Just an update on this issue---Called future DIL and arranged a lunch mtg with her on the afternoon of the 23rd of Dec. We met at a restaurant because I felt it would be best not to meet at my home or hers. I was nervous so I typed up what I wanted to say overall so that I wouldn''t forget and so that I would less likely go off on an emotional tangent. It worked pretty good. Our talk went over fine for the most part. I appreciated her coming and told her so. She seemed sincerely apolgetic and sensed she was making attempts at being genuine. She admitted to judging me and allowing herself to being influenced by my older daughter and that daughter''s comments. Future DIL admitted she does not know any of the history of my relationship with my girls, them with me, or the girls with each other. She went on to say she talked with my son and realized that the way he conveyed the day I spent with the girls he went into overkill to try to patch things up. I feel overall it was a good meeting and I emphasized to her that her actions as reported to me through my son, her fiance, did not go with her claim of being upfront and honest with me and that needed to change. She totally agreed that I was right to feel as I did and she felt badly for giving out conflicting messages.
I walked away from this feeling better we talked, as did she. I made sure she knew that I was the type of person that faces things, even awkward accusations like this, head on. I also verbalized that since she is going to be a part of this family, she needs to be aware that other situations may come up and to come to me directly, rather than gossip about what one thinks is the facts. Do I think things will be like the were? No, they won''t and can''t be. I am wary, I will admit that. I feel extremely ill at ease with the knowledge that I was discussed in such a tawdry and inappropriate manner, so I will have my guard up--whether that be in a deliberate way or on a subconscious level.
My son has been a jerk to me off and on since then, he and I are a little strained at the moment. My daughter in question has been shooting zingers at me during the holiday by little things, like giving her dad a Christmas gift and not me for example. My poor hubby was so excited for the kids in general, that it wasn''t until later when she had left for a visit out of state with family that he came to the realization only after I talked with him and made him aware. He felt so bad. He also was pissed because he didn''t notice it sooner to call her on it. Nonetheless, we or he alone plans to talk to her about it and not accept the gift. I don''t want her to get me something to pacify me either. If a gift isn''t given out of love and true desire, then it shouldn''t be given, I feel. She is trying her damnest to mess the relationship up my hubby and I have, the one that I have with her brother, and the one I have with our future DIL...that is clear to me and to my therapist.
I tried desperately to reach out to her by giving not only her but all of my kids, personal Christmas letters of love, appreciation, counsel and support for the new year. I poured my heart out to her and did NOT even get an acknowledgment of any of it, but I expected that. My oldest son didn''t respond to it either. Whatever. My other kids loved theirs and told me so. I will be happy with that for now. My oldest daughter is out for destruction and it is mainly targeted at me and me alone.
The thing is, I swear to God I don''t know why...
Because of how much I feel in love with her as my firstborn, I chose to have more children, which I mentioned in her personal letter from me. Because of how humbled I felt when I realized I had this amazing little girl, I grew more excited to have siblings for her. She will never be able to comprehend this kind of love at this rate...it breaks my heart but what can I do that i haven''t done already?
I feel that it things continue at this rate, she will infect others in the family and taint their views of me. Those that are strong, will not be greatly affected, while others will succumb to her influence. I picked up the book "Boundaries" by Drs. McCloud and Townsend for myself for Christmas. Hopefully, I will find solace and insight there to sustain me as I strive to figure out what to do...
Anyways, I wanted to update those of you who have helped me in one way or another. I feel stronger because of you all and owe you my sincerest gratitude. Without your support, and my personal prayers, I would have lacked the guts to call my future DIL to make attempts to set things right. I sincerely want a better relationship with all those I love so for me it was worth the risk...
Thank you again...and Happy New Year...
I walked away from this feeling better we talked, as did she. I made sure she knew that I was the type of person that faces things, even awkward accusations like this, head on. I also verbalized that since she is going to be a part of this family, she needs to be aware that other situations may come up and to come to me directly, rather than gossip about what one thinks is the facts. Do I think things will be like the were? No, they won''t and can''t be. I am wary, I will admit that. I feel extremely ill at ease with the knowledge that I was discussed in such a tawdry and inappropriate manner, so I will have my guard up--whether that be in a deliberate way or on a subconscious level.
My son has been a jerk to me off and on since then, he and I are a little strained at the moment. My daughter in question has been shooting zingers at me during the holiday by little things, like giving her dad a Christmas gift and not me for example. My poor hubby was so excited for the kids in general, that it wasn''t until later when she had left for a visit out of state with family that he came to the realization only after I talked with him and made him aware. He felt so bad. He also was pissed because he didn''t notice it sooner to call her on it. Nonetheless, we or he alone plans to talk to her about it and not accept the gift. I don''t want her to get me something to pacify me either. If a gift isn''t given out of love and true desire, then it shouldn''t be given, I feel. She is trying her damnest to mess the relationship up my hubby and I have, the one that I have with her brother, and the one I have with our future DIL...that is clear to me and to my therapist.
I tried desperately to reach out to her by giving not only her but all of my kids, personal Christmas letters of love, appreciation, counsel and support for the new year. I poured my heart out to her and did NOT even get an acknowledgment of any of it, but I expected that. My oldest son didn''t respond to it either. Whatever. My other kids loved theirs and told me so. I will be happy with that for now. My oldest daughter is out for destruction and it is mainly targeted at me and me alone.
The thing is, I swear to God I don''t know why...
Because of how much I feel in love with her as my firstborn, I chose to have more children, which I mentioned in her personal letter from me. Because of how humbled I felt when I realized I had this amazing little girl, I grew more excited to have siblings for her. She will never be able to comprehend this kind of love at this rate...it breaks my heart but what can I do that i haven''t done already?
I feel that it things continue at this rate, she will infect others in the family and taint their views of me. Those that are strong, will not be greatly affected, while others will succumb to her influence. I picked up the book "Boundaries" by Drs. McCloud and Townsend for myself for Christmas. Hopefully, I will find solace and insight there to sustain me as I strive to figure out what to do...
Anyways, I wanted to update those of you who have helped me in one way or another. I feel stronger because of you all and owe you my sincerest gratitude. Without your support, and my personal prayers, I would have lacked the guts to call my future DIL to make attempts to set things right. I sincerely want a better relationship with all those I love so for me it was worth the risk...
Thank you again...and Happy New Year...