
How dirty are you?

I shower or bathe, wash my hair, brush my teeth, and floss daily. I used to clean my ears every day until my ENT doc said not to, so now I clean them every third day (apparently that's still too much). I only wear clothing one time before laundering them, and I do laundry everyday. Towels are changed and laundered daily. Our sheets are changed at least once a week. The whole house is cleaned very well once a week. The kitchen and bathrooms are sanitized every day. We have hardwood throughout most of the house, and that gets swiffered daily. Area rugs are vacuumed daily. The refrigerator is cleaned very well once a week. Remote control, phones, door handles, etc are sanitized daily. My dog is bathed every 2 weeks and groomed every 4-6 weeks. Her blankets are changed and laundered daily. Heavy cleaning is done in the spring and fall every year. I have to admit it's getting tougher to keep up my cleaning routine.

I can imagine it does. The personal hygiene is one thing (but I don't do laundry every day, there is just me) as I do most of that, but all that house cleaning, vacuuming and sanitizing daily and cleaning the refrigerator well once a week? I'm lucky to wash my dogs blankets every few weeks and vacuum once or twice a week. My dog doesn't really shed, thank goodness. I'd have to give up sleeping doing all that you do, and still hold my job. Wow. Oh and if I washed my hair every day , I think it would fall out. It's fairly long, and very thick and I only wash it when it starts to get a bit oily and that's only every 4 or 5 days. Oh, and one more thing, my housekeeper, who didn't come often, but did come twice a month, moved to Florida. So doing all of it by myself takes more time than I like. I used to just clean the rooms that were used most of the time in between her visits, but now I have to do everything....
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I am rather OCD about cleaning. My grandmother always told me ‘cleanliness was next to Godliness’ and that if something was worth having, it was worth taking care of it and keeping it clean. That really didn’t mean that much to me growing up but as I now clean everything, I get a chuckle out of the memory. My mother used to say I ruined things trying to keep them clean - ha!
I shower and wash my hair every day. I don’t like the feeling of dirty skin. I do use lotions and moisturizers though. I do lots of laundry - not a fan of clothes that have been worn and worn. I too am cold natured so sweaters and sometimes dress pants might be the exception. I do think frequent laundering - and I iron almost everything - will wear your clothes out. My washer does not have an agitator but still… I can gather up a load of laundry almost anytime I want one!! Lol!
I am rather anal about cleaning my house too - I find it very therapeutic and satisfying. I love clean and shiny but honestly am only concerned about my house. Everyone doesn’t live like I do and I by no means hold them to the same standard. Live and let live!!

We are cleanliness sisters! I haven't gone without a daily shower since I was in grade school. I wash my hair everyday too. If I have an appointment to get it cut, I still wash it that morning! My grandmother who grew up very poor always said, "There's no shame in being poor but being dirty is sinful." She cleaned her fan blades daily. When I visited her at her home during hospice, she looked up at the fan and asked me to clean it!

@yssie, I hear you! My housekeeper comes twice weekly and earns every penny! After the covid shutdown I gave her a 20% raise. I almost died trying to keep it clean here.
This thread reminded me of how clean my mom was growing up. She cleaned the house daily with a set routine, everything from top to bottom every single day.

Nothing remarkable there except that this also included the cat. She bathed the cat every single week! We also had a bird but for whatever reason the bird was clean enough (ironically a cockatiel, known for being very dusty). That cat lived to be twenty by the way ;)2
We have three cats and three dogs. That means a fair bit of tolerance for dirt. After injuring my back, that tolerance went up. I discovered that my hair is actually healthiest when I only wash it every 3-4 days. Now with 8 ducks and 3 chickens in the house..... Well. We are all alive and healthy so that is good enough!

