Enerchi|1346073453|3257779 said:Princesss, I hope it works out in your favour!! DUST DUST DUST!!! To have such discouragement and disappointment about the future --- not a good sign. Where are you now? And where (in the states) will you be returning to? Is there anything remotely like what you want to be doing, a possibility in the location you are currently at? Will your BF always be where he is now?
(clearly, too many questions!! sorry!!)
Good wishes that your situation turns around and it works out for you, your job and your relationship! {{{HUGS}}} + dust!
hawaiianorangetree|1346307395|3259628 said:That is great news Too Patient!! I know it's taken longer and more drama than planned but you made it!
Welcome to the world of teenagers, homework, Internet, boys, etc.
VRBeauty|1346332096|3259710 said:TP - I'm not sure how this girl came to be a part of your family, but it sounds like a good arrangement for her - and for you. Best wishes to you all - and enjoy!
Enerchi|1346785579|3262265 said:That sounds VERY different from when my kids were in school which was Mon - Fri, 8 - 3.... and to think that system worked for decades!
Was this for SO's daughter? Is that her new schedule --- too hard to keep track of, at least for my simple mind!
Elisateach|1346853709|3262568 said:Just to let you know, as a middle school teacher, they get the schedules way faster than the adults do. My kids as teens had a rotating 6 day that went periods 1234567, next day 2345671, next day 3456712, etc...crazy but they got it.
At my school We are on a rotating block schedule A day 2,4,6,8 then B day 1,3,5,7
Longer classes better to cover topics. Kids like only having 4 classes a day.
Welcome to the old of Middle School and best of luck with your family stuff! You sound like perfect people for this child!
TooPatient|1346941505|3263095 said:We had lots of fun yesterday. After school, we hopped in the car and took the dogs to herd sheep. 90 minute drive but well worth it. Our youngest is the 2 year old corgie/lab mix who has lots of energy. She wasn't too sure of these things that were so much bigger than her, but she eventually got into it. The older dog (about 19 years old) is a rottweiler/shepherd mix who has always tried to herd the cats. She watched other dogs herding and looked really excited. Her turn came so I took her in the herding area, waited for the sheep to be released, took her leash off, and....... she ate poop. Ignored the sheep and just munched on sheep poop.