
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Trump has set the bar so low with basic common decency. Hopefully we will get back on track as a country where common sense and decency matters.

Bush and Obama’s speeches were both great at McCain funeral. I have always believed when our elected officials are not willing to work together and cross party lines to do so, they should be voted out of office. No one wins when there is no compromise.

Hopefully the younger generations will demand some common sense gun control. It’s interesting that mental health costs are not included in the equation of what these mass shootings cost. In the Las Vegas shooting, 59 people lost there lives and 600 people were injured. All of these people have people who loved them and were also most likely traumatized by the event. The costs spent on therapy after just this shooting alone would be high. Losing a loved one to a violent death is different than losing a loved one who was sick.

Our government purposely separated children from their parents (that were seeking asylum) with no plan in place to reunite them. How could we as a country be okay with the emotional trauma we inflicted on these families? We are losing our American values.

We have a President who wants to be a dictator and our elected officials don’t seem to care about our democracy.

@Dancing Fire, I suggest you look up Mollie Tibbetts fathers response to Donald Trump Jrs piece in the Des Moines Register before you continue to throw one liners to try to bait and anger people. You should know how Mollie felt about racism and the wall.
@Calliecake , if there is one thing I noticed about most Republicans is that while they may have personal empathy for others, the extent of what they are willing to do for others is limited.

It's sort of like - I am sorry you are going through xyz. But it personally doesn't affect me or those I love, so I just don't care that the person I voted for is causing your life to worsen.

Just look at some of the posts on here and comments in the media and you see what I mean.
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Typical liberals just kept on defending the criminals no matter how horrible the crime was. Yup, let's just abolish ICE and start passing out citizenship papers at the borders.
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@Calliecake , if there is one thing I noticed about most Republicans is that while they may have personal empathy for others, the extent of what they are willing to do for others is limited.

It's sort of like - I am sorry you are going through xyz. But it personally doesn't affect me or those I love, so I just don't care that the person I voted for is causing your life to worsen.

Just look at some of the posts on here and comments in the media and you see what I mean.

+1000 @Alexiszoe . You stated this perfectly and I too have noticed the same thing. I’m aware this does not apply to every Republican, but it sure applies to a great many.

@Dancing Fire Seriously??? You do realize when CNN makes an error, they correct the error and admit the error was made. CNN corrected the error the very next day. Your President lies to the country daily, NEVER admitting he has told lies, NEVER correcting the lie. Listen to Sarah Huckabee Sanders at a press conference. She continues to stand there and lie even after reporters call her out on the lies.

Well, you surely touched a sore point... why are people so trusting?

Take Manafort. I asked half of random people, they said, he colluded with the enemy. Maybe, but what enemy? Manafort worked with Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are in no way together, in fact, they are huge enemies now. Sad, but fact. As far as I know, Manafort recommended Yanukovich rapprochement with the EU. So if anything, it was working against the interests of Russia. So his indictment in no way would serve to accuse Russia, unless I don't know something.

I don't think many Americans understands how strained were the relationships between Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union and how impossible they are now. And even in the USSR they were far from perfect as Ukrainians accused Russians of organizing Holodomor. It is a very touchy subject. So - where is Russia and where was Manafort?

Another thing. Surely Russia was more interested in Trump winning. But if I ask most Americans, why, they can't explain. Russia's main interest is removal of sanctions, but few seem to know.

Another thing - and it hurts me to talk about it - the DNC made more than anyone to bring Trump to power. By allowing its debt to be bought and creating the atmosphere where any decent candidate either was afraid of running against Hillary, or realized it was useless.

I did vote for Hillary, and still consider her a much better candidate than Trump. I think she would have definitely made a better president. And a more predictable one. I respect her for many issues and I think she would have governed in a planned way - after all, she is the planner. But the fact that people were afraid of alienating her is telling. There are many things about Hillary that I personally because of my broad views pay no attention to, but this is not how half of the country here thinks.

Well, maybe we had enough nepotism. Maybe we should stop creating political dynasties at all. It seldom works.
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Another thing - and it hurts me to talk about it - the DNC made more than anyone to bring Trump to power. By allowing its debt to be bought and creating the atmosphere where any decent candidate either was afraid of running against Hillary, or realized it was useless.
Exactly, :!: The Dimms should start blaming themselves for Trump being the POTUS today.
Exactly, :!: The Dimms should start blaming themselves for Trump being the POTUS today.

