
Houseplant thread

I got my degree in it at University of Guelph but there are other programs that offer Hort too! Guelph was amazing for it.
I got my degree in it at University of Guelph but there are other programs that offer Hort too! Guelph was amazing for it.

Degrees U of Alberta, U of Manitoba.
B.Sc Botany, MLA, Certified Arborist, Master Gardener.

Horticulturists come from all walks of life. Some of the best (and far better than I) have no degrees at all.
Degrees U of Alberta, U of Manitoba.
B.Sc Botany, MLA, Certified Arborist, Master Gardener.

Horticulturists come from all walks of life. Some of the best (and far better than I) have no degrees at all.

Absolutely @Begonia ! Most of what I learned was from hands on, not from books!
Phragmepidium Hanne Popow


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I can't believe I am just now seeing this thread. I love houseplants but I only go for easy! Medley arrangements are my favorite. 20220917_103843.jpg20220917_103756.jpg


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@Gussie I love how the light throught the Calathea leaf is like the stained glass lamp beside it! I am on day 6 of covid right now and that was some nice warmth and brightness. Thank you.
@Gussie I love how the light throught the Calathea leaf is like the stained glass lamp beside it! I am on day 6 of covid right now and that was some nice warmth and brightness. Thank you.

oh dear sorry to hear about the covid
hope you are well and trully on the mend
I am still coughing, have chest tightness and am testing positive. It has been a week of exhaustion! Luckily mu family is fine. I have been isolating!
I am still coughing, have chest tightness and am testing positive. It has been a week of exhaustion! Luckily mu family is fine. I have been isolating!

well its good the family are doing well, in that at least that's something you dont have to worry aboutl
i hope you are better soon
Got seeds the size of poppy seeds. Germinated the babies and grew them all summer to get this...

Hopefully they bloom colors other than red, orange and white! Peach would be nice, or 2-tone?


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Your Schlumbergera babies are adorable @Begonia ! I am hybridized mostly velvet-leaved Anthuriums these days. The demand is really high in Canada for Ace of Spades progeny! Here is one of my babies and her parents in photos below. Thankfully they are becoming more accessible through tissue culture. I have not done that since my undergrad but it has really taken off now!

If anyone is curious, after putting pollen on the spadix from a male stage to a female stage inflorescence, berries start to form! I suck those berries once they are ripe - they are mildly sweet- and plant the seeds in damp moss. Within a week a baby anthurium starts to germinate! I ship them across Canada and some of those babies have grown up and produced inflorescences now!

@Daisys and Diamonds yes! My kids have been taking good care of me and have been leaving treats outside of my room. I can't wait to test negative!20220821_163046.jpg


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Murraya exotica is a tree I have had for about 15 years. Also known as Orange Jessamine, the flowers are very fragrant followed by red berries. This is my African Grey Freya being adorable under the canopy.


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Beautiful. What is your trick? I have never been able to get an orchid to re bloom after initial purchase.

Thanks! Regular repotting into fresh orchid bark mix is really important every couple of years. Bright light and most grocery store types don't like wet feet - so don't let water collect in the saucer. Watering every 7 to 10 days is usually sufficient depending lighting, temperature, etc.
I’m currently down to 3 houseplants but I just bought myself this puzzle that reminded me of this thread! Thought I’d share in case any of you houseplant lovers are also puzzlers.

Love indoor plants of all types. I am so bad with indoor plants. Sadly, Gave them up years ago. Received an orchid plant for Easter and within hours it weirdly and unprovoked fell off the table and the beautiful flowers were cut from the 2 stems . My friend thinks she can revive it. I wish her luck!
Beautiful pine bonsai! As long as it gets a cold winter like in a garage or outside in the ground but sheltered it will be happy and can be displayed indoors.

Paph delenatii, Sinningia leucotricha, a cattleya, Anthurium dressleri and a white orchid called Phal Tausico Kochidan which has been in bloom for 4 months!
Beside it is Philodendron atabapoense. 20230525_170708.jpg


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Here is my sun stress Thanksgiving cactus with its second bloom, my reaching for the sun marble Epi Pinnatum and my never say die tri-color Syngonium.


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