
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Michael Cohen "is an honest, honorable lawyer." -- Rudy Giuliani, May 6, 2018.

“I have no concern that Michael Cohen is going to do anything but tell the truth." -- Rudy Giuliani, July 8, 2018

Cohen is “a fine person with a wonderful family” who is a “businessman for his own account/lawyer who I have always liked & respected.” -- donald j. trump, April 2018

“I always liked Michael Cohen… No, he’s not my lawyer anymore. But I always liked Michael, and he’s a good person.” -- donald j. trump, June 15, 2018
Write your senators and congressmen you are under. Let them know you want trump to resign. Ask them to demand trump step down. enough is ENOUGH.
I did, but Harris, Feinstein and Pelosi wouldn't resign. :P2
I don't agree he'll be a fine president but I agree that he's the lesser of two evils at this point.

My thoughts:

A-He has been totally complicit and thus should also be impeached.
B-He was a recipient of this illegitimate election even had he not been complicit.
C-He is worse than Trump ideologically although perhaps not in terms of character.
D-He may appear more "presidential" to people if he is made president due to Trump's impeachment and also will be able to serve two full more terms if he is appointed now. We cannot afford to make Mike Pence look good to people and get elected in his own right.
E-Get Pence first.

My thoughts:

A-He has been totally complicit and thus should also be impeached.
B-He was a recipient of this illegitimate election even had he not been complicit.
C-He is worse than Trump ideologically although perhaps not in terms of character.
D-He may appear more "presidential" to people if he is made president due to Trump's impeachment and also will be able to serve two full more terms if he is appointed now. We cannot afford to make Mike Pence look good to people and get elected in his own right.
E-Get Pence first.


Pence is not stupid enough to commit crimes out in the open like trump.
HOW do you plan on getting pence first?
trying to get pence means that trump will be here for all 4 years of his term AND even if you got pence and trump out somehow that means that SPINELESS Paul Ryan in put in.
I don't see how delaying anything to get pence first will do anything to get rid of trump and Paul Ryan is in NO way going to be better than pence. Paul Ryan would jail his mother if he was told to. he has absolutely no backbone or moral code, he just pretends to. Russia could seize Alaska and Paul Ryan would say... lets hold on a minute putin is just playing hide and seek.

just saw this

Breaking: U.S. Prosecutors Granted Immunity to David Pecker, CEO of Company That Publishes National Enquirer, in Cohen Investigation - DJ

going to be a long month if pecker is going to release everyone they paid hush money to , so trump could hide his affairs.
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I firmly believe in the separation of church and state and do not believe Pence is capable of keeping them separate.

In 2017 he said he would never have dinner with a woman without his wife being present. Does anyone in their right mind think a statement like this will help women in the business world? Women and men are not equal to Pence, neither are people of color. He proved that when he wasted taxpayer money to go to a football game and immediately left when players kneeled for the anthem.

Pence is complicit in this whole Trump mess. If he wasn’t he would not stand there looking adoringly at Trump no matter what awful statement or action the President has done or said. A decent Vice President would have been screaming from the roof tops when Trump was awful to the young fallen soldiers wife, when he said there were good people on both sides after Charlottesville, when this administration purposely separated families at the border without a plan in place to reunite them, when Trump praised Putin while throwing our own intelligence agencies under the bus. Pence has no moral compass no matter how much he talks about God and the Bible. A person who has a moral compass speaks out and is outraged by the behaviors of Trump.

Pence had no trouble speaking out against Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal and yet EVERYTHING Trump does is fine with him.

You look beautiful @House Cat!!!
It looks like Session is hitting back at Trump. He spoke out today and said the DOJ won’t be “improperly influenced”
It looks like Session is hitting back at Trump. He spoke out today and said the DOJ won’t be “improperly influenced”

I am no fan of mr sessions but on this :appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl::appl:
I firmly believe in the separation of church and state and do not believe Pence is capable of keeping them separate.

In 2017 he said he would never have dinner with a woman without his wife being present. Does anyone in their right mind think a statement like this will help women in the business world? Women and men are not equal to Pence, neither are people of color. He proved that when he wasted taxpayer money to go to a football game and immediately left when players kneeled for the anthem.

