
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Back to the topic, Do you think Cohen will eventually fully cooperate with the government after a few years in jail?
esp once trump isn't in office!! that would make for a very interesting post presidency trial... Cohen stewing for a few years and finally helping to nail trump once trump can be tossed in prison too!!
Why wait? Congress can impeach Trump next week and put him on trial next month.
I think I like this Lanny Davis Lawyer. He did an interview tonight basically confirming that the cooperation agreement is either coming soon or is already done but is sealed ( either way doesn't matter )

He told a reporter
“This is just the beginning” and that Cohen will speak with any investigators (including Mueller) “to make sure the truth about donald trump gets out” :clap:
OMG Lanny is on Rachael Maddow show now!

ROTF - Michael cohen is now liberated
The republicans sure have been silent today. Where the hell are Ryan and McConnell? Trump’s 5:00 AM tweets will probably be something to see. I’m with @JPie and assume Trump will be in full meltdown mode after today.

@tkyasx78 The earrings are gorgeous!!!
I think I like this Lanny Davis Lawyer. He did an interview tonight basically confirming that the cooperation agreement is either coming soon or is already done but is sealed ( either way doesn't matter )
HRC might need his help again if/when a special prosecutor is assigned to look into her 2016 Campaign Practices i.e.."Steele dossier".
Well Paul Ryan is alive Calliecake he just won't stand up for the USA ... he had time to strip a republican congressman ( hunter from CA ) who is now charged with a LOT of obvious fraud. I read through some of the indictments and he is a real piece of work.

Re: earrings--- I think they are gorgeous! DH said if I decide I want to try to get them, to not go too overboard as I have more than enough earrings for one human ROTF I am not disagreeing but.... I just don't have THOSE earrings ;) plus I want to save some of my fun money for those Lightbox items I want for presents ect.
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I remember when Lindsey graham used to have some semblance of morals. I remember when he stood for a government with integrity. Did aliens body swap him?
I remember watching some of his speeches when he was outraged at Clinton during that trial. I don't think he was wrong then. He sure is not the person he was then. I just wish he was the decent human now.

It is worth watching the video of Lindsey . The hypocrisy is staggering.
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Thank you @tkyasx78 for the link on Lindsay Graham’s speech. Crickets from him now. At some point all the chicken are going to come home to roost. Republicans are going to have to own this mess. They were complicit. This brings new meaning to the swamp.
Thank you @tkyasx78 for the link on Lindsay Graham’s speech. Crickets from him now. At some point all the chicken are going to come home to roost. Republicans are going to have to own this mess. They were complicit. This brings new meaning to the swamp.
:shhh: Don't try to scare HRC.
How many investigations did the republican’s start regarding Hillary Clinton?
No wrong doing was found. Let’s see Trump have a nine hour deposition answering questions like Hillary did. He couldn’t get past the first five minutes without lying. He is a pathological liar. He can’t spin away the facts. Face it Dancing Fire, you elected a scum. At least own it and quit defending a pathological liar. The walls are caving in on Trump. Things are only going to get worse the Trump. It seems he is only good at hiring no felons. Just keep your head buried in the sand Dancing Fire. You seem to like doing so.
Lanny davis this morning


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Yeah , cause stable geniuses know to hire top shelf lawyers like rudy guiliani, he offers great legal advise and he would never say stuff that makes a client look like a guilty liar :confused2::roll2::lol:

“Only the best” criminals and liars for the conman in chief
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He only hires the best people.

And he did...that’s why Cohen pleaded out.
Apparently Hannity melted down last night. The subject? Hillary’s emails. This shit’s so transparent. How do they fall for it?
Hillary's emails ROTF

yeah the big news of the day yesterday was how evil Hillary is and how she destroyed a billion trillion emails and dang it---- if only Russia could have found those emails that trump asked him to find instead of the stupid podesta junk ----- then this whole thing could have been avoided. but of course there is the other lie that trump spreads where Hillary is one sneaky democrat. She and the Dems colluded with the Russians and made Wikileaks release lots of democrats emails so don the con would win so she could set him up now with all these fake news stories and former employees flipping on him and getting convicted of felonies.

