
Houseplant thread

Well some are? Some places carry them inexpensively, like Walmart, Lowe's and Canadian Tire (big box stores). Nurseries and garden centres are pricier and may or may not carry interesting varieties. Lowe's is one of the best currently for bringing in American stock, which is usually more rare, although you have to repot quickly and they're often infested. We rush there anyway and will treat them best we can.

What is astonishing me currently are Canadian FB plant auctions. I'm new to these, and just today saw a rare, variegated philodendron with a starting bid of $2000. Last I checked, the bid had reached 10k. Most of this is for status, as opposed to the joy of growing (from what I can see).

Where do you hail from @Sparkle88?

I’m from Australia :wavey:
I tend to buy most of my plants from Bunnings which is a big chain hardware/ home improvement store. They have a 12 month warranty on their plants so if my brown thumb strikes I can get a replacement ‘victim’ :lol::lol:.
I tend to agree, I personally would not spend that much for a plant. I guess collectors of rare plants would, but still $10,000 is a lot of money!
Plants can be very cheap if purchased from FB marketplace or exxy if it’s a rare plant.
There’s always people selling/buying cuttings of more expensive plants if you’re keen to try to propagate to grow.
I just purchased a begonia 'Benigo' from Lowe's maybe a week ago? Was unheard of in Canada until a few years ago. The prices are excellent, but planted in sopping coconut coir and may or may not have pests. Still, I take the risk because, well, I'm begonia :)20210324_183844.jpg

Gorgeous plant, I really love plants with interesting foliage! It’s funny I kind of prefer foliage to flowers because I can enjoy it’s beauty for longer. I never realised there were so many varieties of Begonias available.
Gorgeous plant, I really love plants with interesting foliage! It’s funny I kind of prefer foliage to flowers because I can enjoy it’s beauty for longer. I never realised there were so many varieties of Begonias available.

Me too. Flowers are usually fleeting. Begonias are a vast group. Highly collectable and so freaking rare where I live. For me, they have the most beautiful leaves of all. Sigh.
I’m from Australia :wavey:
I tend to buy most of my plants from Bunnings which is a big chain hardware/ home improvement store. They have a 12 month warranty on their plants so if my brown thumb strikes I can get a replacement ‘victim’ :lol::lol:.
I tend to agree, I personally would not spend that much for a plant. I guess collectors of rare plants would, but still $10,000 is a lot of money!
Plants can be very cheap if purchased from FB marketplace or exxy if it’s a rare plant.
There’s always people selling/buying cuttings of more expensive plants if you’re keen to try to propagate to grow.

Australia :)! Waving back from Android that refuses yo do emojis except smilies LOL.

Right??? Even if I was very wealthy, I simply would not spend 10k on one small plant. Nope.

I'm finding prices are grossly inflated here on FB marketplace and private groups. The plant craze has taken off and people are looking to score good money. Ridiculous amounts of money. It's hard to watch. Hoyas, which I grew years ago and moved on from, are so hot right now. Can be up to 200 dollars a cutting. Boy if I chopped up those rare plants I had then and sold them, I'd be making a good start on a nice piece of bling. Sigh. Timing eh? You can still buy or share a lot of stuff reasonably tho, if it's common like spider plants etc.

You have some wonderful leafy specimens!
Australia :)! Waving back from Android that refuses yo do emojis except smilies LOL.

Right??? Even if I was very wealthy, I simply would not spend 10k on one small plant. Nope.

I'm finding prices are grossly inflated here on FB marketplace and private groups. The plant craze has taken off and people are looking to score good money. Ridiculous amounts of money. It's hard to watch. Hoyas, which I grew years ago and moved on from, are so hot right now. Can be up to 200 dollars a cutting. Boy if I chopped up those rare plants I had then and sold them, I'd be making a good start on a nice piece of bling. Sigh. Timing eh? You can still buy or share a lot of stuff reasonably tho, if it's common like spider plants etc.

You have some wonderful leafy specimens!

Yes, the plant craze has taken off, probably influenced by more people working from home and wanting to make their homes more inviting. I love greenery through out the house. It’s a therapeutic hobby for me, I’ll spend time moving my plants to better lighting conditions:lol: to to avoid harsh sunlight depending on what each plant needs.
I don’t have any Hoyas yet, but I might add one to my collection. They are not too expensive here, but I’m sure there are varieties that are more costly.
Yes, the plant craze has taken off, probably influenced by more people working from home and wanting to make their homes more inviting. I love greenery through out the house. It’s a therapeutic hobby for me, I’ll spend time moving my plants to better lighting conditions:lol: to to avoid harsh sunlight depending on what each plant needs.
I don’t have any Hoyas yet, but I might add one to my collection. They are not too expensive here, but I’m sure there are varieties that are more costly.

