
I have cancer

So sorry to hear this Kenny. However, I KNOW you will be fine.

I've always believed there should be just as much "awareness" of prostate cancer as there is breast cancer. If a man lives long enough, eventually he will get prostate cancer. Your's just came a little early - and for that I am sorry.
I'll be thinking of you throughout the upcoming days Kenny and I hope your road to recovery goes as smoothly as possible - best wishes and hugs to you and your SO.
Kenny you are so full of good old fashion piss and vinegar that I bet you could beat the cancer without any treatment at all! ::) Inhospitable environment and all. But just in case, I will be thinking of you in the days weeks and months to come as you fight the good fight.
Kenny sending you and you SO huge hugs and dust by the bucket load. I think with your strength of character, the love of your good man, a good medical team and all the positive energy from all of us here (who love you and your CRAZY posts!) you will be fine.
It must be very scary to hear such a prognosis but given the fact you are still young and healthy there is no reason you cannot beat this.

We will be your back up!!!!

Hugs....... and much love.

Susan xx
Kenny, i am also sorry about the are a fighter and if anyone can deal with this its you.It will be history in no time at all, and once again your main worry will be what fancy diamond to add to to the collection next!

Healing vibes your way...

kind regards--Shaorn
Kenny -

I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Like others who've posted, I know men who've gone through the same choices and procedures - all of them successfully. My husband is also battling cancer so I know the rollercoaster it can be. It's great to be strong, but it's okay to feel crappy about it sometimes too. That's just as much a part of the process. Best wishes for a very successful treatment.
Hugs, Kenny.
Take care of yourself.
Wow Kenny. I opened this thread with just a tiny shred of hope that it was a misleading title, maybe a link to something funny (of course it wasn't, but I hoped, you know?).

I don't know what to say, probably because there's really nothing I can say that will make a difference, but can I offer you a cyber hug? Thinking about you and looking forward to seeing the stone you buy to celebrate your recovery. Thinking about your SO too - this must have been a stressful few days for him. Hugs.
Oh kenny . Gosh I'm so sorry to hear this news. Urology (specifically prostatectomy), is my specialty, and although I see men most days coming to grips with their diagnosis and exploring the 'right' treatment options, I know I could never imagine how overwhelming it all must be.

Sending huge hugs, and bucketloads of positive vibes your way, buddy.
Sending good thoughts, positive vibes, lots of hugs and much PS dust your way.
Kenny, I'll be thinking of you as well. Please give us updates and let us know how you're doing. My mom had cancer 9 years ago, and they had given her a similar timeline of 5-7 years. Thankfully she is doing great still--its a tough journey. Take care of yourself, and let me know if there is anything I can do.
Sorry to hear Kenny. :(sad

I know you're strong - but still. Just sorry to hear it.
Aww Kenny...this sucks! I'm sorry that you have to deal with it, but your positive attitude will see you through this. Please keep us posted.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Kenny. I hope everything turns out ok.
Best of luck to you and your loved ones in this battle.
Sorry to hear this Kenny.
Well that sucks, but I have no doubt you will be just fine. My father had surgery for prostate cancer a couple of years ago and is still doing well. Hugs to you and your SO!
First of all, good for you for seeing your PCP regularly and catching this. Second, I know you can fight this--with your attitude, cancer is no match for you! I'm so sorry that this has happened to you, but you have a solid support system and you have a whole community of strangers who are pulling for you.
Sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your family, kenny.

You certainly have the right attitude, and I hope you are able to maintain that throughout the course of treatment.
Kenny, my thoughts are with you.
Kenny, you are in my prayers.

Think very positively, keep good thoughts in mind; we all know the power of the mind over matter.

We're all believing in the very best outcome for you.
I am sorry to hear this and I hope it has in fact not spread.

Treatment for prostate cancer however has a very high success rate in comparison to other cancers, so this is not a worse case scenario yet (not that it's not a blow, I understand). Stay positive and chooose the right doctor; good luck with it alll.
I was hoping this would be one of your typical tongue in cheek posts....
I'm very sorry to hear this, Kenny, but I have no doubts at all that you'll conquer it, none.
All of my patients are those who have tried everything and have lost the battle with cancer and in all my years I have yet to have one single patient with prostate cancer.
Trust me, you'll be an old, grey PS dinosaur...

I am so sorry to hear this. When I saw your title my heart just sank and I really hoped it was another of your funny threads.

Big hugs and positive thoughts to you and your SO.
Ya know, people may vary, but I think we all can agree that you've got loads of support and well wishers here who are going to wish nothing but the best for you as you fight this disease. I know you're going to face this with the same humor and spunk you enlighten us with everyday ;)

Thank you for sharing the news with us so we can offer the support and be here for you. Hope all goes well at todays appointment.
Kenny, I am so sorry to hear this, too. I am encouraged by the posts here from people in the medical field saying that the prognosis should be good. I like to stay positive, too! Our beliefs may be different, but I am going to pray for you anyway!!! {{{hugs}}}
Kenny, I'm sorry to hear this news too. I hope they caught it early because it is so treatable in that case. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!!