Pence is complicit in this whole Trump mess. If he wasn’t he would not stand there looking adoringly at Trump no matter what awful statement or action the President has done or said. A decent Vice President would have been screaming from the roof tops when Trump was awful to the young fallen soldiers wife, when he said there were good people on both sides after Charlottesville, when this administration purposely separated families at the border without a plan in place to reunite them, when Trump praised Putin while throwing our own intelligence agencies under the bus. Pence has no moral compass no matter how much he talks about God and the Bible. A person who has a moral compass speaks out and is outraged by the behaviors of Trump.

Pence had no trouble speaking out against Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal and yet EVERYTHING Trump does is fine with him.

You look beautiful @House Cat!!!

what grounds would you have pence impeached on though? I don't think anyone could get him impeached on the grounds of being a misogynistic spineless racist. Any decent human would have been screaming after Charlottesville . Unfortunately we don't have a crappy human clause in the constitution. we have an emoluments clause that trump clearly violated, we have a high crimes and misdemeanors clause which trump could easily be impeached with, but shy of showing hard proof that pence knew of a crime and covered it up, I don't see pence going anywhere.

what grounds would you have pence impeached on though?

I don't think anyone could get him impeached on the grounds of being a misogynistic spineless racist. Any decent human would have been screaming after Charlottesville . Unfortunately we don't have a crappy human clause in the constitution. we have an emoluments clause that trump clearly violated, we have a high crimes and misdemeanors clause which trump could easily be impeached with, but shy of showing hard proof that pence knew of a crime and covered it up, I don't see pence going anywhere.

It is the high crimes and misdemeanors clause with which Pence must be impeached. The episode that can be cited is his lies to cover up Flynn's betrayal of the United States to Russia. See below.

“I want answers to some of the questions that logically flow from the Flynn guilty plea, such as what did he know about Flynn’s contacts with the Russians during the transition, when he was a very key figure,” Blumenthal told CNN Tuesday.

Even before Flynn’s plea agreement, Blumenthal was seeking answers from Pence. He sent Pence a letter at the end of November asking for information on the role Flynn played within the transition team on issues affecting Flynn’s lobbying clients.

“It is imperative that we learn the full extent of Mr. Flynn’s hidden lobbying for special interests or foreign interests while on the transition team and in the White House, as well as any
undisclosed work he did for the Russian or Turkish governments,
so that we may know his legal liability,” Blumenthal wrote.

Flynn had not registered as lobbyist for Turkish clients while working for them. He told the transition team in early January that the FBI was investigating his lobbying work, The New York Times previously reported.

Pence has maintained he only learned about Flynn’s work for Turkey from news reports.

After taking over the transition team, however, Pence was sent a letter by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, raising questions about Flynn’s lobbying for Russia and Turkey. Cummings asked for information Flynn had shared with the transition about his work, and a signed assertion from Flynn that he did not have conflicts of interest.

Pence's office declined to say Friday why Pence did not respond to Cummings’ letter.

Wright, however, said that while many people are pointing to Cummings’ letter to Pence as evidence he knew about Flynn's involvement with foreign governments, it’s not clear how the transition handled incoming mail from lawmakers, and whether Pence saw it.

Pence’s attorney, Wright said, should be gathering all the documents that show a chain of knowledge — from the campaign, the transition and the White House — so he’s not blindsided by anything.

That includes any documentation about Pence’s role in the drafting of the letter laying out Trump’s reasons for firing James Comey as FBI director, an issue that could potentially lead to charges of obstruction of justice if Trump was trying to prevent the FBI from going after Flynn.

“I’d just want to know a lot more about the tick tock of what he knew and what he didn’t,” Wright said.

Loyola Law School professor Jessica Levinson said Flynn’s plea agreement “means you’re getting closer to Pence and Trump.”

“But it doesn’t mean you’ll ever get there,” she added. “I don’t know what Flynn knows. I don’t know what Vice President Pence knows.”

And while Pence could potentially be impeached for any revelations that come out, even if he isn’t charged with a crime, Levinson suspects the impeachment bar in the GOP-controlled Senate would be pretty high.

“I don’t see a world in which they would move forward on impeachment unless it’s something that is so bad that they feel like they can’t win elections,” Levinson said. “And if I’ve learned anything in the last year, it’s that that threshold of `so bad’ is so much worse than I thought it was going to be.”

