
Hope the President does a good job for USA

@Dancing Fire -- leaving aside the veracity (or more accurately, lack thereof) in his self-aggrandizing claims, you have no concerns that the man who utters these kinds of things (BTW these aren't tweets; these are excerpts from recent speeches of his)
Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 9.10.20 PM.png

-- is the President and Commander in Chief?? It scares me.

Small wonder he likes Twitter. Twitter is short; for a guy who prefers sentences consisting of merely a noun and a verb it is a convenient form of communication. But honestly, I stopped reading Trump's speeches because I end up confused. And the strangest thing - I understand why he speaks this way.

To Trump, it makes sense; he has some information, but he omits big chunks of it thinking that everyone knows the same and thinks the same way. But I, for example, have no clue of what transpired between Hillary and the miners (the way I understand his speech, she met with West Virginia coal miners, and the meeting did not go well, but maybe he means that the miners did not vote for her?). So I now have to go the the "fake search engine" (irony) and do some information-mining.

I remember "Bushisms". Doctors thought Bush had some form of speech dyspraxia but at least we understood what "putting food on your children" meant. And even why he made this mistake (a table with hungry kids sitting around it; your family). With Trump, it is a certain pattern of thinking that gets reflected in his speech and makes it incomprehensible.
No idea.. I saw even though the country could def. afford major tax cuts for his buddies and corporations just 9 months ago in december, he has decided to not give federal employees the planned scheduled raises because there somehow isn't enough money despite his booming economy claims :wall:

Maybe he is just trying to steal the news cycle from McCain and he really isnt a nasty scrooge who wants to take what he can from the working class. :eek-2:
@tkyasx78, My guess is Trump was hoping he could slip the federal workers not getting raises in this week and it wouldn’t get much attention with everyone focusing on John McCain. All his buddies got their tax cuts and we all know he could careless about anyone else.

I’m sure he will pull something tomorrow or Saturday to take attention away from John McCain. My guess is it will be right before Obama gives McCain’s eulogy. It has to be driving him crazy that the country is showing their respect and admiration for McCain. Twitter users attacked Trump in a way I would have never imagined Saturday evening. To say they were brutal to Trump is putting it mildly.

I can’t believe Trump went to Indiana for a rally today. He couldn’t be a bigger a$$ if he tried.
I wonder what he wants the bombs for....

"The twin assaults on the operations and authority of the safety board come just as the Energy Department, acting at President Trump’s direction, is embarking on the most aggressive era of nuclear weapons production since the Cold War. Trump has called for one new nuclear bomb to be produced immediately and for the production of another new bomb to be studied."

Well this is scary considering the Liar in Chief gets more unhinged by the day. There is no telling what he will do as the walls close in on him.
Well this is scary considering the Liar in Chief gets more unhinged by the day. There is no telling what he will do as the walls close in on him.
Good, so we'll built the wall after all ? :bigsmile:
"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom," - Rex Tillerson

"When we as people, a free people, go wobbly on the truth, even on what may seem the most trivial of matters, we go wobbly on America," - Rex Tillerson

"If we do not as Americans confront the crisis of ethics and integrity in our society, and among our leaders in both public and private sector — and regrettably at times even the nonprofit sector — then American democracy as we know it is entering its twilight years," - Rex Tillerson

This right here is someone that saw the light on her way out:dance:
A writer is ringing the alarm bell at "The Washington Post". I wanted to show this to anyone who missed it. I think it is insightful. I excerpted a little to give you the idea of what it is about. His thesis is that President Trump has taken his talk to a new and more incendiary level by going from calling the press "an enemy of the people" to calling them also an arm of the Mueller investigation. But I will let you read his ideas for yourself.

"At his rally on Thursday night in Indiana, President Trump unleashed his usual attacks on the news media, but he also added a refrain that should set off loud, clanging alarm bells. Trump didn’t simply castigate 'fake news.' He also suggested the media is allied with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe — an alliance, he claimed, that is conspiring not just against Trump but also against his supporters.

'Today’s Democrat Party is held hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, deep-state radicals, establishment cronies and their fake-news allies,' Trump railed. 'Our biggest obstacle and their greatest ally actually is the media.'

In case there is any doubt about what Trump meant by the 'deep state' that is supposedly allied with the news media, Trump also lashed out at the FBI and the Justice Department, claiming that “people are angry” and threatening to personally 'get involved.'