Well, the iRNC probably has the same issues as the DNC, both organizations need to change for the same reasons, but I don't even check the RNC because I can hardly imagine a republican candidate I'd support. Romney was one I potentially wound not mind, but to me, the party who came close to nominating a political orthodox like Ted Cruz as its presidential candidate is scary. And I am from the older generation.

About the Dems - they have to switch to a positive platform and start thinking of what they will promise their electorate in 2020 instead of throwing dirt at Trump because people who voted for him are not swayed by his sexcapades and do not buy the Russian trace. I came to the conclusion that there will be no impeachment. As to the future, all will depend on economy in 2020 and our potential candidates need to start thinking about own agendas.
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I just read this. Thank you for posting the link, Matata. I had not seen any previews of the book prior to this. Wow. Despite all I know, this is shocking. I guess I still don't think that people in high offices (with the exception of Trump) actually say these things out loud. How can Kelly keep working as Chief of Staff if he says these things about Trump behind his back? How can Ivanka Trump seriously tell Steve Bannon that she will never be "just a staffer" because she is "The First Daughter"? It is as if she is saying she is "The Princess Royal" like Queen Elizabeth's daughter! The White House is far worse than I imagined.
About the Dems - they have to switch to a positive platform and start thinking of what they will promise their electorate in 2020 instead of throwing dirt at Trump because people who voted for him are not swayed by his sexcapades and do not buy the Russian trace. I came to the conclusion that there will be no impeachment. As to the future, all will depend on economy in 2020 and our potential candidates need to start thinking about own agendas.
Of course not. The Ds are crazy to even say the "I" word b/c even if congress start the procedure today Trump will not be impeached before 2020, instead the D party should try to come up with a candidate who they think can defeat Trump in 2020. IMO, If our economy continue to be strong there isn't a D candidate who can beat Trump in 2020.
Bob woodward has tapes to back up his claims and multiple ones to verify and back them up.
He is not lying

Mr. Woodward has spent a lifetime trying to uncover truth.
Given the propensity to lie their butts off at every turn , i wont believe a single denial from anyone who is at the white house.
trump makes everyonehe works with worse.

The man who sits in the oval office of the white house lies about everything from his weight to his intelligence to crowd size.

I have preordered the book, but I hope this book will open the country's eyes. trump is a danger to national security.
trump isnt just impulsive, irrational and unwilling to learn. he had been emboldened with 7 decades of special treatment and believes he can con his way out of anything. A petty narcissist who cares only for his point of view and well being. Everything is about him all the time.

The nation need a person who holds at least the concept of humanity in some regard.
Woodward is not wrong. trump is wholly unfit to run a lemonade stand and it is terrifying that a man I wouldn't trust with a pet hamster has not been removed yet.
Bob woodward has tapes to back up his claims and multiple ones to verify and back them up.
He is not lying

Mr. Woodward has spent a lifetime trying to uncover truth.
Given the propensity to lie their butts off at every turn , i wont believe a single denial from anyone who is at the white house.
trump makes everyonehe works with worse.

The man who sits in the oval office of the white house lies about everything from his weight to his intelligence to crowd size.

I have preordered the book, but I hope this book will open the country's eyes. trump is a danger to national security.
trump isnt just impulsive, irrational and unwilling to learn. he had been emboldened with 7 decades of special treatment and believes he can con his way out of anything. A petty narcissist who cares only for his point of view and well being. Everything is about him all the time.

The nation need a person who holds at least the concept of humanity in some regard.
Woodward is not wrong. trump is wholly unfit to run a lemonade stand and it is terrifying that a man I wouldn't trust with a pet hamster has not been removed yet.

I agree so much with all of this, especially that trump wouldn't be trusted to run a lemonade stand or with a hamster :)
I don't make a habit of keeping up with politics, but I did happen to catch this article on Yahoo as that's my main page for email accessibility. My first thought was, Is BW really somebody that would lie? Does he need to stretch the truth? Isn't he above that? And when I got to the end of the article, I saw what Ari Fleischer had to say. That pretty much answered my question.