Aside from any legal liability Pence could face, there’s his reputation to consider.

Every time one of Pence’s statements has come back to bite him — including his assertions that Flynn didn’t discuss sanctions with Kislyak, his explanation for why Comey was fired, his dismissing as “bizarre rumors” the suggestion that there were contacts during the campaign between Russian officials and Trump associates — he faced the charge that if he was not lying, then he was an “out of the loop dupe.”


I hope I have answered your questions about the grounds on which Mike Pence can be impeached. Easily. If we do not have a crooked, Republican congress.

what grounds would you have pence impeached on though? I don't think anyone could get him impeached on the grounds of being a misogynistic spineless racist. Any decent human would have been screaming after Charlottesville . Unfortunately we don't have a crappy human clause in the constitution. we have an emoluments clause that trump clearly violated, we have a high crimes and misdemeanors clause which trump could easily be impeached with, but shy of showing hard proof that pence knew of a crime and covered it up, I don't see pence going anywhere.

I unfortunately agree. And frankly I'd rather have Orangina as president over Pence. Pence will erode the hell out of women's rights and he's as much said he would.
We definately have a corrupt congress.

Saw this in twitter... even the eye doctor tries to help him out. Rotf

I unfortunately agree. And frankly I'd rather have Orangina as president over Pence. Pence will erode the hell out of women's rights and he's as much said he would.

Once the democrats control congress( and fingers crossed they take the senate too) , pence wont be able to buy too many pens for the office, much less send women back to the 1800’s.
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Once the democrats control congress( and fingers crossed they take the senate too) , pence wont be able to buy too many pens for the office, much less send women back to the 1800’s.

tkyasx, I have come to respect you greatly, but I have to ask: why would we want to to elevate Mike Pence to the presidency? He is, also, a criminal. It is time to spread the word about his actual role in the Russian campaign to undermine the US elections. It is not time to allow him cover up what he did!

I never want to help a man with disgusting views like Trump's or Pence's to get near the presidency again, assuming that someone else will check his power. We have to check his power. We have to expose what he really did. Pence is not innocent.


Isn't it funny how everything is not Trump's fault?
  • Don't believe the Justice Department! They are all out to get me!
  • Don't believe what you see and hear from the mounting evidence with multiple collaborative sources! EVERYONE is lying, except me!
  • Don't believe anything offensive or negative that I said in the past or present!
  • I said it, but you gotta "read between the lines" and "interpret it" in a different, positive way than what I said!
  • I was recorded saying it, I admitted to it in the past, I deny it now - hence it never happened!
  • It's ALL a massive witch hunt!
I think what Trump is really saying is this "I am perfect. I can do no wrong. I am God".
tkyasx, I have come to respect you greatly, but I have to ask: why would we want to to elevate Mike Pence to the presidency? He is, also, a criminal. It is time to spread the word about his actual role in the Russian campaign to undermine the US elections. It is not time to allow him cover up what he did!

I never want to help a man with disgusting views like Trump's or Pence's to get near the presidency again, assuming that someone else will check his power. We have to check his power. We have to expose what he really did. Pence is not innocent.


Rule of law says if president is out vp takes over, and speaker of house is after that. Unless we find PROOF that Pence has broken the law what we think of him does not matter. There is no do over option to put a democrat in there - we are stuck with those options. Removing pence and trump and even Ryan will still put a horrible republican in the White House ( senator hatch ) Whether it is pence , Ryan or hatch they are all going to be republicans. That is how the constitution is written.

I do not want to "elevate" pence, but he is next in line whether or not I or anyone likes it. Once he is in the White House he is going to have at least a democratic congress, and he will either be a lame duck or have to work with democrats no matter what.

why is removing trump the best plan at this point?

I truly believe trump is compromised , and is literally a national security risk. He doesn't just have a small blackmail tape out there. Russia OWNS him. Other nations he has borrowed from and is massively indebted to OWN HIM. He does not have the US interest at heart he has his OWN. Each day an erratic, short sighted, narcissistic idiot is in that office , our country is at risk.