I do need to get back to unpacking though. After a year and a half, we are still surrounded in too many boxes.
I shower at least 1x daily, when working in an office, sometimes 2x-3x a day because I shower before work and after the gym, when really hot, another quick rinse before bedtime, but since WFH, I have been only washing my hair every other day. I floss daily, brush my teeth 3x a day. I do all my laundry on Sunday afternoons (about 10 loads) and change and wash bedding 1x a week. No one in the family re-wears clothes, even jeans that get worn once and go in the hamper. Bras and underwear get changed each time I shower.
I have to shower, shave, and wash my hair every day or I feel grungy. This isn’t to say that I haven’t skipped a shower here and there especially when I was working from home and single—I have had my share of days that just bled into each other and didn’t really require a fully done-up appearance. I do laundry all the time and don’t mind it at all. Kitchen is always clean because I clean while I cook. I cannot enjoy a meal knowing there’s cleanup to be done afterwards. I dust whenever I notice it needs to be done, which is often in my current (and temporary) dwelling. Idk what it is about the building I’m in, but I’ve never seen dust accumulate so fast any other place I’ve lived. I vacuum about every 3rd day and use my Bissell floor cleaner thing on the hardwoods once a week.

I do brush and floss at least twice a day, every day, and make my daughter do the same. That’s probably the one thing I’m a stickler about. Otherwise I’d say I’m pretty laid back without being super dirty.
@missy I don’t use anything other than detergent either! I thought I was perhaps odd because everyone I know uses dryer sheets and fabric softeners etc. My MIL will buy them too when she stays with me. I just get paranoid at times about it being too many chemicals. Who knows? Just happen to see I’m not the only one.
I shower at least 1x daily, when working in an office, sometimes 2x-3x a day because I shower before work and after the gym, when really hot, another quick rinse before bedtime, but since WFH, I have been only washing my hair every other day. I floss daily, brush my teeth 3x a day. I do all my laundry on Sunday afternoons (about 10 loads) and change and wash bedding 1x a week. No one in the family re-wears clothes, even jeans that get worn once and go in the hamper. Bras and underwear get changed each time I shower.

Shower once daily, twice or more if I work out and/or it’s a hot day. I do laundry daily. Large piles of laundry give me anxiety. Wipe surfaces, vacuum floors regularly. I had a maid service come twice a month in TX. However with this move, we are debating if we want another service. Now that my kids are 8 and almost 4, my husband and I want to get them integrated into chores ( especially the older one).
When I was in 'Nam, there were weeks without showers. One period of time we were on half canteen a day of water rations, as the Vietcong kept targeting the choppers bringing in water bladders.

My favorite part of that period was hiking down the mountain about 2000 vertical feet to a stream, taking turns with a squad of grunts climbing up a fifty foot hill and jumping off the cliff into a pool in the stream. We could not drink the water, of course, but we filled five gallon cans of water and strapped them on our backs and back up the hill we went. We put purification tablets in the water and by the time we got to the top of the mountain, it was drinkable, although it tasted horrible.

Those few minutes when it was our turn to jump off the cliff and swim were incredible, and we did not care that we were soaked with sweat by the time we reached the top.

I was not with the group that came under sniper fire one day. One of the Marines was hit in the water tank and got a heck of a bruise, but no penetration of his skin. The grunts quickly dispatched the sniper, but there were no more trips down the mountain as a couple of choppers with water bladders came in that afternoon. We moved out of that landing zone a few days later and on to other adventures...
I saw the question and had my most perverted 12 year old prepubescent boy sense of humor jokes at the ready but I see now that this thread is rated G.... back to my cave I go.

Glad I wasn’t alone in expecting a thread of a different kind of dirty!
in my old jobs (garden centre, hardwear store, timber yard) it was grubby work
i had to shower as soon as i got home or i could not eat
at my job now (counter sales at a bakery) we are cleaning ourselves and the shop all day- although its hot work i usually feel clean and am not replused by work dirt like i was before and can make and prepair tea (dinner) when i get home without a shower first
i do change my clothes to walk home

i used to shower twice a day - unless its the summer and i have a cooler shower to cool off, now i just have a longer one once a day

i could eaiserly stand under there till i turn into a prune
When I was in 'Nam, there were weeks without showers. One period of time we were on half canteen a day of water rations, as the Vietcong kept targeting the choppers bringing in water bladders.

