
how much finger real estate do I have?

quaxie are you an astronomer, by any chance? I just love that you would use planets as your wedding set.
Haha no! My bf and I are astronomy buffs. We were looking at mociun rings and i think he said that they looked like planets. Then we had the the idea. I think its very romantic. And will go with everything!
quaxie|1398793078|3662842 said:
Haha no! My bf and I are astronomy buffs. We were looking at mociun rings and i think he said that they looked like planets. Then we had the the idea. I think its very romantic. And will go with everything!

Love this. :appl:
This is such a cool project! I admit at first to scratching my head a tiny bit but seeing some of the stones (especially the earth cab!) is pretty awesome.

As far as shape/design - I'm wondering if there's a way to sort of give it a spiral galaxy shape? Something with the shape of this bypass kind of design maybe:

but with the bigger stones in the middle and the smaller ones along the "arms" of the galaxy? That way you can use both horizontal and vertical dimensions on your finger a little bit? It wouldn't be in planet order but it might be fun :)
Mercury: 1.5mm white sapphire
Venus: 2mm yellow sapphire
Earth: 3.5mm blue cabochon sapphire
Mars: 1.7mm red-orange sapphire
Jupiter: 5mm ?????????
Saturn: 7mm gray/pink spinel
Uranus: 5.5mm light blue sapphire
Neptune: 5mm dark blue sapphire
Pluto: 1.4mm Alex

Ok, so my idea was to make the 7mm spinel into Saturn instead of Jupiter, and to add a sort of half halo (third halo?) to it to get the Saturn's rings in there, and to really emphasize the 7mm stone as a centerpiece. Since you haven't seemed to have luck finding a catseye chryso, and I haven't either. Lol. So I was thinking that maybe we could change gears a little bit and look for a 5mm something to use for Jupiter.

The problem that I kept having was that with Jupiter being the big one, it left three *big* stones on the right (plus pluto), and 4 tiny (in relation to the others) on the left. So it feels a bit off balance with such large stones to one side. So I had the idea of having Saturn being the big one, adding rings and then one big one on the left plus the little planets, and two on the right, plus Pluto.

First idea:


This idea:


Total would be around 35mm with the way I currently have it set up. On the small planet side, it's roughly 13mm on the terrestrial planet side and roughly 12mm on the gaseous planet side. These are minus the big gray/pink spinel and "halo". Total coverage would be about 35mm if the stones are next to each other.

The diamond "halo" has 1 2.5mm diamond, 2 2mm diamonds, 2 1.5mm diamonds.

The sketch is the bottom one. I've done seven with this idea, but I'm not posting all of them! I didn't color it in yet or anything, because I didn't know if you'd be into the idea. You could potentially do it without the halo bit too, but I thought it was a bit like the attached Mociun rings and while it's not a catseye stone, it'd give you the idea of the rings.



Didn't VL find a pair of small cat's eye chrysoberyl for his cat carving project a few months ago? Do you recall where he purchased them?
I don't know. I may have missed the thread.
gemselect has some but I don't know how nice they are or if they're the right size.
Chrono|1398877963|3663649 said:
You made me look for it and you know how painful it is to search anything within PS. :cheeky: Looks like he purchased it from Dana of MastercutGems.
I have no idea why the search function started sucking so much once PS v2.0 came to town. I exclusively use google to search for things on it now, and I'm surprisingly successful using key words. Problem is I have to have specifics to try to google!
Freke - I love your idea, and I am SO VERY grateful that you put the time into working on it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on the catseye yet. And, THB, I'm less of a fan of that genre of Mociun rings. I am still open to it, and if I don't find a catseye, I might be willing to go that route.

What do you think this? I know I said that I wasn't unsure about a yellow catseye, but it's beginning to grow on me:

I was also thinking perhaps using a marquis cut diamond as saturn?

I am also not at all against a ring that has a Toi et Moi effect.

Thanks to all for input!


Ughhh still waiting on my package from Multicolour. I REALLY wish I'd bought all the stones together and sprung for the faster postage.
The gem trader often gets nice cats eyes in the size your looking. I'd email him.
FrekeChild|1398842628|3663408 said:
Mercury: 1.5mm white sapphire
Venus: 2mm yellow sapphire
Earth: 3.5mm blue cabochon sapphire
Mars: 1.7mm red-orange sapphire
Jupiter: 5mm ?????????
Saturn: 7mm gray/pink spinel
Uranus: 5.5mm light blue sapphire
Neptune: 5mm dark blue sapphire
Pluto: 1.4mm Alex

Ok, so my idea was to make the 7mm spinel into Saturn instead of Jupiter, and to add a sort of half halo (third halo?) to it to get the Saturn's rings in there, and to really emphasize the 7mm stone as a centerpiece. Since you haven't seemed to have luck finding a catseye chryso, and I haven't either. Lol. So I was thinking that maybe we could change gears a little bit and look for a 5mm something to use for Jupiter.