Former George W. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer defended Woodward's methodology. "I've been on the receiving end of a Bob Woodward book," he tweeted Tuesday. "There were quotes in it I didn't like. But never once - never - did I think Woodward made it up."

He added: "Anonymous sources have looser lips and may take liberties. But Woodward always plays it straight. Someone told it to him."

In light of his past work (BW), and what little I have seen and heard from this President, I'm inclined to think it's true.
We need to address the elephant in the room if we are going to speak honestly about the impact of Woodward’s book on the Republicans. Trump’s base is too uneducated to know who Woodward is. They DO know who Trump is because they saw him on “the TV.” They trust him far more than some guy they never heard of before. This is all fake news to them because Trump says so.
Woodward is not wrong. trump is wholly unfit to run a lemonade stand and it is terrifying that a man I wouldn't trust with a pet hamster has not been removed yet.
Probably true, but he's doing an ex job of running the world's #1 economy. :P2 4% GDP!
Is anyone really surprised about what has been revealed in the book so far? Anyone listening to Trump speak or reading his tweets should have come to the conclusion Trump has the intelligence of 5th or 6th grader well over 18 months ago. Tillerson’s remarks since leaving the administration were pretty clear on Trump being dangerous and our democracy being at risk. Does anyone doubt Mattis and Kelly think Trump is an idiot?

Trump has only ever cared about himself. Anyone believing he has an actual interest in serving our country with integrity, honor and with the country’s best interest at heart, has blinders on.

Hopefully Woodward’s book will resonate with educated republican voters. I wish the younger generations were fully aware about Bob Woodward’s journalistic integrity.
By the way, I hope you know, but you may not, when I said your previous response was 'trenchant' I meant that as a compliment...

I read a poll on the Friday of the week that Cohen pleaded guilty and Manafort was convicted that said 52% of Americans didn't know about either, so I'm not surprised they don't know the details.

As to below, as far as I know (and this isn't my area of expertise), Yanukovich was president of Ukraine, but was pro-Russian, and was eventually forced to take exile in Russia. Is that right? And when you add in how deeply in debt to Deripaska Manafort was, and his ties to Kilimnik (not sure I got that name exactly right), it's not hard to at least envision a scenario where Manafort is being used to further Russian interests through the US govt.

Take Manafort. I asked half of random people, they said, he colluded with the enemy. Maybe, but what enemy? Manafort worked with Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are in no way together, in fact, they are huge enemies now. Sad, but fact. As far as I know, Manafort recommended Yanukovich rapprochement with the EU. So if anything, it was working against the interests of Russia. So his indictment in no way would serve to accuse Russia, unless I don't know something.

I don't think many Americans understands how strained were the relationships between Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union and how impossible they are now. And even in the USSR they were far from perfect as Ukrainians accused Russians of organizing Holodomor. It is a very touchy subject. So - where is Russia and where was Manafort?

Another thing. Surely Russia was more interested in Trump winning. But if I ask most Americans, why, they can't explain. Russia's main interest is removal of sanctions, but few seem to know.
Is anyone on this thread listening to the podcast The Wilderness? It's about the past, present and future of the Democratic Party by Jon Favreau of Pod Save America. I went in with relatively low expectations - I love Pod Save America - but almost consider it more entertainment than anything- but I have to say, it's really, really good. Highly recommend it.
Sarah Sanders Huckabee put the following statement out regarding the attached NYT piece Matata posted above.

The individual behind this piece has chosen to deceive, rather than support, the duly elected President of the United States. He is not putting country first, but putting himself and his ego ahead of the will of the American people. This coward should do the right thing and resign.
He is not putting country first, but putting himself and his ego ahead of the will of the American people. This coward should do the right thing and resign.
She just described trumpanzee :lol-2:
This doesn't make me feel safer or more secure. The only thing that will do that is removing trumpanzee from the White House.
I am not surprised that there are persons in the WH doing exactly this but I am surprised that one would write such an op-ed. Given the frequency of rash and careening comments by Trump it must be a nightmare trying to keep up or control the message. He is an idiot after all. o_O
but I am surprised that one would write such an op-ed.
I was wondering about the motivation and timing of the op ed. Perhaps Woodward's book gave impetus to others to finally speak out because of trump's recent comment that no one can come close to beating him in 2020. Perhaps the motivation is abject fear of another 4 yrs of that buffoon.