
Hope the President does a good job for USA

I was wondering about the motivation and timing of the op ed. Perhaps Woodward's book gave impetus to others to finally speak out because of trump's recent comment that no one can come close to beating him in 2020. Perhaps the motivation is abject fear of another 4 yrs of that buffoon.
It is quite possible that no one can beat him in 2020 depending on which direction the Dems decide to go, regardless of what comes out of Trump's mouth. Frankly all of this anonymous reporting and writing is irritating beyond measure. Stand up and show us who you are. All of you.
I was wondering about the motivation and timing of the op ed. Perhaps Woodward's book gave impetus to others to finally speak out because of trump's recent comment that no one can come close to beating him in 2020. Perhaps the motivation is abject fear of another 4 yrs of that buffoon.

I don’t know about motivation either, but it sure has the effect of firing up the Trump base and fueling their delusions about the Deep State.

Frankly all of this anonymous reporting and writing is irritating beyond measure. Stand up and show us who you are. All of you.

I find this anonymous op-ed cowardly. If they want to wax on about heroism then I agree - stand up and show us who you are.
I find any anonymous reporting or writing cowardly regardless of party affiliation.
Twitter speculation is that Pence wrote the NYT Op Ed :eek2: based on the use of the word "lodestar" which is a word Pence frequently uses. Some also say that whoever wrote the piece knew about Pence's favorite word and used it to throw everyone off the scent. I think it's possible that Pence would do it if it means solidifying his chances for a 2020 run. Politics is ugly business.
That would be funny though

pence is the one person in the white house trump cannot fire.
Also reading that “first principles” is a common term used by Mattis.... morning news shows will have this all hashed out for us!
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a collaborative effort.
The times tweeted it was a man ( by using the word he to describe the author )
I think Chris Matthews thought it was DNI Dan Coats. I think Pence is too sycophantic to Trump to dare oppose him, even secretly.
I find any anonymous reporting or writing cowardly regardless of party affiliation.
It’s not that I find it cowardly or irritating, etc. I have a difficult time giving validity to anonymous reporting. For example, with this particular piece, it describes a White House that I’ve already imagined but because I don’t know who’s written it, I can’t fully believe it.

So I guess that’s pretty annoying. Yeah, I’m annoyed.
It is quite possible that no one can beat him in 2020 depending on which direction the Dems decide to go, regardless of what comes out of Trump's mouth. Frankly all of this anonymous reporting and writing is irritating beyond measure. Stand up and show us who you are. All of you.
This is my fear. The Dems need to get their shit together. The strategy of “Not Trump” didn’t work in 2016 and it won’t work in 2020 either.
This is my fear. The Dems need to get their shit together. The strategy of “Not Trump” didn’t work in 2016 and it won’t work in 2020 either.
No it didn't work. But a far left agenda with free everything won't work either, too many of us in the middle.
No it didn't work. But a far left agenda with free everything won't work either, too many of us in the middle.
You might be surprised Red. The Millenial is the largest group of voters in the nation and they want free shit!

They just need to get out and vote. :lol:
You might be surprised Red. The Millenial is the largest group of voters in the nation and they want free shit!

They just need to get out and vote. :lol:
God help us. :mrgreen2:
No it didn't work. But a far left agenda with free everything won't work either, too many of us in the middle.

I feel like Hillary was a "middle of the road" candidate. My husband did too. That's why we voted for her. IF Bernie had run against Trump, I would have obviously voted for Bernie...
Looks like a good probability Joe Biden will run in 2020 at which point he’ll be 78 yrs. old. It’s disappointing the democrats have no fresh talent (yet).
It’s going to be a geezer showdown. Could Biden win?
I probably should have posted this over in the other thread.
I saw this this morning and it gave me a chuckle.
it has been edited to clean up the language
I am no HR professional , neither do I claim to be a boss who hires the best people, but it is a bad sign when an employee writes an anonymous letter to the New York Times calling you a brain-dead A*****e who you have to protect from destroying everything and YOU CANNOT NARROW down who did it to a list with fewer than 50+ people. And then the next day the papers are reporting that there are a lot of people admitting that they wish they had written it because they agree with the letter.
For those of you who dislike anonymous reporting, Cory Booker deliberately released confidential documents related to Kavanaugh, admitted it, and challenged his colleagues to bring charges against him and the others who stood with him. I like his chutzpah in this particular instance. Related: Kavanaugh disputed that Roe v Wade was settled law in a 2003 email.