If you can find hoya Bella, she's cute, small and blooms the first year usually:)
Oh:(2. My cacti are dead. Peace lily are wilting and browning, spider plants are limpy, potted azaleas drying up, orchids lost its flowers and even the lavender is browning. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can't tell if I'm overwatering or under. I have a uv light. Soil food thing. Ugh. This is so hard. You guys make it look so effortless :lol-2:. Oops I forgot about the snake plants in the corner. They look okay for now. I haven't water them in weeks. Ugh. I had to throw out my mint too. They were so dry.
Oh:(2. My cacti are dead. Peace lily are wilting and browning, spider plants are limpy, potted azaleas drying up, orchids lost its flowers and even the lavender is browning. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can't tell if I'm overwatering or under. I have a uv light. Soil food thing. Ugh. This is so hard. You guys make it look so effortless :lol-2:. Oops I forgot about the snake plants in the corner. They look okay for now. I haven't water them in weeks. Ugh. I had to throw out my mint too. They were so dry.

Do you have forced air heat?
New purchase (just a small one) Monstera adansonii:20210330_091606.jpg

It looks like a very healthy specimen!
This is another one on my wish list. The list is very long ....:lol:
I was browsing my local Bunnings store and saw these. They look interesting! 6AD419B0-7CFA-464B-B454-DDB43B5F05D3.jpeg


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You have been warned..... :lol:


I do have a diploma from RHS (royal horticultural society, I earned it while distance learning) however houseplants are not my strong point! (They tend to die on me but with Covid I felt the need for some more greenery.)
Looks healthy to me.
I hesitate to start this as, well...I have a wee problem with addiction. Sigh. I'm addicted to houseplants. Have been since I was 5 and that's damn near 50 years. I almost got it under control pre-covid and then covid struck. There's not much good to be said about this pandemic except it's been the best thing to happen to the tropical plant industry in Canada. We're finally getting varieties of plants that our American cousins can source with little effort. So I've brought a few new ones into the fold lately. May I present Peperomia prostrata (string of turtles) and Raphidophora tetrasperma (mini monstera)20210302_111853.jpg20210302_111816.jpg
I was unaware of the string of turtles plant until I saw your post. I thought they looked cute; checked the ASPCA website - nontoxic to cats...great - I can add this to my cat safe indoor plant collection!!! Saw a small pot at Bunnings a week or two ago and purchased.

I am very careful to ensure all my indoor plants are non-toxic to cats. I have two Burmese and their safety is important to me.
I was unaware of the string of turtles plant until I saw your post. I thought they looked cute; checked the ASPCA website - nontoxic to cats...great - I can add this to my cat safe indoor plant collection!!! Saw a small pot at Bunnings a week or two ago and purchased.

I am very careful to ensure all my indoor plants are non-toxic to cats. I have two Burmese and their safety is important to me.

Oooh thanks for posting, I’ll have to check my local Bunnings.
We don’t have cats, but good to know that it’s kitty safe for the future.
Found a rare pothos at Lowe's today. I'm going back to buy another tomorrow. Selling one will pay for both if I handle this right. Any PS rules on flipping plants? :lol: 20210405_161158.jpg
Found a rare pothos at Lowe's today. I'm going back to buy another tomorrow. Selling one will pay for both if I handle this right. Any PS rules on flipping plants? :lol: 20210405_161158.jpg

Is that the Snow Queen Pothos? I have a cutting that some one gifted me and it’s slow growing compared to my other pothos plants, but it’s alive!
Out of curiosity, how much would that cost, here in Oz it would be approx $10-15 AU.
Nothing wrong with flipping to add to the bling fund!!
My little Snow Queen Pothos cutting :kiss2:


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How lovely! Do you know what colour the flowers will be?

Blue/purple. I took cuttings from a plant that I have had for a few years. It has always done well in pretty low light and flowered in the winter. This year though it is looking poorly And will definitely not flower so I thought I would grow some insurance=)2
Is that the Snow Queen Pothos? I have a cutting that some one gifted me and it’s slow growing compared to my other pothos plants, but it’s alive!
Out of curiosity, how much would that cost, here in Oz it would be approx $10-15 AU.
Nothing wrong with flipping to add to the bling fund!!

It is, I'm told, a glacier pothos. I posted it for ID, and the locals went nuts teeheehee. Going back this am and grabbing another:)
So it was in a mixed planter for 22 Canadian. I sold the two smaller plants for 5 each yesterday, so cost to me is 12. I'm being offered 30 for it, but I'm considering putting it in the plant auction and see what that brings, with a reserve of at least...20?
I couldn’t help myself, I bought String of Turtles today.
Haha.. wondering whether my DH will notice the new addition :lol:.
I couldn’t help myself, I bought String of Turtles today.
Haha.. wondering whether my DH will notice the new addition :lol:.

Love that little plant!!! Enjoy :)
Grandma Willmott's Aspidistra seems to be growing a side order of cat poop

i won't post a photo

I've smelt a 'smell' i havn't been able to track down the last few days

now i know

I remember those !
I would love one but i want the macrame hanger to put it in
i would love a spider plant again because my house is mid century but with a strong 70s retro vibe !

There is ons around the road growing in someone's garden - i need to go for a walk as its getting dark ! But pinched stuff never grows for me

@Daisys and Diamonds Take the baby and put it in water in the kitchen. It will sprout roots and then you can plant it..If you put it in a clear glass you can watch the root developing..