) by some of the common aussies on here (honey etc) so I''ve hopefully educated myself somewhat in terms of what I should be looking for.

My budget for the stone is max $1000 US which currently is about $1500 AUS (this financial crisis has really screwed me over US dollar wise!). Other requirements is for a great cut and carat wise between the 0.35-.40 (I''m finding that between those figures the price/quality is fairly decent).

Here are some of the stones I''ve found which hopefully you experts could give me some suggestions around (no particular order):


I''m going to propose to the missus with a ''simply shhh'' ring I bought locally and then once the stone arrives go shopping with her for the setting.

Thanks and please feel free to suggest any extra stones you might think fit the bill!
Welcome Haklin!!! Couldn''t you just DIE with the Aussie dollar trading so low at the moment - it totally sucks!!!

Anyhoo, onto important matters at hand! A few things to consider I think.

If you are proposing with a temp ring, I would consider holding off purchasing the real stone until you have her imput for two reasons - she can pick a lovely setting online and then you won''t have to worry about the dreaded insurance issue. NO insurance company in Aust will cover an unset stone, so you will bear the risk during setting in Aust. So in the unlikely rare even the stone is damaged you have lost out on your stone and have to buy another one. Also, you may find our pathetic little dollar may lift slightly and you have more dollars for the bling
She may pick a very simple cheaper setting and you have more cash for the stone, or on the other hand, she may want a more detailed expensive setting and you have spent too much on the stone etc.

If you are still set on picking the stone now, I strongly urge you to have it set in a cheap solitaire setting and have it shipped. Once it arrives you can have it insured (I added mine to my AAMI insurance policy) and then have it reset. As it''s now insured as a ring and not a stone, it will be covered for the reset.

I also suggest looking at WF and GOG as they have great upgrade policies, if you find that later down the road, our dollar comes back up or you guys win Powerball, you may want to upgrade the centre stone for something bigger etc.

Another final point to end my ramblings. With your limited budget, I would def recommend dropping colour and clarity to increase the size. Diamonds shrink when you get them, they have a nasty habbit of appearing smaller after a while - a horrible affliction referred to as DFF - Diamond Shrinkage Syndrome, we all suffer at one point or another

A really well cut H, J, I stone will still face up very white, and you can drop to an eyeclean SI1 or even SI3 (if you are lucky to find one, which is more likely in the smaller sizes) and you can really maximise your budget. Just a suggestion

Finally (ok there was one more) have you allowed for import taxes? 10% for unset stones (remember the no insurance
) and 15% for a ring. Your package will get stopped at the Fedex office and won''t be released until you pay up!

Good luck! We will find something stunning!!!
Thanks for the great feedback honey. I''m now looking at the SI1 rings a bit more closely and agree with going for the bigger size. Also like your suggestion of getting the missus to look for a setting online. I''ll report back in a little bit with some new stone findings.
Date: 10/12/2008 12:33:44 AM
Author: Haklin
Thanks for the great feedback honey. I''m now looking at the SI1 rings a bit more closely and agree with going for the bigger size. Also like your suggestion of getting the missus to look for a setting online. I''ll report back in a little bit with some new stone findings.
Great news! I would just be so worried about having an uninsured stone set, I wouldn''t risk it personally.
Hey Haklin,

Have you looked at Jogia Diamonds at all?? They are in WA, and have some diamonds in stock in the price/size range you are after. I just (like on friday) purchased a diamond from them and the service was outstanding, They have been really lovely and easy to deal with. Not being from Perth I chose to have them send the diamond to an appraiser closer to home, so that I could be sure I loved it before I committed to buying it, although check their website but I''m pretty sure they have a return period if you decide to buy directly.

