
I can't believe my husband just did that

I’ll just leave this here, I was at work for the record. It’s always when I’m at work :lol:

We are currently on a 2 week amazing trip in Switzerland and planned to spend a couple days in Milan “aka fashion capitol” of Italy, and my dh packs dirty white tennis shoes, a pair of dirty red crocs and Birkenstocks for his shoe wardrobe…..sigh.
We are currently on a 2 week amazing trip in Switzerland and planned to spend a couple days in Milan “aka fashion capitol” of Italy, and my dh packs dirty white tennis shoes, a pair of dirty red crocs and Birkenstocks for his shoe wardrobe…..sigh.

Maybe he wants to go shoe shopping in Milan?
My husband sits on the couch after kids are in bed. Puts his feet up, then eats Nutella straight out of the container. I have asked him several times to scoop a portion into a dish and eat out of that instead, cuz the rest of the family use Nutella on their morning toast. He just shrugs and continues on... Ugh
Toilet paper.

Seriously- why the war???! If you took the last square, replace it, and put it on the roll. If I’m lucky, a new roll is thrown on the counter. Never is it ever put back on the holder.


Omg, do you not see the greese you splattered all over the wall and under the grates.


Apparently wherever is an option. Everywhere except the shoe rack.


I didn’t know changing my last name is basically the same as laundry fairy.

Sigh. He’s lucky I love him.

All of the above X 20 years= 6ct holy grail old euro

Ditto to most of the above, besides the greasy cooktop because his idea of cooking is anything he can do in a microwave.
In today’s edition:

I made crepes. One was turned into an abomination.

The husband filled it with:
White cheese
Black pepper
Tabasco sauce


I hate to say it but that looks good to me @Avondale !
In today’s edition:

I made crepes. One was turned into an abomination.

The husband filled it with:
White cheese
Black pepper
Tabasco sauce



Well at least he is consistent--white cheese and pepper! ;)):devil:
May I ask what "white cheese" is? Is that feta? or something else? That would determine the reaction for me. And by the way, I don't think I've ever used Savory. But I gather it's like rosemary and thyme, which I use both of, a lot.
I hate to say it but that looks good to me @Avondale !

Look, you’re welcome to try it, but I shall not be responsible for any trauma sustained by your taste receptors. :lol:

May I ask what "white cheese" is? Is that feta? or something else? That would determine the reaction for me. And by the way, I don't think I've ever used Savory. But I gather it's like rosemary and thyme, which I use both of, a lot.

White cheese is kind of like feta, yes, but not feta. Feta is protected under its geographic origin, it has a bit creamier texture and milder taste. This particular white cheese has a distinct, sharp flavour.

Savoury is not like rosemary and thyme. Both of these have a gentle flavour, while savoury’s is quite strong and distinct. I personally love savoury and so the house is full of it, just… I dunno, I guess he loves it… more? :???:

All in all, that crepe had a lot of, in my view, strong flavours which combined together are pretty overwhelming. Alas, we’ve established already his taste receptors are bust… and he did eat all of it…
My husband sits on the couch after kids are in bed. Puts his feet up, then eats Nutella straight out of the container. I have asked him several times to scoop a portion into a dish and eat out of that instead, cuz the rest of the family use Nutella on their morning toast. He just shrugs and continues on... Ugh

He needs his own personal jar! :mrgreen2:
Having been married so long I had to pare down the list:

Leaving the undergarments next to the laundry bin (not quite in it)
If I ask him to put leftovers away he puts the whole pan/dish/skillet in the fridge
new toilet paper roll on counter (not on the holder)
50 million pairs of shoes EVERYWHERE
Waits until last minute to pack for trips then goes crazy, where is this, where is that?!

Food issues that I CANNOT understand:
Mustard on bread as a snack, yes, that's it, just mustard
peas with canned tomatoes mixed in
hot sauce on everything
he will inevitably add seasonings to food I am cooking if I leave the kitchen
I know there's more but I just can't think right now, lol
Hubby strikes with culinary ingenuity once again.

What goes well with soup? We have a variety of classic toppings to choose from.
Fresh herbs.
Shredded cheese.
Crispy bacon.
And so on…

But I bet none of you have even imagined that this can be used as a soup topping.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Soup with popcorn!

Hubby strikes with culinary ingenuity once again.

What goes well with soup? We have a variety of classic toppings to choose from.
Fresh herbs.
Shredded cheese.
Crispy bacon.
And so on…

But I bet none of you have even imagined that this can be used as a soup topping.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Soup with popcorn!


I would have never thought of that, but honestly, it doesn't look half bad!
Hubby strikes with culinary ingenuity once again.

What goes well with soup? We have a variety of classic toppings to choose from.
Fresh herbs.
Shredded cheese.
Crispy bacon.
And so on…

But I bet none of you have even imagined that this can be used as a soup topping.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Soup with popcorn!


@Avondale Your posts are totally cracking me up! So hilarious! :lol:

If the popcorn stayed crispy, it might be okay. :razz: Soggy popcorn doesn't appeal to me...

Thank you for the great laughs!
I've been saying for years now that he's simply damaged his taste buds beyond repair with all the hot sauce he consumes.