My favorite part of that period was hiking down the mountain about 2000 vertical feet to a stream, taking turns with a squad of grunts climbing up a fifty foot hill and jumping off the cliff into a pool in the stream. We could not drink the water, of course, but we filled five gallon cans of water and strapped them on our backs and back up the hill we went. We put purification tablets in the water and by the time we got to the top of the mountain, it was drinkable, although it tasted horrible.

Those few minutes when it was our turn to jump off the cliff and swim were incredible, and we did not care that we were soaked with sweat by the time we reached the top.

I was not with the group that came under sniper fire one day. One of the Marines was hit in the water tank and got a heck of a bruise, but no penetration of his skin. The grunts quickly dispatched the sniper, but there were no more trips down the mountain as a couple of choppers with water bladders came in that afternoon. We moved out of that landing zone a few days later and on to other adventures...

thank you for shearing Wink
I’m dirty I suppose. I shower every three to four days. I don’t do anything to get dirty and I think germs are healthy. I wash my hair maybe every 5 days. I do shave my legs every three days. I have very light body hair. My hair has never been healthier.

My jewellery is very dirty. I never clean my stuff!

I live in a very hot, humid location and run outside at least 4 times a week and sweat a LOT. So I shower at least once a day sometimes twice. No dry skin or other issues, a lot of times I’m already sweating when I’m getting dry LOL!


I wash my hair once a week, though I will rinse it out after workouts and yard work (its a must)

I have an amazing whole house filtration system on my house which helps with the hard water we have here.

I do laundry once a week. Daily is just wasteful. I wash the dogs blankets and bed coverings once a week (separate from our stuff of course!) To keep the electric bill down, everything gets dried outside. takes a good hour which is what it takes if I use the dryer. because I've got 2 dogs, I try to vacuum the house 2-3 times a week, its near daily if the girls are shedding because it triggers my allergies, but I'm not gonna lie, during non shed times, it can be once. I have a life, so be it. This past year I'm mopping only once a week. thats more than enough considering I don't get outside people to my house very often.

But I do massive deep cleans once every 3 months. I can't help myself, I have to do those.
Shower daily. Wash pits with lume body wash and use lume deodorant. House gets cleaned by cleaning lady and sheets washed 1x a week barring catastrophe (spills, toddler wets through pull-up in her bed). I touch up the kitchen floor with a steam mop probably every other day. I will wear pants 2-3x before washing if I don't get sweaty. Tops get laundered after every wear. Undergarments get laundered after a single wear, as does exercise clothing. All kid clothing and husband's clothing gets laundered after every wear. Everyone wears dedicated PJs or sleep clothes to bed so that sheets are only touched by fresh/clean clothes. We put together a full load of laundry every 2 days as a family. As far as detergent, most things get washed in 7th generation unscented. I treat spots with blue Dawn or Carbona stain removers. Anything heavily soiled gets washed in Persil. I then rewash in unscented detergent because the last time I needed Persil they didn't have the unscented stuff. I like for our clothes (which aren't anything fancy) to look neat and crisp, which is a challenge with two toddlers.

We don't have any pets which probably keeps down the dirt/dust. We also don't have forced hot air heat - we have radiators and I think minimizing hot air blowing through the house keeps the dust level lower. We do have central air and we have those ducts professionally cleaned every 2-3 years.
I’m dirty I suppose. I shower every three to four days. I don’t do anything to get dirty and I think germs are healthy. I wash my hair maybe every 5 days. I do shave my legs every three days. I have very light body hair. My hair has never been healthier.

You don’t do ANYTHING to get dirty? Come onnnn, not even gardening at midnight?
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