Gwendolyn,Date: 5/12/2008 11:56:47 AM
Author: gwendolyn
First of all, welcome!![]()
I''m probably not the right person to reply first to your thread, because I don''t *KNOW* for sure yet about my boyfriend.He''s ready to marry me, and I''m 99% sure we will get married eventually, but I''m not positive yet. We''ve been in an international long distance relationship for almost 3 of the 3 1/2 years we''ve been together. And now that we''re in the same country, we''re STILL long-distance, just not as far as before! So I want us to live together first, just to make sure. Our visits now are more like vacations or short holidays than real life, and I want to make sure we spend some time in the real world before getting married.![]()
So is your boyfriend in the armed services then, if he''s being deployed soon? My last housemate was married to a man in the army (who thankfully is done with his 2 tours of Iraq and living at home with her), and I lived with her during his 2nd tour, and it was so hard just to watch someone go through that. I can''t imagine how life must be for the wife/girlfriend of a soldier. I really admire the strength and courage that your SO has to go and fight, but also that you have to wait for him at home. I don''t think I could do it!![]()
My BF is in the Air Force. The deployment is in May 2009 so we do have a year together before he leaves for 4 months. I don''t look forward to it, but I know it''s going to happen and I guess I just have to make the best of it. I consider myself very luckly that he isn''t deploying for 12-18 months as so many other military personnel are.