Same with hot sauce. Made my late mom's white pasta sauce. It's one of the most delicious pasta sauces in existence. He poured chilly sauce on it.

Avondale, plse post the recipe!!!
I can’t. I love you all, but I can’t figure out how you do it. I gave two marriages 5 years each and noped the f*ck out. I swore I wasn’t going to peek in here but I did and it once again solidified my decision to stay outta the marital slammer.
Avondale, plse post the recipe!!!

Okay, okay, okay...

First of all, keep in mind it took me a very long time to feel comfortable sharing this recipe with other people. It felt like giving away a sacred piece of my mom. I lost her to cancer when I was 23. Cooking was her vocation and she was the best, kindest person anyone could have the privilege to know.

Tatyana's white pasta sauce

You start by frying some meat of your choosing (bacon, ham... I personally prefer turkey ham, about 200-300 grams, chopped in whatever fashion you prefer) in a bit of butter. Then add button mushrooms, 300-400 grams if fresh, 250-300 if marinated/canned. If you go with canned save some of the water and pour it in with the mushrooms. Add about 70-80 grams of shredded smoked cheese (the one sold wrapped in wax, but remove the wax beforehand :mrgreen:) - the water from the mushrooms helps it to melt. After the cheese has melted, pour in about 250ml cooking cream (or heavy cream if you prefer) and leave to simmer for a bit. Season with a pinch of black pepper.

Here's the secret to it - instead of using salt, use light soy sauce until you've reached the desired level of saltiness. Not regular, not dark, specifically light. Otherwise the soy sauce flavour becomes overwhelming. It's what makes the whole thing.

As you can see, it's not an exact recipe. My mom's recipes were usually like that - simple at the core and flexible. She just winged it in the kitchen. :lol: You can play around with quantities and ingredients, especially considering food is different across the world. For example, I imagine the smoked cheese in the US is different to the one I have access to in Europe, and so the flavour would be slightly different. But as long as you have the cream and light soy sauce combination, you'll have the core of it.

Oh, btw, keep in mind that once you store it in the fridge it will harden. If you prepare a fresh portion of pasta, the heat from the pasta will melt it again.

If you decide to try it, do let me know if you liked it.
We are at a party yesterday. I am watching hubby talk to one of our friends and hubby has a plate of food that he has finished. I watch him ever so nonchalantly dip his fingers into the remaining sauce on his plate, put that to his mouth as he is talking. He does this four times. I've been married a long time so I say nothing. Internally I just want to grab that plate from his hands.
Hubby strikes with culinary ingenuity once again.

What goes well with soup? We have a variety of classic toppings to choose from.
Fresh herbs.
Shredded cheese.
Crispy bacon.
And so on…

But I bet none of you have even imagined that this can be used as a soup topping.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…

Soup with popcorn!


The first time I ever tried butternut squash soup was at this really fancy restaurant and they served it topped with spicy, peppery popcorn and it was absolutely fantastic.
We are at a party yesterday. I am watching hubby talk to one of our friends and hubby has a plate of food that he has finished. I watch him ever so nonchalantly dip his fingers into the remaining sauce on his plate, put that to his mouth as he is talking. He does this four times. I've been married a long time so I say nothing. Internally I just want to grab that plate from his hands.

I cannot stand seeing people putting fingers in their mouth.
Licking fingers, sucking fingers, biting fingernails. Just yuk.

When I was a kid , Mom told us "never put your hands in your mouth because of all the germs".
I guess I still live by this rule!
I cannot stand seeing people putting fingers in their mouth.
Licking fingers, sucking fingers, biting fingernails. Just yuk.

When I was a kid , Mom told us "never put your hands in your mouth because of all the germs".
I guess I still live by this rule!

I know right! Or eating or drinking after someone. I love my family but I can't, just can't take a bite of what they are eating or a sip of what they are drinking. I know it's a me problem and feel bad when I decline. It's just gross to me.
I would like my husband to buy a piece of jewelry for me for an anniversary or other holiday w/o me asking him point blank to do it. He knows I really want him to do that and he seems eager to do it. But this week is our anniversary and he's already said to me, "I didn't get you anything is that okay?"

What am I supposed to say to that?

We recently came home from a long trip together (not for an anniversary) which is really nice, but I did most of the planning /saving for it. We had a good time, but it definitely wan't a "gift".

I guess I just really want to feel like he'll take initiative on something that would make me happy and that he and I have discussed countless times. And he *mentally* knows I want him to do it. But he just can't seem to actually do it/pull the trigger. I'm feeling sad. And kind of upset, like why can't he ever do this one small simple thing? Something small would make me really happy. I've even been talking up a couple of jewelry pieces I'd really love that aren't too pricey and he says he love them, let's buy them. But "let's buy them" means I buy them (not him for me as a present). He would only buy something for me if I direct him "buy this piece for me and give it to me for the next holiday." And that's sooo not what I want. I want the gesture, the thought, the initiative...a little romance.
I would like my husband to buy a piece of jewelry for me for an anniversary or other holiday w/o me asking him point blank to do it. He knows I really want him to do that and he seems eager to do it. But this week is our anniversary and he's already said to me, "I didn't get you anything is that okay?"