Robert D. Chain, who was arrested this week for allegedly threatening to murder journalists at the Boston Globe while mimicking Trump’s language, also connected Mueller’s investigation to the media. 'You’re the enemy of the people, and we’re going to kill every f–––ing one of you,' Chain snarled into one employee’s voicemail, according to FBI documents. 'Why don’t you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out.'

Trump surely knew about this arrest when he repeated his attacks on the news media Thursday night — and when he connected the media to the Mueller investigation as part of a grand conspiracy against him and his voters."
A writer is ringing the alarm bell at "The Washington Post". I wanted to show this to anyone who missed it. I think it is insightful. I excerpted a little to give you the idea of what it is about. His thesis is that President Trump has taken his talk to a new and more incendiary level by going from calling the press "an enemy of the people" to calling them also an arm of the Mueller investigation. But I will let you read his ideas for yourself.

"At his rally on Thursday night in Indiana, President Trump unleashed his usual attacks on the news media, but he also added a refrain that should set off loud, clanging alarm bells. Trump didn’t simply castigate 'fake news.' He also suggested the media is allied with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe — an alliance, he claimed, that is conspiring not just against Trump but also against his supporters.

'Today’s Democrat Party is held hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, deep-state radicals, establishment cronies and their fake-news allies,' Trump railed. 'Our biggest obstacle and their greatest ally actually is the media.'

In case there is any doubt about what Trump meant by the 'deep state' that is supposedly allied with the news media, Trump also lashed out at the FBI and the Justice Department, claiming that “people are angry” and threatening to personally 'get involved.'

Robert D. Chain, who was arrested this week for allegedly threatening to murder journalists at the Boston Globe while mimicking Trump’s language, also connected Mueller’s investigation to the media. 'You’re the enemy of the people, and we’re going to kill every f–––ing one of you,' Chain snarled into one employee’s voicemail, according to FBI documents. 'Why don’t you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out.'

Trump surely knew about this arrest when he repeated his attacks on the news media Thursday night — and when he connected the media to the Mueller investigation as part of a grand conspiracy against him and his voters."

Here is a random thought.

I understood more about Pres. Obama's popularity when I read that he had aspirations of becoming an actor.

Two presidents absolutely cultivated the press. Spent a lot of time with the press. One of them was FDR, and the other one, Obama. (Maybe JFK also did a good job, judging by the Camelot legend and "starry-eyed President", so different from the real man).

Trump banned most of the press from the WH, calling them "fake news", and it is a huge mistake.

Press as such consists of people who, while employed by outlets with different political views, need to do their jobs. They need something to write about. They are human. They absolutely need to be cultivated and respected. They are not mean, they are just working. And it is not an easy job.

What happens when you do the opposite, cut off their lifeline, access to information? They will turn on you. Sooner or later, they might destroy you.

I have no clue while Trump is behaving in such an odd way towards the journalists, but it is a mistake, and at the human level . He can not turn CNN into his supporter, but at least he could turn CNN journalists into the people knowing him. Why he never tried is beyond my comprehension.
No idea.. I saw even though the country could def. afford major tax cuts for his buddies and corporations just 9 months ago in december, he has decided to not give federal employees the planned scheduled raises because there somehow isn't enough money despite his booming economy claims :wall:

Maybe he is just trying to steal the news cycle from McCain and he really isnt a nasty scrooge who wants to take what he can from the working class. :eek-2:

According to Google diagram, we have 55% of the GNP spent on the military, and the rest goes everywhere else, including "government".

Now he is not an idiot to touch the military part. But the only way to ease the burden off the middle class would be via taxing the corporations. But Trump did the opposite; now he has to start saving on all branches of public budget. We shall see them all.

In fact, it is almost better when presidents do not have "bright ideas to change something" because it strains the middle class. (Even Obamacare did, and unbelievably so. Because he also did not touch the sacred, so all Obamacare is funded by our premiums getting up; some people can not afford insurances. Worse, I see some people - young two-income families- really struggling).

And we voted locally on increasing the taxes to help our schools. It does not touch the big business, but it touches us.
A random thought here: why are we building a wall with the only country with which we apparently have a trade agreement?
A random thought here: why are we building a wall with the only country with which we apparently have a trade agreement?
b/c we don't wanna see anymore Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbetts incidents.
I don't disagree with your trenchant analysis, Arkteia, except for one point.

Here is a random thought.

Two presidents absolutely cultivated the press. Spent a lot of time with the press. One of them was FDR, and the other one, Obama. (Maybe JFK also did a good job, judging by the Camelot legend and "starry-eyed President", so different from the real man)..

I think this is a common misconception, possibly because Obama's press coverage was often favourable, but it's not true- He came to Washington with a young staff looking to work in a non-traditional way (worked to help him get elected) and they were widely noted for not playing the Washington insider game. I spent some time looking at this in a professional capacity. That said, I don't know WTF Trump is doing.

I'm rushing right now, but here are a few links.
I don't disagree with your trenchant analysis, Arkteia, except for one point.

I think this is a common misconception, possibly because Obama's press coverage was often favourable, but it's not true- He came to Washington with a young staff looking to work in a non-traditional way (worked to help him get elected) and they were widely noted for not playing the Washington insider game. I spent some time looking at this in a professional capacity. That said, I don't know WTF Trump is doing.

I'm rushing right now, but here are a few links.

Thank you for the links. I was not trenchant. :) I tried to point out that it was a mistake.

I looked up the history of presidential relationships with the press, BTW. The article supports your viewpoint, but gives interesting historic perspective.

Here is an interesting paragraph

"He had big problems with newspaper publishers, who were conservative Republicans opposed to his liberal democratic reforms," Feldstein says.

But the reporters themselves adored Roosevelt and so did the photographers, who covered up Roosevelt's paralysis from polio and did not show pictures of FDR in his wheelchair"

If it is true, the human factor of the press plays an amazing role...
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A random thought here: why are we building a wall with the only country with which we apparently have a trade agreement?

Two random thoughts,

One, practical. Construction is immensely profitable. Trump was in construction. Does he foresee some money coming?

Another one - you never know when the wall meant not to let someone in becomes the one preventing someone to leave...
Why not just throw all men out of the country?


@Dancing Fire, Mollie’s father spoke out again three days ago saying his daughter is not to be used as a political pawn. Two days ago slimey Don Jr wrote a piece in the Des Moines Register paper using Mollie’s death for his fathers political agenda. The Trumps have no respect for anyone.
Why not just throw all men out of the country?
Can't throw a US citizens out of the country. However, we should try to keep illegal immigrants from entering our country. If the Ds can have it their way they would pass out citizenship papers at border of Mexico so that they can get more votes. The Ds would let anyone into the US for more votes.

@Dancing Fire, Mollie’s father spoke out again three days ago saying his daughter is not to be used as a political pawn. Two days ago slimey Don Jr wrote a piece in the Des Moines Register paper using Mollie’s death for his fathers political agenda. The Trumps have no respect for anyone.
What do you think the Dimms are doing with DACA? :wall:
You mean Hillary’s emails didn’t kill those girls...?
Hillary's Emails may end up killing more peoples b/c she shared our top secret documents with the whole world.

Can't throw a US citizens out of the country.
We cannot throw out US citizens now. But Trump has managed to do many things that were once considered by all people (and actually are, by normal people now) considered illegal. So do not rule anything out simply because it sounds wildly illegal. Like kidnapping children from people seeking asylum at US borders and failing to return them to their parents, for example.

It seems to me that a society without men is a small price to pay for getting rid of crime. I mean the Republicans are always ranting about it. So it is clear that the men simply have to go. All of them.

Should all men be killed instead of deported? It seems a bit extreme, but men commit almost all the violent crimes and if you are anti-crime, it is the best way to do away with crime. We will not have to do away with guns. Women will not go around shooting each other. I think I will contact the NRA about this.
We need a rematch in 2020. Trump vs HRC again. :bigsmile:
The thought has been formulating in my head that tells me eight years after Trump, we will miss Trump.

I hated little Bush with the fire of a thousand suns and now I think he’s not so bad. I have to remind myself that he and his administration is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. I have to remind myself of the financial ruin. But hey, he’s not Trump!

I worry that Trump is crossing thresholds for a REAL dictator. Someone out there is taking notes. Maybe he’s watching how far the American people can be pushed. Maybe he is seeing how easily the press can be denied or manipulated. Maybe he will take advantage of the uneducated base much the way Trump is doing and he will know that they are all armed.

That’s my thought. It’s in its infancy. I hope I’m wrong.