
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Nope. I need it spelled out for me. I am slow. But thank you for doing so. Spelling it out, that is. :))

Your friend,
Sorry I was unclear.

Your friend
Red. :)
Still, it didn't stop you from throwing that up as an excuse.

Edited to add: neither of us will change our minds on this so I'm not going to try.

It didn't stop others here first from blaming Trump and his 'wrongs' for the poor actions of some Dem Senators and protestors.
My goal is not to 'change' anyone's mind; like everyone else, I'm just participating in the discussion. :wavey:
I don't think anyone wants to or is trying to change anyone else's mind here. But we all have opinions. ;))
It didn't stop others here first from blaming Trump and his 'wrongs' for the poor actions of some Dem Senators and protestors.
My goal is not to 'change' anyone's mind; like everyone else, I'm just participating in the discussion. :wavey:

I'm genuinely curious - have either of you found your opinions evolving through the years as a result of the discussions that you've had on PS? To narrow the scope of that, let's say between Jan 2016 to now, on topics such as Trump's competency, the Mueller investigation, police brutality, and the Me Too movement.
I feel like Hillary was a "middle of the road" candidate. My husband did too. That's why we voted for her. IF Bernie had run against Trump, I would have obviously voted for Bernie...
Had Bernie won he would give me a new car. ;(. I got a free phone from Obama.
I have a question for the conservatives in this thread. It has been said that Kavanaugh is gonna get in no matter what and I agree. SO.....IF he said "I'm not willing to overturn Roe vs. Wade" or something along those lines he'd still get in right?

It would appease the two moderate dems and the republicans all want him in. So WHY won't he just say that? If we are all being paranoid, like some think, why do you think he won't just say it?

OR do you think he WILL try to overturn it? Are you for it being overturned or no?
He explains all of that by telling them that life is difficult, people don't always agree, sometimes adults act like children, and finally - it's up to you what kind of person you want to be.
Did the Rep. Senators also acted like childrens during the hearings of Obama's two nominee Sotomayor and Kagan?
I'm genuinely curious - have either of you found your opinions evolving through the years as a result of the discussions that you've had on PS? To narrow the scope of that, let's say between Jan 2016 to now, on topics such as Trump's competency, the Mueller investigation, police brutality, and the Me Too movement.
No. Why would my opinions "evolve" based on discussions here on PS? Genuinely curious as to why you think discussions on PS would cause them to "evolve" - into what? I have been on the planet for quite awhile and have seen quite a bit. This should be a place for reasonable people to discuss things without requirements of any kind, other than not being an a-hole. I don't ask you these same questions so why are you asking them of me?

Though I have found since being on PS that not all Dems are raging lunatics. ;-) In fact some can be quite pleasant and I would love to be friends IRL with them. But political parties have never been something I vet before making friends. I only do away with the a-holes.
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I have a question for the conservatives in this thread. It has been said that Kavanaugh is gonna get in no matter what and I agree. SO.....IF he said "I'm not willing to overturn Roe vs. Wade" or something along those lines he'd still get in right?

It would appease the two moderate dems and the republicans all want him in. So WHY won't he just say that? If we are all being paranoid, like some think, why do you think he won't just say it?

OR do you think he WILL try to overturn it? Are you for it being overturned or no?
This has been discussed already. No other nominee has provided an answer to how they will rule on a hypothetical case. Why should he be different?
I survived Clarence Thomas. I survived Antonin Scalia. I have, so far, survived Neil Gorsuch. I will survive Brett Kavanaugh. I am not saying that bad things will not happen in this country with Brett Kavanaugh on The Supreme Court. Bad things have happened in this country before. But there are always counter measures that can be taken by an active populace. I will have to keep being positive that I and people like me, particularly young people who will live on after me, will continue to improve the country and bring the country around to an even better place in the future, though. What else can I do?
And of course the Dem Senators should ask him questions ... but when they turn a legitimate process into a pathetic portrayal of Romper Room, they - and those who support/cheer them on - lose my respect entirely ... even more so when they defer & deflect the behaviors & actions of those IN the room onto someone who is NOT in the room.
Yup, You think this is bad now? :bigsmile: wait till Trump get to pick his third Supreme Court Justice nominee when Ginsburg retires.
No. Why would my opinions "evolve" based on discussions here on PS? Genuinely curious as to why you think discussions on PS would cause them to "evolve" - into what? I have been on the planet for quite awhile and have seen quite a bit. This should be a place for reasonable people to discuss things without requirements of any kind, other than not being an a-hole. I don't ask you these same questions so why are you asking them of me?

