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Date: 1/4/2009 8:27:32 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I am *seriously* SHOCKED how many of you claim not to be bothered by an older (healthy) children BFingDo you guys KNOW any 7 year olds?
MrsM, I think it is understandable in your friend''s case and doubt anyone would judge. I am sorry that her daughter is so ill. I wish her the best of luck.
Ditto.Date: 1/4/2009 8:50:43 PM
Author: thing2of2
Ditto on both counts. I get that in cases such as that of MrsM''s friend, a general age limit doesn''t make much sense.Date: 1/4/2009 8:27:32 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I am *seriously* SHOCKED how many of you claim not to be bothered by an older (healthy) children BFingDo you guys KNOW any 7 year olds?
MrsM, I think it is understandable in your friend''s case and doubt anyone would judge. I am sorry that her daughter is so ill. I wish her the best of luck.
But it just seems silly to say that there should be no recommended age limit. I find it hard to believe that it''s healthy for an average 10-year-old to breast feed. And I''m certainly not anti-breast feeding or anti-woman.
Date: 1/4/2009 8:50:43 PM
Author: thing2of2
Date: 1/4/2009 8:27:32 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I am *seriously* SHOCKED how many of you claim not to be bothered by an older (healthy) children BFingDo you guys KNOW any 7 year olds?
MrsM, I think it is understandable in your friend''s case and doubt anyone would judge. I am sorry that her daughter is so ill. I wish her the best of luck.
Ditto on both counts. I get that in cases such as that of MrsM''s friend, a general age limit doesn''t make much sense.
But it just seems silly to say that there should be no recommended age limit. I find it hard to believe that it''s healthy for an average 10-year-old to breast feed. And I''m certainly not anti-breast feeding or anti-woman.
I personally feel that it''s individually based between the mom (and dad, if he cares) and the child. Some women can''t imagine nursing a newborn and other women can''t imagine weaning before 5. My neighbor didn''t breastfeed her child at all, but does she get flack? No. Anyone who knew I was still nursing my 2nd son after 18 months had a problem with it (except my pediatrician who totally supported it). I don''t care HOW a mother feeds her child, breast or formula or both, as long as she is feeding her baby. Would I nurse a 7 year old? Dear God, no! My two kids who nursed till almost 3 were pushing it for me. But I''m also extremely proud I breastfed my babies and for as long as I did.Date: 1/4/2009 9:37:33 PM
Author: Kaleigh
If the child can walk to the fridge and pour themselves a glass of milk, is that the cut off?? I am not being cheeky, just saying.. I think by 7 if they are still on the breast, it''s more for comfort, and self soothing. That''s not good for the child IMHO.
Yes, 7 year is too old for a child to be breastfeeding.Date: 1/4/2009 12:03:40 PM
Author: thing2of2
I knew this would be a hot thread-interesting responses. But it seems like even some of the proponents of extended breast feeding in this thread think breast feeding at age 7 is too old. Or am I reading that wrong?
You may be right, but I can't say at this point *exactly* when that would be. It seems there is an age where it is obviously not normative and probably not healthy--like puberty! But Mrs. Mitchell raised some really really good points about how difficult it would be to legislate a maximum age. As a researcher, I think I would only feel comfortable with such legislation if there was sound evidence for such a limit, but I think that type of research would be hard to conduct given the extremely small number of kids who are actually breast-fed for an unusually long time.Date: 1/4/2009 6:13:16 PM
Author: thing2of2
Because at some point it seems clear that breast feeding would become emotionally unhealthy for the child. Should a healthy, average 12-year-old really be breast feeding? How about a 15-year-old?
Date: 1/4/2009 10:42:36 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 1/4/2009 6:13:16 PM
Author: thing2of2
Because at some point it seems clear that breast feeding would become emotionally unhealthy for the child. Should a healthy, average 12-year-old really be breast feeding? How about a 15-year-old?
You may be right, but I can't say at this point *exactly* when that would be. It seems there is an age where it is obviously not normative and probably not healthy--like puberty! But Mrs. Mitchell raised some really really good points about how difficult it would be to legislate a maximum age. As a researcher, I think I would only feel comfortable with such legislation if there was sound evidence for such a limit, but I think that type of research would be hard to conduct given the extremely small number of kids who are actually breast-fed for an unusually long time.
