movie zombie
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Date: 4/8/2005 9:51:31 AM
Author: fire&ice
No, it amazes me at the ability for an American to have so many conspiracy theories.
Date: 4/21/2005 12:16:47 PM
Author: fire&ice
Oh brother, It is now *I* who buys into 'propaganda'.![]()
Edited to add: Oh that right, you speak only the truth. The truth of interpretation.
You''re an idiot & I don''t have time for this.Date: 4/22/2005 1:17:23 AM
Author: Richard Hughes
Thus I ask for substance to back up your opinion. I think it is a fair request. Hope you feel likewise. Hope I don''t get a reply back saying something like: ''You''re an idiot; I really don''t have time for this.''
Date: 4/22/2005 10:54:50 AM
Author: fire&ice
I tend to gravitate towards the good.
You must need a conspiracy theory about what I said.Date: 4/24/2005 9:18:58 AM
Author: AGBF
Date: 4/22/2005 10:54:50 AM
Author: fire&ice
I tend to gravitate towards the good.
You mean that you tend to gravitate towards what you perceive as good.
Date: 4/24/2005 9:34:24 AM
Author: fire&ice
It''s quite simple. I tend to NOT believe negative things off the bat. HOW MUCH SIMPLER IS THAT? It''s not my perception. It''s a statement.
Positive - believing the good in people rather than focusing on the bad. Gosh, I thought that was a strength - i.e. positive. Littering - bad. As bad - bitching about it. Good - cleaning the road - doing something about it instead of just bitching.Date: 4/24/2005 4:44:10 PM
Author: AGBF
I would be interested in your criteria for deciding what it ''negative'', and thus must be investigated, as opposed to what is ''positive'' and need not be.Date: 4/24/2005 9:34:24 AM
Author: fire&ice
It''s quite simple. I tend to NOT believe negative things off the bat. HOW MUCH SIMPLER IS THAT? It''s not my perception. It''s a statement.
Let''s face it: you don''t investigate anything that makes you happy. Like blind patriotism and organized religion.
Precisely Garry. I have attended many media events. I''ve yet to see an accurate report. We don''t talk to the press. Funny though, one time they quoted us. Go figure.Date: 4/24/2005 5:43:48 PM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)
I was driving from LA to SF in 1991.
Left Berkley - an anti war student protest - many thousands of protestors marching north - we past them for maybe 2 or 3 miles. On 1 bridge there were a dozen drunken dirty old Vietnam vets abusing the protestors.
that night on the TV news, and papaers next morning ''Vietnam Veterans March to Support War Efforts - Attacked by Studnets''
Next day we visited Hearst Castle![]()
Date: 4/24/2005 62:23 PM![]()
Author: fire&ice
Positive - believing the good in people rather than focusing on the bad. Gosh, I thought that was a strength - i.e. positive. Littering - bad. As bad - bitching about it. Good - cleaning the road - doing something about it instead of just bitching.
Date: 4/24/2005 62:23 PM![]()
Author: fire&ice
Quite arrogant of you to *assume* that I don''t investigate anything that makes me happy.
Date: 4/24/2005 2:37:38 PM
Author: movie zombie
richard hughes,
i just wanted to say i read your posts here and took the time to go to the link re the article you wrote re drugs and gems. i have known about most of this and share your believe. i find it amazing that more americans do not take the time to do independent reading and become informed regarding what is done in our name throughout the world. conspiracy? no, just the facts. i wish i could be as articulate as you when i discuss these things with other people.
peace, movie zombie
It''s rather late as I must get to my regular chores. Admittedly, I have not read the links; so, perhaps my question is redundant. But, what audit trail exists? I get very confused because I don''t quite understand cyber space. My bank has assured me that they have records of my checks yet there is no paper trail that will exist. I''m unsure as to what extent there is no audit trail. Paper trails is probably a antiquated word to use as they literally exist less and less. Are they electonically housed? What "trail'' would be effective & tamper resisitent?Date: 4/25/2005 106:18 PM![]()
Author: Richard Hughes
I take heart from the fact that Fire&Ice finds it ''disconcerting'' that there is no paper trail with our current black-box voting machines. And I would gently suggest that there is only one good reason why these machines have absolutely no audit trail. So the vote can be fixed. I stand ready to hear reasons to the contrary.
Yes, but who''s to say who''s tampering with whom. I know with the family situation it was equal opportunity fraud. And that was with PAPER ballots. Couldn''t get much more of a PAPER trail.Date: 4/27/2005 7:27:27 AM
Author: tanuki
I look at it this way.
Have you ever seen the news reports of the programmer who was fixing the computerized slot machines in Vegas?
He worked for one of the companies that made and programmed slot machines. By manipulating the code just slightly (a manipulation buried in thousands and thousands of lines of code) he could make the slot machine pay out if you played certain coins in a particular sequence.
