
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

I need a nap already.
I think a friend of mine is about to do something incredibly stupid, and she won't listen to reason so all I can do is watch and hope it works out for the best.
Had some odd requests today.
a pint of ice cream should have lasted longer than it just did
I have pneumonia and food poisoning/stomach virus. My body is kicking my ass with no remorse in sight.
Autumnovember said:
I have pneumonia and food poisoning/stomach virus. My body is kicking my a$$ with no remorse in sight.

Oh no! You poor thing, I hope you are on the mend soon, those stomach viruses are the worst, and pneumonia on top of it? Please take care of yourself, and big hugs to you!
davi_el_mejor said:
a pint of ice cream should have lasted longer than it just did
My kitten loves to snuggle, and I love it!
I feel like I'm bashing my head against a wall with a coworker. Ugh.
The heater is broken at work and I am freeeeezing!

Also, a group of grown women just tried on bridesmaid dresses and left five of them on the floor. Really?? I don't even do that at Forever 21, much less a nice boutique. Ohhhh people.
OU - I didn't realize you worked at a bridal salon?
dragonfly411 said:
OU - I didn't realize you worked at a bridal salon?

Yuppers. I have for a little over two years now. It's a fun job, most days.
Autumnovember said:
I have pneumonia and food poisoning/stomach virus. My body is kicking my a$$ with no remorse in sight.


You'll mend, promise! pneumonia is nasty though, and in combo with a stomach bug you must be feeling pretty miserable :sick:

Chicken soup?
The relative I complained about last summer, who treated me like crap is now trying to give us $!

Dh got a great new job when coming back from his summer job and we're doing fine financially. I quit talking to the relative b/c she was horribly mean to me. Now, suddenly, she's handing DH money b/c him nor I have been talking to her.

It's like she thinks she can buy me back.
Please clean the freaking microwave if you heat up something -- just because I'm unemployed doesn't mean I'm your maid.
Yssie said:
Autumnovember said:
I have pneumonia and food poisoning/stomach virus. My body is kicking my a$$ with no remorse in sight.


You'll mend, promise! pneumonia is nasty though, and in combo with a stomach bug you must be feeling pretty miserable :sick:

Chicken soup?

Yesterday the chicken soup would have gone right through me but I think today I'm doing much much better.

Chest Xray tomorrow so we'll see what happens :blackeye:

Gotta get better for my trip!
junebug17 said:
Autumnovember said:
I have pneumonia and food poisoning/stomach virus. My body is kicking my a$$ with no remorse in sight.

Oh no! You poor thing, I hope you are on the mend soon, those stomach viruses are the worst, and pneumonia on top of it? Please take care of yourself, and big hugs to you!

Thanks, June :halo:
Zoe said:
April20 said:
So as I stated above, I've been gone from home for days and won't be home for days yet.

I'm not supposed to know, but my DH is coming to see me! I am SO SO SO excited.

But my co-worker has a big mouth and can't keep a secret. I have to fake surprise now.

That's great April! It's something to look forward to, and it will (hopefully) make the days go by quicker.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you had (or were going to) give your notice at work because of their demands and all the traveling you've had to do. Did you change your mind?

I did give notice! My last day was supposed to be Oct 29, but then I got suckered into one more week full time and five weeks of part time. This week is my last week of full time. I cannot wait for a modified schedule!!
I wrapped a towel around my head turban style this morning, and when I bent over to pick something up off the floor, I think the weight from the towel caused a strain in my neck since I haven't been able to look left ever since. I never ever call off work, nor leave early, but after 4 hrs, I couldn't stand keeping my head lifted without straining more muscles. I've been trying to ice/heat/lay down and relax all afternoon, but it is still soooooooooo sore. :blackeye:
Why are people so angry? This morning we had a freezer delivered. The gentlemen partially blocked my neighbors' driveway. They're a little testy so, when my husband noticed, he asked them to move it. They obliged but, by the time they got outside, our neighbor was already rushing down the driveway, pumping her fists and SCREAMING! It was seriously about 3 minutes that they were there and she wasn't even trying to leave. I feel bad for must suck when you're that pissed all of the time.
Bah. My pilot light went out and I can't get it lit until Tuesday (at the earliest). Even better, they can't give me a set time and since I'm not willing to waste a day of PTO, I have to wait for their call and HOPE I can get home. Otherwise I go back to the line. It's cool. Temps at night are only in the 40s. I don't need heat or anything.
my brake light keeps coming on. Everytime I come to a complete stop and start moving, blinks 2x. Not sure what that is about, but I am sure it is going to be expensive.
Strawder - not as expensive as the exhaust leak that I will eventually have to fix on my truck. Fortunately it is not something that I'll have to do right away, but maybe two years down the road.
I have to learn to drive the stick. First behind the wheel lesson is today evening... I'm already nervous.
Yssie, you'll be fine! I promise. It takes a little while to get the hang of it, but then it's really easy. The worst you can do when you're learning is stall out, which really isn't that bad (and is totally normal).
Thanks princess.

My instructor (the wonderful DH) takes a certain perverse pleasure in the trial by fire method, so I have little doubt that there's an embarrassing stall at a traffic light in my near future. I'm definitely putting up a 'learning' sign on my back bumper!

Oh well. I'll drive the backroads so at least it won't be busy :halo:
Yssie|1288885118| said:
I have to learn to drive the stick. First behind the wheel lesson is today evening... I'm already nervous.

I am learning how to drive. No, not a stick or a fancy automobile. Just simple driving. Now, THAT's scary. :errrr:

I had a panic attack when I went on the freeway.
A guy at work today is wearing a black suit, a black shirt with a neon green tie AND matching neon green socks.
kama_s|1288890729| said:
Yssie|1288885118| said:
I have to learn to drive the stick. First behind the wheel lesson is today evening... I'm already nervous.

I am learning how to drive. No, not a stick or a fancy automobile. Just simple driving. Now, THAT's scary. :errrr:

I had a panic attack when I went on the freeway.

I get to pass on the you'll be fine ::) You really will be though, Kama!

Chant with me:
It is my job to get myself home whole.
I will irk people.
There are loons on the road.
It is not my job to worry about loons I irk.
Yssie|1288890287| said:
Thanks princess.

My instructor (the wonderful DH) takes a certain perverse pleasure in the trial by fire method, so I have little doubt that there's an embarrassing stall at a traffic light in my near future. I'm definitely putting up a 'learning' sign on my back bumper!

Oh well. I'll drive the backroads so at least it won't be busy :halo:
I've been driving stick since I was 16. At least you're willing to DH refuses to learn to dirve my all of my cars have been stick since 16 years old.
My biggest advice is to take your time, make sure you are in first before trying to move, and learn where the critical point is on the clutch. To do so, press the clutch in, then slowly back off the clutch until you feel the engine just about stall. This is the point when you're going to give it gas.