
Hope the President does a good job for USA

And thank YOU for the daily trump-supporting head in the sand post! :clap::clap:
Here's what I do know...The economy is doing well and we have low unemployments #s. :think:..does the MSNBC/CNN ever talk about the economy? or only about Russian collusion "if it did happen" it happened under the Obama admin in 2016, so why didn't Obama call for an investigation back then?
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Oh dear, trump started the morning out googling himself. QUICK SOMEONE TELL HIM the reason almost all the stories are bad is becuase he KILLED net neutrality!!! I guarantee you he has no idea what it acutally was, but hey its worth a shot!!!
Seriously though he is saying he is looking into making google report good things about him. Dictator trump COULD just opt to doing things that dont repulse anyone with a conscience!?!
Want good news coverage?
start acting presidential like you promised you would
Stop lying ALL the time.
If you make a mistake admit it and fix it.
Stop trying to gaslight the US all the time
Support sessions and the justice department
Stop attacking the first amendment
Apologize to our allies and LISTEN to them
STOP calling manafort a great person and McCain a terrible one.
Fire rudy, he is a bad liar and sounds like a complete idiot when he goes around saying what trump does is not bad.
Stop trying to hurt immigrants who are coming here to seek LEGAL Asylum and return all the kids you kidnapped.
Fix obamacare and make it have MORE coverage for all people with less cost like he PROMISED. Stop trying to make people get less coverage so insurance companies can screw the elderly and sick.
Stop golfing all the time and and watching news until 11 am - make a list of good things that would help people - work on something positive for all people. Maybe try that infrastructure bill ya keep forgetting.
Dont do anything like saying you trust russia over america and then try to cover it up by making up a lie that doesnt make any logical sense at all
Sit down with mueller and tell the 100% truth - if you did nothing wrong like you claim it will be fine.
Release your tax returns- you cant STILL be under audit for the last 20 years of stuff.
... I have to go to work, this list could go on for a long time.
The news is not good because he isnt a good person. He is a petty vindictive narcissist and his actions reflect that. Making google kiss butt isnt going to make him a better person. The media isnt the reason all his reports are bad ...he is.

Are you old enough to remember the ad that adjured people to eat their Wheaties? The first thing I thought of after reading this, was that you certainly must have eaten your Wheaties this morning before going to work! God bless you!

Deb :))
Here's what I do know...The economy is doing well and we have low unemployments #s. :think:..does the MSNBC/CNN ever talk about the economy? or only about Russian collusion "if it did happen" it happened under the Obama admin in 2016, so why didn't Obama call for an investigation back then?

AND an Obama post to boot! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Daily trump bashing?????
No one here bashes trump daily, and I definitely don't.

No one had posted on this thread since friday of last week when I posted. ( friday afternoon). Please see the thread posts to confirm. Remember facts matter.
Are you old enough to remember the ad that adjured people to eat their Wheaties? The first thing I thought of after reading this, was that you certainly must have eaten your Wheaties this morning before going to work! God bless you!

Deb :))
She wasn't born in the 70's. ;))
Daily trump bashing?????
No one here bashes trump daily, and I definitely don't.

No one had posted on this thread since friday of last week when I posted. ( friday afternoon). Please see the thread posts to confirm. Remember facts matter.
I was worry about you since I didn't hear you bashing Trump for the past 4 days. :o. That is a new record! :bigsmile:
Speaking of people not bashing Trump.... I noticed that when given ample opportunity to criticize Trump for his unpardonable pettiness over John McCain, that several Republican leaders have have been very gracious and acted with great grace to Trump. I have been glad, because although I loathe Trump, I do not want the time spent remembering Senator McCain's to be spent on the likes of Trump. One might say that they were just cowards if it was the usual crew like Paul Ryan, etc. But when Governor John Kasich was given the chance to bash Trump by an MSNBC commentator, he turned the question. I do not recall exactly what he said, but he did not dwell on what Trump had done, but on how things had been fixed and how McCain would now be honored. I like that. I wish I could recall who the other person was who I saw do that.

Trump is so disrespectful, but other people actually have the grace not to allow him to ruin Senator McCain's memorials. They are trying not even to allow his vindictiveness to show to the public so that the public can focus on the Senator. Now that is grace under pressure. It is like not arguing with your ex-spouse for the sake of your children. It is like putting your country before your party. It is like being a grown-up.

John Kasich was interviewed on CNN last night and said the same things you heard @AGBF . Now is the time to honor John McCain.

I went to the President’s twitter account a few hours after McCain’s death had been announced. The comments that were directed at the President were truly awful. People were definitely showing Trump the respect he shows others ZERO. One would have thought Trump would wake up and realize McCain’s place in our country and what he meant to people. President Obama and President Bush statements were so heartfelt and beautiful as were so many others. Hopefully Trump won’t do something crazy this week in an attempt to take the attention away from John McCain. He is so petty and hateful nothing he does surprises me anymore.