But I know you don't actually want us to pass a law, you just want us to admit that there IS a cutoff in our own minds, rightWell, I will tell you that I would raise my eyebrows at anyone BFing their child over the age of about 2.5, and over 4 I would be pretty darn shocked! But I also raise my eyebrows at people who spank their kids and am pretty darn shocked by people with 12 or more kids... My point is simply that 'normal' is highly subjective, as is, IMHO, the assessment of what types of parenting behaviors are emotionally unhealthy in many cases.
PS: I cited the spanking and lots of kids examples and parenting practices that I do not choose to do but others deem okay. I am not condemning anyone who does either.
Well, I *suspect* that he would have had the same issues, breastfed or not, judging by the comments about "letting him grow up"... you don''t need to BF your son until he''s 10 to mess up his love life forever, that''s for sure! But that''s just the psychologist in me talking!Date: 1/4/2009 11:55:36 PM
Author: thing2of2
One of the comments under the story on the 20/20 website was by a woman whose husband and 2 BIL''s were breast fed super late. Her husband won''t even admit to her how old he was when he stopped, and she said that her husband has a lot of issues, sexual and otherwise, because of his mother''s inability to let him grow up and detach himself from her.
I realize it''s just a random comment, but it didn''t sound made up, and those are exactly the types of issues I would imagine a child who is breast fed for way too long having. But since there''s no research and I doubt it happens too often, I guess I''ll just keep wondering about it!
Date: 1/5/2009 12:02:50 PM
Author: fieryred33143
My own personal thought without this being directed towards anyone here:
If the child is old enough to open the fridge and pour themselves a glass of milk or even ask for some milk in a full and complete sentence, then he or she is probably too old to be breastfed.
Date: 1/4/2009 1:19:50 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 1/4/2009 12:45:50 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 1/4/2009 12:03:40 PM
Author: thing2of2
I knew this would be a hot thread-interesting responses. But it seems like even some of the proponents of extended breast feeding in this thread think breast feeding at age 7 is too old. Or am I reading that wrong?
I am kinda confused to.
ETA: Also I read a few of the articles (well actually ignored the ones that were 10-30 years old) and I would NEVER defend Nestle's practices *but* let's be honest...the babies get sick and/or die because of the dirty water and bottles NOT b/c of the formula itself. Also I think the doctors are JUST as much to blame by not educating the women better.
Tacori, I totally agree that some babies die because of dirty water, etc. BUT one of the main points about the Nestle scandal was that these women should have been breastfeeding because it is all they could afford and/or the water was not safe, not that formula itself is unsafe/bad. Instead, the formula companies gave the new moms free formula to use touting it as good for the babies but did NOT tell the moms that their own milk would dry up if they stopped BFing and used the free formula. Thus, the moms used the formula and then tried to go back to breastfeeding, realized they couldn't because their milk had dried up and then either had to try and find a way to buy formula or their babies died/got sick because they couldn't feed them anymore or their child contracted an illness from unsafe water.
For the most part (except for the crazies in a few of the articles) no one is saying that formula is bad or causes kids to get sick. Just that the situation was dishonest and thus THAT caused the kids to get sick/die.
Date: 1/14/2009 4:27:58 PM
Author: part gypsy
how come there isn''t more interest and talk in how to get those mothers that should be breastfeeding but aren''t to do so? This certainly isn''t the way.
Date: 1/14/2009 1:29:15 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
LtlFirecracker, just curious...when do you think a child is too old to BF?
Date: 1/15/2009 7:49:02 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker
Date: 1/14/2009 1:29:15 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
LtlFirecracker, just curious...when do you think a child is too old to BF?
Hmmm, well I will say 7 is too old in my mind. Here are my thoughts.
Breast milk evolved with humans and is nutrition that is designed for infants. For 100,000s of years, children were breast fed well into the toddler years until the mother got pregnant again (the taste can change and the child will often reject it). So until the modern age with formula, birth control ect, women got pregnant and breast fed. The breast feeding offered some birth control (I am not advising that breast feeding be used as birth control), so they got pregnant again a couple years later, and the first child was weaned when either she was pregnant, or the new baby was born. So I think BF into the early toddler years is something that is natural and evolved with us. For 3rd world countries where good nutrition is hard to come by, I think that breast feeding into the toddler years is very important.
However, I think the AAP guidelines of 1 year are good ones in a developed country. That is probably how long I will breast feed when I have children. That is how long I would recommend to anyone who asked me. But if someone chooses to breast feed into the second year of life, I wouldn''t discourage it. How old do I think is too old? Based on what I know, I would say past the toddler years. BTW, the show came up at work today, and everyone thought 7 was too old.