
I have cancer

Thoughts and prayers for you...and your partner...stay strong and positive....
I am sorry to hear of this but I too know you are going to be fine. You'll do your due diligence in research and between you and your doctor, will come up with the best plan of action for you.

I've heard of wonderful results from cyber knife surgery as well so this might be another treatment possibility for you.

A strong attitude and a good sense of humor help us get through lots of life challenges. Stay strong, stay positive and take care of yourself.

We'll all be thinking of you and wishing you the best of everything.
Kenny~ I'm so sorry to hear this. I pray that you and your doctors are able to find the best course of action and I pray that you and your loved ones have comfort.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Kenny. My thoughts are with you.

First of all, I have to say your positive attitude and outlook is so inspiring. You sound like a man that has truly lived a blessed life and in my opinion, will continue to do so. Many thoughts are with you and your partner.

Kenny, I think they use 14k gold to make those seeds...a gentleman I met at a local jewelry store told me that's what his were made of a couple years ago. Just wanted to offer that, I'm more the type to involve humor when dealing with super serious things like the "c" word.
I am sorry about the diagnosis, stay strong, prayers coming your way. I have a very good friend who also got diagnosed in 2007 he was 50 years old and he went thru alot of treatments and he is fairly health today and cancer free, so good thoughts coming your way for a healthy speedy recovery.
Kenny, I'm not going to say much except to say I'm sending you and SO much love. It seems like you and I have similar traits. Straight-forward, but with a good heart. Not one feel sorry for yourself. Just know that there are a lot of people who love you, even if they don't know you personally. I am one of those.
Kenny, hugs to you. You are one of my favorites here at PS and reading this is heartbreaking. I will keep you in my prayers (not sure if you are religious-pretty sure you are not if I remember correctly- but I am and I want you to make the quickest, fastest, easiest recovery ever) If anyone deserves it its you.
Great vid!

I'm glad you have someone to hang with & share the fun of this decision, Kenny. Says good things about you. Instead of sympathy I'll send you caring, certainty you'll be in great shape & wishes for some good laughs -- they make all the difference. Also included is a big handful of FCD dust!

--- Laurie
So sorry to hear this. I think that a positive outlook is very important in fighting cancer.
Kenny,sorry to hear this news but hang in there and you'll be o.k.
I can definitely empathize with you on this as my DH was diagnosed with prostate cancer well over a year ago at age 72. He had had several low PSA scores and at the time of diagnosis, his PSA was 2.4 (nothing alarming). Our PCP could detect nothing abnormal with his digital exam either. The only clue was frequency of urination. Off we went to the Urologist where Dr. G. could detect an abnormality using only the digital exam. He recommended a second opinion which we had with another urologist, but he found nothing abormal. Just to be sure, DH had the dreaded biopsy. Sure enough, there were cores/samples which were cancerous on both lobes of the prostate. The second urologist made an appointment for us at the major cancer centre in Toronto. It was there that we met a radiation oncologist who discussed various treatments, but also due to DH's age, suggested Watchful Waiting and told my DH that he would probably die of something other than PC.

It was at that point, that all the information was revealed. DH had a Gleason score the same as yours, Kenny, and still had a PSA of under 3. This part is crucial: the staging and type of PC (aggressive or slow moving). DH was told he was at Stage 1c and that the cancer was the slow moving type...finally some very welcome good news.

DH decided on Bracytherapy (radioative seeds planted at strategic points in the prostate), but because of the shape of his prostate (oval) with his pelvic bones crossing it, it was no longer an option. Surgery was out as well because of his age (even though he was in 'good shape').

We finally agreed with the doctor that DH would participate a clinical trial - five radiation treatments in five weeks with a consultation after each one. The amount of radiation is 30% higher that it would have been with 39 daily treatments. The only symptom after this treatment was fatigue especially 4 months after the final treatment (typical, apparently).

My only question now is: Is the cancer gone?? PSA numbers are going down, but...???

It has certainly been quite the ride and the results are not definite yet, but having seen and talked to patients who chose the surgical option, a much more humane treatment than surgery with its horrible side effects.

One more thing: Make sure that you have your SO or a trusted friend with you taking notes.

I hope this was helpful, but I apologize for its length.

I wish you all the positive vibes that I'm sending will help get you a clean bill of health very soon. :wavey:
Hugs to you, Kenny. I'm a long-time lurker and kind of quiet on the boards (other than the Single Ladies thread), but I've come to respect and admire your forthright posts. I hope everything works out the way you wish.

Kenny, sending sparkly hugs to you. I won't repeat the information that's already been shared, but knowledge is your best ammunition right now, so please do the suggested reading, and if you are comfortable, your own research. Then go meet with your doctor, and certainly take "the wife" (!) and go from there.

Take good care of yourself, no matter what, and please let us know how it goes.
HUGS Kenny. You are one of my favorite posters on this board. You have such a positive attitude and you lead such a relaxed lifestyle, I have no doubt you will make the best choice for you and this will have a positive outcome in some way. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
I'm very sorry to hear this but I appreciate you letting us know so we can wish you well and cover you in FCD dust!

Oodles of dust for a speedy recovery.
Kenny: I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope that all goes well for you in the future.
Sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, Kenny. Sending hugs and lots of healing dust your way.
Oh, Kenny, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Your attitude is great, stay strong!!! My thoughts & prayers are with you!!!! HUGS

I am sorry to hear this news.

Near two years ago, I was directed to monitor what was earlier found to be a determination of bladder cancer for myself. Though that's less clear, I'm still monitoring it. I did find a dedicated board to track this with other people going through this. You may find this of some benefit.

Very best wishes; I frequently enjoy what you write, as so many here do.

Ira Z.
I`m so very sorry to hear this news Kenny.

Please take good care.

Just wanted to send you and your SO my best wishes, I'm thinking of you both.
I am sorry. I know many that have it, and are all doing well. You should do well with the treatment plan in place... My FIL has it and was diagnosed ages ago. BUT the word cancer no matter where it is, is scary. I know you will do all that you can to get the proper treatment. I wish you all the best in your fight.
(((hugs))) hold off on the truck, lots of living to be done in 5 worst case scenario years! Much love and peace and strength and endurance for getting through those good odds to a much longer life!
kenny -- wishing you good, healthy thoughts. And, this has caused me to ask my DH YET AGAIN to go to a doctor to do a full check-up for anything they can check. His response just now, "I don't know what kind of doctor to go to". So could you enlighten us? If you don't mind, were you just doing a routine checkup with your doctor (Internist? Family doc?)

ETA: Just reread that it was a primary care physician from the beginning. So let me rephrase...was he/she just doing a routine check with bloodwork?
Hey Kenny, I know you're not looking for sympathy or anything but I just want you to know I'll be thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts. Sending lots and lots of positive energy your way.
Jesus, Kenny. I'm so sorry. I had cancer at 20, and my mom has the same kind right now (thyroid). I'll be hoping for the best for you.
I know you aren't looking for sympathy Kenny, but you - and especially your SO - have mine anyway. I don't think a cancer diagnosis - could ever not be a punch to the gut.

My grandfather, grandfather's brother, great uncle... have all fought the prostate cancer battle. Most won, the one who did not was, unlike you, elderly and had a variety of other complications. So I know that it isn't a fruitless fight, and I'll be praying for good news in the upcoming tests.

Oh, hell. ::HUGS:: Kenny and Kenny's SO!! You've got a ton of people on here rooting for you!