What am I supposed to say to that?

We recently came home from a long trip together (not for an anniversary) which is really nice, but I did most of the planning /saving for it. We had a good time, but it definitely wan't a "gift".

I guess I just really want to feel like he'll take initiative on something that would make me happy and that he and I have discussed countless times. And he *mentally* knows I want him to do it. But he just can't seem to actually do it/pull the trigger. I'm feeling sad. And kind of upset, like why can't he ever do this one small simple thing? Something small would make me really happy. I've even been talking up a couple of jewelry pieces I'd really love that aren't too pricey and he says he love them, let's buy them. But "let's buy them" means I buy them (not him for me as a present). He would only buy something for me if I direct him "buy this piece for me and give it to me for the next holiday." And that's sooo not what I want. I want the gesture, the thought, the initiative...a little romance.

I'm so sorry. I assume that you have told him how you feel. But if not, please do. Other than that, I'm not sure what to suggest other than learning to live with it and find pleasure in the other ways he makes you happy. If that isn't there, then maybe try counselling? You two need to get on the same wavelength about this and maybe he doesn't really think that this makes you so unhappy. Again, I'm sorry. Marriage is tough sometimes.
I would like my husband to buy a piece of jewelry for me for an anniversary or other holiday w/o me asking him point blank to do it. He knows I really want him to do that and he seems eager to do it. But this week is our anniversary and he's already said to me, "I didn't get you anything is that okay?"

What am I supposed to say to that?

We recently came home from a long trip together (not for an anniversary) which is really nice, but I did most of the planning /saving for it. We had a good time, but it definitely wan't a "gift".

I guess I just really want to feel like he'll take initiative on something that would make me happy and that he and I have discussed countless times. And he *mentally* knows I want him to do it. But he just can't seem to actually do it/pull the trigger. I'm feeling sad. And kind of upset, like why can't he ever do this one small simple thing? Something small would make me really happy. I've even been talking up a couple of jewelry pieces I'd really love that aren't too pricey and he says he love them, let's buy them. But "let's buy them" means I buy them (not him for me as a present). He would only buy something for me if I direct him "buy this piece for me and give it to me for the next holiday." And that's sooo not what I want. I want the gesture, the thought, the initiative...a little romance.

Perhaps he is afraid of simply getting it wrong and disappointing you. There are lots of folks here who prefer choosing their own and then getting feedback from their husbands. His blessing or willingness to have you purchase what you want is romantic too. If there are specific pieces you want, maybe you could give him a wishlist in writing for future occasions. In a perfect world, men would read our minds and go get whatever they know would be the most meaningful to us. Reality is that it takes really direct conversations to get us to where we want to be! I am sure that he does other small things that speaks to romance and his love for you as well. There have been some funny stories here on PS through the years about gifts given that weren’t very well received - ha! These guys aren’t mind readers though they really want to please. I am very good at this point with choosing what I like and sharing it with my husband. He is always supportive and says go for it. Once I have his blessing, I then start second guessing if I really want it, need it, etc. When your jewelry is very important to you, you will always be the person to best please yourself. Romantic? Not always but as I said, romance can show up in the smallest of gestures. Imagine being married to someone that would always poo-poo your wants; that to me would be the opposite of romantic! Knowing you are loved is such a blessing!
I would like my husband to buy a piece of jewelry for me for an anniversary or other holiday w/o me asking him point blank to do it. He knows I really want him to do that and he seems eager to do it. But this week is our anniversary and he's already said to me, "I didn't get you anything is that okay?"

What am I supposed to say to that?

We recently came home from a long trip together (not for an anniversary) which is really nice, but I did most of the planning /saving for it. We had a good time, but it definitely wan't a "gift".

I guess I just really want to feel like he'll take initiative on something that would make me happy and that he and I have discussed countless times. And he *mentally* knows I want him to do it. But he just can't seem to actually do it/pull the trigger. I'm feeling sad. And kind of upset, like why can't he ever do this one small simple thing? Something small would make me really happy. I've even been talking up a couple of jewelry pieces I'd really love that aren't too pricey and he says he love them, let's buy them. But "let's buy them" means I buy them (not him for me as a present). He would only buy something for me if I direct him "buy this piece for me and give it to me for the next holiday." And that's sooo not what I want. I want the gesture, the thought, the initiative...a little romance.

You have impeccable taste in jewelry, and I can well imagine that any of us PS-ers might feel some trepidation to choose something for you. I can imagine that your husband would be thrilled to choose something for you...and then freeze, worried that it won't be perfect.

Perhaps you can provide him with pieces that you love, and leave it to him to choose one for you, to be given at some point when it would surprise you?
Perhaps you can provide him with pieces that you love, and leave it to him to choose one for you, to be given at some point when it would surprise you?

Unfortunately, I have done this for him over and over and over again (often per his request). Made lists of all different things, at all different price points, that would thrill me. And then he does nothing. Always with a different excuse. I have literally put lists with photos and descriptions and vendors up on the fridge door, per his request. And then nothing.
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