I have no idea about rounds, but it''s worth a shot, no import taxes either!!
Hey Haklin, another Aussie poster here,
I would usually be encouraging you to go to WF/GOG all the way, but to be honest with the exchange rate what it is at the moment, I think you could potentially find a better deal at home (and trust me, I never say that, lol).
I heartily second kmci''s suggestion above of Jogia''s - I live in Perth, and have heard Mr Jogia is very well regarded. His and Holloway''s in Melbourne are pretty much the only places I would suggest getting a diamond in Aus, but I fear Holloway''s may be a bit pricey for you.

You should email Jogia and see what they have to offer - he can order off the same online databases the US vendors use, and also has an in-house brand of H&A diamonds. Mr Jogia sometimes contributes to PS too.

I just think, after the exchange rate and customs charges (works out to roughly 15%), you may be best served looking locally? Anyway, something to consider.
Here is a link about what customs/duty you will have to pay if buying from the US, plus there is usually a brokerage fee of ~$50, hope you find it helpful.
Ditto - I was thinking that this afternoon after I posted. I would check out Jogia, I think they have a branded line of stones called Crossfire? They have IS images too which is great for picking out a winner.
Date: 10/12/2008 4:00:17 AM
Author: honey22
Ditto - I was thinking that this afternoon after I posted. I would check out Jogia, I think they have a branded line of stones called Crossfire? They have IS images too which is great for picking out a winner.

Slight threadjack but whats the deal with the currency exchange at the moment!? Just a couple months ago it was around 95c, now 65c??!

No offence intended to US readers, but I would've thought the US $ would be weaker with all the current issues..? I don't get it *shrugs*

Anyway, back on topic, Ya the crossfire line, from their site - they provide the following:

"Microscopic Photo
Ideal-Scope and/or AGS ASET Image
Two Videos in Different Lighting Conditions
Full Proportion and Firetrace or AGS PGS Output
All our Crossfire & Signature Series diamonds have this information downloadable at a click of a mouse, whilst our international selection allows you to select from thousands of diamonds, yet still get the same information within a week."

Hi Haklin,

Just wanted to add my two cents as an Aussie buyer looking to purchase from the US.

I started looking seriously a few months ago, and am kicking myself now that I didn't buy from the US when the dollar was 90cents plus... at the exchange rate of ~65cents now I'm starting to relook again at local sellers, even B&Ms like Tiffany since WF, GOG etc basically got 30% more expensive in the space of a couple months.

Hopefully our dollar rallies a little - I'm no expert but we're a commodities nation and China has come out saying their annual growth will still be around 9%, which should be plenty of business for our steel and coal etc. On the other hand, interest rates are on the way down which has an opposing effect...

Anyway, I guess it all depends on your timeframe. I planned to propose at the beginning of summer, but I might push back towards the end of summer just to ride out a bit of this credit mess.

Good luck!
Cheers guys for the Jogia suggestion I had that site bookmarked and will now give it a good look over. Your right about the exchange rate though...really came down at the worst time!

Ok I''m narrowing down a few of the crossfire stones. Just as a side note, me and the partner are travelling to Thailand this weekend. In terms of buying from KL (2 day stay) and Phuket (10 days) has anyone had experience buying over there?

Again, you''ve all been really helpful so far. I never realised how much was involved in buying a nice ring without getting totally jipped from a B&M store (zamels, shields etc). Lucky I found this place:P
No worries, I found the thought of buying from the US and worrying about freight and duties etc a bit daunting, and was thrilled when I stumbled on the Jogia website. The fact that the perfect diamond was in stock at the moment my bf said "if you find something you like...", well, it was meant to be!! I did do a search on Jogia on PS, and although I didn''t come across anyone who''d bought from them, a few had had dealings with them, and only positive things were said. The appraiser I saw did say that in her experience Jogia''s prices are really good. Anyways, good luck!!
Date: 10/12/2008 6:30:22 AM
Author: Haklin
Cheers guys for the Jogia suggestion I had that site bookmarked and will now give it a good look over. Your right about the exchange rate though...really came down at the worst time!

Ok I''m narrowing down a few of the crossfire stones. Just as a side note, me and the partner are travelling to Thailand this weekend. In terms of buying from KL (2 day stay) and Phuket (10 days) has anyone had experience buying over there?