He literally does not understand , if we have nuclear weapons why we cannot use them. The officers have explained this to him multiple times and TO THIS DAY I am told by friends who know, he does NOT GET IT. He is incapable of understanding.
That should terrify anyone who understands the weapons that we have. These are not Nagasaki strength bombs. The bombs trump has been given the codes to are immensely more devistating. He should not be within 1000 miles of those codes. I lived on an airforce base for 17 years. I have been to the underground bunkers in Wyoming and Colorado many times where the men and women of our military sit in capsules and wait in case we ever need to use the weapons out there in the silos.

The power to deploy those weapons should never be given to a person who is so weak minded and easily influenced as the liar in chief we currently have.

trump is influenced by anyone who he last spoke with who compliments him. This is not just a bad thing, trump is unequivocally dangerous. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that those weapons should Never be put in the hands of anyone who is not 100% qualified to understand what they do and the permanent consequences of using them. trump does not understand. he is incapable.

We also should NEVER allow a president to stand by and threaten another nation with those weapons. No one who understands the seriousness of this would even consider it. His " fire and fury" crap and his bluster was beyond irresponsible. It is not a joke, it is deadly serious and trump is not qualified on even an elementary level to comprehend what he is doing. HE IS A NATIONAL SECURITY RISK of staggering and unexplainable levels. When I say he is unfit for office, I mean that very sincerely.

Pence would listen to his military leaders. Until there is proof that will hold up in the senate for a 2/3 majority to impeach, there is no question to most people who know pence that pence would not misuse our weapons.

trump is NO CHAMPION of human rights. Pence is ALREADY imposing his ideas. Stephen miller and pence --- they already have free reign to do what they want because trump cares ONLY for himself and his interest. Today the republicans tried again to defund planned parenthood which BOGGLES MY MIND. To reduce abortions we do not overturn roe v wade. planned parenthood should be receiving ADDITIONAL funding. We need to be helping women SAFELY avoid unwanted pregnancies. Every empowered woman who has the ability to control when or if to get pregnant is one less person who would ever need to consider an abortion. taking funding away or overturning roe is going to make women LESS safe. they are doing this ALL backwards.

Make no mistake - having trump in office is NOT stopping pence and the republicans from hurting women. trump is ENABLING it more that pence ever could alone because all of his scandals takes away the attention we could be putting on solving REAL problems and finding positive policies for the nation.

24/7 the nation moves from one trump crisis to the next and pence and miller and the rest of the ilk have almost NO restraints placed on them because we are all SO BUSY try to fight the gas-lighting of the idiot in chief that occurs on a constant and unending basis.

Why am I ok with pence at this point ? Because he will be checked by congress soon and because trump is a literal and staggering national security risk.

Everyday he is in office I am literally concerned that he will read his security briefings and tell our enemies Or he won't read them and he is not doing the job of protecting our country! I don't know which one is worse!

Pence even though he is not anyone's first second or 100th choice , does not seem to owe hundreds of millions of dollars and his entire criminal empire to foreign governments. We should be able to sleep at night knowing that the person in charge of the country is looking out for our nations interest even if we don't agree with most of the policies they like . We do not have that.
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Am I underestimating something here? If trump is removed, the republicans will be in turmoil and the 75% of voters who didn't vote for trump will be up in arms and motivated. So what could Pence or the republicans actually do in that scenario? Won't it be chaos for them? How could they even attempt to govern for the next 2 years knowing that retribution has arrived. Won't they be lying low while attempting to retain their seats, which would require a broader base, rather than attempting to appease the small percentage that is trump's loyal base?
yes, if trump is removed pence and the others will want to run as far away as they can from everything trump.
it isnt like the trump supporters are all of a sudden going to vote democrat if the republicans impeach trump.
with a democratic house and a republican senate and a republican president ( be that pence , Ryan or Hatch ) the president will have to use a brain and actually work together. Pence, Ryan or Hatch would all compromise on a budget FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION. trump how ever only compromises when it benefits HIM and he can brag about it. everything always has to be about trump.
While we are discussing Trump, here is a piece that puts a little color into the man.

"With a Vocabulary From ‘Goodfellas,’ Trump Evokes His Native New York" (excerpted).