Uh huh. Yeah .
So Grassley was unaware of this when he was threatening Booker or is he just a liar... I’m guessing the liar option.
For those of you who dislike anonymous reporting, Cory Booker deliberately released confidential documents related to Kavanaugh, admitted it, and challenged his colleagues to bring charges against him and the others who stood with him. I like his chutzpah in this particular instance.

It's already been reported that the documents he grandstandingly attempted to appear "Spartacus"-like in releasing ... were cleared for release at 4:00 a.m. this morning. I think he just appears to be a putz in this particular instance.

I'd like to know how many of the committee members will take up the one senator's suggestion that all of THEM make ALL of their own emails pertaining to this hearing public. I view the Dem Senators' cries for documents pathetically phoney considering darn near every one of them vowed from the moment he was named nominee that they would NOT vote for him. If that's the case, what difference at this point does it make if they read one word of any of the documents? Their mind is made up; it's not like they will vote 'no' twice, underscored & bolded because of anything they do read.

Uh huh. Yeah .
So Grassley was unaware of this when he was threatening Booker or is he just a liar... I’m guessing the liar option.
Grassley didn't threaten Booker; Cornyn quoted the Senate rules and suggested Booker reconsider his threat in light of the consequences, and Lee cited the process for clearing docs.

My money is on Booker later coming out saying he/his staff didn't know about the docs being cleared at 4:00 am, and I'll be standing there waving my BS flag high on the hill.
It's all a show for their base. Vote already.
It's all a show for their base. Vote already.

Agreed. I've been watching the entire hearing very closely, and as one senator said earlier today when people likened the hearing to a circus, he objected to clowns and jugglers (IIRC) being reduced to the antics of the senators and protestors in this hearing. :lol:

But in all seriousness, I really felt bad on day one when Kavanaugh's young daughters had to witness the charade by the Dem Senators and protestors. What a poor example of government that only highlights the nominee's temperment as a positive example for them and others.
Agreed. I've been watching the entire hearing very closely, and as one senator said earlier today when people likened the hearing to a circus, he objected to clowns and jugglers (IIRC) being reduced to the antics of the senators and protestors in this hearing. :lol:

But in all seriousness, I really felt bad on day one when Kavanaugh's young daughters had to witness the charade by the Dem Senators and protestors. What a poor example of government that only highlights the nominee's temperment as a positive example for them and others.

:roll Really? His poor kids? This is our democracy. He should explain that the protesters have a right to be there, the democrats have a right to question his record, and that no, our day to day running of our country isn't always roses and unicorns.

How the HELL does he explain Trump to his kids? "Grab her by the p***y?" "Very fine people" white supremacists? Encouraging his crowds to punch people in the face? Insulting his own attorney general, the media, athletes, celebrities, political opponents, and pretty much everyone else every single day? I'd say if he considers protestors and democrats the bad guys over Trump, and passes that ideology onto his kids, then yes, they certainly DO have something to worry about....
He explains all of that by telling them that life is difficult, people don't always agree, sometimes adults act like children, and finally - it's up to you what kind of person you want to be.
:roll Really? His poor kids? This is our democracy. He should explain that the protesters have a right to be there, the democrats have a right to question his record, and that no, our day to day running of our country isn't always roses and unicorns.

How the HELL does he explain Trump to his kids? "Grab her by the p***y?" "Very fine people" white supremacists? Encouraging his crowds to punch people in the face? Insulting his own attorney general, the media, athletes, celebrities, political opponents, and pretty much everyone else every single day? I'd say if he considers protestors and democrats the bad guys over Trump, and passes that ideology onto his kids, then yes, they certainly DO have something to worry about....

:appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap: :appl::appl::appl::appl::clap::clap::clap::clap:
“Witness a charade”. Are you kidding??? The threat that women may lose the right to make decisions regarding their own bodies is real. Kavanaugh also feels there should be no restrictions regarding assault rifles or magazine limitations. He refused to shake the hand of Fred Guttenburg whose daughter was murdered in a school mass shooting. It is on tape for the world to see what a spineless jerk Kavanaugh is. Judge Kavanaugh’s daughter is alive. I’m sure his girls will survive listening to a hearing.

Rand Paul has brought up having White House staff take lie dector tests regarding the NYT piece. We have a President who is a pathological liar and proves daily he is unstable. I’m glad a senior official is speaking up. I wish they all would. The people have a right to know.
:roll Really? His poor kids? This is our democracy. He should explain that the protesters have a right to be there, the democrats have a right to question his record, and that no, our day to day running of our country isn't always roses and unicorns.

How the HELL does he explain Trump to his kids? "Grab her by the p***y?" "Very fine people" white supremacists? Encouraging his crowds to punch people in the face? Insulting his own attorney general, the media, athletes, celebrities, political opponents, and pretty much everyone else every single day? I'd say if he considers protestors and democrats the bad guys over Trump, and passes that ideology onto his kids, then yes, they certainly DO have something to worry about....

So his children don't matter ... other citizens trying to participate in government don't matter ... because TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. :cry2:

Just because you have the 'right' to do something doesn't always mean you should. We all have a 'right' to HEAR what is being said in the room as well, but can't ... because a bunch of ignorant yahoos want to act like disrespectful children and scream nonsense over the questions of the committee and testimony of the nominee.

And of course the Dem Senators should ask him questions ... but when they turn a legitimate process into a pathetic portrayal of Romper Room, they - and those who support/cheer them on - lose my respect entirely ... even more so when they defer & deflect the behaviors & actions of those IN the room onto someone who is NOT in the room.
Video has shown the Guttenberg situation to be BS. Security intervened.
“Witness a charade”. Are you kidding??? The threat that women may lose the right to make decisions regarding their own bodies is real. Kavanaugh also feels there should be no restrictions regarding assault rifles or magazine limitations. He refused to shake the hand of Fred Guttenburg whose daughter was murdered in a school mass shooting. It is on tape for the world to see what a spineless jerk Kavanaugh is. Judge Kavanaugh’s daughter is alive. I’m sure his girls will survive listening to a hearing.

Rand Paul has brought up having White House staff take lie dector tests regarding the NYT piece. We have a President who is a pathological liar and proves daily he is unstable. I’m glad a senior official is speaking up. I wish they all would. The people have a right to know.

Yes, it IS a charade. I'm watching 95% of the coverage from the very beginning. Are you? Or are you just taking the liberal talking points off MSNBC as gospel?

1) IF you were watching, Kavanaugh had no idea who the guy was that was trying to shake his hand. That happened right after an outburst in the room, and security ushered him out of the room immediately at the start of the break, understandably. But the classless, opportunist senator from California couldn't wait to tweet out that twist on the facts.

2) IF you were watching, you'd have clearly heard it outlined at least twice in a way that even a 5-year old could understand that no - the Supreme Court (with or without the nominee) cannot unilaterally eliminate Roe v. Wade despite the fearmongering that is being fed to liberals like a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast.

3) IF you were watching, every instance where Kavanaugh has testified about his rulings and questions about his 'beliefs', he has cited his opinions based on LAW; NOT personal opinion. And IF his rulings were found to be unconstitutional, they'd have likely been or will be challenged accordingly.

Yes, the people have a right to know ... I'd love to see every single document (if I had the time to read them all), and I'd also love to see/read/know every communication that has taken place between the Dem Senators regarding their planned tactics to thwart the hearing of a person who they said from the get-go they would vote 'NO' on ... since they're all suddenly in support of transparency and all. :roll:

Booker & Harris - IMO - are two opportunistic wannabe 2020 candidates who should focus on doing the job they HAVE vs. vying for camera time in an effort to compete for the job they WANT. Their true motivations are as clear as a raindrops.