It''s been mentioned it was a cultural thing. The Southeast does not have a large Asian population; so, my exposure is limited. This board has been more enlightening about the Asian Culture.Date: 7/10/2005 4:00:43 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
it''s very common for asians,even living with the in-laws after marriage.i know i can''t do it.Date: 7/10/2005 10:31:04 AM
Author: fire&ice
Is it me - or is living with your mother while being an able bodied male in your 20''s a bit embarrassing? Honestly, I''d cross anyone off my list who chooses to live with their mother as a matter of course.
Find comfort in your independence & hard work together. Most of all be patient
O.K. I have to ask WHY is it common? I get the whole numbers & supersition thing. Most cultures have a version of sorts. But, wouldn''t parents want to push independence. What is the basis for this? Steep in culture or is there a reason?
I can not FATHOM living with my MIL
And, honestly - I''m trying to learn.