"WASHINGTON — For much of the 1980s and 1990s, 'the Dapper Don' and 'the Donald' vied for supremacy on the front pages of New York’s tabloids. The don, John J. Gotti, died in a federal prison in 2002, while Donald J. Trump went on to be president of the United States.

Now, as Mr. Trump faces his own mushrooming legal troubles, he has taken to using a vocabulary that sounds uncannily like that of Mr. Gotti and his fellow mobsters in the waning days of organized crime, when ambitious prosecutors like Rudolph W. Giuliani tried to turn witnesses against their bosses to win racketeering convictions.

'I know all about flipping,' Mr. Trump told Fox News this week. 'For 30, 40 years I’ve been watching flippers. Everything’s wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is, or as high as you can go.'

Mr. Trump was referring to the decision by his former lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, to take a plea deal on fraud charges and admit to prosecutors that he paid off two women to clam up about the sexual affairs that they claimed to have had with Mr. Trump.

But the president was also evoking a bygone world — the outer boroughs of New York City, where he grew up — a place of leafy neighborhoods and working-class families, as well as its share of shady businessmen and mob-linked politicians. From an early age, Mr. Trump encountered these raffish types with their unscrupulous methods, unsavory connections and uncertain loyalties.

Mr. Trump is comfortable with the wiseguys-argot of that time and place, and he defaults to it whether he is describing his faithless lawyer or his fruitless efforts to discourage the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, from investigating one of his senior advisers, Michael T. Flynn, over his connections to Russia.

'When I first heard that Trump said to Comey, ‘Let this go,’ it just rang such a bell with me,' said Nicholas Pileggi, an author who has chronicled the Mafia in books and films like 'Goodfellas' and 'Casino.' 'Trump was surrounded by these people. Being raised in that environment, it was normalized to him.'

Mr. Pileggi traced the president’s language to the Madison Club, a Democratic Party machine in Brooklyn that helped his father, Fred Trump, win his first real estate deals in the 1930s. In those smoke-filled circles, favors were traded like cases of whiskey and loyalty mattered above all.

Mr. Trump honed his vocabulary over decades through his association with the lawyer Roy Cohn, who besides working for Senator Joseph McCarthy also represented Mafia bosses like Mr. Gotti, Tony Salerno and Carmine Galante. He also gravitated to colorful characters like Roger J. Stone Jr., the pinkie-ring-wearing political consultant, and Mr. Stone’s onetime partner, Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who was convicted on Tuesday of eight counts of tax and bank fraud.

'It’s the kind of subculture that most people avoid,' said Michael D’Antonio, one of Mr. Trump’s biographers. 'You cross the street to get away from people like that. Donald brings them close. He’s most comfortable with them.'

Mr. Trump’s current lawyer, Mr. Giuliani, said that as a United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, he listened to 4,000 hours of taped conversations of Mafia suspects — a discipline that he claims makes him an expert in deciphering Mr. Trump’s intent in recorded exchanges with Mr. Cohen about paying off women. It has also steeped him in the language and folkways of the mob.

Mr. Giuliani was an enthusiastic fan of 'The Sopranos,' once joking that HBO set its celebrated series about an everyday mob family in New Jersey because he had done such a good job driving the Mafia out of New York.

During Mr. Giuliani’s days as a United States attorney, his office was labeled the 'House of Pancakes' for the parade of suspects who “flipped” to try to reduce their prison sentences.

In his Fox interview, Mr. Trump expressed a fleeting moment of sympathy for Mr. Cohen’s desire to do likewise.

'If somebody defrauded a bank and he’s going to get 10 years in jail or 20 years in jail, but if you can say something bad about Donald Trump and you’ll go down to two years or three years, which is the deal he made,' the president said. 'In all fairness to him, most people are going to do that.'

Still, Mr. Trump added, 'it almost ought to be illegal.'

At other times, he has made clear that he views disloyalty pretty much the way Mr. Gotti would have viewed the decision of his underboss, Sammy Gravano, to cooperate with the government in 1991 and testify against him in the trial that sent him away for life.

Defending the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, after a report in The New York Times that he had spent 30 hours speaking to the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter that Mr. McGahn would never sell out his boss like a 'John Dean type "RAT."'

Mr. Dean, whose testimony as White House counsel about Watergate helped bring down President Richard M. Nixon, fired back. Mr. Trump, he tweeted, 'thinks, acts and sounds like a mob boss.'