The problem that I kept having was that with Jupiter being the big one, it left three *big* stones on the right (plus pluto), and 4 tiny (in relation to the others) on the left. So it feels a bit off balance with such large stones to one side. So I had the idea of having Saturn being the big one, adding rings and then one big one on the left plus the little planets, and two on the right, plus Pluto.

First idea:


This idea:


Total would be around 35mm with the way I currently have it set up. On the small planet side, it's roughly 13mm on the terrestrial planet side and roughly 12mm on the gaseous planet side. These are minus the big gray/pink spinel and "halo". Total coverage would be about 35mm if the stones are next to each other.

The diamond "halo" has 1 2.5mm diamond, 2 2mm diamonds, 2 1.5mm diamonds.

The sketch is the bottom one. I've done seven with this idea, but I'm not posting all of them! I didn't color it in yet or anything, because I didn't know if you'd be into the idea. You could potentially do it without the halo bit too, but I thought it was a bit like the attached Mociun rings and while it's not a catseye stone, it'd give you the idea of the rings.

Bolded - If you want to save some space, you could run a thin wire of YG over the top of the stone for Saturn's ring
Will the 6 mm cat's eye throw the balance of the other stone sizes off? You can tell MC to hold off shipping until you get all the stones you want (within a reasonable time frame), then do combined shipping if the package hasn't shipped yet.
Neil, thanks!

Davi, that's an idea

Chrono, unfortunately, I tried to do that but didn't get a response from mulicolour. I have already ordered all my stones (but the potential chrysoberyl) and am still waiting for my first order. Got my second order quickly. :( I don't know if it will throw off the balance. The stones would be 1.5mm white sapphire
2mm yellow sapphire
3.5mm blue cab sapphire
1.7mm ruby
7mm gray pink spinel
6.3mm cab chrysoberyl
5.2mm light teal sapphire
4.9mm dark teal sapphire
1.4mm alexandrite (optional)

So it would look a lot like the the original drawing Freke did. The one side is obviously a lot heavier. Maybe I could go smaller, like <6 for the chrysoberyl. Or set an oval NS or angled. Or use a marquis diamond. Or have some kind of full or partial halo. Or wrap a strip of gold. These have all been good suggestions.

Freke is probably right that I'll be happier if I just drop down to the tapered 4mm range on all the gas planets. But I have sentimental feelings about the bigger one.

Oh well. Maybe the picture will become clear when the little stones arrive.
Got my latest round of gems. Now I have the minimum I need, plus options, except Saturn.

The little stones are little!!! You can barely see them in the pictures

The little alexandrite is teensy but has a nice color change that you can really see!

Sorry these pictures do no justice to the spinel or darker sapphire. They don't look like that IRL, I swear.

I think I like small Venus and large Mars. Less accurate, but better looking.

Now still Saturn, Saturn, Saturn...


Just to toss out another idea, would you be open to two rings, maybe the second as a wedding band? You could arrange them so they kind of interlock, which would get more stones on top of your finger, and it might give you a better shot of keeping the planets in order if that were important, or you could separate the planets into terrestrial vs ... Hmmm, gaseous? Been along time since since I've thought about that! Or to separate them into colors/combos you like , or to wear one on each hand ....
Yeah, I'd think a lot more about this. If you continue with the catseye idea, while a really cool concept, I don't know how it would look balanced because in contrast, the other stones are so small.

I've also thought about making the terrestrial planets into a wedding band, and having the gaseous planets be your ering? With just stones alone, you'd likely never see some of them because the 4 large ones would be on top.

Have you thought about making this a necklace or a right hand ring, and having something else be your ering? There is just so much going on, with the different sizes, different colors, different textures and not really enough finger space for even the stones you have now. I don't know if you care, but people aren't going to think it's an ering - no one thinks my blue spinel is an ering, and it's in a pretty traditional solitaire setting. We've had threads before where all of us colored stoners lament that no one looks at our rings and think, "Engagement ring". Stupid DeBeers.

It'd be cool to have a yellow round diamond with a thinner yellow halo as a sun representation, and have these stones as a bracelet, RHR or necklace....

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