I am waiting for hannity to do a show where he for the whole hour just repeatedly shouts
" bengazi"
" white water"
and " where are the emails?" for the whole time.
Fingers crossed.

Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at 9.09.27 AM.png

Arcadian wrote:

“I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do.”

― James Baldwin


I think Trump told us we are not supposed to believe what we see and and hear with our own eyes and ears, only what he tells us we have seen and heard. You must not have gotten the memo.

I hope I have helped you to see the light according to Trump.

Deb :wavey:
Hillary's emails ROTF

yeah the big news of the day yesterday was how evil Hillary is and how she destroyed a billion trillion emails and dang it---- if only Russia could have found those emails that trump asked him to find instead of the stupid podesta junk ----- then this whole thing could have been avoided. but of course there is the other lie that trump spreads where Hillary is one sneaky democrat. She and the Dems colluded with the Russians and made Wikileaks release lots of democrats emails so don the con would win so she could set him up now with all these fake news stories and former employees flipping on him and getting convicted of felonies.

I am waiting for hannity to do a show where he for the whole hour just repeatedly shouts
" bengazi"
" white water"
and " where are the emails?" for the whole time.

Not enough. Needs more heft. He should add cries of "Pizzagate!!" and "Vince Foster!!"

Then it'll be just perfect.
Yes, and guess who will be locked up with him soon?

Did you mean who is going to be locked up with Manafort soon? So many of Trump's employees have been convicted of crimes that I cannot hazard a guess. I'd like to think it would be Trump who would be locked up with him soon, but I don't think Trump will be locked up soon. I think it will take a while. My guess is Flynn. :))
Lanny davis this morning


Followed by......

Yeah , cause stable geniuses know to hire top shelf lawyers like rudy guiliani, he offers great legal advise and he would never say stuff that makes a client look like a guilty liar :confused2::roll2::lol:

“Only the best” criminals and liars for the conman in chief

Ha! That's a guy who has probably had the scales fall from his eyes and realizes there's going to be a huge difference being in a Club Fed vs. a (likely NY) state prison.

Good news. I join in the celebration. I'm hoping Matata's post becomes a reality. 20/20. Don Trump JR may go to jail. They even have the Trump Org. paying Cohen under false submissions for payments.
Getting good, but I can't get too over excited yet. Must be a bit cautious in my enthusiasm. I raise my glass to Trump's end.
MAGA.png :cry2::lol-2: wash.rinse.repeat.

Good news. I join in the celebration. I'm hoping Matata's post becomes a reality. 20/20. Don Trump JR may go to jail. They even have the Trump Org. paying Cohen under false submissions for payments.
Getting good, but I can't get too over excited yet. Must be a bit cautious in my enthusiasm. I raise my glass to Trump's end.

I know most of the people on this thread hate Pence too, but I think Pence will be a fine president until 2020 when people can decide if they want a republican or a democrat in office. Pence has at least a SMALL sense of shame to some degree and I think he will do his VERY best to not cause any waves or upset anyone once he takes over till 2020. He isn't a total idiot. He knows to use half a brain.

I won't worry about pence starting a war because his ego is hurt. I won't worry that pence will destroy our relationships with other nations.

While pence may be imperfect, he is not a national security threat who will run his mouth off and spill the nations classified information to Russia. He knows how to keep his mouth shut and should not break the law.

Write your senators and congressmen you are under. Let them know you want trump to resign. Ask them to demand trump step down. enough is ENOUGH.
I know most of the people on this thread hate Pence too, but I think Pence will be a fine president until 2020 when people can decide if they want a republican or a democrat in office. Pence has at least a SMALL sense of shame to some degree and I think he will do his VERY best to not cause any waves or upset anyone once he takes over till 2020. He isn't a total idiot. He knows to use half a brain.
I don't agree he'll be a fine president but I agree that he's the lesser of two evils at this point. He is tainted by his support of trump and, if not complicit, will forever bear that burden. I don't think any republican will rock the boat too much depending on what the final outcome is for trump and his swamp dwellers.