'There is nothing presidential about him or his actions,' Mr. Dean added.

Sometimes Mr. Trump’s gangland references can be baffling. This month, he defended Mr. Manafort by comparing him to Al Capone. Mr. Manafort, he suggested, was getting rougher treatment than Capone, whom the president called a 'legendary mob boss, killer and "Public Enemy Number One."'

His references are also unlikely to impress prosecutors like Mr. Mueller, for whom the mob is old hat. But they, too, have been struck by the parallels. Mr. Comey, in his recent book, 'A Higher Loyalty,' likened his first meeting with the future president at Trump Tower in Manhattan to paying a call to a Mafia don.

'I thought of the New York Mafia social clubs, an image from my days as a Manhattan federal prosecutor in the 1980s and 1990s,” Mr. Comey said. “The Ravenite. The Palma Boys. Café Giardino. I couldn’t shake the picture. And looking back, it wasn’t as odd or dramatic as I thought at the time.'

Mr. Trump, he wrote, seemed to be trying to make Mr. Comey and his colleagues from the intelligence agencies 'part of the same family.'"

I am so glad that the state of new york is looking into state charges for the trump org leaders.

The new article tonight in the NYT paper is promising!!!!
Getting the whole crime family behind bars and none of it is pardonable will be great.
Also looking forward to the deposition of cohen and trump regarding the crimes they both comitted when laundering money for payments to the ladies trump had affairs with.
It looks like cohen took a home loan for one of the payments, then trump had him charge the trump org for “ legal fees” so trump could deduct the payments to his mistresses to avoid taxes.

Not surprising that trump would want to deduct his payoffs for his affairs on his taxes. I hope that we finally get to see his taxes now.
Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity :eek2:

There is never an accountant and client privilege but this is very very very bad.
If trump has broken no laws and all his taxes are on the up and up, trump will sleep well tonight. However immunity to trumps accountant if he is 1/100th as corrupt as even former republicans think he is ... trump is in BIG trouble.

Weisselberg has been around for decades.

Lets say if MY accountant was granted immunity by the government I would be terrified and I have never done anything wrong , not even a speeding ticket and all my taxes are 100% legally correct.
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I am hoping I am reading your posting correctly, tkyasx. I have not, yet, read a news article about this. (You are carrying me the news about Allen Weisselberg.) For whom is this "very, very very bad"? I am hoping for Trump, not for the American people! When you said that if Trump had been honest, he would sleep well tonight, but that you would be nervous although you are scrupulously honest, I got a little muddled. I am sanguine that the news is good for us, the people, though. Because why would Weisselberg need immunity if everything in Trump's books were on the up and up? I am going to go look. Thank you for the heads up! :))

Deb :wavey:
Why would I be nervous even though I have done nothing wrong? I would be worried because even when I am driving down a road and I see a police officer with lights and sirens behind me I pull over and double and triple check to make sure I WASNT speeding or anything! It is instinct ...

Have you ever had a police officer go to pull someone over and you check to see if you were speeding even though you are sure you were not?

My point was even honest people get nervous if they are being scrutinized and they are sure they followed the rules. If someone from the government is investigating you and your accountant has been granted immunity I think it would make ANYONE even the most honest worry a little

It is very very very bad for anyone who uses Mr. Weisselberg as an accountant.

I suspect you and I as well as most of the USA are JUST FINE.
If I may clarify something: "immunity" doesn't have just one, universal definition in the criminal law world, so without any details, there can only be speculation just now as to the nature of the benefit conferred upon Mr. Weisselberg before Michael Cohen pleaded guilty.
Dang dear friends I been outta this loop due to my jaw prob :) but in reading the last 4 pages I see we are still where we always are: the right won't budge (as we all know that Trump is at least a WAR LEADER! he's tough) and the left (We are so sick of Hillary, Benghazi and sad to say but I believe the new SCOTUS pick by Trumpski lead the Vince Foster investigation hahaha! another person who's death was politicized).

I too don't believe I am elitist, I've always been one for the common man/woman/etc :) because that is where I came from. My education is minimal compared to many. BUT I did learn to play fair and fight fair, el Trumpski didn't due to rich daddy syndrome. Calling old black ladies low IQ stinks of racism and stinks of elitism too (there I said it). (not to say also BAD MANNERS).