I can’t wait to have a decent human being as President again, one who is President to all our citizens.

@tkyasx78 Your post was spot on this morning!!!
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AND an Obama post to boot! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I don't like Obama's policies but I don't come here to bash him everyday. Americans elected Trump as POTUS, so let it be. Stop being a sore loser Dimm. :tongue: Our country survive after 8 yrs of horrible Obama policies and we'll survive after 8 yrs of Trump.
I don't like Obama's policies but I don't come here to bash him everyday. Americans elected Trump as POTUS, so let it be. Stop being a sore loser Dimm. :tongue: Our country survive after 8 yrs of horrible Obama policies and we'll survive after 8 yrs of Trump.
We'll survive for sure. What it will look like when it's over remains to be seen.
Comparing President Obama to Trump is laughable @Dancing Fire . Policies aside, Obama was a warm, compassionate, decent person who was President to every American, whether you agreeded with his policies or not. Trump is an awful human being. He continues to show he has no respect for anyone other than white males who voted him. The man has never done anything for anyone unless he benefitted from it.

If Trump actually acted like he was the President of the United States the bashing (as you call it) would stop. A President trying to divide our country is not normal or acceptable. The man acts like a spoiled child, not a leader.

His total lack of respect shown for John MCain, who served our country honorably for most of his life, should be upsetting to every American.

No one expects any President to be perfect, but most of us have a threshold that cannot be crossed. Trump has crossed that threshold way too many times.
We'll survive for sure. What it will look like when it's over remains to be seen.
High inflation will hit us before the end of Trump's 2nd term in office.
High inflation will hit us before the end of Trump's 2nd term in office.
I’m not economically savvy but I expect prices of everything local and imported to increase drastically due to the tariff wars. Healthcare premiums and overall out of pocket costs as well. I’m unsure about employment rates but companies are finding it cheaper to set up facilities overseas due to the newly imposed tariffs as a way to circumvent it without passing the cost to their customers.
I’m not economically savvy but I expect prices of everything local and imported to increase drastically due to the tariff wars. Healthcare premiums and overall out of pocket costs as well. I’m unsure about employment rates but companies are finding it cheaper to set up facilities overseas due to the newly imposed tariffs as a way to circumvent it without passing the cost to their customers.
I think globalization is a normal stage of human development, and one can't just "ban" it by building walls and imposing tariffs. It is still going to continue. Likewise, one can threaten Google or Facebook, potentially even ban them, but there still will be Dark Web. Humans are too interconnected, information-wise, to stop the process.
@Dancing Fire -- leaving aside the veracity (or more accurately, lack thereof) in his self-aggrandizing claims, you have no concerns that the man who utters these kinds of things (BTW these aren't tweets; these are excerpts from recent speeches of his)
Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 9.10.20 PM.png

-- is the President and Commander in Chief?? It scares me.
@Dancing Fire -- leaving aside the veracity (or more accurately, lack thereof) in his self-aggrandizing claims, you have no concerns that the man who utters these kinds of things (BTW these aren't tweets; these are excerpts from recent speeches of his)
Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 9.10.20 PM.png

-- is the President and Commander in Chief?? It scares me.
I don't see anything wrong with coal if we have the technology to burn clean coal.
That's quite some spin you've given that drivel -- think you should apply to be Susan Huckabee's replacement!

*** nearly chokes on her tea***

you are not wrong , and ROTF!!! I would love to see sarah replaced at this point.

*** seriously though, I am still coughing you gotta warn me before you do posts like that ***
I would love to see sarah replaced at this point.
Well, although DF is no longer sporting his tension-set Octavia ring & wouldn't be wearing a strand of pearls like Sarah Huckabee Sanders' (but maybe he'd surprise us), I sure wouldn't mind gazing at his wonderful A. Lange & Söhne rose gold, moon phase watch every day that he's at the podium at the White House :love:

So, @Dancing Fire , this is for you!
Well, although DF is no longer sporting his tension-set Octavia ring & wouldn't be wearing a strand of pearls like Sarah Huckabee Sanders' (but maybe he'd surprise us), I sure wouldn't mind gazing at his wonderful A. Lange & Söhne rose gold, moon phase watch every day that he's at the podium at the White House :love:

So, @Dancing Fire , this is for you!
no more dining at Red Hen for me? ;(
Ohr is singing like a canary now to save his own hide. :lol:
I wonder what he wants the bombs for....

"The twin assaults on the operations and authority of the safety board come just as the Energy Department, acting at President Trump’s direction, is embarking on the most aggressive era of nuclear weapons production since the Cold War. Trump has called for one new nuclear bomb to be produced immediately and for the production of another new bomb to be studied."