I ask because I want to understand motivation, especially for people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum. If the purpose of engaging in these discussions isn't to grow and evolve in your own thinking, or to encourage others to consider a different point of view, then what's the point? I know for the moderates and liberals, the point is to commiserate and vent, but why do the conservatives choose to engage with that?

In terms of evolving into what, it could be a lot of things and I hope it includes a better understanding of others. If you hold on tight to your opinions and refuse to consider new evidence to the contrary, then that's willful ignorance.
I ask because I want to understand motivation, especially for people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum. If the purpose of engaging in these discussions isn't to grow and evolve in your own thinking, or to encourage others to consider a different point of view, then what's the point? I know for the moderates and liberals, the point is to commiserate and vent, but why do the conservatives choose to engage with that?

In terms of evolving into what, it could be a lot of things and I hope it includes a better understanding of others. If you hold on tight to your opinions and refuse to consider new evidence to the contrary, then that's willful ignorance.
Have you done so with any conservative opinions to have a better understanding of others? We can all value something someone else says. There are many here whose opinion I value and respect but expecting to change my core values based on discussions on an internet forum is a stretch. This is a public forum for everyone, not a commiseration and venting spot for liberals. I appreciate debate with those who can be respectful.

As to the bold, that goes both ways. ;-)

Edit - understanding motivation? - we don't want to live in a bubble do we?
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I have a question for the conservatives in this thread. It has been said that Kavanaugh is gonna get in no matter what and I agree. SO.....IF he said "I'm not willing to overturn Roe vs. Wade" or something along those lines he'd still get in right?

It would appease the two moderate dems and the republicans all want him in. So WHY won't he just say that? If we are all being paranoid, like some think, why do you think he won't just say it?

OR do you think he WILL try to overturn it? Are you for it being overturned or no?
Why should he?, besides he doesn't have the power to overturn Roe vs. Wade by himself.
Video has shown the Guttenberg situation to be BS. Security intervened.

That is simply not true @redwood66 .

Fred Guttenburg was at the hearing as Diane Feinstein’s guest. Mr. Guttenberg was introduced at the hearing as the father of Jaime Guttenburg who was murdered in the Stoneman Douglas School shooting. Kavanaugh knew who Fred Guttenberg he was. When Mr Guttenberg went to shake Kavanaugh’s hand, security did not intervene. Please review the tape again and look at Kavanaugh’s face. Kavanaugh refused to shake his hand and turned and walked away. You can hear Fred Guttenberg telling Kavanaugh who he is on the tape. Kavanaugh showed his true character.
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Have you done so with any conservative opinions to have a better understanding of others? We can all value something someone else says. There are many here whose opinion I value and respect but expecting to change my core values based on discussions on an internet forum is a stretch. This is a public forum for everyone, not a commiseration and venting spot for liberals. I appreciate debate with those who can be respectful.

As to the bold, that goes both ways. ;-)

Edit - understanding motivation? - we don't want to live in a bubble do we?

Yes, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of conservatives who continue to defend the Republican Party in spite of their own misgivings about Trump. What I’ve changed as a result is that I largely refrain from posting my opinions in this thread, especially after our contentious back and forth a few months ago, because I see the futility in it. I stopped addressing the_mother_thing’s political points for the same reason.

It’s exactly because I want to avoid living in a bubble that I asked you questions today.
I've watched every single second of this Judicial hearing. Kavanaugh has successfully avoided answering ANY question. And if you really really really came to the conclusion that he won't be the vote to reverse Roe vs. Wade and we are all hysterical, you haven't been watching. Roe vs. Wade is VERY much in danger.

I don't understand the bizarre fixation that old white men have about controlling women's bodies. I just don't.

Apparently you and I have been watching the same hearing @soxfan .
I have no idea what hearing Jenn has been watching.
Apparently you and I have been watching the same hearing @soxfan .
I have no idea what hearing Jenn has been watching.

Who is Jenn? Am I on ignore somewhere? LOL!!!!
Yes, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of conservatives who continue to defend the Republican Party in spite of their own misgivings about Trump. What I’ve changed as a result is that I largely refrain from posting my opinions in this thread, especially after our contentious back and forth a few months ago, because I see the futility in it. I stopped addressing the_mother_thing’s political points for the same reason.

