I wanted to share with all of you who have been readingmy threads that daughter #2 and I went to see the family therapist today and alot was shared with her, poor thing. She, the therapist, has had one he@# of a week so far and had to stay in session until 11:30pm last night and then back to seeing patients today at 9am. After we--daughter #2 and I--each contributed our share of what has been going on since the Monday before Christmas until now, the therapist took a breathe and told us to be cautious at taking what son #1 said of FI''s family and such. She suggested that we--my husband, me, daughters #1 & #2, and son #1--need to come to her office for a joint session tomorrow morning at 9am,so that is what we are going to do. She plans to start with me and my hubby for about 1/2 an hour so the kids actually need to be there ready to go at 9:30am. SInce she does not have anyone at 10am, if we go over--and I feel we will--its ok.
I expect sh$# to fly and words to be said, and hopefully a solution to be reached, at least attempted. Yes, I still feel and will mention that the 2 oldest need to be out of our home and a compromise or game plan of how to achieve that will need to be broached, I feel. And most certainly, I feel that there needs to be clear, pristine, no questions asked boundaries need to be set before we leave her office tomorrow. That is my hubby''s weak area and if I try to suggest anything, it will be seen as me going up against him, so that has to come from the therapist.
So...please, please, please think hopeful, peaceful thoughts and prayers for me and my family. Yes, they have issues and are a bit screwed up at the moment and maybe even for quite awhile, but all in all, none of my adult kids are in jail, pregnant out of wedlock or a junkie, so as a parent, I want to remain somewhat hopeful.
Tough love sucks but its indeed necessary and I am more than willing to try...because I DO love all of them.
I will let you all know how things went as soon as I can...God Bless
I expect sh$# to fly and words to be said, and hopefully a solution to be reached, at least attempted. Yes, I still feel and will mention that the 2 oldest need to be out of our home and a compromise or game plan of how to achieve that will need to be broached, I feel. And most certainly, I feel that there needs to be clear, pristine, no questions asked boundaries need to be set before we leave her office tomorrow. That is my hubby''s weak area and if I try to suggest anything, it will be seen as me going up against him, so that has to come from the therapist.
So...please, please, please think hopeful, peaceful thoughts and prayers for me and my family. Yes, they have issues and are a bit screwed up at the moment and maybe even for quite awhile, but all in all, none of my adult kids are in jail, pregnant out of wedlock or a junkie, so as a parent, I want to remain somewhat hopeful.
Tough love sucks but its indeed necessary and I am more than willing to try...because I DO love all of them.
I will let you all know how things went as soon as I can...God Bless