Again, you''ve all been really helpful so far. I never realised how much was involved in buying a nice ring without getting totally jipped from a B&M store (zamels, shields etc). Lucky I found this place:P
You''re welcome Haklin,
as to THI, interesting you should ask - about 3yrs ago Fi bought me my ering there (before upgrade this year).
We got it from one of the real posh stores in BKK, (I''m not even sure if there is Fine jewellery stoes in PHK?). I knew enough to know that Perth retailers were a rip off, so we got exactly what I wanted, and saved some money in the process. I still love my ring very much, but being "pre-PS", there are a number of things I would do differently.
Frankly, you have options 100% better in Aust and US - it may be fun to have a browse around and get a feel for what your girl likes, but I wouldn''t suggest to buy there over Jogia/US vendors.

Hope you have a great holiday though! You MUST eat at "Restaurant Number 6" in the town centre in Phuket - sorry, can''t remember the street name but its on the main drag. Best and cheapest food I''ve ever had

Let us know how you go with Jogias, I will be excited to see a finished product from them...
Date: 10/12/2008 6:56:48 AM
Author: kmci
No worries, I found the thought of buying from the US and worrying about freight and duties etc a bit daunting, and was thrilled when I stumbled on the Jogia website. The fact that the perfect diamond was in stock at the moment my bf said ''if you find something you like...'', well, it was meant to be!! I did do a search on Jogia on PS, and although I didn''t come across anyone who''d bought from them, a few had had dealings with them, and only positive things were said. The appraiser I saw did say that in her experience Jogia''s prices are really good. Anyways, good luck!!
kmci, may I ask did you also get your setting from Jogia? I''d be interested to know what the quality/pricing is like..?
Alrighty how about these three diamonds

2293 <larger carat size but drops quality in certain areas
0100 < EXTREMELY similar to 8601, finding it hard to pick between the stones
8601 < EXTREMELY similar to 0110, finding it hard to pick between the stones

Recommended set was this one.

I love the 0.4 carat stones but not sure how it go on the particular set being recommended. All the stones are similar in price so that isn''t an issue. Would the better clarity and cut on the 0.4''s make it look just as big as the 0.5? ARghhh I''ve been looking at these 3 stones for the last few hrs, driving me insane!:)
Just talked to Jogia who were fantastic. I''ve picked the with a 6 prong classic white gold setting.

Can''t wait! Get it on Thursday/Friday. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and quick responses.
I think you made a nice choice going with the larger stone! I think I would visually notice the difference between 0.4 and 0.5. Please post pictures once it comes in!
Date: 10/12/2008 9:33:56 PM
Author: Haklin
Just talked to Jogia who were fantastic. I''ve picked the with a 6 prong classic white gold setting.

Can''t wait! Get it on Thursday/Friday. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and quick responses.
Great news Haklin, please come back to post pics when you get it, I would love to see what their stuff looks like!
I also would like to see what the diamond quality from Jogia is like.

I have heard a mish mash of different opinions.

Maybe it''s worth swallowing the extra price (due to a deflating dollar).. for quality.

Just curious as I''ve been wanting the WF baby bezel earrings and 2 diamonds from WF....and sadly it might end up cheaper just to get them here in AU. *sigh*

Given that our PM has guaranteed Australian deposits for the next 3 years, then I would say the crisis won''t be over for sometime?

Cheers, Liz.
Didn''t get the setting from them... haven''t got it set yet, but will be having it done by someone they have recommended in Sydney.

The price I got was fantastic, approx 13% cheaper in AU$ than the US$ amount the valuer would have expected me to have paid for it.

As for quality, I got a kicken asscher (per strm) so in my case, it is excellent.
Date: 10/13/2008 2:21:15 AM
Author: kmci
Didn''t get the setting from them... haven''t got it set yet, but will be having it done by someone they have recommended in Sydney.

The price I got was fantastic, approx 13% cheaper in AU$ than the US$ amount the valuer would have expected me to have paid for it.

As for quality, I got a kicken asscher (per strm) so in my case, it is excellent.
Thanks for answering! I''ve heard they are quite good for asschers..good to see some Aussie vendors standing up and delivering.
Please let us know when you have some pics!
Sounds like a great choice - ditto can''t wait to see pics!
Ring arrived today! I can''t say enough good things with the entire service from Jogia Diamonds. Very professional, extremely prompt, courteous and understanding. For a ring to be hand crafted and shipped in four days is amazing. Here are some of the shots I''ve taken. The first one is an image of the package that was sent with the ring. Full evaluation, cut report, GIA report and IS and 40x images. Packed in a box of chocolates etc. Pretty much the full works.

After my experience I''ll be dealing with Jogia again. Thanks to everyone that posted now to plan the proposal (leave for ML and Thailand on Sunday).

Well, I have nothing fruitful to add, I just wanted to chime in on this cute Aussie thread to say Hi!, I am cracking up reading this thread (in a good way!)- I am actually reading it in my head with a little Australian accent!! Love how you guys are taking care of each other with tips and such!


(labels are too small to read, but the bottles are actually brown and read "Fosters"!) :)

PS congrats on the ring!
Gday! Can''t talk now, busy throwing another prawn on the barbie and riding the kangaroo around the backyard! Crap, a koala just stole food of the barbie, bugger, gotta go
Date: 10/15/2008 9:36:29 PM
Author: Haklin
Ring arrived today! I can''t say enough good things with the entire service from Jogia Diamonds. Very professional, extremely prompt, courteous and understanding. For a ring to be hand crafted and shipped in four days is amazing. Here are some of the shots I''ve taken. The first one is an image of the package that was sent with the ring. Full evaluation, cut report, GIA report and IS and 40x images. Packed in a box of chocolates etc. Pretty much the full works.

After my experience I''ll be dealing with Jogia again. Thanks to everyone that posted now to plan the proposal (leave for ML and Thailand on Sunday).

Congrats Haklin,. I''m so glad we could help you get an awesome ring!

And what great service with the packaging, chocolates etc - your diamond looks like a fireball.
Please come back and show us handshots when you give it to your girl!
Date: 10/15/2008 11:02:49 PM
Author: honey22
Gday! Can''t talk now, busy throwing another prawn on the barbie and riding the kangaroo around the backyard! Crap, a koala just stole food of the barbie, bugger, gotta go
Me too maatee, I''m flat out like a lizzard drinkin'' !

:), didn''t you know, Vic Bitter is the choice of real aussies, lol..
Date: 10/15/2008 11:44:41 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 10/15/2008 11:02:49 PM
Author: honey22
Gday! Can''t talk now, busy throwing another prawn on the barbie and riding the kangaroo around the backyard! Crap, a koala just stole food of the barbie, bugger, gotta go
Me too maatee, I''m flat out like a lizzard drinkin'' !

:), didn''t you know, Vic Bitter is the choice of real aussies, lol..
I have been known to down a Coldie in my time, but I am a Blondie fan now, real high class taste now hey?!
Date: 10/13/2008 2:23:15 AM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 10/13/2008 2:21:15 AM
Author: kmci
Didn''t get the setting from them... haven''t got it set yet, but will be having it done by someone they have recommended in Sydney.

The price I got was fantastic, approx 13% cheaper in AU$ than the US$ amount the valuer would have expected me to have paid for it.

As for quality, I got a kicken asscher (per strm) so in my case, it is excellent.
Thanks for answering! I''ve heard they are quite good for asschers..good to see some Aussie vendors standing up and delivering.
Ya, if I''m being honest I''m a Becks or Heini fan meself - can''t say I like VB at all - and I don''t think I''ve ever even tasted Fosters ! (I think its more popular in QLD?)..
anyways, sorry Haklin for the aussie hijack !
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