It’s exactly because I want to avoid living in a bubble that I asked you questions today.
It is contentious only if you make it that way or insist that someone come round to your way of thinking. Your use of the word futility indicates to me that you have an expectation of the discourse. I am here because I want to hear what others have to say and I don't have to agree with them to listen or discuss.
It is contentious only if you make it that way or insist that someone come round to your way of thinking. Your use of the word futility indicates to me that you have an expectation of the discourse. I am here because I want to hear what others have to say and I don't have to agree with them to listen or discuss.

For clarification, I was referring to our past exchanges as contentious, which I think is reflected in one of your responses to me in this line of discussion.

Regardless, thanks for answering my question.
For clarification, I was referring to our past exchanges as contentious, which I think is reflected in one of your responses to me in this line of discussion.

Regardless, thanks for answering my question.
You are most welcome.
I love Kamala Harris for asking Kavanaugh if he can think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body.
For clarification, I was referring to our past exchanges as contentious, which I think is reflected in one of your responses to me in this line of discussion.

Regardless, thanks for answering my question.
It is precisely our past exchanges that cause me to be wary of any question you ask me. I am unsure of your motivation as well.
It is precisely our past exchanges that cause me to be wary of any question you ask me. I am unsure of your motivation as well.

That’s fair, and understandable.

I don't know if this was presented or not as I don't usually read many back pages. Kavanaugh was the judge who denied a 17 year old female immigrant held in a Texas detention center, an abortion, which she was legally entitled to, by requiring her to repeat procedures (legal)she had already done, in order to run the clock on when she could legally have an abortion.(20 wks?) Her lawyer got another judge(appeal?), and Kavanaugh was upset his plan to deny her abortion was circumvented. Yes, the Judge will be a yes vote in over-turning Roe-vs Wade. That case clearly shows it.

And Matatas reference above that Kav. thinks that contraceptives are abortion inducing devices. OMG, back to the 1930's
I'm genuinely curious - have either of you found your opinions evolving through the years as a result of the discussions that you've had on PS? To narrow the scope of that, let's say between Jan 2016 to now, on topics such as Trump's competency, the Mueller investigation, police brutality, and the Me Too movement.

No. My opinions/beliefs/principles are a result of my own observations, experiences, etc. over time from having lived all over the country. I’m not an ‘impressionable’ 20-something who floats whichever way the fart blows; rather, I’m someone who grew up in a blue collar, dem-heavy area of the country, with a union-loving, die-hard dem for a father. I have read/heard what others with opposing opinions have stated on here as well as off PS (which, quite frankly, I weigh far more than I do what is posted here), considered it, but most of it really was/is not ‘convincing enough’ to truly ‘sway my opinions’. If anything, it’s just more firmly rooted my conservative beliefs.

I have no tolerance for people who make excuses for and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, play blame-games, and resort to displays of gang-mentality, disrespect and displays of public nuisance to try to get their point across ... kinda like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. THAT is what I see our society coming to. And frankly, like many of the “topics” you posted above, that’s what I see mostly on here, and that’s why I prefer to mostly sit back and take it all in for the entertainment value that it is, watch karma do her thing, etc. If more people practiced what they (or their party) preached, society and discussions about it might be more productive, and I might respect them as people. But I’m not of the mindset that someone deserves my respect or even my time simply because they have a pulse when the other 99% of their existence aligns with the above, which does not align with my beliefs/principles.
No. My opinions/beliefs/principles are a result of my own observations, experiences, etc. over time from having lived all over the country. I’m not an ‘impressionable’ 20-something who floats whichever way the fart blows; rather, I’m someone who grew up in a blue collar, dem-heavy area of the country, with a union-loving, die-hard dem for a father. I have read/heard what others with opposing opinions have stated on here as well as off PS (which, quite frankly, I weigh far more than I do what is posted here), considered it, but most of it really was/is not ‘convincing enough’ to truly ‘sway my opinions’. If anything, it’s just more firmly rooted my conservative beliefs.

I have no tolerance for people who make excuses for and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, play blame-games, and resort to displays of gang-mentality, disrespect and displays of public nuisance to try to get their point across ... kinda like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. THAT is what I see our society coming to. And frankly, like many of the “topics” you posted above, that’s what I see mostly on here, and that’s why I prefer to mostly sit back and take it all in for the entertainment value that it is, watch karma do her thing, etc. If more people practiced what they (or their party) preached, society and discussions about it might be more productive, and I might respect them as people. But I’m not of the mindset that someone deserves my respect or even my time simply because they have a pulse when the other 99% of their existence aligns with the above, which does not align with my beliefs/principles.
I am super confused by your post...

Should we be apologetic for our gang mentality/disrespect? Or should we be like you and not give respect to someone simply because they have a pulse?