Since he was employed by the Nevada gaming commission to oversee the propriety of the slot machines he couldn''t play them himself (he wasn''t allowed to gamble in a casino) but by getting a partner to go in and play the machine for him for a split the guy was able to have a nice extra income for years.
He finally got caught when the partner slipped up by winning a big Keno jackpot and drawing a lot of attention to himself. The jackpot that time was so big he had to give ID for the IRS and the ''friend'' handed them a fake ID with a name different than the one he was using. If he had pulled the correct ID out of his wallet they would still be bringing in the money.
The money this guy won in Vegas is small potatoes compared to the money that potentially changes hands based on the outcome in an election.
We use electronic voting in my state and there is no paper trail.
I''d say trust me - but somehow I doubt you will. But - anyway - I talked to my husband last night. The "family" has said *unequivocally* that the paper ballots were WROUGHT with fraud. Elections can be decided by a small margin. Those precincts that voted by paper ballot were visited first - with armed guard and state police excorts. Election night was a night a scary night for the family.Date: 4/27/2005 11:36:18 PM
Author: Richard Hughes
However, and this is the kicker, the traditional system of voting, where one drops a ballot into a box and that ballot is then counted by hand, has probably the least potential for fraud, because to change a significant number of votes requires a significant number of people in on the conspiracy. Black-box voting is so frightening because there is no audit trail and a small number of individuals can change a large number of votes so easily.
Date: 4/28/2005 10:21:51 AM
Author: fire&ice
I''d say trust me - but somehow I doubt you will. But - anyway - I talked to my husband last night. The ''family'' has said *unequivocally* that the paper ballots were WROUGHT with fraud. Elections can be decided by a small margin. Those precincts that voted by paper ballot were visited first - with armed guard and state police excorts. Election night was a night a scary night for the family.
I asked the question *how* an audit trail can exist. Thank you Tanuki for giving one way. Makes sense - but wouldn''t that give you premature information about who is leading the election? Perhaps I don''t understand enough about electronics/cyber space to know; but, a audit trail seems problematic.
5000 posts in nearly three years. I enjoy diamonds way more than I enjoy politics. Also, you seem to think that because I don''t come to your conclusions that I haven''t examined the questions. Maybe I just reached a different conclusion.
As for the JFK thing, it''s not an uncommon thought that Chicago was delivered to JFK. It''s not an uncommon thought that ''that'' election was bought. As far as his assassination, to me - it''s less of a conspiracy theory and more of a landmine FULL of theories as to who *really* killed JFK. At the end of the day, you have to pick one. Hubby firmly believes it was LBJ. Don''t get him started. He has all his ducks in a row.
As for as conspiracy theories on a grand scale, logic would dictate that whenever you have more than one person in on the conspiracy, someone''s gonna talk. It''s human nature. That is why some believe that the Clinton''s murdered - gosh can''t remember his name - the one who knew too much about whitewater.
Sure with any CT (consp. theory), you look to ''who has the most to gain''. But, with an election - I say EVERYONE. What about the women who was PAYING democrats to vote.
My conclusion - which is just my opinion. Kerry lost the election for two reasons. One, with all the hype, the youth DIDN''T turn out. And, having lived in a state with more intimate knowledge of Edwards & his subsequent support (or severe lack thereof), I think Edwards was a liability. The guy couldn''t deliver his own district let alone his state.
You believe it was election fraud. I don''t.
Logic would dictate that. Exit polls aren''t rocket science to understand. I used to answer the polls. Now, it''s none of their business. It''s why we have a private ballot.Date: 5/3/2005 11:28:33 PM
Author: Feydakin
Excapt I know a lot of people that refuse to answer those polls because it''s none of their damned business how I voted.. And most of the people that refuse to answer are conservatives.. So, if conservatives refuse to answer, and liberals do answer, wouldn''t that skew the polls???
Date: 5/3/2005 11:28:33 PM
Author: Feydakin
Excapt I know a lot of people that refuse to answer those polls because it''s none of their damned business how I voted.. And most of the people that refuse to answer are conservatives.. So, if conservatives refuse to answer, and liberals do answer, wouldn''t that skew the polls???
No they haven''t been. And, the prolification has well - MULTIPLIED. Our "exit" polls actually broke down who voted for whom by religion/income bracket/gender/race/past voting practices/ad nauseum. So, it''s none of your business who I voted for & now you want to know my religion?Date: 5/7/2005 26:58 AM![]()
While we''re at it, please let me know how the times have changed. These exit polls have been accurate for decades.
Date: 5/7/2005 26:58 AM![]()
Author: Richard Hughes
but prefers the butter to be applied by Brando rather than Maria Schneider?