Pence, can't even eat lunch with ANOTHER WOMAN! but his wife, but I agree, he's better than el presidente, but how is he going get all the evangelicals that turned a blind eye to Trumps cheating, lying, and probably illegal activities? Of course back in the day I used to believe religious people were all that, I learned they aren't as can be seen by how many evangelicals turn a total blind eye to Trump's shenanigans.

Cohen? I hope he sings, the CFO of Trump's organization? I hope he sings like a songbird.

BUT do I think his followers will care? Nope. So therein is the problem with the 'base'. I read last week that the one thing that would turn the 'base' against Trump is a recession, probably true I thought, but then I think, DANG, that last one was so horrid.

Trump is the antithesis of my whole belief system, respect for elders (and yup I am an elder now), if you are gonna cheat, get divorced, help the poor with incentive, assistance and education, people should request to move to America, but we should be open to vetting those in REAL need of sanctuary, religious tolerance,religious freedom and keep it out of government places and schools, I also believe in TAXING churches, one cannot discriminate against ANYONE in the name of religion. period.

I believe Pence would help the country, Americans would be able to breathe a sigh of relief, two years time the democrats and republicans can find candidates that are really caring about the little peeps like me.

I never attended any kind of high end college (went to State U!) my dad was blue blue collar, mom never worked, sister a teacher, brother a sheet metal worker, other brother crazy as a hoot owl, me an IBMer of no renown. I don't think I am better than anyone else but one way I differ I believe is I read everything on both sides (that I can I'm not paying for the WSJ).

We definately have a corrupt congress.
If I may clarify something: "immunity" doesn't have just one, universal definition in the criminal law world, so without any details, there can only be speculation just now as to the nature of the benefit conferred upon Mr. Weisselberg before Michael Cohen pleaded guilty.

Thank you, Molly.

I may be wrong, but I think I saw that he was granted use immunity to testify in Michael Cohen's case about payments made to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. I tried to look it up after reading tkyasx' original posting.


Oh dear, trump started the morning out googling himself. QUICK SOMEONE TELL HIM the reason almost all the stories are bad is becuase he KILLED net neutrality!!! I guarantee you he has no idea what it acutally was, but hey its worth a shot!!!
Seriously though he is saying he is looking into making google report good things about him. Dictator trump COULD just opt to doing things that dont repulse anyone with a conscience!?!
Want good news coverage?
start acting presidential like you promised you would
Stop lying ALL the time.
If you make a mistake admit it and fix it.
Stop trying to gaslight the US all the time
Support sessions and the justice department
Stop attacking the first amendment
Apologize to our allies and LISTEN to them
STOP calling manafort a great person and McCain a terrible one.
Fire rudy, he is a bad liar and sounds like a complete idiot when he goes around saying what trump does is not bad.
Stop trying to hurt immigrants who are coming here to seek LEGAL Asylum and return all the kids you kidnapped.
Fix obamacare and make it have MORE coverage for all people with less cost like he PROMISED. Stop trying to make people get less coverage so insurance companies can screw the elderly and sick.
Stop golfing all the time and and watching news until 11 am - make a list of good things that would help people - work on something positive for all people. Maybe try that infrastructure bill ya keep forgetting.
Dont do anything like saying you trust russia over america and then try to cover it up by making up a lie that doesnt make any logical sense at all
Sit down with mueller and tell the 100% truth - if you did nothing wrong like you claim it will be fine.
Release your tax returns- you cant STILL be under audit for the last 20 years of stuff.
... I have to go to work, this list could go on for a long time.
The news is not good because he isnt a good person. He is a petty vindictive narcissist and his actions reflect that. Making google kiss butt isnt going to make him a better person. The media isnt the reason all his reports are bad ...he is.
... I have to go to work, this list could go on for a long time.
The news is not good because he isnt a good person. He is a petty vindictive narcissist and his actions reflect that. Making google kiss butt isnt going to make him a better person. The media isnt the reason all his reports are bad ...he is.
Thanks for the daily Trump bashing! .This is like watching MSNBC and CNN. :clap::clap: